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Provlima se ena palio paixnidi gia pc.


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Molis egkatestisa to Little Big Adventure 2,kai molis to trexo exei provlima sta grafika,diladi emfanizontai sinexo kata mikos kai thola,px molis vgenei to logotipo,anti na vrisketai sto kentro,vrisketai se ola ta simeia kata mikos kai fenete thola,to idio isxiei kai kathos ksekinaei to paixnidi me apotelesma na min vlepo tipota!Dokimasa na valo tin xamiloteri analisi (800x600),kai 16bit xromata,alla tipota!Ti na kano?To pc mou einai pentium 4 sta 1,8ghz me 640mb sdram kai geforce 2 mx 400 karta grafikon.


An kai moy tin psiloespases :evil: me ta sxolia soy gia toys dreamacast emulators (kamia fora kalytera na masas :? para na milas poy lene ....

mia kai den fainete na to parakoloutheis ta dromena :roll: .....


xrismopoieis to patch

:arrow: http://el-muerte.student.utwente.nl/lba/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=2521


i xrisimopoieis to dosbox


ta arxeia poy anaferonte kai oi ypoloipes odigies einai edo


:arrow: http://el-muerte.student.utwente.nl/lba/forum/showthread.php?t=6943




<<Update: DOSBox 0.61 released, you don't need to use the CVS anymore. Download it from here, and redownload the attached dosbox.conf>>


LbaWin can't work for you. Hell, even FunnyFrog's patches don't work for you. HELL, perhaps you're using Linux or Mac OS anyway.

You almost gave up playing LBA... Hold on, don't give up! With this guide (and with a strong computer) you will get LBA1 and LBA2 to work.


DOSBox is the best DOS emulator available, it can emulate DOS on any operation system. It is still on a beta stage, but it can already run LBA1 and LBA2 pretty smoothly.


Enough talks. Let's start.


Getting ready


1. Download DOSBox version 0.61 from here, and install it.

2. Download the attached dosbox.conf.zip and extract to DOSBox folder (C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.61 by default).

3. Launch dosbox.exe.


Run LBA1


1. After you inserted the LBA1 disc, write this (only the bold part of this) inside DOSBox:

mount d E:\ (assuming E: is your LBA1 CD) -t cdrom -label ADELINE -ioctl (-ioctl is not functional with Linux) [Enter]

mount c C:\lba (or any other folder, but you must first create this folder outside of DOSBox) (this is the main LBA folder, inside it there'll be 'LBA1' folder)[Enter]

D: [Enter]

install [Enter]

2. Now you are inside of the LBA1 installer which is controlled by the "Up, "Down" and "Enter" keys.

Choose your language.

Choose "Hard Disk Installation"

Choose "C:"

Press "1" so there will be written "C:\LBA1"

Choose "Music Sound Card Configuration", choose "Sound Blaster Pro 2 (OPL3)", choose "220"

Choose "FX Sound Card Configuration", choose "Sound Blaster Pro 2", choose "220", choose "7", choose "1"

Choose "Speech Configuration", choose "Keep Speech Files on Hard Disk" (there should be YES written at the end of this line now)

Choose "Save Parameters", then Quit to Dos

3. Now, outside of DOSBox, copy the folder "VOX" from the LBA1 cd to the folder which you installed LBA1 in. If you don't want to copy all VOX files, just copy the VOX files in your language from the CD VOX folder to the LBA1 installation VOX folder (for English it's all files starting wth "EN_").

4. Now, in DOSBox, type:





Voila! The game should run now!

Now to the fun part. (this is for Windows, I don't know how to do this with Linux)

Create a new shortcut (by right-mouse-click -> new -> shortcut). Type your DOSBox path and your parameters. Here's an example:

"C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.61\dosbox.exe" -c "mount d E:\ -t cdrom -label ADELINE -ioctl" -c "mount c C:\lba" -c "C:" -c "cd\lba1" -c "lba" -exit if you want to start in full screen, you can add: -fullscreen

Now all you need is to do is launch this shortcut you just made, and LBA1 will be launched with DOSBox!


Run LBA2


1. After you inserted the LBA2 disc, write this (only the bold part of this) inside DOSBox:

mount d E:\ (assuming E: is your LBA2 CD) -t cdrom [Enter]

mount c C:\lba (or any other folder, but you must first create this folder outside of DOSBox) (this is the main LBA folder, inside it there'll be 'LBA2' folder)[Enter]

D: [Enter]

install [Enter]

2. Now you are inside of the LBA2 installer which is controlled by the arrow keys and the Enter key.

Choose your language.

Choose "Hard Disk Installation"

Press Enter, choose "Ok, Install"

Choose "Select and configure digital audio driver"

Choose "Creative Labs Sound Blaster Pro or 100% compatible"

Choose "Attempt to configure sound driver automatically", choose "Done"

Set all speech and text options as you wish.

Press Esc again and again until receiving "Do you really want to quit ?", then press Enter

3. Now type:





The game should run now!

To the fun part. (Again, only for Windows)

Create a new shortcut (by right-mouse-click -> new -> shortcut). Type your DOSBox path and your parameters. Here's an example:

"C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.61\dosbox.exe" -c "mount d E:\ -t cdrom" -c "mount c C:\lba" -c "C:" -c "cd\lba2" -c "lba2" if you want to start in full screen, you can add: -fullscreen

Now just launch the shortcut you made, and LBA2 will run!


Notes & Tips


* You can switch between fullscreen and windowed mode by pressing Alt+Enter at any time.

* To exit DOSBox at any time, press Ctrl+F9

* You need a strong computer to run the LBA games on DOSBox, and especially LBA2. If the game runs too slow, try playing a bit with the "Cpu Cycles": Press Ctrl+F12 to higher the cycles and Ctrl+F11 to lower them. You can see the amount of Cpu cycles in the title bar of DOSBox. Once you reached the ideal amount of Cpu Cycles for your computer, you can making it default by editing the attached "dosbox.conf" file with any plain text editor (such as Notepad) and changing the "cycles=8000" to your option.

* The LBA2 movies might run crippled in DOSBox.

* This guide is very Windows focused, simply because I only know Windows. Any help for other operating systems is welcomed in this thread and will be merged with this guide.

* You can access the installation options by using setup.exe from the LBA1/2 installation folder (in DOSBox, type cd\lba1 or cd\lba2 and then type setup)

* The examples for the Windows shortcut parameters are just examples, use them as 'templates'


If you have more tips and/or notes to give, post them in this thread and if they're good I'll add them here.



How I got this info? Some of it I got from the VOGONS forum, some of it I just tried myself. Huge thanks goes to the DOSBox team for making such a great application open source.


Ta kano ola ta prapano komple os to telos,alla molis tora exo allo provlima!Amn kai i eikona pleon einai kanoniki,tora me to pou bootarei mou vgazei to minima plz inster the twinsen's odyssey cd-rom,alla to cd einai idi mesa!Otan to eixa kanei install kanonika den mou evgaze tetoio minima kai to paixnidi etrexe kanonika!A episis kai to fps san na mou fenete ligo xamilo,mporo na to rithmiso ego?


P.S.Sorry gia tin apantisi peri dreamcast emu,itan perissotero apo adidrasi mias kai perimeno poli kai kairo na vgei kati aksiologo,alla tora mallon fenete pos tha paiksei kapoia proodos.


oxi den einai to e,to d einai alla edosa sossta tin entoli." mount d D:\ (assuming E: is your LBA2 CD "Par'ola ayta sto installation sou dialegei san folder to C:twinsen kai oxi C:lba pou ipotithete pos exeis kanei mount,mipos fteei ayto?Par'ola ayta to shortcut to exo ftiaksei sosta kai mou to ksekinaei to paixnidi mexri na mou pei insert the cd-rom...


." mount d D:\ (assuming E: is your LBA2 CD "

Filika panta kai xwris dia8esh kakias epeidh vlepw kai exeis mesa sta aftakia sthn entolh pou egrapses sto post thn paren8esh klp den nomizw na thn evales ki afthn sto mount??????

Pantws den to lew me kakia.ok? :)


oxi vevaia!Gia onoma!Kano copy paste tis entoles etsi opos akrivos tis exo dosei sto shortcut:


"C:\Program Files\DOSBox-0.61\dosbox.exe" -c "mount d D:\ -t cdrom" -c "mount c C:\lba2" -c "C:" -c "cd\twinsen" -c "twinsen" -fullscreen


P.S.to assuming to egrapsa giati ekana copy paste tin protasi apo ton Nemo mono pou evala D: anti gia E: :D


Vrika ti ginetai,ok.Aplos tora exo na po pos to kai kala eisagogiko video einai poli pixeliasmeno kai me periergo fps,dld psilokollaei.To dosbox ftaei i to paixnidi?Pantos akoma kai to lba1 pou eixa paiksei sto psx prin polla xronia den thimame na eixe toso pixel...


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