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Programmata gia mesitika grafeia/grafeia eureseos ergasias


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Kano mia ergasia sto metaptyxiako sxetika me th dhmiourgia site pou tha prosferei polhsh akinhton alla kai euresh ergasias, kai thelo na ksero an yparxoun hdh etoima programmata (oxi gia na ta doulepso, apla gia bibliografikh anafora, to "state-of-the-art" an katalabainete). Thelo programata pou exoun ftiaxtei APOKLEISTIKA gi auto to skopo, oxi programmata eureias xrhshs (opos h Access) pou tha mporousan na prosferoun paromoies yphresies. P.x. an ithela symbolaiografiko programma, tha phgaina edo: http://www.blogica.gr/new_blogica/index.htm Kati antistoixo thelo.

Help guys!!


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