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Biggest pig dies


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Chinese scientists are appealing to the Guinness Book of Records to recognise a 900 kilo pig which died earlier this month as the biggest ever porker.


The pig was 2.5 metres long, had a waistline of 2.23 metres and a tusk of 14.4cms long when it died on February 5, aged five, said its keeper, Xu Changjin, a farmer of Wafangdian city.


Xu said that he had kept his pig in a nicely built sty and fed it quality fodder all its life.


Professor Liu Mingyu, a life scientist with prestigious Liaoning University, says that the pig had died from lack of exercise. "It had grown too big to move around," he explained.


Prof Liu has had the pig stuffed and made into a specimen for the Liaoning Provincial Agricultural Museum. He says the museum is applying for the pig to be listed by Guinness.


But a spokesman for Guinness says the 900 kilo pig may not beat a Poland-China hog called Big Bill, from Tennessee, US, which died in 1933.


Big Bill was measured at 1.52 metres tall and 2.47 metres long. However, there is no record of Big Bill's weight or waistline.


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O anthrwpos pleon exei kataferei na katastrefei ta pada me ton diko tou ksexoristo tropo, oso oi upolipoi thaumazoun ta apesia auta dimiourgimata tou. Ti na peis! Auto einai to ligotero katorthoma tou. Xeirokrotiste loipon oloi gia to fovero auto pragma: Katafere na mpei sto vivlio tou Guinness! Bravo! As pame oloi na to thaumasoume vre paidia mias kai to valsamose!


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