Προς το περιεχόμενο

Δυο προβληματακια στο Slackware


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Εχω εγκατεστημενο το Slakcware 9.1 και αντιπετοπιζω δυο προβληματακια:


1) Δεν μπορω να ενεργοποιησω τη ροδελα του ποντικιου (Microsoft IntelliMouse). Απο το mouseconfig διαλεγω USB connected mouse και απο το

xf86config το mouse protocol σε auto (μονο ετσι παιζει), τι κανω λαθος;


2) Επισης, εχω ενα partition fat32 αλλα δεν ξερω τι ακριβως πρεπει να βαλω στην 4η στηλη του fstab ωστε να ειναι read-only απο απλους χρηστες.


Και κατι αλλο, εχει δοκιμασει κανεις το KDE 3.2;;;



Gia to fat32 :

This how-to shows you how-to mount a Fat32 partition or hard disk, which can be accessed from windows or linux without any extra programs required by either system.


1. Login as root by running from a terminal


followed by typing the root password.


2. Create a directory in your /mnt folder. This can be done by running

mkdir /mnt/X

where X is the name of the directory where the fat32 partition will be mounted.


3. Run

fdisk -l

and note the name of the device file for the FAT32 partition. Lets say the device file name is found to be /dev/Y.


4. Open the file /etc/fstab in any text editor.


5. On a new line at the bottom of the file, add the line

/dev/Y /mnt/X vfat users,owner,ro,umask=000 0 0

where Y is the partition number of the Fat32 partition and X is the name of the directory you created in step 2. Note that this will allow ALL users READ ONLY access to the disk. To allow Read and Write access to ALL users, change the ro to rw. If you want only root to have Read and Write access (while other users have READ ONLY access), change the ro to rw and umask=000 to umask=022.


6. Save and quit the file /etc/fstab


7. Then run

mount -a

and your hard disk will be mounted and will stay mounted after reboot.

Gia to mouse sto pointer section dose:

Option "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2"

Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5" #gia na douleuei to roller tou mouse

Option "Buttons" "5" # h 3 analoga poio mouse exeis


poio pointer section vre paidia ?

kata tin egatastasi ?


mesa sto kde den yparxei ayti i epilogi ?

mporeite na ginete ligo pio analytikoi ?


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