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Alexander Teaser & Trailer


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  • Απαντ. 52
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Loipon,o Val Kilmer kai i Jolie gia goneis tou DEN mou kanoun alla afou paizei to mwro (4 xronia megalyterh molis apo ton Farrel) tous dexomai.

Apla parathetw apo to Empire autou tou mhna xwris na sxoliazw(poly...):


Gay oso den paei!!Xwris plaka,tha einai ANOIXTA gay,apoti leei stin synenteuxh o Kilmer!!Deixnei vevea tous gamous tou alla o Jaret Letto paizei ton gomeno tou-oxi kryfo gay ala Axileas-Patroklos.Nai,xerw,paizei na htan alla kai pali re poulaki mou,na stirizetai i tainia se auto,diladh na einai auto to 50% pou exeis na peis gia mia prosopikothta san ton Alexandro einai nomizw ligo ...Oliver Stone.


Poly maxes me elefantes kai Indous!!!(Eidika i photo pou exei me ton Alexandro na ta vazei me kati elefantes poly aisxos-kinimatografika milontas).Xerw oti ston Graniko DEN epaizan elefantes,nomizw oute ston Isso.Den eimai sigouros gia ta Gaugamhla.Ektos kai an tis prosperasoume kai pame kateuthian stin Prousa kai meta pou thanai megalh mpourda



Anisixitiko:O idios o Kilmer tin xaraktirise "THe weirdest big film ever made"



Long awaited biopic of the legendary Macedonian king delves not only into his ambitions of world domination but also his homosexual desires.


Filmed in



E re gelia lemeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Gamo ta kathikia tous gamo. Se 2 seires oti xoli kai propaganda htan na riksoun thn eriksan.


nai exoun anagh na mas propagandisoun


emas...10 ekatomiria anthropous pou zoune apo tourismo


oi amerikanoi...300 ekatomiria me th plousioterh se protes yles xora tou kosmou...


i smell delusions of grandieur...


Epote an me rotouses prin 4 xronia tha sumfonousame apolytos. Apla re c meta apo 4 xronia sto kolonhsi (UK) pragmatika tous exo sixathei olous autous. Kathe mera akouo synexeia na mas krazoun. Kraksimo gia ta Olympiaka erga, kraksimo gia thn asfaleia, kraksimo thn nootropia mas. Na fantasteis prin apo liges meres diavasa sto CNN arthro pou ekraze mexri kai thn gefyra tou Riou- Antirriou.


nai exoun anagh na mas propagandisoun


emas...10 ekatomiria anthropous pou zoune apo tourismo


oi amerikanoi...300 ekatomiria me th plousioterh se protes yles xora tou kosmou...


i smell delusions of grandieur...

By the way, prin apo liges meres epese ena kommati tou aerodromiou tou Parisiou to opoio ftiaxtike prin apo 11 mhnes. 6 atoma skotothikan alla edo to perasan sta poly psila. Olokliro ntokimanter eixan kanei gia tous 5 Alvanous pou skotothikan sta Olympiaka erga sta 4 xronia.


Gi'auto loipon sou apantao pos nai. Exoun anagh na mas propagandisoun giati emeis eimaste ta koroida pou tha agorasoun ta opla tous kai tha dosoume 550 million sterlines gia na ekpaideutoun oi mpatsoi mas apo thn Scotland Yard. Alla an den eimastan koroida tha anoigame ta matia mas kai tha vlepame gia paradeigma oti h Tourkikh apeilh yparxei mono otan h Ellada anakoinonei to eksoplistiko ths programma kathe xrono. Tote arxizoun oi xontres paraviaseis kai oi proklitikes diloseis.

Fantasou an USA kai UK evgainan kai elegan oti ola pane kala kai oti h Ellada den exei eksoteriko kindyno mias kai anoikei sthn EU. Posa fraga les na exanan?


Filika panta.


ναι ρε συ συφμωνοι, αλλα δεδομενου οτι δεν ειμαστε ΤΟΣΟ μεγαλη αγορα αμφιβαλω οτι μια κακη ιστορικα μεταφορα του αλεξανδρου (που στο κατω κατω ηταν bi τουλαχιστον) δεν αυξανει τα εσωδα τους, ισα ισα


αλλοστε εμεις δεν του κραζουμε?


αλλοστε εμεις δεν του κραζουμε?

standard. Apla sou apantisa giati prin egrapses oti siga mhn katsoun autoi na propagandisoun emas kai hthela na sou deikso oti telika isos kai na yparxoun arketoi logoi pou na tous odigoun se tetoiou eidous taktikh.


Ekei phgaine h parapano apanthsh mou kai oxi gia thn tainia. Apla ekei me peirakse pou se synopsi 2 seirwn sxoliazoun me auton ton tropo ton Alex. Auto einai pou tous emeine?


epote,an kai sto thema tou Alexandrou en merh symfwnoume,i teleutaia protash tou Zitoula einai auto pou sou exw xanapei:Den nomizw oti mia bisexual istoria autapaths megaleiou einai auto pou exei meinei apo ton Alexandro.Edw gia ligotero shmantikes proswpikothtes exoun ginei sxetika axia erga-Markhsios De Sant,Oscar Wilde(den enow oti htan ashmantoi,eidika o Wilde itan prwth mourh)-oti exoun na poun diladh gia ton Alexandro einai oti itan enas gay megalomaniac?


oti exoun na poun diladh gia ton Alexandro einai oti itan enas gay megalomaniac?

Des to artro pou eixe to BBC gia thn tainia pou prokeitai na vgalei o Ridley Scott gia na deis thn sosti antimetopisi tou thematos symfona me thn apopsi mou.



Gladiator director Ridley Scott is said to be planning to make another historical epic, this time about Alexander the Great.

Trade journal Screen Daily, quoting Italian paper La Repubblica, said Oscar-nominated Scott will make the film with Italian producer Dino De Laurentiis.


De Laurentiis recently worked with Scott on horror thriller Hannibal, the sequel to Silence of the Lambs, starring Anthony Hopkins.


And, said De Laurentiis, the biopic about the legendary 4th Century conqueror is expected to also feature Hopkins, but not in the lead.



At 63, Hopkins is too old to play Macedonian Alexander the Great, who died aged 33.


De Laurentiis spoke to journalists at a press conference at Italy's Giffoni Film Festival.

"I would like to have big stars in the secondary roles, and get an unknown actor to play the part of Alexander the Great - a unique human being," he said.


The film is being written by Ted Tally, who won an Oscar for his work on Silence of the Lambs.


Tally is adapting the film from the historical trilogy by Valerio Massimo Manfredi.




The life of Alexander the Great, though short, would provide ample material for a high-action screen blockbuster.


He earned his reputation as a remarkable warrior from campaigns that included smashing the Persian empire and opening up the East to Western culture.


But there are also many legends surrounding Alexander to add romance and mysticism to the movie.


They include the taming of his horse, Bucephalus and his unravelling of the Gordian Knot.


Similar historical movies produced by De Laurentiis include Conan the Barbarian and Slave of Dreams.


But he is best known for films such as Barbarella, Death Wish, Blue Velvet and the 1976 remake of King Kong.


British director Scott is best known for films such as Alien, Blade Runner and Thelma and Louise.


Auta pisteuo oti tha eprepe na einai ta kyria shmeia pou tha eprepe na vgainoun ston kosmo. Apo ekei kai pera as valei kai tis bi-sexual synhtheies tou Alex. Oxi omos anti gia mia epikh paragogi na kanei epiko 'Big Brother'.


Alitheia. ksereis kaneis tipota gi'auth thn tainia?


... tis bi-sexual synhtheies tou Alex


Τις ποιές;;;; Ποιανού;;;;


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Και να ʽναι σίγουρος ότι όλοι οι ξένοι λασπολόγοι θα του στήσουνε άγαλμα. Γιατί μέχρι σήμερα ούτε αυτοί κατάφεραν να αποδείξουν τους γελοίους ισχυρισμούς τους.


Το ίδιο ισχύει και για την περίπτωση του Αχιλλέα.


Ειλικρινά περίμενα περισσότερη σοβαρότητα από Έλληνες.


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Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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