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Dreamcast emu Wip Icarus+ Choodo emu sygxoneyontai..........


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Current Progress of Icarus:



SH4 Core w/o any recompiler

ARM Core w/o any recompiler

PowerVR2 Plugin Interface

Accurate Emulation of System Modules


GDROM Plugin Interface

Working GDROM Emulation ( LLE - more info or RE needed )


AICA is not in a working state



|-CyRUS's ISO GDROM Plugin - Working ( NO CDDA )


|-ZeZu's ASPI GDROM Plugin - Working ( needs more work )

|-ZeZu's CD IMAGE GDROM Plugin - Very Partially working

|-ZeZu's OpenGL PowerVR2 Plugin - Working ( needs work )

|-- Textures 80% need to handle PAL2/8 BUMP and fix YUV

|-- Perspective Correction Problems ?

|-- No Modifier Volumes | 2nd accum. buffer support

|-- Other Issues i can't think of

|-ZeZu's D3D Plugin - Partially working

|-- Not much work done.. needs quite a bit of work

|-- Initial framework finished ... texture problems


|-Ector's D3D8 PowerVR2 Plugin - Working ( needs work )

|-- Textures 90% need to handle BUMP / Fix MipMap Pal ?

|-- No Modifier Volumes | No Fog | 2nd accum. buffer

|-- Other Issues ...


:arrow: http://boob.co.uk/cgi-bin/ikonboard3/ikonboard.cgi?s=401b99fc6087ffff;act=ST;f=10;t=2495

  • 4 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

oi 2 poio elpidoforoi dreamcast emu sygxoneyontai se ena project

gia tin akriveia o felixl (sygrafeas tou freedo kai choodo ) prosxorise stin

omada toy ikarus .

Thelo na pisteyo oti mexri to telos tis xronias (aisiodoksa mes to kalokairi) o ikarus tha einai oti

o epsxe gia dreamcast (ektos kai an kanei i Sega kanmia M@l@ki@

kai eite agorasei to project opos ekane me to antistoixo toy saturn

girigiri/cyberdisk ,eite dimioyrgisei alla empodia .........






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Originally Posted by Felix

I'm glad to anounce about join of 2 projects. It means -- no choodo anymore, i'm moving to work on icarus project. I'd like to give my respect to all who were interested in ChooDO and i beleive i will not "screw" your expectations in Icarus project. So good luck to us, good luck to icarus.

The new web site and forums will be announced as soon as we will get organized. Please keep your eyes on both -- felixl.org forums and boob forums.




Also here:






I'm happy to let everyone know that Felix ( author of ChooDo ) is joining the Icarus Dev. Team. He is a very skilled developer and will be working on Dynamic Recompilation among other things..


So everyone please welcome him and expect to hear from him in the forum.


Thelo na pisteyo oti mexri to telos tis xronias o ikarus tha einai oti

o epsxe gia dreamcast (ektos .........



den nomizo oti mexri to telos toy 2004/arxes 2005 einai kati eksopragmatiko alloste kapoioi apo esas exete dei video o

poy meso tou ikarus to crazy taxi trexei me kapoia visual glitches

vevaia kai oxi mono

  • 2 εβδομάδες αργότερα...
  • 2 μήνες μετά...
μέχρι το καλοκαίρι?? πολύ αισιόδοξη δεν είναι αυτή η πρόβλεψη Nemo?


Gyrus64 - Icarus author

sxolia ta opoia meta apo ligo ta ekane delete giana min dimioyrgoyntai prosdokies -





. Its very true that a commercial game was running over 2 years ago. Sadly my life has been mostly on hold since then, and I agree it is very disappointing no release has been made.


However you have of course got Chanka now which is good news for those of you in the wait - and do of course note that a lot of help has been provided by Zezu, Ector, and Felix to this project, so its not as if Icarus has had no impact on other emus.


The fact is in one's life, you do have to prioritise and getting a degree is kind of important. There is work going on with Icarus, and my exams are finishing soon... I really do hope to make a release as soon as possible (perhaps the summer but lets see how things go).


Chanka is great and since it is out there, there aren't any real obstacles for an Icarus release anymore.


It does disappoint me when people describe Icarus as a sad story - yes it is sad it hasnt been released, and maybe an early release was a good idea in retrespect, since ever since expectations have grown. However I would like to reiterate that when Icarus was started very little was known about the dc and thus the reverse engineering was that much more demanding. Chanka is excellent, and has in part been aided by experience / knowledge gained from Icarus, so in this sense Icarus isnt overall a sad thing imo.


Understand that in the emu scenes a lot of collaboration occurs, and so you cant necessarily treat them as totally distinct projects.





Depends how things go... by what ector says it is pretty fast now but since chanka has sound we'd probably need to get that working too and compat to sort out.





I believe Crazy Taxi is near full-speed (but I dont know since I havent played with newest Icarus due to exams), presumably on a ~2ghz comp.

I'll let you know post-thursday


Well sound isnt too much of a problem since there have been some new docs around recently (which sadly we didnt have for the last 3 yrs! so things are more doable a bit more quickly now. Chanka guys have ector's gfx code already, so im sure if we have probs with it we can always get some help in return if needed.




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