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Star Wars Kotor v1.02 Patch


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις




Added the ability to map the Arrow keys for main game movement.

Added a Walk option button; by default it is the B key. While holding down the Walk button, your character will walk.

Added support for 1280x1024 resolution.

Added the ability to see all available party members character, ability, and equip screens while on the Ebon Hawk or in the apartment.

Added the ability to hide the game GUI when taking screenshots. Use the following settings in your swkotor.ini in the "Game Options" section:


[Game Options]



The container GUI screen will no longer close everytime you click Give Item.

Holding Shift when clicking Give Item or double-clicking the item to give will transfer the entire stack, without shift it moves the items one at a time.

Added in some extra error checking and logging for loading and saving save games. If there is any problem, a file called "fileerror.log" is created.

Made a fix to the Force Point Regeneration item property so it actually regenerates Force points.

Fixed an issue where in some rare cases, the player would be killed while on the Leviathan.

Fixed an issue with Dantooine Pazaak occasionally breaking Suvam Tan on Yavin.

The Sand Person disguise will no longer be reset when entering Anchorhead and the Dockingbay.

Dead party members will no longer show up later in the game. What with them being dead and all.

Fixed the Hidden Bek Door (Security Station) to no longer display the 'Impossible' message.

Fixed a visual issue with Power Blast and using Dual Blasters where the off-hand blaster wasn't firing.

Fixed a problem which would cause dialogue to skip through without playing any VO.

Fixed a problem where you would get stuck at a black screen after a game load or an area transition.

Fixed a problem where the screensaver could activate during the playback of a movie.

Put in a symptomatic fix for your character's attributes being reset to all 8's.

Put in a symptomatic fix for party members getting stuck and not fighting.

Put in a symptomatic fix for losing force points when going through area transitions with Force Valor active.

Removed the +2 bonus to the offhand attack when wielding a balanced weapon in the offhand or when wielding a double bladed weapon.

Removed the ability to bind controls to the "Alt" key. The "Alt" key was never inteded to be a usable key in the first place.

Fixed a rare crash bug when leaving the Ebon Hawk or the Apartments with party members.

Made some stability improvements.

Added two new "swkotor.ini" sound options:


[sound Options]

Environment Effects Nonstreaming=1

Environment Effects Streaming=1


NOTE: The Environment Effects Streaming=0 option was added to fix a problem with sound pauses while playing the game with an Intel i845 or i850 chipset motherboard and a 100 MHz Front Side Bus.

Removed the awareness penalty when running



Made a fix to the "Disable Vertex Buffer Objects" option in "swkotor.ini":


[Graphics Options]

Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1

Made a fix to the Enable Hardware Mouse option when it is disabled. This fixes a crash with certain ATI Radeon 9600 video cards.


Made a fix to a display issue with Small Fonts.


Made a fix to a gamma issue after movies finish playing.


Removed the display of Force Points on portrait tool-tips for non-Jedi characters.


Fixed bug where some objects in the game would give a sticky mouse indicator like they had an inventory when they did not.


Fixed an issue where if you changed appearance while Force Speed was active your movement rate would return to normal.


Fixed an issue with droid animation when the item they were using ran out or their target died.


The turret mini-game should no longer have the blur visual effect if you enter it with that visual effect turned on.


The Security option no longer displays for doors which a key is required.


Fixed a rare bug where the game could get stuck if an auto-pause was triggered at the exact same time as an area transition.


Fixed a rare crash that could happen when a Dark Jedi dies at the exact same time as he deflected a blaster bolt.


Fixed a rare crash on startup under Windows 98.


Fixed a few memory leaks.


Tha to katevasw to patch an kai gia na pw thn alhthia eixa ena provlhmataki to opoio oute kan anaferetai :( . Ston Taris otan pas sthn Undercity (sorry an kanw lathos ta onomata alla to exw proxwrhsei arketa kai den thymamai kala) enas geros sou zhtaei na vreis mia scout pou eixe steilei gia mia apostolh sta sewers konta. Meta afou efaga ton kosmo na th vrw, exontas hdh vrei kapoia alla stoixeia gia thn apostolh tou gerou thn scout den thn vrhka pote. Katevasa 2-3 walkthrough kai eida oti to ptwma ths htan se kapoio shmeio pou hdh eixa psaxei.Xanaphga gia na prospathisw alla den ginetai tipota.Synexizei na to anagnwrizei san koino ptwma kai otan paw ston gero den mporw na tou pw oti thn vrhka!!! Ypomonh pantws giati einai sun-mission kai siga mhn ta xanapaiza ola apo thn arxh mono kai mono gia auto


Re privateer mhn paizeis me ton pono mas. Ama h pseira einai to idio teleiomanhs san emena asta na pane. Mallon tha to xanapaixei apo thn arxh gia na dei ti tha ginei ama teleiwsei to tsigaraki :D




Deix εγώ δεν παρατήρησα αυτό που λες (το πτώμα της apprentice ήταν κανονικά στην infested περιοχή ΕΞΩ - όχι μέσα στα sewers που βρίσκεις τα υπόλοιπα journals)


pseira wrote:

katalaba gia poio les...Den eixa omws kanena problima ekei..Egw eixa problima me ton aderfo tis Mission sto Tantooine. den itan ekei!


Ο αδερφός της Mission είναι φυλακισμένος στο χωριό των sandpeople, ΔΕΝ είναι μέσα στην πόλη της Tatooine. Πρέπει να τον σώσεις (ή να έρθεις σε διακανονισμό με τον chief).





Εγώ με την σειρά μου αντιμετώπισα για τον ίδιο ακριβώς λόγο τα εξής δύο προβλήματα στα sidequests στο Kashyyk (που να το φανταστώ :roll: ):


1)Στο sidequest του merchant που έχει πιάσει κώτσο τον mechanic επειδή την "κοπάνησε" το πλήρωμα. Βρίσκεις αργότερα το κεφάλι από το android που έχει καταγράψει την συνομιλία και την επίθεση του merchant στο πλήρωμα.


2)Μετά την ανακάλυψη του αδερφού της Mission στο Tattouine σου ζητά να τον βοηθήσεις επειδή εχεί μπλέξει αφου έχει υποσχεθεί στην τοπική μαφία ένα αντικείμενο που ήταν σε αφθονία στο Taris αλλά τώρα βρίσκεται μόνο ίσως στο Kashyyk (από τον εκπρόσωπο της εταιρίας ,Chizka? κάπως έτσι τέσπα, εκεί).


Λοιπόν αυτά τα δύο quests είναι αδύνατο να ολοκληρωθούν αν βοηθήσεις πρώτα τον πατέρα του Wookie companion σου (δεν θυμάμαι το όνομα sorry) να σηκώσει εξέγερση εναντίον του αδερφού του και της εταιρίας (την κάνουν πλέον όλοι από τον πλανήτη ή σκοτώνονται). Θα μείνω λοιπόν με την απορία ... :roll:


Czerka corpo!


Eytyxws egw ston Kashyyk piga afou eixa oloklirwsei oso mporousa ton Tatooine kai to Manaan...To 2o den mporesa na to oloklirwsw afou den ebriska ton Griffin....



tespa apo oti diabasa tou dineis to antikeimeno kai meta sou leei oti 8a ta ksanapeite, alla den ton blepeis pote ksana! :D




Yparxei kanenas pou na paizei to paixnidi XWRIS 3 Jedi stin omada????


Egw giati den hxera pws h Juhani erxetai mazi sou kai thn ka8arisa :lol:


Oso gia ta 2 quests pou leei o ilos etsi einai.Oute kai egw ta oloklhrwsa mias kai den hxera


Ti ginetai diabaste ta parakatw SPOILERS









~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ L I G H T P A T H ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Mention that the droid's head recorded an ambush, and that someone yelled

Eli's name. Matton, realizing what actually happened, becomes enraged.

However, tell him to not act rashly, as more violence will not help - Eli

is through no matter what, and runs away. You receive 638 XP and Light

Side Points for your actions. Speak to Matton again, then tell him that

Eli won't last long hiding in the Shadowlands. Now that Eli's reputation

is shot, mention that someone honest should take over the shop. He thinks

it's a good idea, so either take a look at his merchandise or mention that

he's no longer in debt, and you'll gain 500 credits.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D A R K P A T H ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ask if there's a reward involved, then after Matton says that there will be

and confronts Eli, goad him into killing the murderer! As a result, you

get 638 XP and Dark Side Points. If you speak to Matton after he has

killed Eli, ask him what he's going to do now. He needs a bit of money, so

will take over the shop for now. We're not done yet, however! Say that

Matton should wipe out all traces of Eli, then use Persuade or Force

Persuade to tell him to let the store rot. If you succeed, he'll see your

point and decide to take everything he can from the store, buy passage on a

ship, then never look back. Also, he will make sure that noone will ever

misuse his trust again. For feeding his hatred, you receive more Dark Side




Mission's brother quest



L I G H T P A T H ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

During the main quest, you'll enter the Sand People Enclave - if you are

pursuing the Light Path, of course, you'll want to do so peacefully, which

requires HK-47 to be in your party. The chieftain will require you to

perform a task for him, so after you give him the moisture evaporators, ask

the chieftain about Griff; you'll learn that the mere presence of Mission's

brother in their enclave is a defilement of their land. He's considered

nearly useless, so you are free to take him.


Open the door to his holding cell, which is on the east side of the

Enclave, then speak to him. He'll immediately start lying, saying that he's

an important Czerka executive. Of course, you'll want Mission in your

party to get the most out of the story. Mission will interrupt his lies,

as he doesn't even seem to recognizer her at first! She'll then ask

whether or not what Lena said was true, and sadly, she'll find out that it

was - Griff did indeed want to leave her on Taris. When he asks if you

will help get him out of here, tell him that he is free to go and to run

back to Anchorhead. Of course, being the deadbeat that he is, he tries to

hit Mission up for some credits, but is promptly refused. Ask what is next

for him, and he'll then beg you for some credits! Whether or not you give

him some is completely up to you, as you don't receive any Light Side

Points and he isn't grateful even when you do give him some. He'll then

mention that he has a job lined up at the Czerka Corp. office, working for

Greeta, and will tell you to come meet him there later.


If you talk to Mission before then, however, she'll suspect that whatever

job he has for you is a scam. Talk to Griff once you are back in the

Czerka Corp. Office, and Mission will refuse to have anything to do with

whatever plan he has concocted. Of course, he intends for you to help him

out - not his sister. Ask him what the job is, and he'll mention that now

that Taris is gone, Tarisian ale is very scarce (and thus, very valuable).

Fortunately, he knows the recipe for it! Ask what this has to do with you,

and he says that he knows someone with the Exchange, who can synthesize a

whole batch of it. Unfortunately, he needs a tach gland, which can only be

found on the planet Kashyyyk. What's more, if he doesn't come through for

the guy in the Exchange, he'll get his legs broken... or worse! Respond

however you choose, as he'll ask you to do this quest for him regardless.


Talk to Mission again, and she'll reconfirm that she thinks that Griff's

plan is a scam - he certainly doesn't know how to brew Tarisian ale! What

worries her even more is that he has gotten mixed up with the Exchange,

which doesn't bode well for anyone. She's still angry, however, and says

that part of her just wants to let him get what's coming to him. Say that

she can't turn her back on her brother, and she'll retort that he turned

his back on her! Of course, she doesn't want him to die - just learn a

lesson. Now, say that noone can teach him this lesson, and that he has to

learn it himself. She'll agree that she cannot change him, but maybe if

you got the tach glands for him, things will work out. Or maybe he'll

finally see the light and turn over a new leaf, as unlikely as it seems.

That's all Mission has to hope for, however. For keeping her hopes for her

brother alive, you'll gain some Light Side Points.


Once you have obtained the tach glands from Kashyyyk (they can be obtained

in the Upper Shadowlands), head back to the Czerka Corporation Office on

Tatooine. Speak to Griff, then give him the tach gland freely (none of the

other options do any good, since he doesn't have any money anyway). If

Mission is with you - which she should be - she begs him to not pull any

more scams, and he promises to make his past mistakes up to her. Not

before asking for more credits, however! If you refuse to give him any

money, and then threaten him afterwards when he persists, you'll gain Dark

Side Points. You can also refuse him without being threatening, of course,

or give him the 200 credits; I wouldn't recommend the latter, however, as

you don't get any Light Side Points or anything in return.


Talk to Mission about Griff, then exit the Czerka Corp. Office before

heading right back in. Approach Greeta's desk, and he'll automatically

start talking to you. He has a message: Griff has ruined the Tarisian ale,

and rather than face the consequences of his blunder, is on the run once

again. He also told Greeta to tell Mission that he was sorry... ask all

the questions you want to about Griff's whereabouts, but you won't be able

to get much information. Talk to Mission, then threaten and insult him a

couple of times to gain more Dark Side Points, if you're interested. Or,

be nice when you are talking to her, telling her that people can still

change, and that she has a mature attitude; this will net you some Light

Side Points. Well, that's about it for this side quest!


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D A R K P A T H ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

During the main quest, you'll have to enter the Sand People Enclave - it

doesn't really matter one way or the other whether or not you are doing so

peacefully. Either way, behind a wooden slat door on the east side of the

Enclave, you'll encounter Mission's brother, being held captive. Talk to

Griff, and as soon as you do so, the first thing that spouts out of his

mouth is a whole bunch of B.S.! He lies about him being a high-ranking

Czerka Corp. officer, and lies about you getting a big reward if you bring

him back. Nevermind that, though, and mention Mission and how she travels

with you, then ask why you shouldn't just kill him. Threaten him again,

then kill him - it's ridiculously easy! You'll get 40 XP and Dark Side

Points. However, you will be unable to kill him if Mission is in your



Note that if you let him keep his pitiful life, there are still several

ways to get Dark Side Points, simply by the dialog options you choose

later. See the Light Side Path walkthrough above, starting at the point

where you are meeting him in the Czerka Corporation Office, for further



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