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Half-Life 2 το καλοκαίρι


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While still shying away from giving a firm date, Doug Lombardi, Valve's director of marketing, told me the company "is currently targeting this summer for the completion of Half-Life 2".


Valve does not plan to reveal any additional information until the time surrounding the E3 trade show, where the game will once again be shown this year. E3 will be held in Los Angeles May 12-14.



  • Απαντ. 33
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

EGw ekana mia upothesh oti to leak tou kwdika tous volepse h akoma to ekanan kai oi idioi epidh den htan ready kai vrikan tropo na dikeologithoun alithia einai omws pws otan tha vgei etsi opws paei pragmata de tha mas syginei toso :( dld pio grhgora tha vgei to bloodlines pou einai me to engine tou hl2?

EGw ekana mia upothesh oti to leak tou kwdika tous volepse h akoma to ekanan kai oi idioi epidh den htan ready kai vrikan tropo na dikeologithoun alithia einai omws pws otan tha vgei etsi opws paei pragmata de tha mas syginei toso :( dld pio grhgora tha vgei to bloodlines pou einai me to engine tou hl2?

To bloodline 8a bgei mesa sto 2005 opote logika to hl2 8a to prolabei :P


To exoune paraxesi mou fenetai!!!

Den exoun katholou sosti simperifora apenanti stous pelates tous.

Exoun anabalei 2 fores tin ekdosi tou pexnidiou.

Auto to pragma mono enantion tous kataligei. Ego to perimeno poli kai to HL1 einai to mono game pou pira pote, giati na mou spane ta neura pigenontas me apo tin mia anaboli stin alli.

Prepei na bareso kamia anaboli mou fainetai :evil:


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