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AM4 - Ryzen - CPU + RAM Overclocking Thread

Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις

13 minutes ago, Πέτρος said:

Μήπως στο σενάριο με τα 4 dims θέλει λίγο (ελάχιστο) παραπάνω φαγάκι ο MC?

Όσο και να το προσπάθησα στον 5950χ δεν....ίσως εάν χαλάρωνα timings να έπαιζε αλλά δεν ήθελα 😋

8 λεπτά πριν, azazil1190 είπε

Όσο και να το προσπάθησα στον 5950χ δεν....ίσως εάν χαλάρωνα timings να έπαιζε αλλά δεν ήθελα 😋

Α, οκ. Κατάλαβα ότι απλά έβαλες άλλες δύο και έφτασες στα 3733 χωρίς να πειράξεις κάτι άλλο.

  • Like 1
16 minutes ago, Πέτρος said:

Α, οκ. Κατάλαβα ότι απλά έβαλες άλλες δύο και έφτασες στα 3733 χωρίς να πειράξεις κάτι άλλο.

Σωστός .

Από 3800 στα 3733.

Δεν τεσταρα ποτέ όμως εάν κέρδισα κάτι σε απόδοση με τα 4 ντιμ που διαβάζω αριστερά και δεξιά 

  • Like 1
Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)

όλα είναι θέμα imc....

με τέσσερα dimms παίζω στα 4000mhz τις ραμ στον 5800Χ3D....

Επεξ/σία από BabisTs
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4 ώρες πριν, azazil1190 είπε

Σωστός .

Από 3800 στα 3733.

Δεν τεσταρα ποτέ όμως εάν κέρδισα κάτι σε απόδοση με τα 4 ντιμ που διαβάζω αριστερά και δεξιά 


  • Like 1
Στις 20/6/2023 στις 5:34 ΜΜ, Devastor είπε

Ναι εγώ πάντα όταν ανεβάζω/κατεβάζω CO πάω ανά 5

Επίσης στο ZN2-Kagari εγώ προσωπικά κάνω όλα τα τεστ μαζί με  το C17  και βάζω 12GB ram

Επειδη δεν εχω ξανα χρησιμοποιησει Corecycler, απο οτι καταλαβα περναω τις ρυθμισεις που μου ειπες στο config του και για καθε περιπτωση (πχ SSE 720, AVX κτλ) πρεπει να το ξαναρχιζω ρυθμιζοντας καταλληλα; Αρα για SSE,AVX,Y-Cruncher θα το τρεξω απο μια φορα για το καθενα.

Το C17 τι ειναι που ειπες;

Ξεκινησα με -20 σε ολα και -10 στα γρηγορα cores (ειχα βαλει 5 παραπανω σε ολα, αλλα εφαγα bsod με το που μπηκε windows) με αυτα τα settings. Οκ ειμαι;


Βλεπω οτι δε μπουσταρει το μαξ βεβαια (εχω βαλει override +200).

26 minutes ago, Dantε said:

Επειδη δεν εχω ξανα χρησιμοποιησει Corecycler, απο οτι καταλαβα περναω τις ρυθμισεις που μου ειπες στο config του και για καθε περιπτωση (πχ SSE 720, AVX κτλ) πρεπει να το ξαναρχιζω ρυθμιζοντας καταλληλα; Αρα για SSE,AVX,Y-Cruncher θα το τρεξω απο μια φορα για το καθενα.

Το C17 τι ειναι που ειπες;

Ξεκινησα με -20 σε ολα και -10 στα γρηγορα cores (ειχα βαλει 5 παραπανω σε ολα, αλλα εφαγα bsod με το που μπηκε windows) με αυτα τα settings. Οκ ειμαι;


Βλεπω οτι δε μπουσταρει το μαξ βεβαια (εχω βαλει override +200).

Δεν έχεις βάλει SMT (assign both cores to stress) και ξεκινά με y-cruncher kagari zn2

  • Like 1
12 ώρες πριν, Devastor είπε

Δεν έχεις βάλει SMT (assign both cores to stress) και ξεκινά με y-cruncher kagari zn2

Πηγα να βαλω το βραδυ Y-Cruncher με τις ρυθμισεις που μου ειπες (συν το C17) και μου εβγαλε error οτι το τεστ δεν ειναι διαθεσιμο. Γκουγκλαρα αλλα δε βρηκα παρομοια αναφορα...

Θα βαλω και το config το απογευματακι.


Και τα settings μου:


# General settings

# The program to perform the actual stress test
# The following programs are available:
# - PRIME95
# - AIDA64
# You can change the test mode for each program in the relavant [sections] below.
# Note: For AIDA64, you need to manually download and extract the portable ENGINEER version and put it
#       in the /test_programs/aida64/ folder
# Note: AIDA64 is somewhat sketchy as well
# Default: PRIME95
stressTestProgram = YCRUNCHER

# Set the runtime per core
# You can define a specific runtime per core, by entering a numeric value in seconds,
# or use 'h' for hours, 'm' for minutes and 's' for seconds
# Examples: 360 = 360 seconds
#           1h4m = 1 hour, 4 minutes
#           1.5m = 1.5 minutes = 90 seconds
# Automatic runtime:
# You can also set it to "auto", in which case it will perform one full run of all the FFT sizes in the selected
# Prime95 preset for each core, and when that is finished, it continues to the next core and starts again
# For Aida64 and y-Cruncher, the "auto" setting will default to 10 Minutes per core
# Below are some examples of the runtime for one iteration for the various tests on my 5900X with one thread
# The first iteration is also usually the fastest one
# Selecting two threads usually takes *much* longer than one thread for one iteration in Prime95
# - Prime95 "Smallest":     4K to   21K - [SSE] ~3-4 Minutes   <|> [AVX] ~8-9 Minutes    <|> [AVX2] ~8-10 Minutes
# - Prime95 "Small":       36K to  248K - [SSE] ~4-6 Minutes   <|> [AVX] ~14-19 Minutes  <|> [AVX2] ~14-19 Minutes
# - Prime95 "Large":      426K to 8192K - [SSE] ~18-22 Minutes <|> [AVX] ~37-44 Minutes  <|> [AVX2] ~38-51 Minutes
# - Prime95 "Huge":      8960K to   MAX - [SSE] ~13-19 Minutes <|> [AVX] ~27-40 Minutes  <|> [AVX2] ~33-51 Minutes
# - Prime95 "All":          4K to   MAX - [SSE] ~40-65 Minutes <|> [AVX] ~92-131 Minutes <|> [AVX2] ~102-159 Minutes
# - Prime95 "Moderate":  1344K to 4096K - [SSE] ~7-15 Minutes  <|> [AVX] ~17-30 Minutes  <|> [AVX2] ~17-33 Minutes
# - Prime95 "Heavy":        4K to 1344K - [SSE] ~15-28 Minutes <|> [AVX] ~43-68 Minutes  <|> [AVX2] ~47-73 Minutes
# - Prime95 "HeavyShort":   4K to  160K - [SSE] ~6-8 Minutes   <|> [AVX] ~22-24 Minutes  <|> [AVX2] ~23-25 Minutes
# - y-Cruncher: ~10 Minutes
# Default: 6m
runtimePerCore = 30m

# Periodically suspend the stress test program
# This can simulate load changes / switches to idle and back
# Setting this to 1 will periodically suspend the stress test program, wait for a bit, and then resume it
# You should see the CPU load and clock speed drop significantly while the program is suspended and rise back up again
# Note: This will increase the runtime of the various stress tests as seen in the "runtimePerCore" setting by roughly 10%
# Default: 1
suspendPeriodically = 1

# The test order of the cores
# Available modes:
# Default:    On CPUs with more than 8 physical cores: 'Alternate'. Otherwise 'Random'
# Alternate:  Alternate between the 1st core on CCD1, then 1st on CCD2, then 2nd on CCD1, then 2nd on CCD2, etc.
#             This should distribute the heat more evenly and possibly allow for higher clocks on CPUs with 2 CCDs
# Random:     A random order
# Sequential: Cycle through the cores in numerical order
# You can also define your own testing order by entering a list of comma separated values.
# The list will be processed as provided, which means you can test the same core multiple times per iteration.
# Do note however that the "coresToIgnore" setting still takes precedence over any core listed here.
# The enumeration of cores starts with 0
# Example: 5, 4, 0, 5, 5, 7, 2
# Default: Default
coreTestOrder = Default

# Skip a core that has thrown an error in the following iterations
# If set to 0, this will test a core in the next iterations even if has thrown an error before
# Default: 1
skipCoreOnError = 1

# Stop the whole testing process if an error occurred
# If set to 0 (default), the stress test programm will be restarted when an error
# occurs and the core that caused the error will be skipped in the next iteration
# Default: 0
stopOnError = 0

# The number of threads to use for testing
# You can only choose between 1 and 2
# If Hyperthreading / SMT is disabled, this will automatically be set to 1
# Currently there's no automatic way to determine which core has thrown an error
# Setting this to 1 causes higher boost clock speed (due to less heat)
# Default: 1
# Maximum: 2
numberOfThreads = 2

# Use only one thread for load generation, but assign the affinity to both virtual (logical) cores
# This way the Windows Scheduler should bounce the load back and forth between the two virtual cores
# This may lead to additional stress situation otherwise not possible
# This setting has no effect if Hyperthreading / SMT is disabled or if numberOfThreads = 2
# Default: 0
assignBothVirtualCoresForSingleThread = 0

# The max number of iterations
# High values are basically unlimited (good for testing over night)
# Default: 10000
maxIterations = 10000

# Ignore certain cores
# Comma separated list of cores that will not be tested
# The enumeration of cores starts with 0
# Example: coresToIgnore = 0, 1, 2
# Default: (empty)
coresToIgnore =

# Restart the stress test process when a new core is selected
# This means each core will perform the same sequence of tests during the stress test
# Note: The monitor doesn't seem to turn off when this setting is enabled
# Important note:
# One disadvantage of this setting is that it has the potential to limit the amount of tests that the stress test program
# can run.
# In Prime95 for example, each FFT size will run for roughly 1 minute (except for very small ones), so if you want to make
# sure that Prime95 runs all of the available FFT sizes for a setting, you'll have to extend the "runtimePerCore" setting
# from the default value to something higher.
# For example the "Huge"/SSE preset has 19 FFT entries, and tests on my 5900X showed that it roughly takes 13-19 Minutes
# until all FFT sizes have been tested. The "Large"/SSE seems to take between 18 and 22 Minutes.
# I've included the measured times in the comment for the "runtimePerCore" setting above.
# If this setting is disabled, there's a relatively high chance that each core will eventually pass through all of the
# FFT sizes since Prime95 doesn't stop between the cores and so it evens out after time.
# Default: 0
restartTestProgramForEachCore = 0

# Set a delay between the cores
# If the "restartTestProgramForEachCore" flag is set, this setting will define the amount of seconds between the end of the
# run of one core and the start of another
# If "restartTestProgramForEachCore" is 0, this setting has no effect
# Default: 15
delayBetweenCores = 15


# Prime95 specific settings

# The test modes for Prime95
# SSE:    lightest load on the processor, lowest temperatures, highest boost clock
# AVX:    medium load on the processor, medium temperatures, medium boost clock
# AVX2:   heavy load on the processor, highest temperatures, lowest boost clock
# AVX512: only available for certain CPUs (Ryzen 7000, some Intel Alder Lake, etc)
# CUSTOM: you can define your own settings for Prime. See the "customs" section further below
# Default: SSE
mode = SSE

# The FFT size preset to test for Prime95
# These are basically the presets as present in Prime95, plus an additional few
# Note: If "mode" is set to "CUSTOM", this setting will be ignored
# Smallest:     4K to   21K - Prime95 preset text: "tests L1/L2 caches, high power/heat/CPU stress"
# Small:       36K to  248K - Prime95 preset text: "tests L1/L2/L3 caches, maximum power/heat/CPU stress"
# Large:      426K to 8192K - Prime95 preset text: "stresses memory controller and RAM" (although dedicated memory stress testing is disabled here by default!)
# Huge:      8960K to   MAX - anything beginning at 8960K up to the highest FFT size (32768K for SSE/AVX, 51200K for AVX2, 65536K for AVX512)
# All:          4K to   MAX - 4K to up to the highest FFT size (32768K for SSE/AVX, 51200K for AVX2, 65536K for AVX512)
# Moderate:  1344K to 4096K - special preset, recommended in the "Curve Optimizer Guide Ryzen 5000"
# Heavy:        4K to 1344K - special preset, recommended in the "Curve Optimizer Guide Ryzen 5000"
# HeavyShort:   4K to  160K - special preset, recommended in the "Curve Optimizer Guide Ryzen 5000"
# You can also define you own range by entering two FFT sizes joined by a hyphen, e.g 36-1344
# Default: Huge
FFTSize = 720-720


# Aida64 specific settings

# The test modes for Aida64
# Note: "RAM" consumes basically all of the available memory and makes the computer pretty slow
#       You can change the amount of RAM being used / tested with the "maxMempory" setting below
# CACHE: Starts Aida64 with the "Cache" stress test
# CPU:   Starts Aida64 with the "CPU" stress test
# FPU:   Starts Aida64 with the "FPU" stress test
# RAM:   Starts Aida64 with the "Memory" stress test
# You can also combine multiple stress tests like so: CACHE,CPU,FPU
# Default: CACHE
mode = CACHE

# Use AVX for Aida64
# This enables or disables the usage of AVX instructions during Aida64's stress tests
# Default: 0
useAVX = 0

# The maximum memory allocation for Aida64
# Sets the maximum memory usage during the "RAM" stress test in percent
# Note: Setting this too high can cause your Windows to slow down to a crawl!
# Default: 90
maxMemory = 90


# y-Cruncher specific settings

# The test modes for y-Cruncher
# See the \test_programs\y-cruncher\Binaries\Tuning.txt file for a detailed explanation
# "00-x86"          - 86/IA-32 since Pentium (BSWAP, CMPXCHG, CPUID, RDTSC, possibly others...)
# "04-P4P"          - SSE, SSE2, SSE3
# "05-A64 ~ Kasumi" - x64, SSE, SSE2, SSE3
# "08-NHM ~ Ushio"  - x64, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1
# "11-SNB ~ Hina"   - x64, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX
# "13-HSW ~ Airi"   - x64, ABM, BMI1, BMI2, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, FMA3, AVX2
# "14-BDW ~ Kurumi" - x64, ABM, BMI1, BMI2, ADX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, FMA3, AVX2
# "17-ZN1 ~ Yukina" - x64, ABM, BMI1, BMI2, ADX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, FMA3, AVX2
# "19-ZN2 ~ Kagari" - x64, ABM, BMI1, BMI2, ADX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, FMA3, AVX2
# "20-ZN3 ~ Yuzuki" - x64, ABM, BMI1, BMI2, ADX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, FMA3, AVX2
# The following settings are available as well, but they seem to be intended for Intel CPUs and don't run on Ryzen 3000/5000 CPUs
# "11-BD1 ~ Miyu"   - x64, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, ABM, FMA4, XOP
# "17-SKX ~ Kotori" - x64, ABM, BMI1, BMI2, ADX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, FMA3, AVX2, AVX512-(F/CD/VL/BW/DQ)
# "18-CNL ~ Shinoa" - x64, ABM, BMI1, BMI2, ADX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, FMA3, AVX2, AVX512-(F/CD/VL/BW/DQ/IFMA/VBMI)

# The follwing setting is intended for Ryzen 7000 CPUs and doesn't run on Ryzen 3000/5000 CPUs
# "22-ZN4 ~ Kizuna" - x64, ABM, BMI1, BMI2, ADX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, FMA3, AVX2, AVX512-(F/CD/VL/BW/DQ/IFMA/VBMI/GFNI)
# "00-x86" should produce the highest boost clock on most tests
# "19-ZN2 ~ Kagari" is optimized for Zen 2/3 (Ryzen 3000/5000), but produces more heat and a lower boost clock on most tests
# "22-ZN4 ~ Kizuna" is optimized for Zen 4 (Ryzen 7000) and uses AVX-512 instructions (it will crash if no AVX-512 is supported on your CPU)
# Default: 00-x86
mode = 19-ZN2

# Set the test algorithms to run for y-Cruncher
# y-Crunchers offers various different "tests" that it can run, here you can select which ones
# Tag - Test Name               Component        CPU------Mem
# BKT - Basecase + Karatsuba    Scalar Integer    -|--------
# BBP - BBP Digit Extraction    Floating-Point    |---------    depending on the selected mode uses SSE, AVX, AVX2 or AVX512
# SFT - Small In-Cache FFT      Floating-Point    -|--------    depending on the selected mode uses SSE, AVX, AVX2 or AVX512
# FFT - Fast Fourier Transform  Floating-Point    ---------|    depending on the selected mode uses SSE, AVX, AVX2 or AVX512
# N32 - Classic NTT (32-bit)    Scalar Integer    -----|----    depending on the selected mode uses SSE, AVX, AVX2 or AVX512
# N64 - Classic NTT (64-bit)    Scalar Integer    ---|------    depending on the selected mode uses SSE, AVX, AVX2 or AVX512
# HNT - Hybrid NTT              Mixed Workload    -----|----
# VST - Vector Transform        Floating-Point    ------|---    depending on the selected mode uses SSE, AVX, AVX2 or AVX512
# C17 - Code 17 Experiment      AVX2/512 Mixed    ---|------    depending on the selected mode uses AVX2 or AVX512
# Important:
# "C17" (Code 17 Experiment) will only work with a AVX2 and AVX512 workload (so with mode "13-HSW ~ Airi" and above)
# Use a comma separated list
# Default: BKT, BBP, SFT, FFT, N32, N64, HNT, VST
tests = BKT, BBP, SFT, FFT, N32, N64, HNT, VST, C17

# Memory allocation for y-Cruncher
# This allows you to customize the allocated memory for y-Cruncher
# Set the value in bytes (e.g. 1 GiB = 1073741824)
# The default value uses 12.8 MiB for one resp. 25.3 MiB for two threads
# Default: Default
memory = 28000000000

# Enable or disable the custom logging wrapper for y-Cruncher
# We are using the helpers/WriteConsoleToWriteFileWrapper.exe executable to capture the output of y-Cruncher and write it to a file
# It is using the Microsoft Detours C++ library to do so
# Here you can disable this behaviour and revert back to the original y-Cruncher execution
# Default: 1
enableYCruncherLoggingWrapper = 1


# Log specific settings

# The name of the log file
# The "mode" parameter, the selected stress test program and test mode, as well as the start date & time will be
# added to the name, with a .log file ending
# Default: CoreCycler
name = CoreCycler

# Set the log level
# 0: Do not log or display additional information
# 1: Write additional information to the log file (verbose)
# 2: Write even more information to the log file (debug)
# 3: Also display the verbose messages in the terminal
# 4: Also display the debug messages in the terminal
# Default: 2
logLevel = 2


# Custom settings for Prime95

# This needs to be set to 1 for AVX mode
# (and also if you want to set AVX2 below)
CpuSupportsAVX = 0

# This needs to be set to 1 for AVX2 mode
CpuSupportsAVX2 = 0

# This also needs to be set to 1 for AVX2 mode on Ryzen
CpuSupportsFMA3 = 0

# This needs to be set to 1 for AVX512 mode
CpuSupportsAVX512 = 0

# The minimum FFT size to test
# Value for "Smallest FFT":   4
# Value for "Small FFT":     36
# Value for "Large FFT":    426
MinTortureFFT = 4

# The maximum FFT size to test
# Value for "Smallest FFT":   21
# Value for "Small FFT":     248
# Value for "Large FFT":    8192
MaxTortureFFT = 8192

# The amount of memory to use in MB
# 0 = In-Place
TortureMem = 0

# The max amount of minutes for each FFT size during the stress test
# Note: It may be much less than one minute, basically it seems to be "one run or one minute, whichever is less"
TortureTime = 1


# Debug settings that shouldn't need to be changed
# Only change them if you know what you're doing and there's a problem you're trying to identify

# Debug setting to disable the periodic CPU utilization check
# Important:
# Normally you should not need to set this, as it is the only way to determine for certain test programs (like y-Cruncher)
# if the stress test is still running or if there has been an error.
# However on some systems this seems to report incorrect values, which causes the script to throw an error despite
# the stress test program still running fine, so here is a way to disable this behavior.
# Be aware that you will have no idea which core has thrown an error if "disableCpuUtilizationCheck" is set to 1
# and "restartTestProgramForEachCore" is set to 0.
# y-Cruncher is always initialized with logical core 2 (and 3 for two threads), and since CoreCycler has no way of knowing
# that there has been an error with "disableCpuUtilizationCheck = 1", it will just keep on running, while y-Cruncher will
# always display logical core 2 (and 3) as the one having thrown the error.
# Note: The check for the CPU utilization uses the Windows Performance Counters, which can be corrupted for unknown
#       reasons. Please see the readme.txt and the /tools/enable_performance_counter.bat file for a possible way
#       to fix these issues. There's no guarantee that it works though.
# Default: 0
disableCpuUtilizationCheck = 0

# Debug setting to enable querying for the CPU frequency
# This setting enables checking the CPU frequency
# Currently it doesn't really serve any purpose. The retrieved CPU frequency is not accurate enough (e.g. compared to HWiNFO),
# and its output is limited to the "verbose" channel.

# According to some reports, enabling it can result in incorrect CPU utilization readings, so be aware of this when you enable
# this setting.
# Default: 0
enableCpuFrequencyCheck = 0

# Debug setting to control the interval in seconds for the CPU utilization check and the "suspendPeriodically" functionality
# Don't set this too low, it will spam the log file and can produce unnecessary CPU load.
# It would also increase the time when the stress test program is suspended
# I'd consider 10 to be the minimum reasonable value (which is also the default)
# If 0, will disable this functionality
# This basically would mean "disableCpuUtilizationCheck = 1" and "suspendPeriodically = 0"
# Not entirely though, as the last check before changing a core is not affected
# Default: 10
tickInterval = 10

# Debug setting to delay the first error check for each core
# With this setting you can define a wait time before the first error check happens for each core
# Some systems may need longer to initialize the stress test program, which can result in an incorrect CPU utilization detection,
# so setting this value might resolve this issue
# Don't set this value too high in relation to your "runTimePerCore" though
# Default: 0
delayFirstErrorCheck = 0

# Debug setting to set the priority of the stress test program
# The default priority is set to "High" so that other applications don't interfere with the testing
# It can cause the computer to behave sluggish though. Setting a lower priority can fix this
# Note: "RealTime" probably won't work and you shouldn't set this anway, as the computer won't be responsive anymore
# Possible values:
# Idle
# BelowNormal
# Normal
# AboveNormal
# High
# RealTime
# Default: High
stressTestProgramPriority = High

# Debug setting to display the stress test program window in the foreground
# If enabled, will display the window of the stress test program in the foreground, stealing focus
# If disabled (default), the window will either be minimized to the tray (Prime95) or be moveed to the background,
# without stealing focus of the currently opened window (y-Cruncher)
# Default: 0
stressTestProgramWindowToForeground = 0

# Debug setting to control the amount of milliseconds the stress test program would be suspended
# Default: 1000
suspensionTime = 1000

Και αυτο το σφαλμα μου πεταει:



Φυσικά και δεν είναι διαθέσιμο αφού το έχεις γράψει λάθος 🤣🤣🤣

Ακριβώς απο πάνω σου γράφει τα ακριβές ονόματα

Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)

Τυχαίνει. Και εμένα μου έχει τύχει

btw είναι σχεδόν άκυρο να το αφήσεις με default μνήμη στο Y-Cruncher, όρισε μνήμη

Άκυρο μόλις το είδα

Επεξ/σία από Devastor
Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)
23 λεπτά πριν, Dantε είπε

Core εσκασε στο Y cruncher στα 29,5 λεπτα :P

Αρα εχει νοημα το 30λεπτο.

Οι μνήμες είναι σίγουρα σταθερές; Πιστεύω οτι θα ρίξεις αρκετά κάτω όλα  τα co σου στο τέλος πιέζει πολύ τους πυρηνες

Επεξ/σία από ultraex2003
1 λεπτό πριν, ultraex2003 είπε

Οι μνήμες είναι σίγουρα σταθερές; Πιστεύω οτι θα ρίξεις αρκετά κάτω όλα  τα co σου στο τέλος πιέζει πολύ τους πυρηνες

Μνημες ειναι σε XMP. Πρωτα θελω να στρωσω τον επεξεργαστη και μετα θα ασχοληθω με μνημες. Αφου σιγουρευτω δηλαδη και με ολα τα τεστ οτι ειναι οκ, αλλα θα τον αφησω και σε καθημερινη χρηση για κανα μηνα, γιατι συνηθως μπλε οθονες σε απλες εργασιες τρωω οταν κατι δεν ειναι stable. Δηλαδη σε light loads που boostαρει πολυ ψηλα.

Δημιουργήστε ένα λογαριασμό ή συνδεθείτε για να σχολιάσετε

Πρέπει να είστε μέλος για να αφήσετε σχόλιο

Δημιουργία λογαριασμού

Εγγραφείτε με νέο λογαριασμό στην κοινότητα μας. Είναι πανεύκολο!

Δημιουργία νέου λογαριασμού


Έχετε ήδη λογαριασμό; Συνδεθείτε εδώ.

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