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Steven Spielberg+Tom Cruise=War of the Worlds


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Steven Spielberg and Tom Cruise, who recently worked together on Minority Report, are reteaming for a new version of the H.G. Wells classic, The War of the Worlds. According to today's Variety, Cruise is expected to star in the flick with Spielberg directing for DreamWorks and Paramount. Cruise and his production company partner Paula Wagner originally scooped up the rights in 2002.


The trade tips that the flick could get underway as early as late 2005, depending on how soon a script is approved. David Koepp (Jurassic Park, Spider-Man, Panic Room) will rewrite a first draft penned by Josh Friedman.


H.G. Wells' 1898 science fiction classic has been the definitive alien invasion story for over a century. It gained additional notoriety in 1938 when a radio broadcast of it to millions of Americans initiated widespread panic and the belief that the world was really under attack by Martians. The property was first adapted for the screen in 1953.


Spielberg is currently wrapping The Terminal with Tom Hanks. With Indy IV once again on hold, he is expected to next take on The Rivals, a drama that follows real-life 19th-century rival stars Sarah Bernhardt and Eleonora Duse. He's also attached to a remake of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty with Jim Carrey.


Cruise will next be seen in Collateral and he's set to start shooting Mission: Impossible 3 this summer.




xmmmmmmmmmmmm...ego ftaio pou einai skeptikos?


a)den polisimpatho pia ton cruze. Kaloutsikos ithopoios alla exei ftasei sto shmeio pou o rolos yphretei ton cruze kai oxi to anapodo kai den thelo na vlepo to aristourgima tou wells me ton cruze alla me tous xaraktires tou


b)o spielberg tora teleytea exei ftiaksei poly, an mporesei kai kanei thn ypervash kai dosei to vathos kai th skoteinotita pou tou armozei...poios na kserei tha doume


btw, giati emena gia ton Forrester mou paei POLY kalytera o tom hanks?


Epote emena mou paei o Norton perisotero....o Hanks xerw gw re paidi mou,poly iremos


to pisteveis oti den mporousa na apofasiso anamesa stous dio:P?


indeed iremos alla o norton ligo glikofatsa kai pitsirikos den einai?


either way an to gamisoune kai ayto tha pao na tous rikso gazakia!


epote,kai mena i amfivolia mou itan gia to nearo,an thymamai kala o typos sto War of the Worlds einai ligo pio megalos(konta stou Hanks) tin ilikia,opote,who knows...


Pantws trwgomai na rixw to spoileri pws telika tin glitwnei i Gi,xexe,I'm bad


O Spielberg genika den me exei apogohtepsei.. :)

Elpizw na dhmiourghsei mia tainia "swsth" ,giati duskola kapoios 8a xeperasei thn atmosfaira tou original War of the Worlds( hmoun mikros otan to eida kai me eixe mageusei,sumvallontas sth mellontikh agaph mou gia kathe ti SciFi)


lol keyser:


fantazomai kai na to rikseis den tha erthei ekliksh se pollous:P einai TOSO polyxrhshmopoihmeno pou exei katantisei aidia:P


vale kana warning pantos giati tha se plakoso me 5 koutakia aspirines




nai, apla fovamai mhn to kanei A.I akoma kai sto minority report sto telos den mporouse to GAMISE, AMAN pia den einai OLES oi tainies gia 6xrona koritsakia!

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