Προς το περιεχόμενο

Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις

8 λεπτά πριν, billeiros είπε






Welcome to the 3900X club.

Όταν μπορέσεις κάνε ένα τεστ με blender classroom να δούμε μέχρι τι θερμοκρασίες ανεβαίνει ο δικός σου στο τέλος του render. Θύμισέ μας ποια είναι και η μητρική σου.

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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)

3140 cb 15

Λοιπόν το τσιπακι δουλεύει υποδειγματικά με όλα στο auto και απλά βάζοντας μνήμες xmp.εχω βάλει τελευταίους drivers από amd και έκανα update και το bios της μητρικής.πιανει υψηλά ρολόγια (ξεπέρασε ακόμη και το 4.6)και Μαξ θερμοκρασία χθες το βράδυ έπιασα 71.5 βαθμούς.η έπεσα σε καλό κομμάτι η ο συνδυασμός μομπο και καλής ψύξης βοηθαει

Aorus pro x570

Όλα γίνονται αστραπιαία και ταυτόχρονα και δε χαμπαριαζει το συστημα.καλη αναβάθμιση από 9700k

Οι 3900 είναι διαλεκτά τσιπακια από ότι έχω καταλαβει

Επεξ/σία από billeiros
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6 ώρες πριν, dimoskoutr είπε

Να γ@μησω την μητρική μου και την Asrock!!! Τι μητρικές έχετε ρε και μπορείτε να κάνετε τέτοια;;; Εγώ τον 1600 μου με τέτοια κόλπα δεν μπορώ να τον δουλέψω... Δεν έχει περιορισμό των tdp η ριμάδα μου...

Δυστυχως το Ryzen Master δεν θα σου δουλευει με 1600


9 ώρες πριν, dragonbornGR είπε

Την αγγελια δεν καταλαβα γιατι την ανεβασες?τον πουλησα και πηρα 3900x!και για ποιες παπατζες μιλας!

Σε καλή μεριά τα 10 μύρια.😁

34 λεπτά πριν, TheDevilMayCare είπε

Δυστυχως το Ryzen Master δεν θα σου δουλευει με 1600

Εδώ τα παιδιά λένε για μέσα από το bios τέτοιο περιορισμό...ctdp κάπως έτσι το λέει ο Κώστας ο youtuμπης 😉

15 λεπτά πριν, dimoskoutr είπε

Εδώ τα παιδιά λένε για μέσα από το bios τέτοιο περιορισμό...ctdp κάπως έτσι το λέει ο Κώστας ο youtuμπης 😉

BIOS\Advanced\AMD CBS\NBIO Common Options\cTDP Control\Manual

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10 λεπτά πριν, kostas_anes είπε

BIOS\Advanced\AMD CBS\NBIO Common Options\cTDP Control\Manual

Ευχαριστώ πολύ φιλτατε από βδομάδα που γυρίζω από τις έξτρα διακοπές μου δοκιμάζω. Να είσαι καλά.

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3 ώρες πριν, kostas_anes είπε

Με συγχωρεις, αλλα οποιος ειναι αρκετα μαλακας να τρεχει 3900Χ στα 1.4V δεν θα εχει θεμα με την μητρικη πρωτα.... 
Και μετα αναρωτιομουν γιατι ρε παιδι μου καηκε ο 3900Χ του Steve.

You are missing the point.

Το 1.4V πιο πολυ το ετρεξε για να δει πως συμπεριφερονται σε ζορικες συνθηκες οι φθηνοτερες μητρικες. Ειναι οτι πρεπει για να παρει καποιος μια γευση απο τις παραπανω απαιτησεις που θα εχει ο 16πυρηνος 3950x. Ετρεξε και out of the box ενα και ολως τυχαιως περαν απο Gigabyte και Asus, η κατασταση δεν βελτιωθηκε πολυ για την Asrock και ειδικα την Msi.


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Σήμερα έτρεξα το CPU απο περιέργεια στο ECO Mode (45W) και η αλήθεια είναι ότι πήγε πολύ καλύτερα απο ότι περίμενα. Θα τρέξω μερικά benchmarks αύριο να δω αν όντως υπάρχει διαφορά (θετική) η απλώς ήταν η ιδέα μου. Το average power consumption σε total war warhammer 2 πάντως ήταν στα 51W.

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7 ώρες πριν, kostas_anes είπε

Σήμερα έτρεξα το CPU απο περιέργεια στο ECO Mode (45W) και η αλήθεια είναι ότι πήγε πολύ καλύτερα απο ότι περίμενα. Θα τρέξω μερικά benchmarks αύριο να δω αν όντως υπάρχει διαφορά (θετική) η απλώς ήταν η ιδέα μου. Το average power consumption σε total war warhammer 2 πάντως ήταν στα 51W.

Άμα σε ενδιαφέρει η κατανάλωση πάρε λάπτοπ 😛


H απαντηση της amd στο mail 

Thank you for your email

I understand that you experiencing temperature issue with your Ryzen processor

I reviewed your given hsf picture and I don't think hsf thermal paste could be causing the issue. I suggested you to continue using with same

To confirm if this is the case on your system please could you follow the steps below and let me know your result:
1.      Make sure you have chipset driver 1.07.07 (from amd.com) installed, Windows 10 updated to version: 1903, and the latest BIOS version installed for your motherboard.
2.      Make sure all BIOS voltage settings are set to NORMAL or AUTO. Only enable your XMP profile for the purposes of this test.  For information on configuring BIOS settings, please refer to your motherboard user manual.
NOTE! If your BIOS has the option to set CPU voltage to AUTO or NORMAL, please try setting it to normal.
3.      Once the system and BIOS are configured as per the steps above, boot into Windows and configure the OS to perform a Selective startup.
a.       To perform a Selective Startup, type “msconfig” (without quotes) in the Search box on the Taskbar.
b.      On the General tab, choose Selective Startup, uncheck Load startup items.
c.       On the Services tab, check Hide all Microsoft services, then click Disable all.  This disables all 3rd party, non-Microsoft services.
d.      Click Apply, then Okay, and select Restart from the prompt.
4.      Once the system has booted onto the Desktop, only launch CPU-Z.
NOTE! Running two monitoring tools at the same time will skew the results.
5.      Check the voltage reading in CPU-Z to see if it goes below 1.0V.
a.       If the result from CPU-Z shows that the CPU voltages are below 1.0V, this indicates that the high idle voltages were caused by one or more background applications and/or monitoring tools. 
b.      If the result from CPU-Z shows that the CPU voltages are still high on idle, there could be other potential causes.
In either case, we would like to investigate your results and ask if you could please provide us with the following information:
1.      Did the Selective startup rectify the CPU idle voltage?
2.      What was the measured CPU idle voltage in CPU-Z, after performing the Selective startup?
3.      Your CPU-Z hardware report:
a.       In CPU-Z, click the dropdown button and select Save Report as .TXT.
b.      Specify a save location and filename for the report.
4.      Screenshot of your Startup items, found in the Task Manager | Startup tab.
5.      List of Services:
a.       Type “services.msc” (without quotes) in the Search box on the Taskbar.
b.      Select Action from the top menu, then Export List.
c.       Specify a save location and filename for the report.
6.      Please attached the screenshot and reports in your response to this service request.

We appreciate your cooperation and patience while we look into your issue.

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  • Confused 1
1 ώρα πριν, akoinonitos είπε

Άμα σε ενδιαφέρει η κατανάλωση πάρε λάπτοπ 😛

H απαντηση της amd στο mail 

Thank you for your email

I understand that you experiencing temperature issue with your Ryzen processor

I reviewed your given hsf picture and I don't think hsf thermal paste could be causing the issue. I suggested you to continue using with same

To confirm if this is the case on your system please could you follow the steps below and let me know your result:
1.      Make sure you have chipset driver 1.07.07 (from amd.com) installed, Windows 10 updated to version: 1903, and the latest BIOS version installed for your motherboard.
2.      Make sure all BIOS voltage settings are set to NORMAL or AUTO. Only enable your XMP profile for the purposes of this test.  For information on configuring BIOS settings, please refer to your motherboard user manual.
NOTE! If your BIOS has the option to set CPU voltage to AUTO or NORMAL, please try setting it to normal.
3.      Once the system and BIOS are configured as per the steps above, boot into Windows and configure the OS to perform a Selective startup.
a.       To perform a Selective Startup, type “msconfig” (without quotes) in the Search box on the Taskbar.
b.      On the General tab, choose Selective Startup, uncheck Load startup items.
c.       On the Services tab, check Hide all Microsoft services, then click Disable all.  This disables all 3rd party, non-Microsoft services.
d.      Click Apply, then Okay, and select Restart from the prompt.
4.      Once the system has booted onto the Desktop, only launch CPU-Z.
NOTE! Running two monitoring tools at the same time will skew the results.
5.      Check the voltage reading in CPU-Z to see if it goes below 1.0V.
a.       If the result from CPU-Z shows that the CPU voltages are below 1.0V, this indicates that the high idle voltages were caused by one or more background applications and/or monitoring tools. 
b.      If the result from CPU-Z shows that the CPU voltages are still high on idle, there could be other potential causes.
In either case, we would like to investigate your results and ask if you could please provide us with the following information:
1.      Did the Selective startup rectify the CPU idle voltage?
2.      What was the measured CPU idle voltage in CPU-Z, after performing the Selective startup?
3.      Your CPU-Z hardware report:
a.       In CPU-Z, click the dropdown button and select Save Report as .TXT.
b.      Specify a save location and filename for the report.
4.      Screenshot of your Startup items, found in the Task Manager | Startup tab.
5.      List of Services:
a.       Type “services.msc” (without quotes) in the Search box on the Taskbar.
b.      Select Action from the top menu, then Export List.
c.       Specify a save location and filename for the report.
6.      Please attached the screenshot and reports in your response to this service request.

We appreciate your cooperation and patience while we look into your issue.

Αναλυτικοί και το ψάχνουν. Μια χαρά απάντησαν ε; Δώστου τώρα σε αυτά που είπαν και βλέπεις...

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1 ώρα πριν, akoinonitos είπε

Άμα σε ενδιαφέρει η κατανάλωση πάρε λάπτοπ 😛

H απαντηση της amd στο mail 

Thank you for your email

I understand that you experiencing temperature issue with your Ryzen processor

I reviewed your given hsf picture and I don't think hsf thermal paste could be causing the issue. I suggested you to continue using with same

To confirm if this is the case on your system please could you follow the steps below and let me know your result:
1.      Make sure you have chipset driver 1.07.07 (from amd.com) installed, Windows 10 updated to version: 1903, and the latest BIOS version installed for your motherboard.
2.      Make sure all BIOS voltage settings are set to NORMAL or AUTO. Only enable your XMP profile for the purposes of this test.  For information on configuring BIOS settings, please refer to your motherboard user manual.
NOTE! If your BIOS has the option to set CPU voltage to AUTO or NORMAL, please try setting it to normal.
3.      Once the system and BIOS are configured as per the steps above, boot into Windows and configure the OS to perform a Selective startup.
a.       To perform a Selective Startup, type “msconfig” (without quotes) in the Search box on the Taskbar.
b.      On the General tab, choose Selective Startup, uncheck Load startup items.
c.       On the Services tab, check Hide all Microsoft services, then click Disable all.  This disables all 3rd party, non-Microsoft services.
d.      Click Apply, then Okay, and select Restart from the prompt.
4.      Once the system has booted onto the Desktop, only launch CPU-Z.
NOTE! Running two monitoring tools at the same time will skew the results.
5.      Check the voltage reading in CPU-Z to see if it goes below 1.0V.
a.       If the result from CPU-Z shows that the CPU voltages are below 1.0V, this indicates that the high idle voltages were caused by one or more background applications and/or monitoring tools. 
b.      If the result from CPU-Z shows that the CPU voltages are still high on idle, there could be other potential causes.
In either case, we would like to investigate your results and ask if you could please provide us with the following information:
1.      Did the Selective startup rectify the CPU idle voltage?
2.      What was the measured CPU idle voltage in CPU-Z, after performing the Selective startup?
3.      Your CPU-Z hardware report:
a.       In CPU-Z, click the dropdown button and select Save Report as .TXT.
b.      Specify a save location and filename for the report.
4.      Screenshot of your Startup items, found in the Task Manager | Startup tab.
5.      List of Services:
a.       Type “services.msc” (without quotes) in the Search box on the Taskbar.
b.      Select Action from the top menu, then Export List.
c.       Specify a save location and filename for the report.
6.      Please attached the screenshot and reports in your response to this service request.

We appreciate your cooperation and patience while we look into your issue.

Ωραια εχεις δουλεια τωρα.... Παντως η αληθεια ειναι οτι ασχολουνται και σιγουρα αυτο ειναι καλο.

Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)
1 hour ago, akoinonitos said:

Άμα σε ενδιαφέρει η κατανάλωση πάρε λάπτοπ 😛

H απαντηση της amd στο mail 

Thank you for your email

I understand that you experiencing temperature issue with your Ryzen processor

I reviewed your given hsf picture and I don't think hsf thermal paste could be causing the issue. I suggested you to continue using with same

To confirm if this is the case on your system please could you follow the steps below and let me know your result:
1.      Make sure you have chipset driver 1.07.07 (from amd.com) installed, Windows 10 updated to version: 1903, and the latest BIOS version installed for your motherboard.
2.      Make sure all BIOS voltage settings are set to NORMAL or AUTO. Only enable your XMP profile for the purposes of this test.  For information on configuring BIOS settings, please refer to your motherboard user manual.
NOTE! If your BIOS has the option to set CPU voltage to AUTO or NORMAL, please try setting it to normal.
3.      Once the system and BIOS are configured as per the steps above, boot into Windows and configure the OS to perform a Selective startup.
a.       To perform a Selective Startup, type “msconfig” (without quotes) in the Search box on the Taskbar.
b.      On the General tab, choose Selective Startup, uncheck Load startup items.
c.       On the Services tab, check Hide all Microsoft services, then click Disable all.  This disables all 3rd party, non-Microsoft services.
d.      Click Apply, then Okay, and select Restart from the prompt.
4.      Once the system has booted onto the Desktop, only launch CPU-Z.
NOTE! Running two monitoring tools at the same time will skew the results.
5.      Check the voltage reading in CPU-Z to see if it goes below 1.0V.
a.       If the result from CPU-Z shows that the CPU voltages are below 1.0V, this indicates that the high idle voltages were caused by one or more background applications and/or monitoring tools. 
b.      If the result from CPU-Z shows that the CPU voltages are still high on idle, there could be other potential causes.
In either case, we would like to investigate your results and ask if you could please provide us with the following information:
1.      Did the Selective startup rectify the CPU idle voltage?
2.      What was the measured CPU idle voltage in CPU-Z, after performing the Selective startup?
3.      Your CPU-Z hardware report:
a.       In CPU-Z, click the dropdown button and select Save Report as .TXT.
b.      Specify a save location and filename for the report.
4.      Screenshot of your Startup items, found in the Task Manager | Startup tab.
5.      List of Services:
a.       Type “services.msc” (without quotes) in the Search box on the Taskbar.
b.      Select Action from the top menu, then Export List.
c.       Specify a save location and filename for the report.
6.      Please attached the screenshot and reports in your response to this service request.

We appreciate your cooperation and patience while we look into your issue.

Πες τους ότι επιθυμείς άλλη CPU!! Βέβαια η απάντηση τους είναι ότι ψάχνονται ακόμα και οι ίδιοι για το τι συμβάινει.. Πραγματικά έαν τοποθετήσεις ένα μεταλικό χάρακα ακριβίας, πάνω στην επιφάνεια του CPU θα έχει λακούβα??!! Πολύ θα ήλελα να το δω.. (μην το κάνεις όμως.. Πάλι λύσιμο..)!!

Είχες 1700, 2600, 2700x και τώρα το 3700x.. Δεν είσαι νέος με τους Ryzen. Γράφεις, οδηγούς, βοηθάς κόσμο.. Κάνεις το απόλυτο safe boost/overclocking.. Τι να πω!! Κουράγιο και υπομονή/επιμονή!

Επεξ/σία από renaxan

Δημιουργήστε ένα λογαριασμό ή συνδεθείτε για να σχολιάσετε

Πρέπει να είστε μέλος για να αφήσετε σχόλιο

Δημιουργία λογαριασμού

Εγγραφείτε με νέο λογαριασμό στην κοινότητα μας. Είναι πανεύκολο!

Δημιουργία νέου λογαριασμού


Έχετε ήδη λογαριασμό; Συνδεθείτε εδώ.

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