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How to benchmark the UT2k4 demo


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Apo nvnews


If, like me, you looked in the benchmark folder and found nothing yet wanted to benchmark, it's possible to do so. UT2004 is basically the same as UT2003 which has the same benchmark folder although it has some files. I copied the files from the UT2003 bennchmark folder into the UT2004 folder (I also had to copy of the contents of the sub-folder called stuff), modified the bat files so they would point to UT2004 instead of 2003, added the map names into the bat files, and they worked!! Well, mostly anyway: the flyboy benches don't work. When the flyby benches start up, you just sit there. You can use the movement keys to get around but it's worthless for benchmarking. The botmatches work great there. I even made a bat file that starts all maps in botmatch so it's easy to benchmark (just click on that one bat, all the maps will be played/benchmarked).


You can do the above if you want to benchmark or...


I zipped up all the files and made them available for download. Go here to do it:




This zip file includes the flyby benches, but as I said above they don't work for whatever reason. To use, find the folder UT2004 was installed to (it installs to C:\UT2004 by default). Go to the subfolder called benchmark and unzip this file to that folder. You might get prompt saying a file/folder is being overwritten, let it overwrite it. The stuff subfolder is empty when you install UT2004. This ZIP file includes the stuff subfolder with some files in it so it needs to be overwritten. That's it. Just double click on a file to start a benchmark. To run all the benchmarks, double click on the file called botmatch-all or something like that. Again, the flyby benches don't work, no idea why. Maybe someone here can figure out why?


Let's start the benchmarking goodness


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