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Giati swzei tis JPG eikones ws BMP??


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Exw Win2000 me SP4 kai IE6 SP1.Teleftaia mou emfanise to eksis.Otan mpainw se site me eikones,kanontas deksi klik gia na tis swsw parolo pou einai jpg,dexetai na tis swsei mono ws bmp.Thimamai oti paliotera kati eixe parei to mati mou sto insomnia sxetika me auto alla ena search pou ekana den voithise.Opoios kserei kai mporei na voithisei tha to ektimousa.Efxaristw. :wink:


Den ksero ean einai ayto, alla emena to kanei sta XP otan exei gemisei poly to temporary files toy internet. Molis to adeiaso, episteyfei sta kanonika toy! An thes dokimase to, mipos piasei!


Elpizo na boithisa!!


To thema einai oti prin mia vdomada douleue kanonika.Simera pou mpika diktuo arxise ta koula.To temp einai adeio.Apo to sugkekrimeno site exw katevasei sto parelthon xwris provlima.Dokimasa kai tis luseis tis gnwsiakis vasis tis microsoft alla tzifos.An exei kapoios mia praktiki lusi efprosdekti.

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Den ksero ean einai ayto, alla emena to kanei sta XP otan exei gemisei poly to temporary files toy internet. Molis to adeiaso, episteyfei sta kanonika toy! [...]


Ακριβώς το ίδιο. Μόλις αδειάσω τα Temporary Internet Files (όχι τα cookies!), λύνεται το πρόβλημα. Απίστευτο αλλά... Microsoft!




Γνωστό και μη εξαιρεταίο bug του περιηγητή με "προσωπικότητα".

Ρίξτε μια ματιά σε αυτό:


This problem occurs if the Temporary Internet Files are full.


1. Start Internet Explorer

2. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.

3. Click the General tab.

4. Under Temporary Internet files, click Delete Files.

5. When you are prompted to delete all temporary Internet files, click OK.


Delete the Internet Explorer Temporary Internet Files:



If this does not help, see:

Internet Explorer Does Not Save Graphics Files in the Proper Format



Internet Explorer Saves Images As Bitmaps (.bmp Files)



In some cases, the above steps may not work. Try the following procedure from Kelly Theriot, MS-MVP:


1. Open Internet Explorer/Internet Options/Delete Files. Also in Settings change the amount to 40 MB. This will help in preventing the index files from becoming overloaded.


2. If that doesn't help check your settings here: Start/Run/Regedit


HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.jpg Content Type should read "image/jpeg"


HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.jpeg Content Type should read: image/jpeg


HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.gif Content Type should read "image/gif"


If it already set to that, go to Start, Run and type in: regsvr32 /i shdocvw.dll, regsvr32 /i shdoc401.dll,regsvr32 webvw.dll and regsvr32 thumbvw.dll (for upgrades). and "regsvr32 /i mshtml"


Courtesy of Kelly: http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp_i.htm


For Windows XP: "Regsvr32 /i shimgvw.dll" should fix the "Content Type" problems.




source: http://www.mvps.org/sramesh2k/IEFAQ.htm#BMP




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