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Συνέντευξη του George Broussard για το Duke Nukem Forever


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Απο το 3d realms forum:



>>1.) How would you classify "development" at this point with DNF being the engine is basically done? Going fast? Steady?


Steady. Creating new stuff every day and putting it in the game. Constant, forward progress.


>>2.) How is the engine bug wise? Are you happy with the stability? Have there been alot of bugs? Easy to get rid of them?


There are very few rendering/core engine bugs. The recent past has been spent just on optimizations and squeezeing every millisecond we can out of things.


>>3.) Have you named any of the weapons yet?


Some. Still working on some.


>>4.) What do you think of Far Cry's graphics? Doom 3's graphics?


Both are neato.


>>5.) Any decision or "leanings" regarding attending e3 2004 in may?


I don't think we care about E3 anymore and may never go again.


>>6.) Will the instructions be in color?


Probably. We like color manuals. But that's not something to be decided today.


>>7.) Any type of multiplayer up and running yet?


It has been in the past. We're focusing on single player at the moment and more efforts will be spent on mutliplayer in a bit.


>>8.) Is it safe to say we'll have a good variety of aliens and monsters?


Generic "yes".


>>9.) Could you give us a taste of DNF in one sentence please?


We'll leave that up to others to write.




>>1. How great will the AI, both single-player and bots be when DNF is finally released?


Everyone overhypes AI, ya know? All we want to do is provide bad guys that are interesting to fight, and that's don't do dumb things (run into walls, or other glaring errors). In this day and age, flocking, squad behavior and the rest, are all pretty common place.


>>2. How much effort will there be on beta-testing to ensure as bug-free a release as possible?


A lot. Duke 3D and Shadow Warrior (and Max Payne) all shipped very solidly and only needed one patch. DNF is more complex and in this day and age of games, more than one patch may be necessary, but we want to ship the game in a very stable state. In fact, we reguarly do things like let the game run over night, or for days at a time, to test for memory leaks and things like that.


But again, everyone says this, so...


>>3. One area often neglected in games is the sound technology. Will DNF's sound allow a host of decent sound effects (unlike say UT2003's horrible use of stereo)


We support full 5.1 surround sound. Getting THX or Dolby certified is something we want to do.


>>and maybe even propagation levels differing for different materials, like other games claim they will have?


I think this is another over hyped feature, but it's relatively easy to do and we may do that as a polishing touch. We already have a material set per surface in the game and it's not too difficult to bounce sounds around.


I think most games today sound great. Call of Duty is a great example. The playing field is really pretty level on things like sound and even rendering technology today. It's all a matter of what you do with it, and the quality of your game assets.




>>1.On a scale of 1 to 10, how much modding ease will we see? 1 being GTA3 (having to replace game files to get the mods to work, mods many times crashing games) 10 being Half-Life (in-menu mod selection, wide variety of stuff you can do, mods encouraged and retailed by Valve, Sven Co-op).


It's the Unreal engine, so overall I suppose expect similar experiences with modding any other Unreal game.


>>2.What resolutions will be supported? How wide can the graphics options be changed from crappy to awesome?


All resolutions, but I doubt you will be playing in 1600x1200. The graphics are pretty high end and machines don't exist yet to run at those resolutions at playable framerates. You will be able to turn graphics features on/off in the menus and trade framerate for visual quality.


>>3.Do you have many pre-done effects for doing levels? i.e. fountains and etc. (Half-Life did this with beams and glows and particle-glowy things)


We've actually been working in and finalizing lots of particle and effects systems lately. Anything from guns or wall and blood effects, to toilets. Typically, at this point, we try to finalize every asset that goes into the game now so it's not something to do, later.


>>4.This one has probably already been done sort of and it's sort of content related so don't answer it if you don't feel like it, but how much humor oriented will the game be? Darkish with sporadic humor, i.e. MP2 and Splinter Cell?


We won't really be sure until later.


>>5.How far will you go with multiplayer modes? Basic DM, CTF, etc., or a range similar to UT2K4? (Not what modes there will be, but how creative you want to get with them)


UT2K4 took a full team a year and a half to develop. I think it's fair and safe to say that we won't go as far as they did in multiplayer. We just don't have the time or team size to do that.





>>1. Wil Physics in DNF be an Important Factor in creating an Interactive World?


Yes. Physics and interactivity are very important to us. But every game is doing physics today, so I suspect their wow factor will have diminished by the time we ship.


>>2. Will DNF Gameplay Feel different from current FPS games, I mean What is the FEEL while Playing DNF?


Won't know until we're done.




>>Does this mean the game recognizes wood from metal and will play different impact sounds depending what the bullets hit?


Yes, of course. Don't most games do this, these days?


>>1) You always say you're not UT tech anymore. Does this apply to the netcode? How is that? Will we have to lead targets like crazy like in Halo? I know shooting ahead and lag are unavoidable over the net but I was just wondering if we can expect solid connection, stable servers...?


The netcode is still all Unreal.


>>2) I remember at some points in 2001, you said "IF DNF ships...". Is there still a chance you won't release the game or are you confident you will definately ship it one day?


I think those "if" comments were jokes I've never once doubted we would ship. Only a matter of time.


>>3) Many people were dissapointed with Halo PC or more recently with Deus Ex 2. Bad controls, interface... there's always something someone won't like. Will DNF be equally polished everywhere or can the rough edges and small details wait for a patch / expansion pack?


PC Halo was great. I don't know what people expect. In the end, all we can do it try our best, then patch like mad if we have to, to smooth things out. But I think after all this time we will strive very hard to make it as polished as smooth as possible. But again, everyone says that, right? These are fairly general questions with little room to answer


>>4) I'm sure the modding community is eager to get its hands on Duke's Enormous Tool. How is 3DR about that? Will the game accept mods easily?


Same as any other Unreal game I suppose.


>>Will you ship the tools and let people build on their own, or will there be more active support of the community for addons?


Just like Duke 3D we will ship the tools on the CD. I believe we were the first people to do that with a major FPS. We will clearly try to support the game as much as possible after release. We want people modding it and having fun with the tools.


>>5) Does the ragdoll Octabrain still own everything?


No, I'm bored of it now


>>6) Does the water still do "stuff"?


Yes, it does quite a lot of stuff. But most games today have great looking water, so ...


>>7) Finally, is Duke in good shape and eager to kick ass once again?


Yes he is. He reminds us every time he looks in the mirror.





>>1. You have said that DNF Hype will begin 6 monthes prior to the release date.

so What is the best choice for you to start the Hype with


No idea what we'll do yet.


>>Beleive me GB, MaxPayne2 Hype was really a MESS !


Rockstar handled all that. What did you think was wrong with it?


>>2. Will there be an option in the Graphics Menu were you can select Not only very High Details but also INSANE Details?


The game will default to max details. That's why our recommended specs are so high. Really, with what we're doing, there is max detail, and as you drop things out you lose a lot of visual quality, so I kind of see it as all or nothing.


>>3. What was the reactions of the new Hired developers when they saw DNF in action? Amazed huh ?


I never speak for other people. I suspect they thought we would be farther along than we were at the time. But things are going very well now.


>>4. Is it safe to say that DNF will be released before 2006?


"When it's done". We're past any estimates or guesses, no matter how safe they may be.


Γιατί το λένε Duke Nukem Forever? Μήπως γιατί είναι Under Development Forever?? :D :D


>>4. Is it safe to say that DNF will be released before 2006?


"When it's done". We're past any estimates or guesses, no matter how safe they may be.

Ακούμε γι' αυτό το παιχνίδι εδώ και χρόνια και λένε πως ακόμα δεν ξέρουν πότε θα βγει!! :shock:


Εχει καταντήσει ανέκδοτο!! :D


georgeadams, se parakalo! iremise ligo pia den mporeis na flamareis etsi ta topics


to paixnidi tha bgei "to poly se ena xrono" apo to 1996:P


pantos oxi, nomizo pos to paratraviksan 10 xronia? oxi einai aparadektoi, otan anaptiseis ena paixnidi deka xronia kai sto telos les "ela more oloi ta exoun ayta pou exoume kai emeis" tote pas kata diaolou, ego DEN tha agoraso to paixnidi (paroti tha to paisko) mono kai mono epeidh oso kairo kanan na bgaloun aytoi ena kolopaixnido (pou tha einai kai metrio kata pos leei o idios) ego teleiosa lykeio kai kontevo na teleioso panepistimio, an se 4 xronia mporo na gino epistimonas kai aytoi den mporoun na bgaloun ena paixnidi e ame sto diaolo dhaldh:P


kala milame oti kai na tous peis einai ligo... toulaxiston as dwsoun ta dikaiwmata

se kamia ubisoft.mia kai exoun thn graphic engine tou farcry na doume kai emeis fws!

p.s to paignidi htan etoimo to 1999 kai me to toso xrono pou efagan na xazologoun

to 2001 pou eipan na to bgaloun to paignidi eixe hdh grafika 3xronia mpagiatika!

twra an to paignidi exei grafika farcry!to 2006 pou isws einai etoimoi to paignidi tha einai gia ta mpaza!edw poulan akoma to duke3d kai to shadow warrior pou den einai kan real 3d games!ti perimeneis!egw pisteuw oti me 10 atoma kai me thn

agora mias etoimhs graphic engine*doom3)to paignidaki bgainei se 3 mhnes!


p.s (kala milame poly gelio)

>>6.) Will the instructions be in color?


Probably. We like color manuals. But that's not something to be decided today.


Ξαναδιάβασα τη συνέντευξη προσεκτικότερα! Ακου τι λέει το άτομο:

UT2K4 took a full team a year and a half to develop. I think it's fair and safe to say that we won't go as far as they did in multiplayer. We just don't have the time or team size to do that.

Ε, βέβαια. Ενώ αυτοί με 10 μόλις χρόνια development, πως να προλάβουν να φτιάξουν τόσο καλό multiplayer...



Και τελικά, κι αυτοί "φασόν" μηχανή γραφικών πήραν:

It's the Unreal engine, so overall I suppose expect similar experiences with modding any other Unreal game.

The netcode is still all Unreal

Will the game accept mods easily?


Same as any other Unreal game I suppose.

Μόνο που η μηχανή του Unreal 2 είναι ήδη 1 χρόνου παλιά (ελπίζω να μην χρησιμοποιεί τη μηχανή του 1ου Unreal), μέχρι το 2006 που θα βγει (?) το DNF, οι υπόλοιποι θα χρησιμοποιούν ήδη μηχανές DoomIII και HalfLife2...


Αχ, ας βάλω στην άκρη το φτιάρι τώρα, αρκετά τουε έθαψα πάλι σήμερα :D :D :D


Ε, βέβαια. Ενώ αυτοί με 10 μόλις χρόνια development, πως να προλάβουν να φτιάξουν τόσο καλό multiplayer...


re mh trelenese, ti tous prosvaleis tous anthropous? ti nomizeis oti aytoi kathontai san tous allous sth epik? ou re ou!


Μόνο που η μηχανή του Unreal 2 είναι ήδη 1 χρόνου παλιά (ελπίζω να μην χρησιμοποιεί τη μηχανή του 1ου Unreal), μέχρι το 2006 που θα βγει (?) το DNF, οι υπόλοιποι θα χρησιμοποιούν ήδη μηχανές DoomIII και HalfLife2...




axem, oxi mate, thn mhxanh tou unreal 1 xrhshmopoioun...


ksekinisan me th mhxanh tou quake 2 kai to 2000 alaksan sthn mhxanh tou unreal


ti doom kai hl2 mou les...to paixnidi exei paliosei prin kan bgei eimaste sovaroi? oi anthropoi edeiksan to megisto dhnato anepagelmatismo pou exo dei pote mou


kala, ta lefta gia na synexizoun pou ta vriskoun? episis, poios publisher to exei analavei kai den tous exei diwksei me tis klwtsies?


me duke nukem eixan bgalei POLLA leyta, syn to oti htan ypeythinoi gia thn mhxanh grafikon tou max payne kai max payne 2


Και γιατί δεν χρησιμοποιούν τη μηχανή του MaxPayne και για το δικό τους παιχνίδι?? :shock: :shock: (α, συγνώμη ξέχασα: γιατί είναι ηλίθιοι)




@@ unreal k sk***a reeeeeeeeee....

Poios Allos exei SunGlasses!!!!

Poios Allos exei Kick mpota? gia na apoteleiwnei tous oxtrous tou?

Kai poios allos exei theikes atakes???




We don't need complecated scenarios.

Either Super Graphics...


Just Guns,Ammo,And Lot of enemies To Kill!!!


End Of Story


P.S Egw to perimenw apo tote pou phgaina Gymnasio reeeeeeee

K Otan ematha oti tha vgaine k tainia... tha Htan 1H Sto Box Office,



Oi Apistoi Na pan... beep , Rest Get Ready For Serious Burning.

Thymaste To Multiplayer pou xe? Ta opla?

Afta einai opla Freezer,shrinker,devastator,KLWTSIA! Oxi flwriko

maxairaki Counterstrike... pou oute to petane se kana larrygi opws

tha prepe ... tromokrates tou kwlou,xwriates! Les K Katharizoun Patates!!!


Pfff.... Emporikoures k 5GB instalation to neo unreal...

Parte ta beep mas reeeeeeee , Duke Thee , Pare Th PAE , eeeeeeeeee!!!!


What Are You Waiting For... Christmass???


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