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Συνέντευξη του George Broussard για το Duke Nukem Forever


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Ok An Den Diavazete to post at least see the pictures...

















To Prwto se 8086...







Go paikse tis moufes-emporikoures sou me 500 sequel.

mallon counteras eisai, if not forgive me.

Telos De pa na kanei 10 xronia na vgei? Prwta tha vgei meta tha to krinw.


Pes mou ti allo thes? Ena game Mhpws pou tha kaneis 7 wres na to termatiseis

k den tha to ksanapaikseis pote?

To Nukem3D to xw ksanarxisei apo thn arxh panw apo 200 fores k 50 Multi-co-op.

Einai Allh Fash.


Anyway, Paikste oti thelete alla Mhn Akouw tipote kata tou Duke .

He Is Tough Rough Best Hero (pc-console game EVER)

Ektos an thelete na travate kamia mal***a me th Lara Croft .

k gia kapoious pou lene k lene oti Einai Moufa to Duke Nukem3D...


Re beep, Vres mou ena game tote, to 96 pou tan kalytero.

ENA! Poio eixe Multiplayer taunts? Duke

Poio Eixe Supreme Arsenal ? Duke

Poio Eixe Best Net Code? Duke

Poio Eixe Best Graphics? Duke

Poio Eixe Gamw ta Scenaria? Duke

Poio Eixe Babes? Duke

Poio Eixe Panefkolo Setup ? Duke

Poio Eixe ENA MONO PATCH? Duke

Poio Einai Game Of The Year? Duke

Oti K na rwtiseis... Duke , kati bourditses styl Quake ktlp. ta pataei katw.


Filakia mats mouts k gw sas agapaw alla oxi ean den exete paiksei games

apo TOTE k apla arxisate na paizete games to 2000 , k etyxe ena cd -duke na

pesei sta xeria sas otan eixe vgei to unreal k to quake3... na vgainete k na lete bourdes. Na to sygrinete me games ths epoxhs. Afta gia osous pairnoun oti

game vgei apo ta video clubs ta termatizoun me cheats k xairontai k perniountai

gia gamers k pc experts epeidh exoun kanei ena format k exoun peiraksei to

registry me guides! Opa pali phga off topic.


H MONH Aksiologh prospatheia einai to Serius Sam Second Encounter.-

Deite ligo k tis gnwmes - krhtikes sto net. Kserete edw ellada eimaste oloi

Mages,experts k paiktronia...


De lew exoun arghsei k to xoun psiloxesei to thema, alla tha vgei. To kalo pragma argei, na ginei.


P.S O enas vlakas Vrhke ton Allo K xarikan.

Afto gia sas tous 2 teleftaious ;)


P.S2 Telos, Den eimai kollhmenos me to duke.

Exw paiksei Para polla games.

Apla De paizw oti vgainei ... kai de epivalw thn gnwmh mou!

Apla lew thn dikia mou, k o kathenas pistevei oti thelei.

De petaw 2 eirwnika sxoleia. Opoiosdhpote paiksei ena game

k to agaphsei , perimenei to sequel. Simple. Epeidh esy p.x

paizeis ola ta fifa , to next kathe xrono exeis diafora apo emena pou

perimenw to epomenw Duke?


OXI file mou de penw sto net na koitaw pote tha vgei to epomeno.

Pote den edwsan Release date... So ...




P.S3 (Asxeto, Erwthsh : diavazeis MAX POWER k paizeis NFSU?)

(Exeis Dei k ta 2 fast... both me 10 teyxh , aggalia?)


Nope , As I Said, Kollhmenos no... an elega myself kollhmeno tha ton elega

me to Mohaa , to COD, To Quake3,To AgeOfEmpires2 Conquerors,Generals etc.

etc. Mou aresoun para polla games ta opoia ksexwrizoun. Kollhmenos den mporw na eimai me ena mono;) Apla Exeis kapoies Agapes. Na dektw to oti p.x de sas aresei alla me epixhrhmata.

Anyway to mono pou symfwnw einai oti exei arghsei.

Alla POTE den eipan ta atoma gia release date.


De mporw na katalavw , de kserete agglika? Anyway.

Ciao ciao epatha plaka twra me tis asiatises, einai H Adynamies mou twra teleftaia.

Kataramenh Prwhn.


ntaksi evales tis eikonoules kai ksek**loses?


Kataramenh Prwhn.


ma mhn tonizeis ta profanh, les na mh se peirame xampari?


paizo paixnidia apo to 88, to marathon to thimase? kalitero htan apo to duke, an kai to duke htan kalitero apo to doom, an kai tote eixe bgei to quake pou "grafika" htan kalitero apo to duke


kai o duke eina xmmm enas xaraktiras, den me ksetrelenei, alla exei oposdipote prosopikotita pou lhpei apo ta paixnidia tora teleytea.


either way to provlima mou den einai me to duke nukem 3d alla me to forever. 10 xronia gia ena paixnidi einai POLY adikaiologita poly


Kala bre vasilius eides kanena na amfisbhtei to an htan to duke kalo h oxi paixnidi.Mono kai mono to oti asxoloumaste akomh me tous karagkiozides ths 3drealms apodeiknyei thn axia kai thn dynamikh pou exei to duke.

An kati amfisbhthte einai h dynatothta pou exei h 3drealms na bgalei neo duke nukem to opoio 8a einai sta epipeda tou paliou.Egw apo ayta pou blepw nomizw pws kai na bgei kapote den 8a einai kati to entypwsiako.Diabase thn synedeyxh kai an den apogohteyteis me ayta pou leei ti na pw.Exalou kai o antagwnismos pia sta fps einai poly megalos.

Den lene release date giati exoun gilei rezili twn skyliwn me toses anaboles.10 xronia einai para polla kai den dikaiologounte.An to kana oloi 8a paizame 1 game ka8e xrono.


Mallon thn exoun dei dhmosioi ypallhloi.tsepwnoun ta lefta kai ka8onte :P


Pantws den mborw na katalabw pws den exoun termatisei to project h apolysei osous asxolounte me ayto tosa xronia.Blepeis paixnidia opws to fallout, to sam and max ktl na einai sxedon etoima kai na ta teliwnoun kai to forever na synexizei akomh.Mallon exoun pesei se faulo kyklo.Px h take 2 exei agorasei ta dikaiwmata tou Duke gia 12ek $.An ypo8esoume oti apo ka8e pwlhsh tou duke 8a pernei to 20% se 50$ to ka8e kommati 8a 8elei 1.2 ek pwlhseis gia na refarei.Opote mallon leei apo to na xasw ka8e elpida na parw kana lefto pisw astous na allazoun mhxanes grafikwn.Isws kapoia stigmh 8a einai etoimo :lol:


@epote telika kapou eida oti h 3drealms einai o paragwgos tou max payne.


Typaki Kwlogeras Tou Thanata Pou de masaei mia , pinei Gazoline k ftynei Atsali!


Ela re ok kathisterisan eleina , alla k pali. Duke Is The Duke ;)


Gamw tis photo.


apo to forum ths 3drealms!


Alex :

This is actually quite encouraging. You're talking like you guys are pretty close to that light at the end of the tunnel.


GeorgeB3DR (George Broussard) : One of the guys at the office summed it up perfectly a few months ago. He said we finally FOUND the tunnel :D


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