paravatis Δημοσ. 16 Φεβρουαρίου 2004 Δημοσ. 16 Φεβρουαρίου 2004 to exei kaneis?? psaxno url edo kai meres kai einia ola dead.. edonkey de thelo na valo kai kazaa den to vrika.. :( thx in advance
Nomedor Δημοσ. 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2004 Δημοσ. 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2004 ego to katebasa to bittorrent alla tipota. Den to katafera na doulepsei. Gia tin akribia den katafera na to ksekiniso kan. ekana egkatastasi alla auto itan olo. an kapoios kserei kapoio allo tropo na to katebasoume plz help
jeankoyg Δημοσ. 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2004 Δημοσ. 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2004 Δες στο --> Από εκεί το κατέβασα.
Nomedor Δημοσ. 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2004 Δημοσ. 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2004 telika brika kai ego sto thanx
Marcos_Aurilius Δημοσ. 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2004 Δημοσ. 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2004 Το έχω κατεβάσει και εγώ προ ενός μήνα και είναι εξαιρετικό (να'ναι καλά το παιδί που μου το έδωσε). Καλό θα είναι να το έχουν όλοι, και καλύτερο να μην το χρειαστεί ποτέ κανένας...
IKARIWTHS Δημοσ. 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2004 Δημοσ. 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2004 koryfaio cd to exw kai egw 3bdomades,an thelete peite mou kapoio meros na to anebasw
Nomedor Δημοσ. 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2004 Δημοσ. 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2004 axriasto na einai alla mporei kapoia stigmi na sou sosi tin zoi exei mesa tis panagias ta matia Partition Magic 8.2 Best software to partition hard drive Paragon Partition Manager 5.5 Universal tool for partitions Partition Commander 8.01 The safe way to partition your hard drive,with undo feature Ranish Partition Manager 2.44 a boot manager and hard disk partitioner. The Partition Resizer v1.3.4 move and resize your partitions in one step and more. Smart Fdisk 2.05 a simple harddisk partition manager Active Kill Disk 1.1 Securely overwrites and destroys all data on physical drive. Disk Clone Tools Drive Image 2002 Best software to clone hard drive Norton Ghost 8.0 Similar to Drive Image Partition Saver 2.80 A tool to backup/restore partitions. Antivirus Tools F-Prot Antivirus 3.14b Very good virus scanner (with ntfs support and easy to use for all) Norton Antivirus 2004 For emergency when you cant boot to windows because of a virus Recovery Tools Offline NT/2K/XP Password Changer utility to reset windows nt/2000/xp administrator/user password. Active Partition Recovery 2.1 To Recover a Deleted partition. Ontrack Easy Recovery Pro 6.3 To Recover data that has been deleted/virus attack Winternals Disk Commander 1.1 more than just a standard deleted-file recovery utility TestDisk 4.5. Tool to check and undelete partition. Testing Tools DocMemory 2.0 RAM Test utility GoldMemory 5.07 another RAM Test utility System Speed Test 4.78 it tests CPU, harddrive, ect. Hard Disk Tools Hard Disk Diagnostic Utilities Hard Disk Testing tools Supports Fujitsu, IBM/Hitachi, Maxtor, Samsung, Seagate, Western Digital,(easy to use with menu) + low level format HDD Regenerator 1.31 to recover a bad hard drive Ontrack Disk Manager 9.57 Disk Test/Format/Maintenance tool. Norton Disk Doctor 2002 a tool to repair a damaged disk, or to diagnose your hard drive. Norton Disk Editor 2002 a powerful disk editing, manual data recovery tool. System Information Tools Aida16 2.12 a system information tool, extracts details of all components of the PC PCI and AGP info Tool The PCI System information & Exploration tool. Ontrack Data Advisor 5.0 Powerful diagnostic tool for assessing the condition of your computer System Analyser version 5.2z View extensive information about your hardware Navrαtil Software System Information 0.57.4 High-end professional system information tool Dos File Managers Volkov Commander 4.99 Dos File Manager with LongFileName/ntfs support (Similar to Norton Commander) Dos Command Center 5.1 Classic dos-based file manager. File Wizard 1.35 a file manager - colored files, drag and drop copy, move, delete etc. File Maven 3.5 an advanced DOS file manager with high speed PC-to-PC file transfers via serial or parallel cable Other Tools DosCDroast beta 2 Dos CD Burning Tools Bootmagic 8.0 This tool is for multi boot operating systems Picture Viewer 1.94 Picture viewer for dos, supports more then 40 filetypes. QuickView Pro 2.51 movie viewer for dos, supports many format including divx. LapLink 5.0 the smart way to transfer files and directories between PCs. Dos Tools NTFS Dos Pro 5.0 To access ntfs partitions from Dos USB CD-Rom Driver 1 Standard usb_cd.sys driver for cd drive Universal USB Driver 2 Panasonic v2.06 ASPI Manager for USB mass storage Interlnk support at COM1 To access another computer from COM port Interlnk support at LPT1 To access another computer from LPT port and too many great dos tools very good collection of dos utilities (with LongFileName tools) extract, pkzip, pkunzip, pkzipfix, unrar, rar, ace, scandisk, scanreg, attrib, deltree, xxcopy, diskcopy, filecopy, diskimage, edit, editbini, fdisk, spfdisk, xfdisk,format, LowFormat(LF), find, sort, move, more, hex, debug, regedit, split, label, mem, mhdd, xmsdsk, doskey, duse, ddloader, bootpart, bootsave, bootrest, MBRwork, sys, killcmos, cmos, cmospwc, cmospwd, bios,amipsw, aw, smartdrv, guest, cpuid, intersvr, mscdex, mouse, lfndos, doslfn, ... Windows Tools SpaceMonger 1.4 keeping track of the free space on your computer Drive Temperature 1.0 Hard Disk Drive temperature meter Disk Speed1.0 Hard Disk Drive Speed Testing Tool MemTest 1.0 a Memory Testing Tool PageDfrg 2.21 System file Defragmenter For NT/2k/XP Split Join 1.3.3 a Small File Split-Join Tool Ghost Image Explorer 7.0 to add/remove/extract files from Ghost image file DriveImage Explorer 5.0 to add/remove/extract files from Drive image file Hiren's Bootcd 5.0.iso (27.7 mb) poli xrisimo an doulebeis san texnikos mporeis na baleis mexri kai definition pack gia norton antivirus
IKARIWTHS Δημοσ. 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2004 Δημοσ. 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2004 ayto de to hxera me to definition pack,mporeis na mou peis pws ginete?
_-b}{d-_ Δημοσ. 18 Φεβρουαρίου 2004 Δημοσ. 18 Φεβρουαρίου 2004 Exei kanei poly kalh douleia o typos, mprabo tou. Download link: > Kai h "epishmh" selida tou:
Nomedor Δημοσ. 18 Φεβρουαρίου 2004 Δημοσ. 18 Φεβρουαρίου 2004 den to exo kanei gia na soupo pos akribos ginetai alla o tipos leei na baleis se enan sigkekrimeno fakelo to arxio tou definition gia na doulepsei. To kalo einai oti mporeis na kaneis explore se ntfs meso kapoion touls pou exei kai to akoma kalitero exei mesa kai to f-secure pou mporei na kanei scan se ntfs to link
Sonam Δημοσ. 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2004 Δημοσ. 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2004 Na htan mono auta ta kala pou exei... An pathei kati o upologisths (ksupa ksulo) oti thes mporeis na kaneis me auto to diskaki. To 4.2 me eswse arketes fores apo format kai diorthwsa arketous h/y filwn. Axriasto na einai to 5...
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