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Pws Apenergopoiw To Scandisk sta win XP kata to reboot?


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Mia evdomada twra molis bootare to pc k paei na mpei sta xp mou bgazei scandisk gia ton G(mono media , oxi windows) k leei "one of your disks must cheked for concistency". To afhsa 3 fores mexri twra gia polu wra mpas k to teleiwsei alla tpt, kollaei sto 27% sthn 2 phase. Pws mporw na to apenergopoihsw.? sta win98 ginotan apto msconfig 8umamai..


Elpizw na me boh8hsei kapoios:)) 8anx


3erw filtate oti k ta xp exoun msconfig me thn diafora oti sto msconfig twn xp DEN uparxei epilogh gia apenergopoihsh tou scandisk.. Oso gia to site pou mou dwses apeikonizei to msconfig twn windows 98. euxaristw pou asxolh8hkes me to 8ema mou alla den boh8as;) . An exei kapoios lush post please


Exeis apolyto dikio soz.... Htane poly biastiko post.... alla opws kai na exei einai poly koulo auto pou kanei... (ektos an ontws den kleineis kala to PC) apo thn allh checkare gia kanan io 'h kane kana repair. Giati kai se telikh analysh den 8a dior8wseis to problhma apla 8a to parakampseis... Dokimases na kaneis ena scandisk kai mesa apo windows? dokimase kai kanena restore system...


to pc to kleinw normal.. Exw duo sklhrous a) C: me windows k programs b)G: me media mono(mp3/vidz). To provlhma mou to vgazei ston G! Meta pou mou evgale to problhma ekana format ton C: me ta win k parolauta tpt.. Dokimasa k scan disk apo ta windows k teleiwse mesa se 3 lepta xwris errors... restore den ginete molis 3anafortwsa ta windows opote... Katatalla den pisteuw pws o sklhros exei kapoio provlhma : kai kainourios einai kai mono media exei (gia virus to apokleiw).. 8anx pantws.


Ypen8imish : Psaxnw pws ginete na apenergopoihseis to scandisk kata thn ekinnisi twn windows se periptwsh apotomou kleisimatos tou pc se WINDOWS XP. post please:)


Because this entry is actually placed in the registry, the chkdsk /f /r is unaffected by any chkntfs commands. The only way to disable a chkdsk /f /r is to remove the line from the BootExecute value that references this command.




The default value is:

BootExecute:REG_MULTI_SZ:autocheck autochk *






To autochech to bgazei gia mallon xrisimopoiises allo prog gia na kaneis faormat to HDD. (partition magic) An 8es na stamatisei na to bgazei, metefere ta data pou exeis se allo HDD kai kane ton format mesa apo ta windows. Profanos, otan ginete format mesa apo ta win, krataei kapoio index to opoio den periexetai otan kaneis format mesa apo to partition magic h kapoio allo antistoixo prog.

O HDD den exei tipota kai kanena problima.



Because this entry is actually placed in the registry' date=' the chkdsk /f /r is unaffected by any chkntfs commands. The only way to disable a chkdsk /f /r is to remove the line from the BootExecute value that references this command.




The default value is:

BootExecute:REG_MULTI_SZ:autocheck autochk *






epeidi kai go epatha to idio problima me ton deftero mou skliro kai opote kano boot ksekinaei scandisk . Eno otan trexo to scandisk apo ta windows ola einai ok kai den fenetai o skliros na exei prob. Prepei na diagrapso tin bootexecute telios i' mono na sviso ''to autocheck autochk *'' value?

Because this entry is actually placed in the registry' date=' the chkdsk /f /r is unaffected by any chkntfs commands. The only way to disable a chkdsk /f /r is to remove the line from the BootExecute value that references this command.




The default value is:

BootExecute:REG_MULTI_SZ:autocheck autochk *






epeidi kai go epatha to idio problima me ton deftero mou skliro kai opote kano boot ksekinaei scandisk . Eno otan trexo to scandisk apo ta windows ola einai ok kai den fenetai o skliros na exei prob. Prepei na diagrapso tin bootexecute telios i' mono na sviso ''to autocheck autochk *'' value?

mono to value


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