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ide gia php?


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Gia sas.Epidi xriazete (pleon) na asxoli8o k me php 8a i8ela ligi boi8ia.Iparxi kapio kalo ide gia php h o kaliteros tropos einai mesw enos editor?

Enoo gia topo8etisi px editbox ktl to kalitero einai na ipologizis sidetagmenes kata tixi?



1. mpakalistika, mporeis na ftiakseis th selida se ena html editor kai meta na pros8eseis php code sta dynamika data


2. na asxolh8eis me templates px. http://smarty.php.net/crashcourse.php


3. dreamweaver an antexeis


4. na to psakseis ki allo





5. na to gyriseis se mayro :P

Student Suspended Over Suspected Use of PHP


5. na to gyriseis se mayro :P

Student Suspended Over Suspected Use of PHP





Ean skopeueis na asxoli8eis sobara kai ektetamena me programming tha sou sinistousa to eclipse ( http://www.eclipse.org ) Einai ena ide pou me thn xrhsh plugin mporeis na to kaneis extend opws esi 8eleis. Egw to xrisimopoiw gia java/php coding alla mporeis na breis plug ins gia oles tis diadedomenes glwsses. ME plugins mporeis episis na enswmatwseis thn leitourgia tou tomcat/apache, na kaneis sql queries kai alla....


Gia php mono mporeis na breis to zend studio. Einai poli kalo, alla den einai free.




Me programatismo asxolume xronia alla pote me web development.Pada kati den mu areze se auton ton tomea.Tora omos prepi na ftia3o kati giauto ipa na rotiso.Gia java exis dokimasi jcreator?Korifeo gia mena.



tasoss, afou exeis asxolh8ei me Java giati de xrhsimopoieis JSP pou einai programmatismos se Java kai 8eleis na mple3eis me PHP pou exei toso asxhmh grafh ths glwssas? Mhn 3exnas pws ta JSP grafontai se Java kai afto shmainei oti exeis thn anesh na xrhsimopoihseis mia oloklhrwmenh glwssa, pou ap oso katalava thn 3ereis, enw me PHP periorizesai se mia scripting language me pollous periorismous.

Den exw tipota enantia sthn PHP, kai egw me PHP 3ekinhsa to web programmatismo mou prin 3 xronia, omws meta gnwrisa th Java kai ta JSP kai eida pws den yparxei logos na asxoloumai me kati ligotero!


Oson afora PHP IDE prin polla xronia xrhsimopoiousa to PHP Coder pou eixe prwtovgei tote. Mporeis na to vreis sto http://www.phpide.de/ kai ap oso eida exei e3elix8ei poly! Allo free IDE gia PHP einai to PHPEdit. Epishs sto google vrhka afth th lista me PHP IDE. Omologw pws 3afniasthka pou eida pws exoun vgei polla IDE kai malista oxi free, ka8ws prin 3 xronia pou to epsaxna oloi fwnazan yper ths FREE PHP :P





Dionisos exis dikio den to ixa skefti.8a tin psa3w me jsp.Thx gia tis plirofories.

mkst euxaristw gia to zend an einai 8a se idopiisw.thx :)[/b]

ps:gia jsp arki to to j2sdk etsi?

ps:gia jsp arki to to j2sdk etsi?


Nai. Parallhla omws xreiazesai kai ena server pou na katalavainei JSP. Katevase ton tomcat. Einai free! Mporeis na arxiseis me ton tomcat na kaneis to development kai testing kai otan teleiwsies mporeis na sthseis enan apache kai na kaneis attach ton tomcat. O Tomcat mporei na ginei attach stous perissoterous webserver pou yparxoun. Paradeigma tetoiou site einai o xrysos odhgos (xo.gr). Paliotera htan IIS me attached Tomcat(xrhsimopoiousan ASP,JSP kai PHP), twra moiazei na einai epitelous olo to site ftiagmeno se JSP/Servlet/Beans.





Oxi o tomcat einai aftos (h servlet engine) pou metafrazei ta JSP se servlets kai ta kanei compile. H egkatastash tou einai 2 click kai mporei na doulepsei kai san standalone server (Den proteinetai). Otan 8elhseis na kaneis publish ta jsp/servlets se Apache, tote prepei na kaneis attach ton tomcat, opws 8a ekanes parallhla kai install ton php interpreter, an h8eles na xrhsimopoihseis PHP. O Apache apo monos tou den 3erei na kanei compile JSP selides oute interpret PHP!





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