Kefalas5 Δημοσ. 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2004 Δημοσ. 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2004 Καλημέρα Ένας φίλος μου έχει αγοράσει μια μεταχειρισμένη Μ/Β και ψάχνω να βρω ποιο μοντέλο ειναι, το Manual της και τι αναβαθμίσεις υπαρχουν για το BIOS. Το Sisoft Sandra μου βγάζει τα εξής αποτελέσματα : VIA Technologies,Inc Name VT82C692B Model 693-596A-DD Manufacturer Diamond Flower (DFI) Chipset VIA VT82C693 Apollo Pro Plus Chipset
Nemo Δημοσ. 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2004 Δημοσ. 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2004 vlepontas logika prepei na einai mia apo tis dyo logo chipset ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CB50-V3 VIA 693/596A Baby AT CB60-V3 VIA 693/596A ATX --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- opote blepontas tin trofodosia ( AT einai ta poly pallaioy pentium,486,386 typoy trofodotikon katalavaineis poio apo ta 2 mobo exeis gia sigoyria /epalitheysi tsekare kai to bios string me kapoio programma opos to ctbios i apo kapoia vasi dedemenon me bios strings apo to ________________________________________________________ What is a BIOS String ID? The BIOS String ID number is assigned to every motherboard made. It is not always unique but there is usually some good info hidden in the string. The most useful is the portion which identifies the manufacturer of the motherboard. In some rare cases BIOS ID strings are not valid and will not be useful in identifying a motherboard. Some of these cases involve pirated boards, OEM products, or a bad flash routine. What can I do with a BIOS String ID Once you have obtained the BIOS String ID you may use our MOBO ID Tools or our more advanced MoboCop to locate the manufacturer of your board. You many also post a message in our motherboard id forum. If you do not want to manually get the number from a re-boot as described below, you may download CTBIOS Ver 1.3 (This program is provided by CT Magazine in Germany). This program will give you a DOS screen with your BIOS String ID and more. Another similar program you may use is the BIOS Wizard. How do I find my BIOS String ID? AMI & AWARD BIOS Turn the system power off Unplug your keyboard or hold down one of the keys on the keyboard Power-on the system (you should get a keyboard error) Look for the long string of numbers in the lower left hand corner of your screen This is your BIOS identification string. It will look like one of these: Phoenix BIOS This BIOS cannot be used for ID purposes. What Does a BIOS String ID Look Like? AMI 51-0102-zz5123-00111111-101094-AMIS123-P This indicates a motherboard with BIOS from 1991 to Present The bold numbers are the portion that identify the manufacturer AMI DINT-1123-04990-K8 This indicates a motherboard with BIOS from 1986 - 1990 The bold numbers are the portion that identify the manufacturer AWARD 2A5LEF09C-00 Characters 1-5 ID the Chipset, in this case 2A5LE is the Via 597VP3 chipset. Characters 6-7 ID the manufacturer, in this case F0 is FIC. The bold numbers are the portion that identify the manufacturer
alex_gm Δημοσ. 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2004 Δημοσ. 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2004 mporeis episis na anoi3eis to kouti kai na koita3eis tin mobo. sini8os grafei poio montelo einai kato de3ia.
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