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Formula 1 2019

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Δυστυχως δεν ειναι ωραιο θεαμα να ακουγονται δημοσια team radios ανυπακοης και αυτο θα πρεπει να μην ξανασυμβει στη Φερραρι.

Ισως να ειναι και δειγμα οτι οι μερες του Σεμπ στη Φερραρι ειναι μετρημενες.

Λετε να τον δουμε του χρονου σε καμια... Ρενό;;

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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Δημοσιευμένες Εικόνες

Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)
2 ώρες πριν, eri77 είπε

Κάποια στιγμή η διαφορά ήταν πάνω από 3.5.. 

Συζηταγαμε για το ποση ηταν η διαφορα οταν του το ζητησαν πρωτη φορα. Επισης ισχυριστηκες οτι ο Vettel δεν μπορουσε να ξερει την διαφορα lec-ham, αλλα οπως ειδες του την ειπαν στο radio.
Για τις υπολοιπες εικασιες που γραφεις, ειναι απλα εικασιες και δεν εχει νοημα να τις συζηταμε , ειδικα απο την στιγμη που οταν βλεπεις πως δεν ισχυει κατι που ειπες, μεταπηδας σε κατι αλλο.
Σε αυτο ομως θα συμφωνησουμε:

2 ώρες πριν, eri77 είπε

Αυτό που μετράει είναι ότι ο vettel με αυτό το τρόπο έκανε ρεζίλι την Ferrari. Και σε κίνδυνο undercat να έμπαινε, και σε κίνδυνο προσπερασματος, η συμπεριφορά του απαράδεκτη. 


Επεξ/σία από haHa
22 λεπτά πριν, haHa είπε

Συζηταγαμε για το ποση ηταν η διαφορα οταν του το ζητησαν πρωτη φορα. Επισης ισχυριστηκες οτι ο Vettel δεν μπορουσε να ξερει την διαφορα lec-ham, αλλα οπως ειδες του την ειπαν στο radio.
Για τις υπολοιπες εικασιες που γραφεις, ειναι απλα εικασιες και δεν εχει νοημα να τις συζηταμε , ειδικα απο την στιγμη που οταν βλεπεις πως δεν ισχυει κατι που ειπες, μεταπηδας σε κατι αλλο.
Σε αυτο ομως θα συμφωνησουμε:

Η συζήτηση ήταν αν ήταν δικαιολογία η όχι. Δεν θα κάτσω τώρα να δω ούτε ποσό μακριά ήταν ο Hamilton ούτε τι του είπαν πρώτη και δεύτερη φορά. Κρατάς την άποψη σού, ότι είχε δίκιο ο vettel... είναι Είμαι κάθετος στην δικιά μου.. Έψαχνε δικαιολογία και δεν ήθελε να γίνει η ανταλλαγή... Σημασία έχει ότι συμφωνούμε στο υπόλοιπο 

3 ώρες πριν, tommy^ είπε

Δυστυχως δεν ειναι ωραιο θεαμα να ακουγονται δημοσια team radios ανυπακοης και αυτο θα πρεπει να μην ξανασυμβει στη Φερραρι.

Ισως να ειναι και δειγμα οτι οι μερες του Σεμπ στη Φερραρι ειναι μετρημενες.

Λετε να τον δουμε του χρονου σε καμια... Ρενό;;

Πολύ δύσκολο Ν στην Renault. Φήμες λένε ότι μπορεί να πάει πάλι Red Bull 

Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)
5 λεπτά πριν, eri77 είπε

Η συζήτηση ήταν αν ήταν δικαιολογία η όχι. Δεν θα κάτσω τώρα να δω ούτε ποσό μακριά ήταν ο Hamilton ούτε τι του είπαν πρώτη και δεύτερη φορά. Κρατάς την άποψη σού, ότι είχε δίκιο ο vettel... είναι Είμαι κάθετος στην δικιά μου.. Έψαχνε δικαιολογία και δεν ήθελε να γίνει η ανταλλαγή... Σημασία έχει ότι συμφωνούμε στο υπόλοιπο 

Δεν ειπα οτι ειχε δικιο ο vettel που δεν ηθελε να γινει το swap. Ειπα οτι ειχε βαση αυτα που ισχυριζονταν και δεν χρειαζοταν να παρθει αυτο το αχρειαστο ρισκο. Το σωστοτερο και ασφαλεστερο ειναι αυτο που τελικως εγινε: αλλαγη στα πιτ.

Αυτο οπως ειπαμε βεβαια ειναι ασχετο με το γεγονος οτι ηταν απαραδεκτη η ανυπακοη του στις εντολες της ομαδας.

Επεξ/σία από haHa
8 λεπτά πριν, haHa είπε

Δεν ειπα οτι ειχε δικιο ο vettel που δεν ηθελε να γινει το swap. Ειπα οτι ειχε βαση αυτα που ισχυριζονταν και δεν χρειαζοταν να παρθει αυτο το αχρειαστο ρισκο. Το σωστοτερο και ασφαλεστερο ειναι αυτο που τελικως εγινε: αλλαγη στα πιτ.

Αυτο οπως ειπαμε βεβαια ειναι ασχετο με το γεγονος οτι ηταν απαραδεκτη η ανυπακοη του στις εντολες της ομαδας.

Θυμάμαι πάντως ότι κάποια στιγμή είπε.. Θα τον είχα περάσει ούτως ή άλλως.... Τίποτα, αυτό τα λέει όλα... 

  • Like 1
6 λεπτά πριν, eri77 είπε

Θυμάμαι πάντως ότι κάποια στιγμή είπε.. Θα τον είχα περάσει ούτως ή άλλως.... Τίποτα, αυτό τα λέει όλα... 

Προφανως και ο Vettel προσπαθουσε να πεισει την ομαδα να μην γινει αλλαγη γιατι ηθελε να κατσει μπροστα , αλλα αυτο οπως ειπαμε δεν αλλαζει το γεγονος οτι ειχαν βαση τα επιχειρηματα του για το αχρειαστο ρισκο.

17 λεπτά πριν, haHa είπε

Προφανως και ο Vettel προσπαθουσε να πεισει την ομαδα να μην γινει αλλαγη γιατι ηθελε να κατσει μπροστα , αλλα αυτο οπως ειπαμε δεν αλλαζει το γεγονος οτι ειχαν βαση τα επιχειρηματα του για το αχρειαστο ρισκο.

Έτσι πρόχειρα βρήκα αυτό το radio team-vettel-leclerc 


Δεν αναφέρεται καθόλου ο Hamilton...(μόνο στο τέλος) Πάντως εγώ είμαι απόλυτα σίγουρος. Αν το ρίσκο του Hamilton υπήρχε, δεν θα τού  ζητάγανε την ανταλλαγή 

Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)
3 λεπτά πριν, eri77 είπε

Έτσι πρόχειρα βρήκα αυτό το radio team-vettel-leclerc 


Δεν αναφέρεται καθόλου ο Hamilton...(μόνο στο τέλος) 

Εχεις λαθος δεδομενα: Δεν ειναι ολοκληρο το team radio. Αν το θελεις ολοκληρο, δες το απο το incar του Vettel απο το f1tv.com ή διαβασε το εδω:

Vettel vs Leclerc round two: Complete Ferrari Russian Grand Prix team radio transcript



Lap Exchange Message (notes in italics)
1 To Leclerc: K2 off.
1 To Leclerc: Safety Car deployed. Stay positive. Slow button on. And stay out.
1 Leclerc: Just for me to understand the situation was pretty clear, right?
1 To Leclerc: Yes, I will come back to you, but everything’s fine.
1 To Vettel: Safety Car, stay out, stay positive.
1 Vettel: OK copy that. You let me know on the start.
1 To Vettel: OK, understood.
1 To Leclerc: Reminder just to maximise full throttle before the restart. K2 on.
1 Leclerc: Yeah, copy.
1 To Vettel: Save fuel.
2 To Vettel: There was an accident in turn four. Grosjean stopped there. Watch for debris.
2 To Vettel: Ferrari told Vettel first the positions would be swapped, the similarly-worded message to Leclerc came around a minute later.
Start performance was the same so we are looking into swapping.
2 Vettel: Copy. I was ahead in or after turn one so your call.
2 To Vettel: OK, understood. Watch for debris there, keep watching your tyres, save fuel.
2 To Vettel: We will look into the best time later in the race.
2 To Leclerc: So Charles start performance was the same and we are looking to do the swap further into the race.
2 Leclerc: Yes, no problem, at least I understand.
2 To Leclerc: Copy.
2 To Vettel: Work on your brakes as well as tyres.
2 To Leclerc: So tyres and brakes OK, keep doing what you’re doing.
3 To Vettel: Need to work more on your tyres.
3 To Vettel: Safety Car in this lap. (Unclear) for the restart and K2 on for the restart. Warm your brakes.
3 To Leclerc: Safety Car in this lap. Try to maximise full throttle and K2 on.
3 To Vettel: Check your brake balance position for the restart.
4 To Vettel: The race restarts
K2 off.


Lap Exchange Message (notes in italics)
5 To Vettel: Lap five: Vettel leads Leclerc by 1.35 seconds and Hamilton by 3.4 seconds
Charles 1.2 behind, nice job there.
5 Leclerc: Gap to behind is fine now.
5 To Leclerc: Copy, understood.
5 To Leclerc: Sebastian will let you by next lap.
5 To Vettel: Hamilton lap time 41.0.
5 To Vettel: Hamilton is 2.4 behind Charles. Let Charles by. Let Charles by.
6 To Leclerc: Lap six: Vettel leads Leclerc by 1.37 seconds and Hamilton by 4.0 seconds. Message to Leclerc on pit straight.
Sebastian will let you by.
6 Vettel: (Unclear) do you know that? But I would have got him anyways. But let’s break away for another two laps, let me know.
6 To Vettel: OK, understood, head down.
6 Leclerc: Where?
6 To Leclerc: We’ll do it next lap.
6 To Leclerc: DRS enabled.


Lap Exchange Message (notes in italics)
7 To Vettel: Lap seven: Vettel leads Leclerc by 1.37 seconds and Hamilton by 4.2 seconds
Let Charles by. Hamilton is three seconds behind Charles.
7 Vettel: Tell him to close up.
7 To Vettel: OK, copy.
7 To Leclerc: Turn one.
Sebastian will let you by.
7 Leclerc: When?
7 To Leclerc: Try to close the gap and we’ll do it next lap.
7 Leclerc: (Unclear.)
7 Leclerc: You put me behind. I respected everything. We will speak later. But now it’s difficult to close the gap, obviously.
8 To Vettel: Lap eight: Vettel leads Leclerc by 1.68 seconds and Hamilton by 4.3 seconds. Vettel did not reply to this message.
Starting to close the gap. Let him by. He’s 1.4 behind.
8 To Leclerc: So he should let you by this lap, will let you by.
8 To Vettel: Charles is 1.6 behind.


Lap Exchange Message (notes in italics)
9 To Vettel: Charles is 1.7 behind.
9 To Vettel: You are the fastest car on track. Head down, you are doing well.
9 To Vettel: We are moving to Plan C. Charles 1.5 behind. Update your tyre phase when you can.
9 To Leclerc: You need to try to close the gaps.
9 Leclerc: Yeah guys but I mean…
9 To Leclerc: Laurent Mekies
Charles we will do the swap a bit later on. Lewis is a bit close and we want to push now. We will do it later. Just focus on your race. Thank you.
9 Leclerc: I completely understand. The only thing is that I respected, I gave him the slipstream, no problems. Then I tried to push at the beginning of the race but I overheated the tyre. But anyway, it’s no problems. Manage the situation.


Lap Exchange Message (notes in italics)
10 To Vettel: Nice job there. Charles is three-tenths behind, three tenths slower than you. Hamilton 39.1.
10 To Vettel: Charles 2.3 behind. Multi function minus one click.
10 To Leclerc: Hamilton behind at 3.4. Sebastian in front 2.3. Brake balance plus one and diff mid plus one suggestion.
11 To Vettel: Charles is 2.2 behind. Charles lap time 39.2. And Hamilton 40.3, made a mistake.
11 To Leclerc: Hamilton behind at 3.7. Sebastian in front 2.2.
11 To Vettel: Doing a good job on tyres. Try to improve turn four. Charles 2.5 behind.
11 To Leclerc: And we need secondary WG position nine.
12 To Vettel: Multi B3 wastegate position nine. Charles 2.8 behind. Head down.
12 To Leclerc: Hamilton behind at 3.7.
13 To Vettel: Try to improve turn four. You are fastest on track. Charles lap time 9.2. (Unclear) lap 12.
13 To Leclerc: Hamilton behind at 3.7.
13 To Leclerc: And front wing update when you can.
13 Leclerc: Yeah OK like this.
13 To Vettel: Good job in turn four. A lot better. Charles 3.4 behind.
14 To Leclerc: Hamilton behind at 3.4. Tyre phase update when you can.
14 To Vettel: Good lap there. Head down. Nice job.
14 To Vettel: Good job in turn four. Charles 3.7 behind. Hamilton start pushing, 38.6 for Hamilton.
14 To Leclerc: Sebastian in front at 3.7. Hamilton behind 3.3.
15 To Vettel: Charles lap time 8.7. Hamilton lap time 8.5.
15 To Leclerc: Hamilton behind at 3.2.
15 To Vettel: Update on front wing. Charles 3.9 behind.
15 To Vettel: Plus one.
15 Vettel: OK, copy.
15 To Leclerc: Try to improve apex speed turns five and eight. Hamilton behind at 3.1.
16 To Vettel: Charles lap time 8.5. He is the fastest on track. And Hamilton now fastest, 38.3. And he is three seconds behind Charles.
16 To Leclerc: Sebastian ahead 3.7. His lap time: 38.5.
16 To Vettel: Update your tyre phase.
16 To Leclerc: And you can push now. Gap to Hamilton behind 3.1.
17 To Leclerc: Gap to Hamilton behind 3.3.
17 To Vettel: Focus turn 13, 14 to improve.
18 Vettel: Lap times.
18 To Vettel: Charles 3.9 behind he is 38.5, Hamilton 38.9. Copy.
18 To Vettel: Copy Plan C, we are on Plan C.
18 To Leclerc: And we are going to plan C.
18 To Vettel: Charles is four seconds behind. We think also Mercedes might go long on their medium tyres.
19 To Leclerc: And Hamilton behind at 3.3. Sebastian lap time 38.4.
19 Leclerc: Yeah I know, we are doing the same lap times.
19 To Vettel: Charles lap time 8.4, Hamilton 8.3.
19 To Vettel: Verstappen behind is not a threat, he’s a 39.4. So head down, racing Mercs.
19 To Leclerc: Hamilton behind at 3.3.
19 To Vettel: And focus on turn 15, 16. Charles 4.2 behind. Charles lap time 8.7.
21 To Vettel: Charles is 4.4 behind. Update on tyre phase when you can. Charles lap time 8.7. Hamilton 8.5. Bottas is 10 seconds behind Hamilton.
21 To Leclerc: Gap to Hamilton behind 2.9.
21 To Leclerc: And tyre phase update when you can.
21 To Vettel: Blue for Kubica, head down.
22 To Vettel: Charles lap time 8.7, head down.
22 To Leclerc: Hamilton behind 2.7.
22 To Leclerc: Kubica in front should have blue flags.
22 Leclerc: Rear-left.
22 To Leclerc: Copy, understood.
22 To Vettel: And clear in front. Free air. Head down.
22 To Leclerc: Mode position two.
22 To Leclerc: And box now, box.
23 To Vettel: And Charles is coming in this lap. Hamilton is 6.2 behind on medium tyre. Hamilton lap time 8.7.


Lap Exchange Message (notes in italics)
23 To Leclerc: Leclerc pits.
And reset brake balance.
23 To Leclerc: And track is clear, track clear.
23 To Leclerc: K2 off. Bottas in front at 10 seconds.
23 To Vettel: Update on tyre phase. Hamilton 6.6 behind.
23 To Leclerc: Bottas in front at 10 seconds, he did not pit. Behind we have Verstappen at 10-and-a-half seconds, still needs to pit.
24 To Vettel: Hamilton 6.3 behind. Hamilton lap time 38.8.
24 Vettel: My rears are falling off now.
24 To Vettel: Copy.
24 To Leclerc: We need to push.
24 To Vettel: We worry about Hamilton going long. Hamilton lap time 8.8.
24 To Leclerc: Bottas in front at nine-and-a-half, Verstappen behind 12 seconds.
25 To Vettel: Charles lap time 7.7.
26 Vettel: (Unclear)
26 To Vettel: Yes, copy that.
26 To Leclerc: OK you are doing a good job.
26 To Vettel: Vettel pits.
And box, Sebastian, box.
26 To Leclerc: And we need you to push, push this lap, push. Sebastian stopping now.
27 To Vettel: Vettel leaves the pits and comes out behind Leclerc.
Mode four, tight with Charles on exit.
26 To Leclerc: K1 plus available. Will be tight with Sebastian on exit.


Lap Exchange Message (notes in italics)
27 To Leclerc: Kubica in front should have blue flags.
27 Vettel: Turn six.
I’ve got no K.
27 To Vettel: I see it.
27 To Leclerc: So multi-function strat position.
27 Vettel: Turn 11.
Tell me something, I’ve got no K.
27 To Vettel: We’re looking into it, we know.
27 To Vettel: OK, copy.
27 To Vettel: Turn 13.
And box. Stop the car now. Stop the car now.
27 Vettel: You serious?
27 To Vettel: Yes.
27 Vettel: OK. Stopping now.
27 Vettel: Turn 15.
I’m stopped. Engine off.
27 To Vettel: And jump out safely, jump out safely.
27 To Vettel: P0 first and jump out safe…
27 Vettel: Yeah. Bring back the fucking V12s.


Lap Exchange Message (notes in italics)
28 To Leclerc: So Sebastian had an issue and he stopped at turn 17. Turn 15.
28 To Leclerc: Virtual Safety Car deployed. Stay positive.
28 Leclerc: Alright.
28 To Leclerc: Stay positive unto zero.
28 Leclerc: Hamilton is going to be in front, right?
28 To Leclerc: We believe so.
28 To Leclerc: Stay close to zero.
28 To Leclerc: And try to target minus thousand. Fuel numbers minus thousand.
28 To Leclerc: Stay positive, stay positive.
29 To Leclerc: So Hamilton is ahead on soft and Bottas behind on softs.
29 To Leclerc: Virtual Safety Car ending. K2 on.
29 To Leclerc: George Russell crashes.
There’s a yellow at turn nine. Yellow turn nine.
29 To Leclerc: Hamilton in front at 6.2.
29 Leclerc: Leclerc passes the crash scene.
That will be a Safety Car. Prepare maybe for tyres, no?
29 To Leclerc: Copy.
29 To Leclerc: Virtual Safety Car… Safety Car deployed.
29 Leclerc: Should we box?
29 To Leclerc: Slow button on.
29 Leclerc: I’ll let you choose.
29 To Leclerc: If we stop, we go behind Bottas.
29 Leclerc: Yeah but I don’t know do you think to be on new tyres will help more?
29 To Leclerc: Leclerc reaches the pit lane entrance.
Stay out, stay out.
29 Leclerc: Yeah, copy.
30 To Leclerc: Try to work on tyres and brakes.
30 To Leclerc: And target the fuel number.
30 To Leclerc: Hamilton in front at 3.3.
30 To Leclerc: Do you prefer to go behind Bottas with new softs, question?
30 Leclerc: I mean I’m OK with the medium at the moment. But will we drop from one more position if we stop on soft, or not?
30 To Leclerc: We’ll drop one position from Bottas, just Bottas.
30 Leclerc: Yeah maybe we should take the risk.
31 To Leclerc: Leclerc pits.
Slow button on and mode race.
31 To Leclerc: So we have Hamilton and Bottas in front with two lap soft tyres. Verstappen behind with two lap medium tyres.



Επεξ/σία από haHa
Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)
11 λεπτά πριν, haHa είπε

Εχεις λαθος δεδομενα: Δεν ειναι ολοκληρο το team radio. Αν το θελεις ολοκληρο, δες το απο το incar του Vettel απο το f1tv.com ή διαβασε το εδω:

Vettel vs Leclerc round two: Complete Ferrari Russian Grand Prix team radio transcript

  Εμφάνιση κρυμμένου περιεχομένου
Lap Exchange Message (notes in italics)
1 To Leclerc: K2 off.
1 To Leclerc: Safety Car deployed. Stay positive. Slow button on. And stay out.
1 Leclerc: Just for me to understand the situation was pretty clear, right?
1 To Leclerc: Yes, I will come back to you, but everything’s fine.
1 To Vettel: Safety Car, stay out, stay positive.
1 Vettel: OK copy that. You let me know on the start.
1 To Vettel: OK, understood.
1 To Leclerc: Reminder just to maximise full throttle before the restart. K2 on.
1 Leclerc: Yeah, copy.
1 To Vettel: Save fuel.
2 To Vettel: There was an accident in turn four. Grosjean stopped there. Watch for debris.
2 To Vettel: Ferrari told Vettel first the positions would be swapped, the similarly-worded message to Leclerc came around a minute later.
Start performance was the same so we are looking into swapping.
2 Vettel: Copy. I was ahead in or after turn one so your call.
2 To Vettel: OK, understood. Watch for debris there, keep watching your tyres, save fuel.
2 To Vettel: We will look into the best time later in the race.
2 To Leclerc: So Charles start performance was the same and we are looking to do the swap further into the race.
2 Leclerc: Yes, no problem, at least I understand.
2 To Leclerc: Copy.
2 To Vettel: Work on your brakes as well as tyres.
2 To Leclerc: So tyres and brakes OK, keep doing what you’re doing.
3 To Vettel: Need to work more on your tyres.
3 To Vettel: Safety Car in this lap. (Unclear) for the restart and K2 on for the restart. Warm your brakes.
3 To Leclerc: Safety Car in this lap. Try to maximise full throttle and K2 on.
3 To Vettel: Check your brake balance position for the restart.
4 To Vettel: The race restarts
K2 off.
Lap Exchange Message (notes in italics)
5 To Vettel: Lap five: Vettel leads Leclerc by 1.35 seconds and Hamilton by 3.4 seconds
Charles 1.2 behind, nice job there.
5 Leclerc: Gap to behind is fine now.
5 To Leclerc: Copy, understood.
5 To Leclerc: Sebastian will let you by next lap.
5 To Vettel: Hamilton lap time 41.0.
5 To Vettel: Hamilton is 2.4 behind Charles. Let Charles by. Let Charles by.
6 To Leclerc: Lap six: Vettel leads Leclerc by 1.37 seconds and Hamilton by 4.0 seconds. Message to Leclerc on pit straight.
Sebastian will let you by.
6 Vettel: (Unclear) do you know that? But I would have got him anyways. But let’s break away for another two laps, let me know.
6 To Vettel: OK, understood, head down.
6 Leclerc: Where?
6 To Leclerc: We’ll do it next lap.
6 To Leclerc: DRS enabled.
Lap Exchange Message (notes in italics)
7 To Vettel: Lap seven: Vettel leads Leclerc by 1.37 seconds and Hamilton by 4.2 seconds
Let Charles by. Hamilton is three seconds behind Charles.
7 Vettel: Tell him to close up.
7 To Vettel: OK, copy.
7 To Leclerc: Turn one.
Sebastian will let you by.
7 Leclerc: When?
7 To Leclerc: Try to close the gap and we’ll do it next lap.
7 Leclerc: (Unclear.)
7 Leclerc: You put me behind. I respected everything. We will speak later. But now it’s difficult to close the gap, obviously.
8 To Vettel: Lap eight: Vettel leads Leclerc by 1.68 seconds and Hamilton by 4.3 seconds. Vettel did not reply to this message.
Starting to close the gap. Let him by. He’s 1.4 behind.
8 To Leclerc: So he should let you by this lap, will let you by.
8 To Vettel: Charles is 1.6 behind.
Lap Exchange Message (notes in italics)
9 To Vettel: Charles is 1.7 behind.
9 To Vettel: You are the fastest car on track. Head down, you are doing well.
9 To Vettel: We are moving to Plan C. Charles 1.5 behind. Update your tyre phase when you can.
9 To Leclerc: You need to try to close the gaps.
9 Leclerc: Yeah guys but I mean…
9 To Leclerc: Laurent Mekies
Charles we will do the swap a bit later on. Lewis is a bit close and we want to push now. We will do it later. Just focus on your race. Thank you.
9 Leclerc: I completely understand. The only thing is that I respected, I gave him the slipstream, no problems. Then I tried to push at the beginning of the race but I overheated the tyre. But anyway, it’s no problems. Manage the situation.
Lap Exchange Message (notes in italics)
10 To Vettel: Nice job there. Charles is three-tenths behind, three tenths slower than you. Hamilton 39.1.
10 To Vettel: Charles 2.3 behind. Multi function minus one click.
10 To Leclerc: Hamilton behind at 3.4. Sebastian in front 2.3. Brake balance plus one and diff mid plus one suggestion.
11 To Vettel: Charles is 2.2 behind. Charles lap time 39.2. And Hamilton 40.3, made a mistake.
11 To Leclerc: Hamilton behind at 3.7. Sebastian in front 2.2.
11 To Vettel: Doing a good job on tyres. Try to improve turn four. Charles 2.5 behind.
11 To Leclerc: And we need secondary WG position nine.
12 To Vettel: Multi B3 wastegate position nine. Charles 2.8 behind. Head down.
12 To Leclerc: Hamilton behind at 3.7.
13 To Vettel: Try to improve turn four. You are fastest on track. Charles lap time 9.2. (Unclear) lap 12.
13 To Leclerc: Hamilton behind at 3.7.
13 To Leclerc: And front wing update when you can.
13 Leclerc: Yeah OK like this.
13 To Vettel: Good job in turn four. A lot better. Charles 3.4 behind.
14 To Leclerc: Hamilton behind at 3.4. Tyre phase update when you can.
14 To Vettel: Good lap there. Head down. Nice job.
14 To Vettel: Good job in turn four. Charles 3.7 behind. Hamilton start pushing, 38.6 for Hamilton.
14 To Leclerc: Sebastian in front at 3.7. Hamilton behind 3.3.
15 To Vettel: Charles lap time 8.7. Hamilton lap time 8.5.
15 To Leclerc: Hamilton behind at 3.2.
15 To Vettel: Update on front wing. Charles 3.9 behind.
15 To Vettel: Plus one.
15 Vettel: OK, copy.
15 To Leclerc: Try to improve apex speed turns five and eight. Hamilton behind at 3.1.
16 To Vettel: Charles lap time 8.5. He is the fastest on track. And Hamilton now fastest, 38.3. And he is three seconds behind Charles.
16 To Leclerc: Sebastian ahead 3.7. His lap time: 38.5.
16 To Vettel: Update your tyre phase.
16 To Leclerc: And you can push now. Gap to Hamilton behind 3.1.
17 To Leclerc: Gap to Hamilton behind 3.3.
17 To Vettel: Focus turn 13, 14 to improve.
18 Vettel: Lap times.
18 To Vettel: Charles 3.9 behind he is 38.5, Hamilton 38.9. Copy.
18 To Vettel: Copy Plan C, we are on Plan C.
18 To Leclerc: And we are going to plan C.
18 To Vettel: Charles is four seconds behind. We think also Mercedes might go long on their medium tyres.
19 To Leclerc: And Hamilton behind at 3.3. Sebastian lap time 38.4.
19 Leclerc: Yeah I know, we are doing the same lap times.
19 To Vettel: Charles lap time 8.4, Hamilton 8.3.
19 To Vettel: Verstappen behind is not a threat, he’s a 39.4. So head down, racing Mercs.
19 To Leclerc: Hamilton behind at 3.3.
19 To Vettel: And focus on turn 15, 16. Charles 4.2 behind. Charles lap time 8.7.
21 To Vettel: Charles is 4.4 behind. Update on tyre phase when you can. Charles lap time 8.7. Hamilton 8.5. Bottas is 10 seconds behind Hamilton.
21 To Leclerc: Gap to Hamilton behind 2.9.
21 To Leclerc: And tyre phase update when you can.
21 To Vettel: Blue for Kubica, head down.
22 To Vettel: Charles lap time 8.7, head down.
22 To Leclerc: Hamilton behind 2.7.
22 To Leclerc: Kubica in front should have blue flags.
22 Leclerc: Rear-left.
22 To Leclerc: Copy, understood.
22 To Vettel: And clear in front. Free air. Head down.
22 To Leclerc: Mode position two.
22 To Leclerc: And box now, box.
23 To Vettel: And Charles is coming in this lap. Hamilton is 6.2 behind on medium tyre. Hamilton lap time 8.7.
Lap Exchange Message (notes in italics)
23 To Leclerc: Leclerc pits.
And reset brake balance.
23 To Leclerc: And track is clear, track clear.
23 To Leclerc: K2 off. Bottas in front at 10 seconds.
23 To Vettel: Update on tyre phase. Hamilton 6.6 behind.
23 To Leclerc: Bottas in front at 10 seconds, he did not pit. Behind we have Verstappen at 10-and-a-half seconds, still needs to pit.
24 To Vettel: Hamilton 6.3 behind. Hamilton lap time 38.8.
24 Vettel: My rears are falling off now.
24 To Vettel: Copy.
24 To Leclerc: We need to push.
24 To Vettel: We worry about Hamilton going long. Hamilton lap time 8.8.
24 To Leclerc: Bottas in front at nine-and-a-half, Verstappen behind 12 seconds.
25 To Vettel: Charles lap time 7.7.
26 Vettel: (Unclear)
26 To Vettel: Yes, copy that.
26 To Leclerc: OK you are doing a good job.
26 To Vettel: Vettel pits.
And box, Sebastian, box.
26 To Leclerc: And we need you to push, push this lap, push. Sebastian stopping now.
27 To Vettel: Vettel leaves the pits and comes out behind Leclerc.
Mode four, tight with Charles on exit.
26 To Leclerc: K1 plus available. Will be tight with Sebastian on exit.
Lap Exchange Message (notes in italics)
27 To Leclerc: Kubica in front should have blue flags.
27 Vettel: Turn six.
I’ve got no K.
27 To Vettel: I see it.
27 To Leclerc: So multi-function strat position.
27 Vettel: Turn 11.
Tell me something, I’ve got no K.
27 To Vettel: We’re looking into it, we know.
27 To Vettel: OK, copy.
27 To Vettel: Turn 13.
And box. Stop the car now. Stop the car now.
27 Vettel: You serious?
27 To Vettel: Yes.
27 Vettel: OK. Stopping now.
27 Vettel: Turn 15.
I’m stopped. Engine off.
27 To Vettel: And jump out safely, jump out safely.
27 To Vettel: P0 first and jump out safe…
27 Vettel: Yeah. Bring back the fucking V12s.
Lap Exchange Message (notes in italics)
28 To Leclerc: So Sebastian had an issue and he stopped at turn 17. Turn 15.
28 To Leclerc: Virtual Safety Car deployed. Stay positive.
28 Leclerc: Alright.
28 To Leclerc: Stay positive unto zero.
28 Leclerc: Hamilton is going to be in front, right?
28 To Leclerc: We believe so.
28 To Leclerc: Stay close to zero.
28 To Leclerc: And try to target minus thousand. Fuel numbers minus thousand.
28 To Leclerc: Stay positive, stay positive.
29 To Leclerc: So Hamilton is ahead on soft and Bottas behind on softs.
29 To Leclerc: Virtual Safety Car ending. K2 on.
29 To Leclerc: George Russell crashes.
There’s a yellow at turn nine. Yellow turn nine.
29 To Leclerc: Hamilton in front at 6.2.
29 Leclerc: Leclerc passes the crash scene.
That will be a Safety Car. Prepare maybe for tyres, no?
29 To Leclerc: Copy.
29 To Leclerc: Virtual Safety Car… Safety Car deployed.
29 Leclerc: Should we box?
29 To Leclerc: Slow button on.
29 Leclerc: I’ll let you choose.
29 To Leclerc: If we stop, we go behind Bottas.
29 Leclerc: Yeah but I don’t know do you think to be on new tyres will help more?
29 To Leclerc: Leclerc reaches the pit lane entrance.
Stay out, stay out.
29 Leclerc: Yeah, copy.
30 To Leclerc: Try to work on tyres and brakes.
30 To Leclerc: And target the fuel number.
30 To Leclerc: Hamilton in front at 3.3.
30 To Leclerc: Do you prefer to go behind Bottas with new softs, question?
30 Leclerc: I mean I’m OK with the medium at the moment. But will we drop from one more position if we stop on soft, or not?
30 To Leclerc: We’ll drop one position from Bottas, just Bottas.
30 Leclerc: Yeah maybe we should take the risk.
31 To Leclerc: Leclerc pits.
Slow button on and mode race.
31 To Leclerc: So we have Hamilton and Bottas in front with two lap soft tyres. Verstappen behind with two lap medium tyres.

Το διάβαζα. Προσεκτικά.. Όπως το βλέπω εγώ επιβεβαιώνει ότι δεν υπήρχε κίνδυνος Hamilton. Οταν του λένε την διαφορά lec_ham λέει αυτό πού είπαμε πριν. Ότι θα τον πέρναγε ούτως ή άλλως 

Επεξ/σία από eri77
Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)
6 λεπτά πριν, eri77 είπε

Το διάβαζα. Προσεκτικά.. Όπως το βλέπω εγώ επιβεβαιώνει ότι δεν υπήρχε κίνδυνος Hamilton. Οταν του λένε την διαφορά lec_ham λέει αυτό πού είπαμε πριν. Ότι θα τον πέρναγε ούτως ή άλλως 

Αλλο λεω: οτι του ειπαν την διαφορα lec-ham σε αντιθεση με οτι εγραψες και το εφερες λανθασμενα σαν επιχειρημα.

Οπως και να εχει, κανουμε κυκλους, δεν καταλαβαινω τι προσφερει η συζητηση για διαφορες εικασιες. Παμε παρακατω.

Επεξ/σία από haHa
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Άλλο λέω και εγώ. Ο vettel δεν ήθελε να κάνει ανταλλαγή.. Βγήκε ξεκάθαρα εναντίον εντολής τής Ferrari. Η διαφορά μεταξύ leclerc Hamilton ήταν απλά δικαιολογία 

6 ώρες πριν, tommy^ είπε

Δυστυχως δεν ειναι ωραιο θεαμα να ακουγονται δημοσια team radios ανυπακοης και αυτο θα πρεπει να μην ξανασυμβει στη Φερραρι.

Ισως να ειναι και δειγμα οτι οι μερες του Σεμπ στη Φερραρι ειναι μετρημενες.

Λετε να τον δουμε του χρονου σε καμια... Ρενό;;

Δεν λες καλυτερα σε καμια RBR?Διπλα στο αγαπημενο του Max. 


Ενα σενάριο που βλέπω εγώ σαν πιθανό είναι τράμπα σεμπ - μαξ. ο μπαμπάς φερσταπεν ήδη γκρινιάζει που το RB δεν είναι ανταγωνιστικο κλπ κλπ. merc ο μαξ δύσκολο να πάει (ο ham κανει κουμαντο). Συνύπαρξη max seb στην RB ούτε με σφαίρες. θα ειναι σαν το magnusses - grosjean on steroids.

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