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NEC 2500


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Eyxarista ta nea apoti vlepw me to nec2500 :D

Pantws egw me to 1300 thn katavrhka! Apoti katalava symfwna fysika me oti diavasa edw einai h diafora taxythtas k to burnproof. Pantws egw eimai para poly ikanopoihmenos k apo to 1300 gia ta e3hs:

1)Entelws a8oryvo

2)14 lepta kanei na grapsei 1 dvd (gousta!)

3)Egrapsa 15 dvds, ola paizoun apsoga, kanena provlhma, den mou ekapse kanena diskaki (marka Princo)

4)Parallhla me thn eggrafh akouga mousikh, ekana copy apo 1 sklhro se allon, surfara, ekana egatastaseis appz kai polla alla, to buffer den epefte katw apo 90, kalh fash, vevaia kaka ta psemmata, s'ayto voh8hse k o PIV 2,4 Hyperthreading



:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

  • Απαντ. 33
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

ti na poyme emeis me AMD 1,8+, diaylo sta 400 kai mnimi 128?gia na grapso sta 8 ta dvd xoris "vouliagmata" kleino screensaver kai oti perito trexei apo piso.ta 2 MB mnimis poy exei to NEC trexoun kai den ftanoun:)


Προσέξτε μόνο μην αγοράσετε δισκάκια DVD-R MAM-E (mitsui) 4x (τα πουλάει κυρίως η DiscImpex). Το Nec 2500 τα γράφει μόνο σε 2x :(


Το διαπίστωσε φίλος μου που πήρε το 2500 (παρ' όλο που έβαλε και το τελευταίο firmware 1.06) και το διασταύρωσα και στο άρθρο-τεστ που έκανε πρόσφατα το CDFreaks (http://www.cdfreaks.com/article/134/7).


Έχω δικιμάσει Taiyo Yuden, noname, primedisk, that's write, όλα χωρίς πρόβλημα.


Ρε παιδιά για πειτε μου, στο Nero καίμε το DVD στο UDF/ISO ή στο DVD-VIDEO ?


kai ego euxaristhmenos katoxos nec an kai thn patisa kai to pira sta 170 me to pou protobghke, 5-10 meres meta epese 140. Anyway, mexri stigmhs apodykneietai koryfh. exo grapse tayo (disc implex) se 8x, kai ritek (apo ramunda) se 4x ews 6x, alles markes den exo dokimasei alla den prokeitai kiollas afou autes einai oi koryfaies markes apo apopsi apodosh/timh. Ritek dokimasmena kai gia ps2, douleuoun apsoga. Apo CDr epsishs poly ikanopoihmenos, tayo, no name ashmi, philips ton 0,3 e!, plextor kai oti allo tou xo balei to grafei apsoga.


To mono pou thelo na matho an ta xei dokimaseiu kaneis einai an ta TAYO yuden XORIS logo apo disc implex grafontai kai auta se 8X. Einai ta idia me ta alla tayo apla xoris asprh printable epifaneia on top kai xoris kouti, etsi?? Giati bgainoun arketa ftinotera, opote afou ta koutia ta petao, giath na mhn paro ta no logo.


A kai auta ta MIGA th lene?? akousa oth einai ths tdk. piran kati gnostoi mou polles posotites miga, An kai ithela na tous piso na paroume ritek h tayo, kai thelo na do an tha ta klene ta leftakia tous.

4)Parallhla me thn eggrafh akouga mousikh' date=' ekana copy apo 1 sklhro se allon, surfara, ekana egatastaseis appz kai polla alla, to buffer den epefte katw apo 90, kalh fash, vevaia kaka ta psemmata, s'ayto voh8hse k o PIV 2,4 Hyperthreading




ti na poyme emeis me AMD 1' date='8+, diaylo sta 400 kai mnimi 128?gia na grapso sta 8 ta dvd xoris "vouliagmata" kleino screensaver kai oti perito trexei apo piso.ta 2 MB mnimis poy exei to NEC trexoun kai den ftanoun:)



Den nomizo oti fteei to NEC me ta 2MB mnimoula pou exei gia ta vouliagmata pou exeis. ...Malon i ligi mnimi Ram pou exeis, ta 128 poli liga.. idika an exeis litourgiko me NT pirina.


Oute nomizo oti xriazete P4 2.4 HT!!!!! gia na grapseis ena dvdaki!!!


Auto pou xriazete einai mpoliki mnimi sigoura pano apo 400MB kai grigoro disko. I cpu (xoris na tin midenizo) erxete se deuteri moira.


Exo ena Athlon 1400 me 512 RAM WInxp(ta MNIMOBORA!!!!) kai 2 40ararides maxtor se RAID0(Strip). Ne to NEC 2500 grafontas se 6x pezo pexnidia Mame, serfaro sto internet.. mexri kai riping tenia ekana xoris kanena prob kai me to buffer pano apo 92-94% se kathe periptosi.. Min imaste iperbolikoi!



Exei bgei kanena "kalitero" firmware apo to 1.06 pou foraei tora to mixanaki mou?


GeorgeAdams τα ΜΑΜ DVD-R είναι Nashua και σας προτείνω να τα αποφεύγετε. Aπό τότε που έκλεισε η mItsui και ανέλαβε την παραγωγή η MAM, τα media τους έχουν χειροτερέψει

  • 3 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

Plirofories gia tis diafores metaxsi twn kanonikwn firmware kai twn hacked.


Copy paste apo to http://www.herrie.org


Category: Main -> Hacked Firmware Explanation



· What are the differences between the hacked and official firmwares?

· What are the differences between the 'Normal (RPC2)', 'Auto Reset (RPC2)' and 'Free (RPC1)' versions?

· Help! My media still doesn't work at all after I updated to your latest version, can you help me?

· Why did you start with these firmwares?

· How can I thank you for what you've done?

· What's the difference between the A and B-versions?




· What are the differences between the hacked and official firmwares?


The official firmware has a locked rip speed of 2x for Video DVD's. This lock has been removed in the hacked firmware, which allows you to rip Video DVD's upto 6x faster!


The official firmware only allows you to change your region 5 times. The hacked firmware offers more flexibility in this area.


The official firmware has limited DVD-R media support, the hacked firmware offers support for 30+ new DVD-R's from various manufacturers.


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· What are the differences between the 'Normal (RPC2)', 'Auto Reset (RPC2)' and 'Free (RPC1)' versions?


The Normal (RPC2 = Region Protection Control phase 2) version is suitable for people who don't watch DVD's from outside their region. You can change your region 5 times and then it will be locked to a certain region.


The Auto Reset (RPC2 = Region Protection Control phase 2) version is suitable for everyone. By default no region is set. You'll be prompted to choose the region the first time you insert a DVD with region protection. This version allows you to change your region 5 times upon each reboot of your computer. Very useful for people who watch DVD's from outside their region on a regular base!


The Free (RPC1 = Region Protection Control phase 1) The drive has no internal region protection, but the software controls this. Unfortunately all DVD playback software have this control build in and therefore you need a program like DVD Region Killer


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· Help! My media still doesn't work at all after I updated to your latest version, can you help me?

First you should try burning at a lower speed. In case you have 4x discs which don't work at 4x, try them at 2x before you contact me.


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· Why did you start with these firmwares?

I bought the NEC 1300A together with about 100 DVD-R's of various brands. I ended up with about 80 unusable DVD-R's and decided to try to do something about this.


Which was first a project for just myself, became pretty popular amongst the people at the rpc1.org's forum, who also had the need for modified firmwares.


Therefore I decided to be everyone as much of service as possible in order to get their media supported and I started to work on support for as many discs as possible!


Many months later the project is getting bigger and better. I got support from various people like Wolfman, Lincomatic and BronkowTech45 who developed great and useful tools in order to simplify the development of the firmwares!


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· How can I thank you for what you've done?

You can send me a nice postcard of your hometown. Please address it to:

Herman van Hazendonk

Julianalaan 33

4112 KE Beusichem

The Netherlands


You can also make a (small) donation using PayPal:



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· What's the difference between the A and B-versions?

The only difference is support for two different very specific no-name media:


The A-version supports discs with the following mediacode:


00 42 00 00 01 40 C1 FD 9E D8 52 00 02 F7 0E 0B [email protected].....

77 88 70 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 w.p.............

00 00 00 00 05 AA A2 22 22 20 01 00 06 0B 0F 12 ................



The B-version supports discs with the following mediacode:


00 42 00 00 01 40 C1 FD 9E D8 52 00 02 87 0E 15 [email protected].....

98 9A 90 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 ................

00 00 00 00 05 CC C0 00 00 00 01 00 06 0B 10 11 ................


Piadia diabazw ola ayta kai se ligo tha me pisete na parw to NEC kai oxi to Pionner pou elega sthn arxh!To problhma oti den to skeftika apo thn arxh einai oti o italos sygkatikos mou (me arketes gnoseis apo pc) mou eipe oti para poly ekanan parapona oti ta NEC einai asymbata me para pola diskakia kai oti apla den ta diabazei!Exw akousei episeis oti NEC kai Pioneer einai thigatrikes?einai alithia?Thanks!


egw pantws pareigeila Nec ND-2500A : 8x DVD DUAL R/RW IDE


NEC's ND-2500 is currently the world's fastest format-independent 8x DVD burner. The ND-2500 saves to DVD recordables at 8x speed (+R as well as -R) and writes DVD rewritables at 4x speed (+RW as well as -RW).
:D :D



Gia to nec 1300 eixa akousei kati asimbatothtes me diafora diskakia kai sigekrimena kati bulpaq diskakia,alla me to perasma enos hacked firmware , dinw link pio panw, lynotan to provlima..


Gia to 2500A exei akousei oti erxetai mazi me to 1.06 firware to opoio den parousiazei kanena problima asimvatothtas me ta gnwsta diskakia..

To mono provlima einai oti exei lock se 2 th rip speed tou alla kai auta xsekleidwnei , blepe to link...



Merika xrisima links gia to NEC 2500a


Here are some useful sites, because information on this drive is hard to find unless you know some German:


DRIVE Spec (English):






Media list(English):



Updates(In German, but use freetranslation.com):



Reviews gia to NEC 2500A:


1) http://www.cdfreaks.com/article/134/


2) http://www.cdrinfo.com/Sections/Articles/Specific.asp?ArticleHeadline=Nec+ND%2D2500A&Series=0


Pira x8es to nec2500a. Pws vlepw pio akrivws firmware exei? (to plires onoma, oxi mono to 1.06)

Episis, poio einai to kalitero firmware gia na tou valw afti ti stigmi kai pou borw na to vrw?


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