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WoW Beta Coming Soon


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Weʼre in the process of setting up our new World of Warcraft Community Beta site and would like to invite each of you to stop by and check it out. To visit the site, go to http://www.worldofwarcraft.com or where you will find a variety of game play guides and information.*


You can read more detailed information on the basics of the game, specific classes, and some of the trade skills. We'll continue to update that info guide throughout the beta and beyond. Check back there once a day Monday - Friday for any updates


Currently, no one can post in the Beta Forums. After Beta emails go out (very soon now) those with Beta Accounts will gain access to both post and read the forums.


Those of you that are not Beta Testers will still be able to read posts but will not be able to write posts in the beta forums. You will still be able to post in this public World of Warcraft forum.


Only Beta Testers will be able to create an account or log into the site.


Thanks and see many of yas soon in Azeroth!


~Kat :)


* Please note that this site will not be active until your Internet Service Provider (ISP) updates their DNS entry for our new site. This time can vary depending on how often your ISP updates their list. A common time is 24-48 hours. A maximum estimate is 5 business days. We encourage you to check back later if you do not yet see the new web site yet.



  • Απαντ. 30
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση


ante mhn po kai alla! dld ego ti rolo varao edo mesa e?

ante vradiatika! :D


kai pera apo thn plaka... erxete! argei akoma alla erxete!

gia get ready siga siga, an kai apokleio mia beta sthn ellada (oute sto e-shop tous den mas exoun :( )


We are currently moving the Alpha Testers onto the Beta Server. This helps test the Account Creation process as well as the server in general.


Weʼre moving one step closer but Beta emails have not been sent. Nor will they be sent out today.


Oh so soon as we continue getting everything ready.

  • 1 μήνα μετά...
  • Super Moderators

yeap no single player...mmorpg einai pote den exei single player...anyway mporw na exw kai egw parakalw ena PM me to link gia thn Beta 2? :roll:


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