~Palpatin~ Δημοσ. 29 Ιουλίου 2017 Δημοσ. 29 Ιουλίου 2017 Στις 29/7/2017 στις 4:00 ΜΜ, Lied είπε Να ειχα αδελφη να την εκανα σκλαβα σου Spartan! On another note, για τις CMK μου v5,39 με Typhoon δε μου αναφέρει αν ειναι AFR ή MFR λεει απλα Hynix Οποτε να υποθέσω πως ειναι MFR? Στο Net αναφερουν και AFR και MFR Screenshot παρακαλώ
Lied Δημοσ. 29 Ιουλίου 2017 Δημοσ. 29 Ιουλίου 2017 Στις 29/7/2017 στις 4:17 ΜΜ, ~Palpatin~ είπε Screenshot παρακαλώ MFR... στο part number... γιατι για να το δω, επρεπει να κανω 2 post στο insomnia και ενα screenshot :/ 1
Spartan117 Δημοσ. 29 Ιουλίου 2017 Μέλος Δημοσ. 29 Ιουλίου 2017 Στις 29/7/2017 στις 5:24 ΜΜ, Lied είπε MFR... στο part number... γιατι για να το δω, επρεπει να κανω 2 post στο insomnia και ενα screenshot :/ Για MFR: 1.025 SOC 60 Ohms ProcODT DRAM Voltage 1.365V Αν δεν φτάνεις 3200 κατέβασε μέχρι να κάνει boot, πολύ πιθανό να τρώς μπουκάλι στο boot voltage. Μακάρι να το φτιάξουν αυτό, στην Crosshair VI Hero έχει ξεχωριστό voltage για boot.
~Palpatin~ Δημοσ. 30 Ιουλίου 2017 Δημοσ. 30 Ιουλίου 2017 Στις 29/7/2017 στις 5:24 ΜΜ, Lied είπε MFR... στο part number... γιατι για να το δω, επρεπει να κανω 2 post στο insomnia και ενα screenshot :/ Μα για αυτό στο ζήτησα Όλα καλά. Στις 29/7/2017 στις 6:54 ΜΜ, Spartan117 είπε Για MFR: 1.025 SOC 60 Ohms ProcODT DRAM Voltage 1.365V Αν δεν φτάνεις 3200 κατέβασε μέχρι να κάνει boot, πολύ πιθανό να τρώς μπουκάλι στο boot voltage. Μακάρι να το φτιάξουν αυτό, στην Crosshair VI Hero έχει ξεχωριστό voltage για boot. Το eventually λες; Είναι για Extreme pc, να μπορέσει η μνήμη να περάσει το training και μετά παίζει με χαμηλά ρεύματα. Εγώ θα δοκιμαζα με ένα 35 στο TRas μήπως και αλλά όταν είναι όλα πειραγμενα δύσκολα τα πράγματα.
Spartan117 Δημοσ. 30 Ιουλίου 2017 Μέλος Δημοσ. 30 Ιουλίου 2017 Έβαλα στο χρήσιμο software και το Ryzen Timing Checker 1.01 του The Stilt. 3
Spartan117 Δημοσ. 30 Ιουλίου 2017 Μέλος Δημοσ. 30 Ιουλίου 2017 Στις 29/7/2017 στις 8:28 ΠΜ, IoaZ είπε Έχω ένα θέμα δεν μπορώ το σύστημα να το κάνω σταθερό πάνω από 4. Όταν το η τάση είναι 4.25 και lvl3 στο Cb15 έχω error (σε παράθυρο) . Άμα ανεβάσω λίγο την τάση έχω BSOD. Δεν είναι λίγο περίεργο αυτό? Δεν θα έπρεπε με λίγο ρεύμα να μην έχω error.? Έχεις βάλει maximum CPU current και extreme power phase? Soc τι δίνεις; Όλα αυτά είναι σημαντικά στα 4.0+ GHz. Edit: Όλες οι ρυθμίσεις που έχω για 3.8 OC: Εμφάνιση κρυμμένου περιεχομένου [2017/07/30 09:53:21] Ai Overclock Tuner [Manual] BCLK Frequency [100.0000] BCLK_Divider [Auto] Custom CPU Core Ratio [Auto] > CPU Core Ratio [38.00] Performance Bias [Auto] Memory Frequency [DDR4-3466MHz] Core Performance Boost [Disabled] SMT Mode [Auto] EPU Power Saving Mode [Disabled] TPU [Keep Current Settings] CPU Core Voltage [Offset mode] CPU Offset Mode Sign [+] - CPU Core Voltage Offset [0.11250] CPU SOC Voltage [Manual mode] - VDDSOC Voltage Override [1.10000] DRAM Voltage [1.45000] 1.8V PLL Voltage [1.80000] 1.05V SB Voltage [Auto] Target TDP [Auto] TRC_EOM [Auto] TRTP_EOM [Auto] TRRS_S_EOM [Auto] TRRS_L_EOM [Auto] TWTR_EOM [Auto] TWTR_L_EOM [Auto] TWCL_EOM [Auto] TWR_EOM [Auto] TFAW_EOM [Auto] TRCT_EOM [Auto] TREFI_EOM [Auto] TRDRD_DD_EOM [Auto] TRDRD_SD_EOM [Auto] TRDRD_SC_EOM [Auto] TRDRD_SCDLR_EOM [Auto] TRDRD_SCL_EOM [Auto] TWRWR_DD_EOM [Auto] TWRWR_SD_EOM [Auto] TWRWR_SC_EOM [Auto] TWRWR_SCDLR_EOM [Auto] TWRWR_SCL_EOM [Auto] TWRRD_EOM [Auto] TRDWR_EOM [Auto] TWRRD_SCDLR_EOM [Auto] Mem Over Clock Fail Count [1] DRAM CAS# Latency [14] DRAM RAS# to CAS# Read Delay [14] DRAM RAS# to CAS# Write Delay [14] DRAM RAS# PRE Time [14] DRAM RAS# ACT Time [28] Trc_SM [42] TrrdS_SM [4] TrrdL_SM [4] Tfaw_SM [16] TwtrS_SM [4] TwtrL_SM [12] Twr_SM [10] Trcpage_SM [Auto] TrdrdScl_SM [2] TwrwrScl_SM [2] Trfc_SM [260] Trfc2_SM [190] Trfc4_SM [100] Tcwl_SM [14] Trtp_SM [8] Trdwr_SM [6] Twrrd_SM [2] TwrwrSc_SM [1] TwrwrSd_SM [5] TwrwrDd_SM [5] TrdrdSc_SM [1] TrdrdSd_SM [3] TrdrdDd_SM [3] Tcke_SM [4] ProcODT_SM [53.3 ohm] Cmd2T [1T] Gear Down Mode [Enabled] Power Down Enable [Disabled] RttNom [Auto] RttWr [Auto] RttPark [Auto] MemAddrCmdSetup_SM [Auto] MemCsOdtSetup_SM [Auto] MemCkeSetup_SM [Auto] MemCadBusClkDrvStren_SM [Auto] MemCadBusAddrCmdDrvStren_SM [Auto] MemCadBusCsOdtDrvStren_SM [Auto] MemCadBusCkeDrvStren_SM [Auto] VTTDDR Voltage [Auto] VPP_MEM Voltage [Auto] DRAM CTRL REF Voltage on CHA [Auto] DRAM CTRL REF Voltage on CHB [Auto] VDDP Voltage [Auto] VDDP Standby Voltage [Auto] 1.8V Standby Voltage [Auto] CPU 3.3v AUX [Auto] 2.5V SB Voltage [Auto] DRAM R1 Tune [Auto] DRAM R2 Tune [Auto] DRAM R3 Tune [Auto] DRAM R4 Tune [Auto] PCIE Tune R1 [Auto] PCIE Tune R2 [Auto] PCIE Tune R3 [Auto] PLL Tune R1 [Auto] PLL reference voltage [Auto] T Offset [Auto] Sense MI Skew [Enabled] Sense MI Offset [Auto] Promontory presence [Auto] Clock Amplitude [Auto] CPU Load-line Calibration [Level 3] CPU Current Capability [140%] CPU VRM Switching Frequency [Auto] VRM Spread Spectrum [Disabled] Active Frequency Mode [Disabled] CPU Power Duty Control [T.Probe] CPU Power Phase Control [Extreme] CPU Power Thermal Control [120] VDDSOC Load-line Calibration [Level 2] VDDSOC Current Capability [140%] VDDSOC Switching Frequency [Auto] VDDSOC Phase Control [Extreme] DRAM Current Capability [130%] DRAM Power Phase Control [Extreme] DRAM Switching Frequency [Auto] DRAM VBoot Voltage [1.45000] Security Device Support [Enable] TPM Device Selection [Discrete TPM] Erase fTPM NV for factory reset [Enabled] PSS Support [Enabled] NX Mode [Enabled] SVM Mode [Disabled] SATA Port Enable [Enabled] PT XHCI GEN1 [Auto] PT XHCI GEN2 [Auto] PT USB Equalization4 [Auto] PT USB Redriver [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 0 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 1 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 2 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 3 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 4 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 5 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 6 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 7 [Auto] Onboard PCIE LAN PXE ROM [Enabled] AMD CRB EHCI Debug port switch [Disabled] Onboard LED [Enabled] Hyper kit Mode [Disabled] SATA Port Enable [Enabled] SATA Mode [AHCI] SMART Self Test [Enabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] ErP Ready [Disabled] Restore On AC Power Loss [Power Off] Power On By PCI-E/PCI [Disabled] Power On By RTC [Disabled] Super I/O Clock Skew [Disabled] HD Audio Controller [Disabled] PCIEX4_3 Bandwidth [Auto] PCIEX16_1 Mode [Auto] PCIEX8_2 Mode [Auto] PCIEX4_3 Mode [Auto] M.2 Link Mode [Auto] SB Link Mode [Auto] Asmedia USB 3.1 Controller [Enabled] RGB LED lighting [Enabled] In sleep, hibernate and soft off states [On] Intel LAN Controller [Enabled] Intel LAN OPROM [Disabled] USB Type C Power Switch for USB3.1_E1 [Auto] USB Type C Power Switch for USB3.1_EC2 [Auto] Network Stack [Disabled] Debug Port Table [Disabled] Debug Port Table 2 [Disabled] Device [samsung SSD 850 EVO 120GB] Legacy USB Support [Enabled] XHCI Hand-off [Enabled] USB Mass Storage Driver Support [Enabled] USB3.1_E1 [Auto] USB3_1 [Enabled] USB3_2 [Enabled] USB3_3 [Enabled] USB3_4 [Enabled] USB3_5 [Auto] USB3_6 [Auto] USB3_7 [Auto] USB3_8 [Auto] USB3_9 [Auto] USB3_10 [Auto] USB2_11 [Auto] USB2_12 [Auto] USB2_13 [Auto] USB2_14 [Auto] USB_15 [Auto] USB_16 [Auto] CPU Temperature [Monitor] MotherBoard Temperature [Monitor] VRM Temperature [Monitor] PCH Temperature [Monitor] T_Sensor1 Temperature [Monitor] CPU Fan Speed [Monitor] Chassis Fan 1 Speed [Monitor] Chassis Fan 2 Speed [Monitor] Chassis Fan 3 Speed [Monitor] W_PUMP+ Speed [Monitor] CPU Optional Fan Speed [Monitor] AIO_PUMP Speed [Monitor] W_FLOW Speed [Monitor] W_IN Temperature [Monitor] W_OUT Temperature [Monitor] CPU Core Voltage [Monitor] 3.3V Voltage [Monitor] 5V Voltage [Monitor] 12V Voltage [Monitor] CPU Q-Fan Control [Auto] CPU Fan Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec] CPU Fan Speed Lower Limit [200 RPM] CPU Fan Profile [Manual] CPU Upper Temperature [70] CPU Fan Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100] CPU Middle Temperature [60] CPU Fan Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [90] CPU Lower Temperature [40] CPU Fan Min. Duty Cycle (%) [40] W_PUMP+ Control [Disabled] Chassis Fan 1 Q-Fan Control [Auto] Chassis Fan 1 Q-Fan Source [CPU] Chassis Fan 1 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec] Chassis Fan 1 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM] Chassis Fan 1 Profile [standard] Chassis Fan 2 Q-Fan Control [DC Mode] Chassis Fan 2 Q-Fan Source [CPU] Chassis Fan 2 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec] Chassis Fan 2 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM] Chassis Fan 2 Profile [Manual] Chassis Fan 2 Upper Temperature [70] Chassis Fan 2 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100] Chassis Fan 2 Middle Temperature [60] Chassis Fan 2 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [90] Chassis Fan 2 Lower Temperature [40] Chassis Fan 2 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [60] Allow Fan Stop [Enabled] Chassis Fan 3 Q-Fan Control [DC Mode] Chassis Fan 3 Q-Fan Source [CPU] Chassis Fan 3 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec] Chassis Fan 3 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM] Chassis Fan 3 Profile [Manual] Chassis Fan 3 Upper Temperature [70] Chassis Fan 3 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100] Chassis Fan 3 Middle Temperature [60] Chassis Fan 3 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [90] Chassis Fan 3 Lower Temperature [40] Chassis Fan 3 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [60] Allow Fan Stop [Enabled] OnChip SATA Channel [Auto] OnChip SATA Type [AHCI] USB3_1 [Enabled] USB3_2 [Enabled] USB3_3 [Enabled] USB3_4 [Enabled] IR Config [RX & TX0 Only] SdForce18 Enable [Disabled] SD Mode configuration [AMDA] Uart 0 Enable [Enabled] Uart 1 Enable [Enabled] I2C 0 Enable [Enabled] I2C 1 Enable [Enabled] I2C 2 Enable [Disabled] I2C 3 Enable [Disabled] GPIO Devices Support [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 0 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 1 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 2 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 3 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 4 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 5 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 6 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 7 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 0 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 1 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 2 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 3 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 4 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 5 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 6 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 7 [Auto] SATA Port 0 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 1 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 2 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 3 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 4 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 5 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 6 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 7 MODE [Auto] SATA Hot-Removable Support [Auto] SATA 6 AHCI Support [Auto] Int. Clk Differential Spread [Auto] SATA MAXGEN2 CAP OPTION [Auto] SATA CLK Mode Option [Auto] Aggressive Link PM Capability [Auto] Port Multiplier Capability [Auto] SATA Ports Auto Clock Control [Auto] SATA Partial State Capability [Auto] SATA FIS Based Switching [Auto] SATA Command Completion Coalescing Support [Auto] SATA Slumber State Capability [Auto] SATA MSI Capability Support [Auto] SATA Target Support 8 Devices [Auto] Generic Mode [Auto] SATA AHCI Enclosure [Auto] SATA SGPIO 0 [Disabled] SATA SGPIO 1 [Disabled] SATA PHY PLL [Auto] AC/DC Change Message Delivery [Disabled] TimerTick Tracking [Auto] Clock Interrupt Tag [Enabled] EHCI Traffic Handling [Disabled] Fusion Message C Multi-Core [Disabled] Fusion Message C State [Disabled] SPI Read Mode [Auto] SPI 100MHz Support [Auto] SPI Normal Speed [Auto] SPI Fast Read Speed [Auto] SPI Burst Write [Auto] I2C 0 D3 Support [Auto] I2C 1 D3 Support [Auto] I2C 2 D3 Support [Auto] I2C 3 D3 Support [Auto] UART 0 D3 Support [Auto] UART 1 D3 Support [Auto] SATA D3 Support [Auto] EHCI D3 Support [Auto] XHCI D3 Support [Auto] SD D3 Support [Auto] S0I3 [Auto] Chipset Power Saving Features [Enabled] SB Clock Spread Spectrum [Auto] SB Clock Spread Spectrum Option [-0.375%] HPET In SB [Auto] MsiDis in HPET [Auto] _OSC For PCI0 [Auto] USB Phy Power Down [Auto] PCIB_CLK_Stop Override [0] USB MSI Option [Auto] LPC MSI Option [Auto] PCIBridge MSI Option [Auto] AB MSI Option [Auto] SB C1E Support [Auto] SB Hardware Reduced Support [Auto] GPP Serial Debug Bus Enable [Auto] IOMMU [Auto] Remote Display Feature [Auto] Gnb Hd Audio [Auto] PSPP Policy [Auto] Memory Clock [Auto] Bank Interleaving [Enabled] Channel Interleaving [Enabled] Memory Clear [Disabled] Fast Boot [Enabled] Next Boot after AC Power Loss [Normal Boot] Boot Logo Display [Auto] POST Delay Time [1 sec] Boot up NumLock State [Enabled] Wait For 'F1' If Error [Enabled] Option ROM Messages [Enabled] Interrupt 19 Capture [Disabled] Setup Mode [Advanced Mode] Launch CSM [Enabled] Boot Device Control [uEFI and Legacy OPROM] Boot from Network Devices [Legacy only] Boot from Storage Devices [Legacy only] Boot from PCI-E Expansion Devices [Legacy only] OS Type [Windows UEFI mode] Setup Animator [Disabled] Load from Profile [1] Profile Name [3.8_3466_tuned] Save to Profile [5] CPU Core Voltage [Auto] VDDSOC Voltage [Auto] 1.8V PLL Voltage [Auto] BCLK Frequency [Auto] CPU Ratio [Auto] Bus Interface [PCIEX16/X8_1] Το μονο που αλλάζω για 4.0-4.1 είναι τάση στον επεξεργαστή από 0.11250 σε 0.23750 offset. Προσοχή όμως γιατί οι CPU με X στο τέλος έχουν διαφορετικό VID από τους non-x και το offset που δίνω εγώ για τον 1700 δίνει πολύ παραπάνω τάση στον 1700x/1800x/1600x. Το συνολικό voltage είναι πάντα VID + offset. 1
kogos Δημοσ. 30 Ιουλίου 2017 Δημοσ. 30 Ιουλίου 2017 Για τον άσχετο, δηλαδή εμένα, που τώρα μαθαίνει και δοκιμάζει oc σε b350+1700: 1. Τι είναι το vid? 2. Πόσο είναι τελικά το ρεύμα που δίνεις για 3.8 με offset 0.11250? Το mobo που έχω έχει επιλογή μόνο για offset και κοιτώ να το ζορισω όσο πάει για 24/7, πάντα σε ασφαλές επίπεδα, γι αυτο και ρωτώ
strawman Δημοσ. 30 Ιουλίου 2017 Δημοσ. 30 Ιουλίου 2017 Στις 30/7/2017 στις 7:28 ΠΜ, kogos είπε Για τον άσχετο, δηλαδή εμένα, που τώρα μαθαίνει και δοκιμάζει oc σε b350+1700: 1. Τι είναι το vid? 2. Πόσο είναι τελικά το ρεύμα που δίνεις για 3.8 με offset 0.11250? Το mobo που έχω έχει επιλογή μόνο για offset και κοιτώ να το ζορισω όσο πάει για 24/7, πάντα σε ασφαλές επίπεδα, γι αυτο και ρωτώ To stock του 1700 πρεπει να ειναι 1.23, οποτε προσθετεις το offset και βρισκεις ποσο δινει. Στην περιπτωση σου, καπου στο 1.35 παιζεις.
IoaZ Δημοσ. 30 Ιουλίου 2017 Δημοσ. 30 Ιουλίου 2017 Στις 30/7/2017 στις 6:39 ΠΜ, Spartan117 είπε Εμφάνιση κρυμμένου περιεχομένου [2017/07/30 11:30:50] Ai Overclock Tuner [Manual] BCLK Frequency [100.0000] BCLK_Divider [Auto] Custom CPU Core Ratio [Auto] > CPU Core Ratio [40.00] Performance Bias [Auto] Memory Frequency [DDR4-3466MHz] Core Performance Boost [Disabled] SMT Mode [Auto] EPU Power Saving Mode [Disabled] TPU [Keep Current Settings] CPU Core Voltage [Manual mode] - CPU Core Voltage Override [1.43125] CPU SOC Voltage [Manual mode] - VDDSOC Voltage Override [1.15625] DRAM Voltage [1.43000] 1.8V PLL Voltage [1.80000] 1.05V SB Voltage [Auto] Target TDP [Auto] TRC_EOM [Auto] TRTP_EOM [Auto] TRRS_S_EOM [Auto] TRRS_L_EOM [Auto] TWTR_EOM [Auto] TWTR_L_EOM [Auto] TWCL_EOM [Auto] TWR_EOM [Auto] TFAW_EOM [Auto] TRCT_EOM [Auto] TREFI_EOM [Auto] TRDRD_DD_EOM [Auto] TRDRD_SD_EOM [Auto] TRDRD_SC_EOM [Auto] TRDRD_SCDLR_EOM [Auto] TRDRD_SCL_EOM [Auto] TWRWR_DD_EOM [Auto] TWRWR_SD_EOM [Auto] TWRWR_SC_EOM [Auto] TWRWR_SCDLR_EOM [Auto] TWRWR_SCL_EOM [Auto] TWRRD_EOM [Auto] TRDWR_EOM [Auto] TWRRD_SCDLR_EOM [Auto] Mem Over Clock Fail Count [3] DRAM CAS# Latency [14] DRAM RAS# to CAS# Read Delay [14] DRAM RAS# to CAS# Write Delay [14] DRAM RAS# PRE Time [14] DRAM RAS# ACT Time [28] Trc_SM [42] TrrdS_SM [6] TrrdL_SM [8] Tfaw_SM [28] TwtrS_SM [4] TwtrL_SM [10] Twr_SM [10] Trcpage_SM [Auto] TrdrdScl_SM [2] TwrwrScl_SM [2] Trfc_SM [260] Trfc2_SM [Auto] Trfc4_SM [Auto] Tcwl_SM [14] Trtp_SM [8] Trdwr_SM [6] Twrrd_SM [3] TwrwrSc_SM [1] TwrwrSd_SM [7] TwrwrDd_SM [7] TrdrdSc_SM [1] TrdrdSd_SM [5] TrdrdDd_SM [5] Tcke_SM [6] ProcODT_SM [53.3 ohm] Cmd2T [1T] Gear Down Mode [Enabled] Power Down Enable [Auto] RttNom [Auto] RttWr [Auto] RttPark [Auto] MemAddrCmdSetup_SM [Auto] MemCsOdtSetup_SM [Auto] MemCkeSetup_SM [Auto] MemCadBusClkDrvStren_SM [Auto] MemCadBusAddrCmdDrvStren_SM [Auto] MemCadBusCsOdtDrvStren_SM [Auto] MemCadBusCkeDrvStren_SM [Auto] VTTDDR Voltage [Auto] VPP_MEM Voltage [Auto] DRAM CTRL REF Voltage on CHA [Auto] DRAM CTRL REF Voltage on CHB [Auto] VDDP Voltage [Auto] VDDP Standby Voltage [Auto] 1.8V Standby Voltage [Auto] CPU 3.3v AUX [Auto] 2.5V SB Voltage [Auto] DRAM R1 Tune [Auto] DRAM R2 Tune [Auto] DRAM R3 Tune [Auto] DRAM R4 Tune [Auto] PCIE Tune R1 [Auto] PCIE Tune R2 [Auto] PCIE Tune R3 [Auto] PLL Tune R1 [Auto] PLL reference voltage [Auto] T Offset [Auto] Sense MI Skew [Auto] Sense MI Offset [Auto] Promontory presence [Auto] Clock Amplitude [Auto] CPU Load-line Calibration [Level 3] CPU Current Capability [140%] CPU VRM Switching Frequency [Auto] VRM Spread Spectrum [Disabled] Active Frequency Mode [Disabled] CPU Power Duty Control [T.Probe] CPU Power Phase Control [Extreme] CPU Power Thermal Control [120] VDDSOC Load-line Calibration [Level 2] VDDSOC Current Capability [140%] VDDSOC Switching Frequency [Auto] VDDSOC Phase Control [Extreme] DRAM Current Capability [130%] DRAM Power Phase Control [Extreme] DRAM Switching Frequency [Auto] DRAM VBoot Voltage [1.40000] Security Device Support [Enable] TPM Device Selection [Discrete TPM] Erase fTPM NV for factory reset [Enabled] PSS Support [Enabled] NX Mode [Enabled] SVM Mode [Disabled] SATA Port Enable [Enabled] PT XHCI GEN1 [Auto] PT XHCI GEN2 [Auto] PT USB Equalization4 [Auto] PT USB Redriver [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 0 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 1 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 2 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 3 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 4 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 5 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 6 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 7 [Auto] Onboard PCIE LAN PXE ROM [Enabled] AMD CRB EHCI Debug port switch [Disabled] Onboard LED [Enabled] Hyper kit Mode [Disabled] SATA Port Enable [Enabled] SATA Mode [AHCI] SMART Self Test [Enabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] ErP Ready [Disabled] Restore On AC Power Loss [Power Off] Power On By PCI-E/PCI [Disabled] Power On By RTC [Disabled] Super I/O Clock Skew [Auto] HD Audio Controller [Enabled] PCIEX4_3 Bandwidth [Auto] PCIEX16_1 Mode [Auto] PCIEX8_2 Mode [Auto] PCIEX4_3 Mode [Auto] M.2 Link Mode [Auto] SB Link Mode [Auto] Asmedia USB 3.1 Controller [Enabled] RGB LED lighting [Enabled] In sleep, hibernate and soft off states [On] Intel LAN Controller [Enabled] Intel LAN OPROM [Disabled] USB Type C Power Switch for USB3.1_E1 [Auto] USB Type C Power Switch for USB3.1_EC2 [Auto] Network Stack [Disabled] Debug Port Table [Disabled] Debug Port Table 2 [Disabled] Device [sAMSUNG HD642JJ] Legacy USB Support [Enabled] XHCI Hand-off [Enabled] USB Mass Storage Driver Support [Enabled] USB3.1_E1 [Auto] USB3_1 [Enabled] USB3_2 [Enabled] USB3_3 [Enabled] USB3_4 [Enabled] USB3_5 [Auto] USB3_6 [Auto] USB3_7 [Auto] USB3_8 [Auto] USB3_9 [Auto] USB3_10 [Auto] USB2_11 [Auto] USB2_12 [Auto] USB2_13 [Auto] USB2_14 [Auto] USB_15 [Auto] USB_16 [Auto] CPU Temperature [Monitor] MotherBoard Temperature [Monitor] VRM Temperature [Monitor] PCH Temperature [Monitor] T_Sensor1 Temperature [Monitor] CPU Fan Speed [Monitor] Chassis Fan 1 Speed [Monitor] Chassis Fan 2 Speed [Monitor] Chassis Fan 3 Speed [Monitor] W_PUMP+ Speed [Monitor] CPU Optional Fan Speed [Monitor] AIO_PUMP Speed [Monitor] W_FLOW Speed [Monitor] W_IN Temperature [Monitor] W_OUT Temperature [Monitor] CPU Core Voltage [Monitor] 3.3V Voltage [Monitor] 5V Voltage [Monitor] 12V Voltage [Monitor] CPU Q-Fan Control [Auto] CPU Fan Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec] CPU Fan Speed Lower Limit [200 RPM] CPU Fan Profile [Manual] CPU Upper Temperature [70] CPU Fan Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100] CPU Middle Temperature [45] CPU Fan Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [60] CPU Lower Temperature [40] CPU Fan Min. Duty Cycle (%) [34] W_PUMP+ Control [Disabled] Chassis Fan 1 Q-Fan Control [Auto] Chassis Fan 1 Q-Fan Source [CPU] Chassis Fan 1 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec] Chassis Fan 1 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM] Chassis Fan 1 Profile [Manual] Chassis Fan 1 Upper Temperature [70] Chassis Fan 1 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100] Chassis Fan 1 Middle Temperature [45] Chassis Fan 1 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [60] Chassis Fan 1 Lower Temperature [40] Chassis Fan 1 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [35] Chassis Fan 2 Q-Fan Control [Auto] Chassis Fan 2 Q-Fan Source [CPU] Chassis Fan 2 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec] Chassis Fan 2 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM] Chassis Fan 2 Profile [Manual] Chassis Fan 2 Upper Temperature [70] Chassis Fan 2 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100] Chassis Fan 2 Middle Temperature [45] Chassis Fan 2 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [60] Chassis Fan 2 Lower Temperature [40] Chassis Fan 2 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [35] Chassis Fan 3 Q-Fan Control [Auto] Chassis Fan 3 Q-Fan Source [CPU] Chassis Fan 3 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec] Chassis Fan 3 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM] Chassis Fan 3 Profile [Manual] Chassis Fan 3 Upper Temperature [70] Chassis Fan 3 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100] Chassis Fan 3 Middle Temperature [45] Chassis Fan 3 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [60] Chassis Fan 3 Lower Temperature [40] Chassis Fan 3 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [35] OnChip SATA Channel [Auto] OnChip SATA Type [AHCI] USB3_1 [Enabled] USB3_2 [Enabled] USB3_3 [Enabled] USB3_4 [Enabled] IR Config [RX & TX0 Only] SdForce18 Enable [Disabled] SD Mode configuration [AMDA] Uart 0 Enable [Enabled] Uart 1 Enable [Enabled] I2C 0 Enable [Enabled] I2C 1 Enable [Enabled] I2C 2 Enable [Disabled] I2C 3 Enable [Disabled] GPIO Devices Support [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 0 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 1 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 2 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 3 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 4 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 5 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 6 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 7 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 0 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 1 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 2 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 3 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 4 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 5 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 6 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 7 [Auto] SATA Port 0 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 1 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 2 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 3 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 4 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 5 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 6 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 7 MODE [Auto] SATA Hot-Removable Support [Auto] SATA 6 AHCI Support [Auto] Int. Clk Differential Spread [Auto] SATA MAXGEN2 CAP OPTION [Auto] SATA CLK Mode Option [Auto] Aggressive Link PM Capability [Auto] Port Multiplier Capability [Auto] SATA Ports Auto Clock Control [Auto] SATA Partial State Capability [Auto] SATA FIS Based Switching [Auto] SATA Command Completion Coalescing Support [Auto] SATA Slumber State Capability [Auto] SATA MSI Capability Support [Auto] SATA Target Support 8 Devices [Auto] Generic Mode [Auto] SATA AHCI Enclosure [Auto] SATA SGPIO 0 [Disabled] SATA SGPIO 1 [Disabled] SATA PHY PLL [Auto] AC/DC Change Message Delivery [Disabled] TimerTick Tracking [Auto] Clock Interrupt Tag [Enabled] EHCI Traffic Handling [Disabled] Fusion Message C Multi-Core [Disabled] Fusion Message C State [Disabled] SPI Read Mode [Auto] SPI 100MHz Support [Auto] SPI Normal Speed [Auto] SPI Fast Read Speed [Auto] SPI Burst Write [Auto] I2C 0 D3 Support [Auto] I2C 1 D3 Support [Auto] I2C 2 D3 Support [Auto] I2C 3 D3 Support [Auto] UART 0 D3 Support [Auto] UART 1 D3 Support [Auto] SATA D3 Support [Auto] EHCI D3 Support [Auto] XHCI D3 Support [Auto] SD D3 Support [Auto] S0I3 [Auto] Chipset Power Saving Features [Enabled] SB Clock Spread Spectrum [Auto] SB Clock Spread Spectrum Option [-0.375%] HPET In SB [Auto] MsiDis in HPET [Auto] _OSC For PCI0 [Auto] USB Phy Power Down [Auto] PCIB_CLK_Stop Override [0] USB MSI Option [Auto] LPC MSI Option [Auto] PCIBridge MSI Option [Auto] AB MSI Option [Auto] SB C1E Support [Auto] SB Hardware Reduced Support [Auto] GPP Serial Debug Bus Enable [Auto] IOMMU [Auto] Remote Display Feature [Auto] Gnb Hd Audio [Auto] PSPP Policy [Auto] Memory Clock [Auto] Bank Interleaving [Enabled] Channel Interleaving [Enabled] Memory Clear [Disabled] Fast Boot [Enabled] Next Boot after AC Power Loss [Normal Boot] Boot Logo Display [Auto] POST Delay Time [3 sec] Boot up NumLock State [Enabled] Wait For 'F1' If Error [Enabled] Option ROM Messages [Enabled] Interrupt 19 Capture [Disabled] Setup Mode [Advanced Mode] Launch CSM [Enabled] Boot Device Control [uEFI and Legacy OPROM] Boot from Network Devices [Legacy only] Boot from Storage Devices [Legacy only] Boot from PCI-E Expansion Devices [Legacy only] OS Type [Other OS] Setup Animator [Disabled] Load from Profile [2] Profile Name [test 3466] Save to Profile [2] CPU Core Voltage [Auto] VDDSOC Voltage [Auto] 1.8V PLL Voltage [Auto] BCLK Frequency [Auto] CPU Ratio [Auto] Bus Interface [PCIEX16/X8_1] Έχεις βάλει maximum CPU current και extreme power phase? Soc τι δίνεις; Όλα αυτά είναι σημαντικά στα 4.0+ GHz. Edit: Όλες οι ρυθμίσεις που έχω για 3.8 OC: Εμφάνιση κρυμμένου περιεχομένου [2017/07/30 09:53:21] Ai Overclock Tuner [Manual] BCLK Frequency [100.0000] BCLK_Divider [Auto] Custom CPU Core Ratio [Auto] > CPU Core Ratio [38.00] Performance Bias [Auto] Memory Frequency [DDR4-3466MHz] Core Performance Boost [Disabled] SMT Mode [Auto] EPU Power Saving Mode [Disabled] TPU [Keep Current Settings] CPU Core Voltage [Offset mode] CPU Offset Mode Sign [+] - CPU Core Voltage Offset [0.11250] CPU SOC Voltage [Manual mode] - VDDSOC Voltage Override [1.10000] DRAM Voltage [1.45000] 1.8V PLL Voltage [1.80000] 1.05V SB Voltage [Auto] Target TDP [Auto] TRC_EOM [Auto] TRTP_EOM [Auto] TRRS_S_EOM [Auto] TRRS_L_EOM [Auto] TWTR_EOM [Auto] TWTR_L_EOM [Auto] TWCL_EOM [Auto] TWR_EOM [Auto] TFAW_EOM [Auto] TRCT_EOM [Auto] TREFI_EOM [Auto] TRDRD_DD_EOM [Auto] TRDRD_SD_EOM [Auto] TRDRD_SC_EOM [Auto] TRDRD_SCDLR_EOM [Auto] TRDRD_SCL_EOM [Auto] TWRWR_DD_EOM [Auto] TWRWR_SD_EOM [Auto] TWRWR_SC_EOM [Auto] TWRWR_SCDLR_EOM [Auto] TWRWR_SCL_EOM [Auto] TWRRD_EOM [Auto] TRDWR_EOM [Auto] TWRRD_SCDLR_EOM [Auto] Mem Over Clock Fail Count [1] DRAM CAS# Latency [14] DRAM RAS# to CAS# Read Delay [14] DRAM RAS# to CAS# Write Delay [14] DRAM RAS# PRE Time [14] DRAM RAS# ACT Time [28] Trc_SM [42] TrrdS_SM [4] TrrdL_SM [4] Tfaw_SM [16] TwtrS_SM [4] TwtrL_SM [12] Twr_SM [10] Trcpage_SM [Auto] TrdrdScl_SM [2] TwrwrScl_SM [2] Trfc_SM [260] Trfc2_SM [190] Trfc4_SM [100] Tcwl_SM [14] Trtp_SM [8] Trdwr_SM [6] Twrrd_SM [2] TwrwrSc_SM [1] TwrwrSd_SM [5] TwrwrDd_SM [5] TrdrdSc_SM [1] TrdrdSd_SM [3] TrdrdDd_SM [3] Tcke_SM [4] ProcODT_SM [53.3 ohm] Cmd2T [1T] Gear Down Mode [Enabled] Power Down Enable [Disabled] RttNom [Auto] RttWr [Auto] RttPark [Auto] MemAddrCmdSetup_SM [Auto] MemCsOdtSetup_SM [Auto] MemCkeSetup_SM [Auto] MemCadBusClkDrvStren_SM [Auto] MemCadBusAddrCmdDrvStren_SM [Auto] MemCadBusCsOdtDrvStren_SM [Auto] MemCadBusCkeDrvStren_SM [Auto] VTTDDR Voltage [Auto] VPP_MEM Voltage [Auto] DRAM CTRL REF Voltage on CHA [Auto] DRAM CTRL REF Voltage on CHB [Auto] VDDP Voltage [Auto] VDDP Standby Voltage [Auto] 1.8V Standby Voltage [Auto] CPU 3.3v AUX [Auto] 2.5V SB Voltage [Auto] DRAM R1 Tune [Auto] DRAM R2 Tune [Auto] DRAM R3 Tune [Auto] DRAM R4 Tune [Auto] PCIE Tune R1 [Auto] PCIE Tune R2 [Auto] PCIE Tune R3 [Auto] PLL Tune R1 [Auto] PLL reference voltage [Auto] T Offset [Auto] Sense MI Skew [Enabled] Sense MI Offset [Auto] Promontory presence [Auto] Clock Amplitude [Auto] CPU Load-line Calibration [Level 3] CPU Current Capability [140%] CPU VRM Switching Frequency [Auto] VRM Spread Spectrum [Disabled] Active Frequency Mode [Disabled] CPU Power Duty Control [T.Probe] CPU Power Phase Control [Extreme] CPU Power Thermal Control [120] VDDSOC Load-line Calibration [Level 2] VDDSOC Current Capability [140%] VDDSOC Switching Frequency [Auto] VDDSOC Phase Control [Extreme] DRAM Current Capability [130%] DRAM Power Phase Control [Extreme] DRAM Switching Frequency [Auto] DRAM VBoot Voltage [1.45000] Security Device Support [Enable] TPM Device Selection [Discrete TPM] Erase fTPM NV for factory reset [Enabled] PSS Support [Enabled] NX Mode [Enabled] SVM Mode [Disabled] SATA Port Enable [Enabled] PT XHCI GEN1 [Auto] PT XHCI GEN2 [Auto] PT USB Equalization4 [Auto] PT USB Redriver [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 0 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 1 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 2 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 3 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 4 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 5 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 6 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 7 [Auto] Onboard PCIE LAN PXE ROM [Enabled] AMD CRB EHCI Debug port switch [Disabled] Onboard LED [Enabled] Hyper kit Mode [Disabled] SATA Port Enable [Enabled] SATA Mode [AHCI] SMART Self Test [Enabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] ErP Ready [Disabled] Restore On AC Power Loss [Power Off] Power On By PCI-E/PCI [Disabled] Power On By RTC [Disabled] Super I/O Clock Skew [Disabled] HD Audio Controller [Disabled] PCIEX4_3 Bandwidth [Auto] PCIEX16_1 Mode [Auto] PCIEX8_2 Mode [Auto] PCIEX4_3 Mode [Auto] M.2 Link Mode [Auto] SB Link Mode [Auto] Asmedia USB 3.1 Controller [Enabled] RGB LED lighting [Enabled] In sleep, hibernate and soft off states [On] Intel LAN Controller [Enabled] Intel LAN OPROM [Disabled] USB Type C Power Switch for USB3.1_E1 [Auto] USB Type C Power Switch for USB3.1_EC2 [Auto] Network Stack [Disabled] Debug Port Table [Disabled] Debug Port Table 2 [Disabled] Device [samsung SSD 850 EVO 120GB] Legacy USB Support [Enabled] XHCI Hand-off [Enabled] USB Mass Storage Driver Support [Enabled] USB3.1_E1 [Auto] USB3_1 [Enabled] USB3_2 [Enabled] USB3_3 [Enabled] USB3_4 [Enabled] USB3_5 [Auto] USB3_6 [Auto] USB3_7 [Auto] USB3_8 [Auto] USB3_9 [Auto] USB3_10 [Auto] USB2_11 [Auto] USB2_12 [Auto] USB2_13 [Auto] USB2_14 [Auto] USB_15 [Auto] USB_16 [Auto] CPU Temperature [Monitor] MotherBoard Temperature [Monitor] VRM Temperature [Monitor] PCH Temperature [Monitor] T_Sensor1 Temperature [Monitor] CPU Fan Speed [Monitor] Chassis Fan 1 Speed [Monitor] Chassis Fan 2 Speed [Monitor] Chassis Fan 3 Speed [Monitor] W_PUMP+ Speed [Monitor] CPU Optional Fan Speed [Monitor] AIO_PUMP Speed [Monitor] W_FLOW Speed [Monitor] W_IN Temperature [Monitor] W_OUT Temperature [Monitor] CPU Core Voltage [Monitor] 3.3V Voltage [Monitor] 5V Voltage [Monitor] 12V Voltage [Monitor] CPU Q-Fan Control [Auto] CPU Fan Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec] CPU Fan Speed Lower Limit [200 RPM] CPU Fan Profile [Manual] CPU Upper Temperature [70] CPU Fan Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100] CPU Middle Temperature [60] CPU Fan Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [90] CPU Lower Temperature [40] CPU Fan Min. Duty Cycle (%) [40] W_PUMP+ Control [Disabled] Chassis Fan 1 Q-Fan Control [Auto] Chassis Fan 1 Q-Fan Source [CPU] Chassis Fan 1 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec] Chassis Fan 1 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM] Chassis Fan 1 Profile [standard] Chassis Fan 2 Q-Fan Control [DC Mode] Chassis Fan 2 Q-Fan Source [CPU] Chassis Fan 2 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec] Chassis Fan 2 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM] Chassis Fan 2 Profile [Manual] Chassis Fan 2 Upper Temperature [70] Chassis Fan 2 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100] Chassis Fan 2 Middle Temperature [60] Chassis Fan 2 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [90] Chassis Fan 2 Lower Temperature [40] Chassis Fan 2 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [60] Allow Fan Stop [Enabled] Chassis Fan 3 Q-Fan Control [DC Mode] Chassis Fan 3 Q-Fan Source [CPU] Chassis Fan 3 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec] Chassis Fan 3 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM] Chassis Fan 3 Profile [Manual] Chassis Fan 3 Upper Temperature [70] Chassis Fan 3 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100] Chassis Fan 3 Middle Temperature [60] Chassis Fan 3 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [90] Chassis Fan 3 Lower Temperature [40] Chassis Fan 3 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [60] Allow Fan Stop [Enabled] OnChip SATA Channel [Auto] OnChip SATA Type [AHCI] USB3_1 [Enabled] USB3_2 [Enabled] USB3_3 [Enabled] USB3_4 [Enabled] IR Config [RX & TX0 Only] SdForce18 Enable [Disabled] SD Mode configuration [AMDA] Uart 0 Enable [Enabled] Uart 1 Enable [Enabled] I2C 0 Enable [Enabled] I2C 1 Enable [Enabled] I2C 2 Enable [Disabled] I2C 3 Enable [Disabled] GPIO Devices Support [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 0 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 1 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 2 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 3 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 4 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 5 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 6 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 7 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 0 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 1 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 2 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 3 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 4 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 5 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 6 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 7 [Auto] SATA Port 0 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 1 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 2 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 3 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 4 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 5 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 6 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 7 MODE [Auto] SATA Hot-Removable Support [Auto] SATA 6 AHCI Support [Auto] Int. Clk Differential Spread [Auto] SATA MAXGEN2 CAP OPTION [Auto] SATA CLK Mode Option [Auto] Aggressive Link PM Capability [Auto] Port Multiplier Capability [Auto] SATA Ports Auto Clock Control [Auto] SATA Partial State Capability [Auto] SATA FIS Based Switching [Auto] SATA Command Completion Coalescing Support [Auto] SATA Slumber State Capability [Auto] SATA MSI Capability Support [Auto] SATA Target Support 8 Devices [Auto] Generic Mode [Auto] SATA AHCI Enclosure [Auto] SATA SGPIO 0 [Disabled] SATA SGPIO 1 [Disabled] SATA PHY PLL [Auto] AC/DC Change Message Delivery [Disabled] TimerTick Tracking [Auto] Clock Interrupt Tag [Enabled] EHCI Traffic Handling [Disabled] Fusion Message C Multi-Core [Disabled] Fusion Message C State [Disabled] SPI Read Mode [Auto] SPI 100MHz Support [Auto] SPI Normal Speed [Auto] SPI Fast Read Speed [Auto] SPI Burst Write [Auto] I2C 0 D3 Support [Auto] I2C 1 D3 Support [Auto] I2C 2 D3 Support [Auto] I2C 3 D3 Support [Auto] UART 0 D3 Support [Auto] UART 1 D3 Support [Auto] SATA D3 Support [Auto] EHCI D3 Support [Auto] XHCI D3 Support [Auto] SD D3 Support [Auto] S0I3 [Auto] Chipset Power Saving Features [Enabled] SB Clock Spread Spectrum [Auto] SB Clock Spread Spectrum Option [-0.375%] HPET In SB [Auto] MsiDis in HPET [Auto] _OSC For PCI0 [Auto] USB Phy Power Down [Auto] PCIB_CLK_Stop Override [0] USB MSI Option [Auto] LPC MSI Option [Auto] PCIBridge MSI Option [Auto] AB MSI Option [Auto] SB C1E Support [Auto] SB Hardware Reduced Support [Auto] GPP Serial Debug Bus Enable [Auto] IOMMU [Auto] Remote Display Feature [Auto] Gnb Hd Audio [Auto] PSPP Policy [Auto] Memory Clock [Auto] Bank Interleaving [Enabled] Channel Interleaving [Enabled] Memory Clear [Disabled] Fast Boot [Enabled] Next Boot after AC Power Loss [Normal Boot] Boot Logo Display [Auto] POST Delay Time [1 sec] Boot up NumLock State [Enabled] Wait For 'F1' If Error [Enabled] Option ROM Messages [Enabled] Interrupt 19 Capture [Disabled] Setup Mode [Advanced Mode] Launch CSM [Enabled] Boot Device Control [uEFI and Legacy OPROM] Boot from Network Devices [Legacy only] Boot from Storage Devices [Legacy only] Boot from PCI-E Expansion Devices [Legacy only] OS Type [Windows UEFI mode] Setup Animator [Disabled] Load from Profile [1] Profile Name [3.8_3466_tuned] Save to Profile [5] CPU Core Voltage [Auto] VDDSOC Voltage [Auto] 1.8V PLL Voltage [Auto] BCLK Frequency [Auto] CPU Ratio [Auto] Bus Interface [PCIEX16/X8_1] Το μονο που αλλάζω για 4.0-4.1 είναι τάση στον επεξεργαστή από 0.11250 σε 0.23750 offset. Προσοχή όμως γιατί οι CPU με X στο τέλος έχουν διαφορετικό VID από τους non-x και το offset που δίνω εγώ για τον 1700 δίνει πολύ παραπάνω τάση στον 1700x/1800x/1600x. Το συνολικό voltage είναι πάντα VID + offset. Δοκίμασα αυτά αλλά και πάλι δεν μπορώ να βγάλω CB15 . Βλέπεις κάτι που δεν έχω κάνει σωστά ? Εμφάνιση κρυμμένου περιεχομένου [2017/07/30 11:30:50] Ai Overclock Tuner [Manual] BCLK Frequency [100.0000] BCLK_Divider [Auto] Custom CPU Core Ratio [Auto] > CPU Core Ratio [40.00] Performance Bias [Auto] Memory Frequency [DDR4-3466MHz] Core Performance Boost [Disabled] SMT Mode [Auto] EPU Power Saving Mode [Disabled] TPU [Keep Current Settings] CPU Core Voltage [Manual mode] - CPU Core Voltage Override [1.43125] CPU SOC Voltage [Manual mode] - VDDSOC Voltage Override [1.15625] DRAM Voltage [1.43000] 1.8V PLL Voltage [1.80000] 1.05V SB Voltage [Auto] Target TDP [Auto] TRC_EOM [Auto] TRTP_EOM [Auto] TRRS_S_EOM [Auto] TRRS_L_EOM [Auto] TWTR_EOM [Auto] TWTR_L_EOM [Auto] TWCL_EOM [Auto] TWR_EOM [Auto] TFAW_EOM [Auto] TRCT_EOM [Auto] TREFI_EOM [Auto] TRDRD_DD_EOM [Auto] TRDRD_SD_EOM [Auto] TRDRD_SC_EOM [Auto] TRDRD_SCDLR_EOM [Auto] TRDRD_SCL_EOM [Auto] TWRWR_DD_EOM [Auto] TWRWR_SD_EOM [Auto] TWRWR_SC_EOM [Auto] TWRWR_SCDLR_EOM [Auto] TWRWR_SCL_EOM [Auto] TWRRD_EOM [Auto] TRDWR_EOM [Auto] TWRRD_SCDLR_EOM [Auto] Mem Over Clock Fail Count [3] DRAM CAS# Latency [14] DRAM RAS# to CAS# Read Delay [14] DRAM RAS# to CAS# Write Delay [14] DRAM RAS# PRE Time [14] DRAM RAS# ACT Time [28] Trc_SM [42] TrrdS_SM [6] TrrdL_SM [8] Tfaw_SM [28] TwtrS_SM [4] TwtrL_SM [10] Twr_SM [10] Trcpage_SM [Auto] TrdrdScl_SM [2] TwrwrScl_SM [2] Trfc_SM [260] Trfc2_SM [Auto] Trfc4_SM [Auto] Tcwl_SM [14] Trtp_SM [8] Trdwr_SM [6] Twrrd_SM [3] TwrwrSc_SM [1] TwrwrSd_SM [7] TwrwrDd_SM [7] TrdrdSc_SM [1] TrdrdSd_SM [5] TrdrdDd_SM [5] Tcke_SM [6] ProcODT_SM [53.3 ohm] Cmd2T [1T] Gear Down Mode [Enabled] Power Down Enable [Auto] RttNom [Auto] RttWr [Auto] RttPark [Auto] MemAddrCmdSetup_SM [Auto] MemCsOdtSetup_SM [Auto] MemCkeSetup_SM [Auto] MemCadBusClkDrvStren_SM [Auto] MemCadBusAddrCmdDrvStren_SM [Auto] MemCadBusCsOdtDrvStren_SM [Auto] MemCadBusCkeDrvStren_SM [Auto] VTTDDR Voltage [Auto] VPP_MEM Voltage [Auto] DRAM CTRL REF Voltage on CHA [Auto] DRAM CTRL REF Voltage on CHB [Auto] VDDP Voltage [Auto] VDDP Standby Voltage [Auto] 1.8V Standby Voltage [Auto] CPU 3.3v AUX [Auto] 2.5V SB Voltage [Auto] DRAM R1 Tune [Auto] DRAM R2 Tune [Auto] DRAM R3 Tune [Auto] DRAM R4 Tune [Auto] PCIE Tune R1 [Auto] PCIE Tune R2 [Auto] PCIE Tune R3 [Auto] PLL Tune R1 [Auto] PLL reference voltage [Auto] T Offset [Auto] Sense MI Skew [Auto] Sense MI Offset [Auto] Promontory presence [Auto] Clock Amplitude [Auto] CPU Load-line Calibration [Level 3] CPU Current Capability [140%] CPU VRM Switching Frequency [Auto] VRM Spread Spectrum [Disabled] Active Frequency Mode [Disabled] CPU Power Duty Control [T.Probe] CPU Power Phase Control [Extreme] CPU Power Thermal Control [120] VDDSOC Load-line Calibration [Level 2] VDDSOC Current Capability [140%] VDDSOC Switching Frequency [Auto] VDDSOC Phase Control [Extreme] DRAM Current Capability [130%] DRAM Power Phase Control [Extreme] DRAM Switching Frequency [Auto] DRAM VBoot Voltage [1.40000] Security Device Support [Enable] TPM Device Selection [Discrete TPM] Erase fTPM NV for factory reset [Enabled] PSS Support [Enabled] NX Mode [Enabled] SVM Mode [Disabled] SATA Port Enable [Enabled] PT XHCI GEN1 [Auto] PT XHCI GEN2 [Auto] PT USB Equalization4 [Auto] PT USB Redriver [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 0 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 1 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 2 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 3 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 4 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 5 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 6 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 7 [Auto] Onboard PCIE LAN PXE ROM [Enabled] AMD CRB EHCI Debug port switch [Disabled] Onboard LED [Enabled] Hyper kit Mode [Disabled] SATA Port Enable [Enabled] SATA Mode [AHCI] SMART Self Test [Enabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] ErP Ready [Disabled] Restore On AC Power Loss [Power Off] Power On By PCI-E/PCI [Disabled] Power On By RTC [Disabled] Super I/O Clock Skew [Auto] HD Audio Controller [Enabled] PCIEX4_3 Bandwidth [Auto] PCIEX16_1 Mode [Auto] PCIEX8_2 Mode [Auto] PCIEX4_3 Mode [Auto] M.2 Link Mode [Auto] SB Link Mode [Auto] Asmedia USB 3.1 Controller [Enabled] RGB LED lighting [Enabled] In sleep, hibernate and soft off states [On] Intel LAN Controller [Enabled] Intel LAN OPROM [Disabled] USB Type C Power Switch for USB3.1_E1 [Auto] USB Type C Power Switch for USB3.1_EC2 [Auto] Network Stack [Disabled] Debug Port Table [Disabled] Debug Port Table 2 [Disabled] Device [sAMSUNG HD642JJ] Legacy USB Support [Enabled] XHCI Hand-off [Enabled] USB Mass Storage Driver Support [Enabled] USB3.1_E1 [Auto] USB3_1 [Enabled] USB3_2 [Enabled] USB3_3 [Enabled] USB3_4 [Enabled] USB3_5 [Auto] USB3_6 [Auto] USB3_7 [Auto] USB3_8 [Auto] USB3_9 [Auto] USB3_10 [Auto] USB2_11 [Auto] USB2_12 [Auto] USB2_13 [Auto] USB2_14 [Auto] USB_15 [Auto] USB_16 [Auto] CPU Temperature [Monitor] MotherBoard Temperature [Monitor] VRM Temperature [Monitor] PCH Temperature [Monitor] T_Sensor1 Temperature [Monitor] CPU Fan Speed [Monitor] Chassis Fan 1 Speed [Monitor] Chassis Fan 2 Speed [Monitor] Chassis Fan 3 Speed [Monitor] W_PUMP+ Speed [Monitor] CPU Optional Fan Speed [Monitor] AIO_PUMP Speed [Monitor] W_FLOW Speed [Monitor] W_IN Temperature [Monitor] W_OUT Temperature [Monitor] CPU Core Voltage [Monitor] 3.3V Voltage [Monitor] 5V Voltage [Monitor] 12V Voltage [Monitor] CPU Q-Fan Control [Auto] CPU Fan Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec] CPU Fan Speed Lower Limit [200 RPM] CPU Fan Profile [Manual] CPU Upper Temperature [70] CPU Fan Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100] CPU Middle Temperature [45] CPU Fan Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [60] CPU Lower Temperature [40] CPU Fan Min. Duty Cycle (%) [34] W_PUMP+ Control [Disabled] Chassis Fan 1 Q-Fan Control [Auto] Chassis Fan 1 Q-Fan Source [CPU] Chassis Fan 1 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec] Chassis Fan 1 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM] Chassis Fan 1 Profile [Manual] Chassis Fan 1 Upper Temperature [70] Chassis Fan 1 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100] Chassis Fan 1 Middle Temperature [45] Chassis Fan 1 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [60] Chassis Fan 1 Lower Temperature [40] Chassis Fan 1 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [35] Chassis Fan 2 Q-Fan Control [Auto] Chassis Fan 2 Q-Fan Source [CPU] Chassis Fan 2 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec] Chassis Fan 2 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM] Chassis Fan 2 Profile [Manual] Chassis Fan 2 Upper Temperature [70] Chassis Fan 2 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100] Chassis Fan 2 Middle Temperature [45] Chassis Fan 2 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [60] Chassis Fan 2 Lower Temperature [40] Chassis Fan 2 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [35] Chassis Fan 3 Q-Fan Control [Auto] Chassis Fan 3 Q-Fan Source [CPU] Chassis Fan 3 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec] Chassis Fan 3 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM] Chassis Fan 3 Profile [Manual] Chassis Fan 3 Upper Temperature [70] Chassis Fan 3 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100] Chassis Fan 3 Middle Temperature [45] Chassis Fan 3 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [60] Chassis Fan 3 Lower Temperature [40] Chassis Fan 3 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [35] OnChip SATA Channel [Auto] OnChip SATA Type [AHCI] USB3_1 [Enabled] USB3_2 [Enabled] USB3_3 [Enabled] USB3_4 [Enabled] IR Config [RX & TX0 Only] SdForce18 Enable [Disabled] SD Mode configuration [AMDA] Uart 0 Enable [Enabled] Uart 1 Enable [Enabled] I2C 0 Enable [Enabled] I2C 1 Enable [Enabled] I2C 2 Enable [Disabled] I2C 3 Enable [Disabled] GPIO Devices Support [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 0 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 1 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 2 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 3 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 4 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 5 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 6 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 7 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 0 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 1 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 2 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 3 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 4 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 5 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 6 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 7 [Auto] SATA Port 0 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 1 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 2 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 3 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 4 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 5 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 6 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 7 MODE [Auto] SATA Hot-Removable Support [Auto] SATA 6 AHCI Support [Auto] Int. Clk Differential Spread [Auto] SATA MAXGEN2 CAP OPTION [Auto] SATA CLK Mode Option [Auto] Aggressive Link PM Capability [Auto] Port Multiplier Capability [Auto] SATA Ports Auto Clock Control [Auto] SATA Partial State Capability [Auto] SATA FIS Based Switching [Auto] SATA Command Completion Coalescing Support [Auto] SATA Slumber State Capability [Auto] SATA MSI Capability Support [Auto] SATA Target Support 8 Devices [Auto] Generic Mode [Auto] SATA AHCI Enclosure [Auto] SATA SGPIO 0 [Disabled] SATA SGPIO 1 [Disabled] SATA PHY PLL [Auto] AC/DC Change Message Delivery [Disabled] TimerTick Tracking [Auto] Clock Interrupt Tag [Enabled] EHCI Traffic Handling [Disabled] Fusion Message C Multi-Core [Disabled] Fusion Message C State [Disabled] SPI Read Mode [Auto] SPI 100MHz Support [Auto] SPI Normal Speed [Auto] SPI Fast Read Speed [Auto] SPI Burst Write [Auto] I2C 0 D3 Support [Auto] I2C 1 D3 Support [Auto] I2C 2 D3 Support [Auto] I2C 3 D3 Support [Auto] UART 0 D3 Support [Auto] UART 1 D3 Support [Auto] SATA D3 Support [Auto] EHCI D3 Support [Auto] XHCI D3 Support [Auto] SD D3 Support [Auto] S0I3 [Auto] Chipset Power Saving Features [Enabled] SB Clock Spread Spectrum [Auto] SB Clock Spread Spectrum Option [-0.375%] HPET In SB [Auto] MsiDis in HPET [Auto] _OSC For PCI0 [Auto] USB Phy Power Down [Auto] PCIB_CLK_Stop Override [0] USB MSI Option [Auto] LPC MSI Option [Auto] PCIBridge MSI Option [Auto] AB MSI Option [Auto] SB C1E Support [Auto] SB Hardware Reduced Support [Auto] GPP Serial Debug Bus Enable [Auto] IOMMU [Auto] Remote Display Feature [Auto] Gnb Hd Audio [Auto] PSPP Policy [Auto] Memory Clock [Auto] Bank Interleaving [Enabled] Channel Interleaving [Enabled] Memory Clear [Disabled] Fast Boot [Enabled] Next Boot after AC Power Loss [Normal Boot] Boot Logo Display [Auto] POST Delay Time [3 sec] Boot up NumLock State [Enabled] Wait For 'F1' If Error [Enabled] Option ROM Messages [Enabled] Interrupt 19 Capture [Disabled] Setup Mode [Advanced Mode] Launch CSM [Enabled] Boot Device Control [uEFI and Legacy OPROM] Boot from Network Devices [Legacy only] Boot from Storage Devices [Legacy only] Boot from PCI-E Expansion Devices [Legacy only] OS Type [Other OS] Setup Animator [Disabled] Load from Profile [2] Profile Name [test 3466] Save to Profile [2] CPU Core Voltage [Auto] VDDSOC Voltage [Auto] 1.8V PLL Voltage [Auto] BCLK Frequency [Auto] CPU Ratio [Auto] Bus Interface [PCIEX16/X8_1]
1.3power Δημοσ. 30 Ιουλίου 2017 Δημοσ. 30 Ιουλίου 2017 Τα Hynix kit απο G.Skill 3000 Cl15 3200 CL16 ειναι AFR απο οτι ειδα τωρα με το thaiphoon burner. Επιτελους ενα thread να μιλησουμε για OC..Ωραιος Spratan.
petranthe Δημοσ. 30 Ιουλίου 2017 Δημοσ. 30 Ιουλίου 2017 @loaz δοκίμασε να δώσεις λίγο 1.8 PLL Στα 4ghz με 1.8 σ', εμένα δύσκολα... Θέλει 1.87 Αν το αφήσεις auto τι τιμή έχεις; 1
strawman Δημοσ. 30 Ιουλίου 2017 Δημοσ. 30 Ιουλίου 2017 Στις 30/7/2017 στις 8:44 ΠΜ, IoaZ είπε Δοκίμασα αυτά αλλά και πάλι δεν μπορώ να βγάλω CB15 . Βλέπεις κάτι που δεν έχω κάνει σωστά ? Εμφάνιση κρυμμένου περιεχομένου [2017/07/30 11:30:50] Ai Overclock Tuner [Manual] BCLK Frequency [100.0000] BCLK_Divider [Auto] Custom CPU Core Ratio [Auto] > CPU Core Ratio [40.00] Performance Bias [Auto] Memory Frequency [DDR4-3466MHz] Core Performance Boost [Disabled] SMT Mode [Auto] EPU Power Saving Mode [Disabled] TPU [Keep Current Settings] CPU Core Voltage [Manual mode] - CPU Core Voltage Override [1.43125] CPU SOC Voltage [Manual mode] - VDDSOC Voltage Override [1.15625] DRAM Voltage [1.43000] 1.8V PLL Voltage [1.80000] 1.05V SB Voltage [Auto] Target TDP [Auto] TRC_EOM [Auto] TRTP_EOM [Auto] TRRS_S_EOM [Auto] TRRS_L_EOM [Auto] TWTR_EOM [Auto] TWTR_L_EOM [Auto] TWCL_EOM [Auto] TWR_EOM [Auto] TFAW_EOM [Auto] TRCT_EOM [Auto] TREFI_EOM [Auto] TRDRD_DD_EOM [Auto] TRDRD_SD_EOM [Auto] TRDRD_SC_EOM [Auto] TRDRD_SCDLR_EOM [Auto] TRDRD_SCL_EOM [Auto] TWRWR_DD_EOM [Auto] TWRWR_SD_EOM [Auto] TWRWR_SC_EOM [Auto] TWRWR_SCDLR_EOM [Auto] TWRWR_SCL_EOM [Auto] TWRRD_EOM [Auto] TRDWR_EOM [Auto] TWRRD_SCDLR_EOM [Auto] Mem Over Clock Fail Count [3] DRAM CAS# Latency [14] DRAM RAS# to CAS# Read Delay [14] DRAM RAS# to CAS# Write Delay [14] DRAM RAS# PRE Time [14] DRAM RAS# ACT Time [28] Trc_SM [42] TrrdS_SM [6] TrrdL_SM [8] Tfaw_SM [28] TwtrS_SM [4] TwtrL_SM [10] Twr_SM [10] Trcpage_SM [Auto] TrdrdScl_SM [2] TwrwrScl_SM [2] Trfc_SM [260] Trfc2_SM [Auto] Trfc4_SM [Auto] Tcwl_SM [14] Trtp_SM [8] Trdwr_SM [6] Twrrd_SM [3] TwrwrSc_SM [1] TwrwrSd_SM [7] TwrwrDd_SM [7] TrdrdSc_SM [1] TrdrdSd_SM [5] TrdrdDd_SM [5] Tcke_SM [6] ProcODT_SM [53.3 ohm] Cmd2T [1T] Gear Down Mode [Enabled] Power Down Enable [Auto] RttNom [Auto] RttWr [Auto] RttPark [Auto] MemAddrCmdSetup_SM [Auto] MemCsOdtSetup_SM [Auto] MemCkeSetup_SM [Auto] MemCadBusClkDrvStren_SM [Auto] MemCadBusAddrCmdDrvStren_SM [Auto] MemCadBusCsOdtDrvStren_SM [Auto] MemCadBusCkeDrvStren_SM [Auto] VTTDDR Voltage [Auto] VPP_MEM Voltage [Auto] DRAM CTRL REF Voltage on CHA [Auto] DRAM CTRL REF Voltage on CHB [Auto] VDDP Voltage [Auto] VDDP Standby Voltage [Auto] 1.8V Standby Voltage [Auto] CPU 3.3v AUX [Auto] 2.5V SB Voltage [Auto] DRAM R1 Tune [Auto] DRAM R2 Tune [Auto] DRAM R3 Tune [Auto] DRAM R4 Tune [Auto] PCIE Tune R1 [Auto] PCIE Tune R2 [Auto] PCIE Tune R3 [Auto] PLL Tune R1 [Auto] PLL reference voltage [Auto] T Offset [Auto] Sense MI Skew [Auto] Sense MI Offset [Auto] Promontory presence [Auto] Clock Amplitude [Auto] CPU Load-line Calibration [Level 3] CPU Current Capability [140%] CPU VRM Switching Frequency [Auto] VRM Spread Spectrum [Disabled] Active Frequency Mode [Disabled] CPU Power Duty Control [T.Probe] CPU Power Phase Control [Extreme] CPU Power Thermal Control [120] VDDSOC Load-line Calibration [Level 2] VDDSOC Current Capability [140%] VDDSOC Switching Frequency [Auto] VDDSOC Phase Control [Extreme] DRAM Current Capability [130%] DRAM Power Phase Control [Extreme] DRAM Switching Frequency [Auto] DRAM VBoot Voltage [1.40000] Security Device Support [Enable] TPM Device Selection [Discrete TPM] Erase fTPM NV for factory reset [Enabled] PSS Support [Enabled] NX Mode [Enabled] SVM Mode [Disabled] SATA Port Enable [Enabled] PT XHCI GEN1 [Auto] PT XHCI GEN2 [Auto] PT USB Equalization4 [Auto] PT USB Redriver [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 0 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 1 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 2 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 3 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 4 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 5 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 6 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 7 [Auto] Onboard PCIE LAN PXE ROM [Enabled] AMD CRB EHCI Debug port switch [Disabled] Onboard LED [Enabled] Hyper kit Mode [Disabled] SATA Port Enable [Enabled] SATA Mode [AHCI] SMART Self Test [Enabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] ErP Ready [Disabled] Restore On AC Power Loss [Power Off] Power On By PCI-E/PCI [Disabled] Power On By RTC [Disabled] Super I/O Clock Skew [Auto] HD Audio Controller [Enabled] PCIEX4_3 Bandwidth [Auto] PCIEX16_1 Mode [Auto] PCIEX8_2 Mode [Auto] PCIEX4_3 Mode [Auto] M.2 Link Mode [Auto] SB Link Mode [Auto] Asmedia USB 3.1 Controller [Enabled] RGB LED lighting [Enabled] In sleep, hibernate and soft off states [On] Intel LAN Controller [Enabled] Intel LAN OPROM [Disabled] USB Type C Power Switch for USB3.1_E1 [Auto] USB Type C Power Switch for USB3.1_EC2 [Auto] Network Stack [Disabled] Debug Port Table [Disabled] Debug Port Table 2 [Disabled] Device [sAMSUNG HD642JJ] Legacy USB Support [Enabled] XHCI Hand-off [Enabled] USB Mass Storage Driver Support [Enabled] USB3.1_E1 [Auto] USB3_1 [Enabled] USB3_2 [Enabled] USB3_3 [Enabled] USB3_4 [Enabled] USB3_5 [Auto] USB3_6 [Auto] USB3_7 [Auto] USB3_8 [Auto] USB3_9 [Auto] USB3_10 [Auto] USB2_11 [Auto] USB2_12 [Auto] USB2_13 [Auto] USB2_14 [Auto] USB_15 [Auto] USB_16 [Auto] CPU Temperature [Monitor] MotherBoard Temperature [Monitor] VRM Temperature [Monitor] PCH Temperature [Monitor] T_Sensor1 Temperature [Monitor] CPU Fan Speed [Monitor] Chassis Fan 1 Speed [Monitor] Chassis Fan 2 Speed [Monitor] Chassis Fan 3 Speed [Monitor] W_PUMP+ Speed [Monitor] CPU Optional Fan Speed [Monitor] AIO_PUMP Speed [Monitor] W_FLOW Speed [Monitor] W_IN Temperature [Monitor] W_OUT Temperature [Monitor] CPU Core Voltage [Monitor] 3.3V Voltage [Monitor] 5V Voltage [Monitor] 12V Voltage [Monitor] CPU Q-Fan Control [Auto] CPU Fan Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec] CPU Fan Speed Lower Limit [200 RPM] CPU Fan Profile [Manual] CPU Upper Temperature [70] CPU Fan Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100] CPU Middle Temperature [45] CPU Fan Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [60] CPU Lower Temperature [40] CPU Fan Min. Duty Cycle (%) [34] W_PUMP+ Control [Disabled] Chassis Fan 1 Q-Fan Control [Auto] Chassis Fan 1 Q-Fan Source [CPU] Chassis Fan 1 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec] Chassis Fan 1 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM] Chassis Fan 1 Profile [Manual] Chassis Fan 1 Upper Temperature [70] Chassis Fan 1 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100] Chassis Fan 1 Middle Temperature [45] Chassis Fan 1 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [60] Chassis Fan 1 Lower Temperature [40] Chassis Fan 1 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [35] Chassis Fan 2 Q-Fan Control [Auto] Chassis Fan 2 Q-Fan Source [CPU] Chassis Fan 2 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec] Chassis Fan 2 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM] Chassis Fan 2 Profile [Manual] Chassis Fan 2 Upper Temperature [70] Chassis Fan 2 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100] Chassis Fan 2 Middle Temperature [45] Chassis Fan 2 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [60] Chassis Fan 2 Lower Temperature [40] Chassis Fan 2 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [35] Chassis Fan 3 Q-Fan Control [Auto] Chassis Fan 3 Q-Fan Source [CPU] Chassis Fan 3 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec] Chassis Fan 3 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM] Chassis Fan 3 Profile [Manual] Chassis Fan 3 Upper Temperature [70] Chassis Fan 3 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100] Chassis Fan 3 Middle Temperature [45] Chassis Fan 3 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [60] Chassis Fan 3 Lower Temperature [40] Chassis Fan 3 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [35] OnChip SATA Channel [Auto] OnChip SATA Type [AHCI] USB3_1 [Enabled] USB3_2 [Enabled] USB3_3 [Enabled] USB3_4 [Enabled] IR Config [RX & TX0 Only] SdForce18 Enable [Disabled] SD Mode configuration [AMDA] Uart 0 Enable [Enabled] Uart 1 Enable [Enabled] I2C 0 Enable [Enabled] I2C 1 Enable [Enabled] I2C 2 Enable [Disabled] I2C 3 Enable [Disabled] GPIO Devices Support [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 0 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 1 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 2 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 3 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 4 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 5 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 6 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 7 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 0 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 1 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 2 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 3 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 4 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 5 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 6 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 7 [Auto] SATA Port 0 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 1 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 2 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 3 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 4 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 5 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 6 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 7 MODE [Auto] SATA Hot-Removable Support [Auto] SATA 6 AHCI Support [Auto] Int. Clk Differential Spread [Auto] SATA MAXGEN2 CAP OPTION [Auto] SATA CLK Mode Option [Auto] Aggressive Link PM Capability [Auto] Port Multiplier Capability [Auto] SATA Ports Auto Clock Control [Auto] SATA Partial State Capability [Auto] SATA FIS Based Switching [Auto] SATA Command Completion Coalescing Support [Auto] SATA Slumber State Capability [Auto] SATA MSI Capability Support [Auto] SATA Target Support 8 Devices [Auto] Generic Mode [Auto] SATA AHCI Enclosure [Auto] SATA SGPIO 0 [Disabled] SATA SGPIO 1 [Disabled] SATA PHY PLL [Auto] AC/DC Change Message Delivery [Disabled] TimerTick Tracking [Auto] Clock Interrupt Tag [Enabled] EHCI Traffic Handling [Disabled] Fusion Message C Multi-Core [Disabled] Fusion Message C State [Disabled] SPI Read Mode [Auto] SPI 100MHz Support [Auto] SPI Normal Speed [Auto] SPI Fast Read Speed [Auto] SPI Burst Write [Auto] I2C 0 D3 Support [Auto] I2C 1 D3 Support [Auto] I2C 2 D3 Support [Auto] I2C 3 D3 Support [Auto] UART 0 D3 Support [Auto] UART 1 D3 Support [Auto] SATA D3 Support [Auto] EHCI D3 Support [Auto] XHCI D3 Support [Auto] SD D3 Support [Auto] S0I3 [Auto] Chipset Power Saving Features [Enabled] SB Clock Spread Spectrum [Auto] SB Clock Spread Spectrum Option [-0.375%] HPET In SB [Auto] MsiDis in HPET [Auto] _OSC For PCI0 [Auto] USB Phy Power Down [Auto] PCIB_CLK_Stop Override [0] USB MSI Option [Auto] LPC MSI Option [Auto] PCIBridge MSI Option [Auto] AB MSI Option [Auto] SB C1E Support [Auto] SB Hardware Reduced Support [Auto] GPP Serial Debug Bus Enable [Auto] IOMMU [Auto] Remote Display Feature [Auto] Gnb Hd Audio [Auto] PSPP Policy [Auto] Memory Clock [Auto] Bank Interleaving [Enabled] Channel Interleaving [Enabled] Memory Clear [Disabled] Fast Boot [Enabled] Next Boot after AC Power Loss [Normal Boot] Boot Logo Display [Auto] POST Delay Time [3 sec] Boot up NumLock State [Enabled] Wait For 'F1' If Error [Enabled] Option ROM Messages [Enabled] Interrupt 19 Capture [Disabled] Setup Mode [Advanced Mode] Launch CSM [Enabled] Boot Device Control [uEFI and Legacy OPROM] Boot from Network Devices [Legacy only] Boot from Storage Devices [Legacy only] Boot from PCI-E Expansion Devices [Legacy only] OS Type [Other OS] Setup Animator [Disabled] Load from Profile [2] Profile Name [test 3466] Save to Profile [2] CPU Core Voltage [Auto] VDDSOC Voltage [Auto] 1.8V PLL Voltage [Auto] BCLK Frequency [Auto] CPU Ratio [Auto] Bus Interface [PCIEX16/X8_1] Δοκιμασε να clockaris τον επεξεργαστη χωρις τις μνημες και δες αν ειναι okay. Παντως στα 4.0 ghz ουτε εμενα ειναι stable ασχετος ρευματος. Στην αρχη νομιζα οτι φταιει η mobo μου αλλα απο οτι φαινεται απλα ο επεξεργαστης δεν παει. 1
IoaZ Δημοσ. 30 Ιουλίου 2017 Δημοσ. 30 Ιουλίου 2017 Στις 30/7/2017 στις 9:23 ΠΜ, petranthe είπε @loaz δοκίμασε να δώσεις λίγο 1.8 PLL Στα 4ghz με 1.8 σ', εμένα δύσκολα... Θέλει 1.87 Αν το αφήσεις auto τι τιμή έχεις; Δοκίμασα με 1.87 από 1.8 fix αλλά και πάλι τίποτα Στις 30/7/2017 στις 9:30 ΠΜ, strawman είπε Δοκιμασε να clockaris τον επεξεργαστη χωρις τις μνημες και δες αν ειναι okay. Παντως στα 4.0 ghz ουτε εμενα ειναι stable ασχετος ρευματος. Στην αρχη νομιζα οτι φταιει η mobo μου αλλα απο οτι φαινεται απλα ο επεξεργαστης δεν παει. Και σε μένα δεν μπορεί ούτε ένα CB15 να βγάλει στα 4 . Δεν ξέρω άμα βάλω νερό θα αλλάξει? . Μax temp 70 C με max Volt .... Με 3.975 είναι 100% σταθερό με 4.25volt
kogos Δημοσ. 30 Ιουλίου 2017 Δημοσ. 30 Ιουλίου 2017 Στις 30/7/2017 στις 7:30 ΠΜ, strawman είπε To stock του 1700 πρεπει να ειναι 1.23, οποτε προσθετεις το offset και βρισκεις ποσο δινει. Στην περιπτωση σου, καπου στο 1.35 παιζεις.Δεν είναι ακριβώς έτσι τα πράγματα με το offset. Το stock core voltage των 1700 είναι περίπου 1.18v (δεν είμαι στο pc για να δω την ακριβή τιμή) και με αλλαγή συχνότητας και vcore offset η τελική συνολική τιμή volt είναι η τιμή που θα έδινε η mobo αν ήταν το vcore στο auto για την συχνότητα που το βάλαμε, + το offset. Τουλάχιστον στα gigabyte που έχουν μόνο offset έτσι είναι. Γι αυτό βλέπουμε με offset 0.1v δεν ανεβαίνει ακριβώς 0.1v αλλά λίγο παραπάνω. Και δεν ανεβαίνει το ίδιο από ενα μοντέλο mobo σε άλλο. Γι αυτο ρώτησα: 1. Τι είναι το vid? 2. Πόσο είναι το μετρημένο ρεύμα που παίρνει στην asus για 3.8ghz ο 1700? (μέτρηση με hwinfo ή κάτι αντίστοιχο) Προσωπικά έφτασα 1.34ν (μετρημένο με hwinfo) τα χαμηλότερα που έδωσα για 3.8ghz σε όλους τους πυρήνες με gigabyte ab350 gaming 3, αλλά ακόμα ψάχνομαι/μαθαίνω
Spartan117 Δημοσ. 30 Ιουλίου 2017 Μέλος Δημοσ. 30 Ιουλίου 2017 Στις 30/7/2017 στις 7:28 ΠΜ, kogos είπε Για τον άσχετο, δηλαδή εμένα, που τώρα μαθαίνει και δοκιμάζει oc σε b350+1700: 1. Τι είναι το vid? 2. Πόσο είναι τελικά το ρεύμα που δίνεις για 3.8 με offset 0.11250? Το mobo που έχω έχει επιλογή μόνο για offset και κοιτώ να το ζορισω όσο πάει για 24/7, πάντα σε ασφαλές επίπεδα, γι αυτο και ρωτώ VID είναι η τάση που ζητάει ο επεξεργαστής για μια συγκεκριμένη συχνότητα. Το offset σημαίνει ότι του δίνεις όσο VID ζητάει + (ή -) το offset που λες. Εγώ πχ που το VID είναι στα 1.175-1.18 το τελικό voltage μαζί με 0.1125 είναι 1.28-1.29 περίπου. Μαζί με LLC3 είναι στα 1.30-1.31. Για να δεις το VID κατέβασε το HWiNFO, σου λέει τι VID ζητάει. Στις 30/7/2017 στις 8:44 ΠΜ, IoaZ είπε Δοκίμασα αυτά αλλά και πάλι δεν μπορώ να βγάλω CB15 . Βλέπεις κάτι που δεν έχω κάνει σωστά ? Εμφάνιση κρυμμένου περιεχομένου [2017/07/30 11:30:50] Ai Overclock Tuner [Manual] BCLK Frequency [100.0000] BCLK_Divider [Auto] Custom CPU Core Ratio [Auto] > CPU Core Ratio [40.00] Performance Bias [Auto] Memory Frequency [DDR4-3466MHz] Core Performance Boost [Disabled] SMT Mode [Auto] EPU Power Saving Mode [Disabled] TPU [Keep Current Settings] CPU Core Voltage [Manual mode] - CPU Core Voltage Override [1.43125] CPU SOC Voltage [Manual mode] - VDDSOC Voltage Override [1.15625] DRAM Voltage [1.43000] 1.8V PLL Voltage [1.80000] 1.05V SB Voltage [Auto] Target TDP [Auto] TRC_EOM [Auto] TRTP_EOM [Auto] TRRS_S_EOM [Auto] TRRS_L_EOM [Auto] TWTR_EOM [Auto] TWTR_L_EOM [Auto] TWCL_EOM [Auto] TWR_EOM [Auto] TFAW_EOM [Auto] TRCT_EOM [Auto] TREFI_EOM [Auto] TRDRD_DD_EOM [Auto] TRDRD_SD_EOM [Auto] TRDRD_SC_EOM [Auto] TRDRD_SCDLR_EOM [Auto] TRDRD_SCL_EOM [Auto] TWRWR_DD_EOM [Auto] TWRWR_SD_EOM [Auto] TWRWR_SC_EOM [Auto] TWRWR_SCDLR_EOM [Auto] TWRWR_SCL_EOM [Auto] TWRRD_EOM [Auto] TRDWR_EOM [Auto] TWRRD_SCDLR_EOM [Auto] Mem Over Clock Fail Count [3] DRAM CAS# Latency [14] DRAM RAS# to CAS# Read Delay [14] DRAM RAS# to CAS# Write Delay [14] DRAM RAS# PRE Time [14] DRAM RAS# ACT Time [28] Trc_SM [42] TrrdS_SM [6] TrrdL_SM [8] Tfaw_SM [28] TwtrS_SM [4] TwtrL_SM [10] Twr_SM [10] Trcpage_SM [Auto] TrdrdScl_SM [2] TwrwrScl_SM [2] Trfc_SM [260] Trfc2_SM [Auto] Trfc4_SM [Auto] Tcwl_SM [14] Trtp_SM [8] Trdwr_SM [6] Twrrd_SM [3] TwrwrSc_SM [1] TwrwrSd_SM [7] TwrwrDd_SM [7] TrdrdSc_SM [1] TrdrdSd_SM [5] TrdrdDd_SM [5] Tcke_SM [6] ProcODT_SM [53.3 ohm] Cmd2T [1T] Gear Down Mode [Enabled] Power Down Enable [Auto] RttNom [Auto] RttWr [Auto] RttPark [Auto] MemAddrCmdSetup_SM [Auto] MemCsOdtSetup_SM [Auto] MemCkeSetup_SM [Auto] MemCadBusClkDrvStren_SM [Auto] MemCadBusAddrCmdDrvStren_SM [Auto] MemCadBusCsOdtDrvStren_SM [Auto] MemCadBusCkeDrvStren_SM [Auto] VTTDDR Voltage [Auto] VPP_MEM Voltage [Auto] DRAM CTRL REF Voltage on CHA [Auto] DRAM CTRL REF Voltage on CHB [Auto] VDDP Voltage [Auto] VDDP Standby Voltage [Auto] 1.8V Standby Voltage [Auto] CPU 3.3v AUX [Auto] 2.5V SB Voltage [Auto] DRAM R1 Tune [Auto] DRAM R2 Tune [Auto] DRAM R3 Tune [Auto] DRAM R4 Tune [Auto] PCIE Tune R1 [Auto] PCIE Tune R2 [Auto] PCIE Tune R3 [Auto] PLL Tune R1 [Auto] PLL reference voltage [Auto] T Offset [Auto] Sense MI Skew [Auto] Sense MI Offset [Auto] Promontory presence [Auto] Clock Amplitude [Auto] CPU Load-line Calibration [Level 3] CPU Current Capability [140%] CPU VRM Switching Frequency [Auto] VRM Spread Spectrum [Disabled] Active Frequency Mode [Disabled] CPU Power Duty Control [T.Probe] CPU Power Phase Control [Extreme] CPU Power Thermal Control [120] VDDSOC Load-line Calibration [Level 2] VDDSOC Current Capability [140%] VDDSOC Switching Frequency [Auto] VDDSOC Phase Control [Extreme] DRAM Current Capability [130%] DRAM Power Phase Control [Extreme] DRAM Switching Frequency [Auto] DRAM VBoot Voltage [1.40000] Security Device Support [Enable] TPM Device Selection [Discrete TPM] Erase fTPM NV for factory reset [Enabled] PSS Support [Enabled] NX Mode [Enabled] SVM Mode [Disabled] SATA Port Enable [Enabled] PT XHCI GEN1 [Auto] PT XHCI GEN2 [Auto] PT USB Equalization4 [Auto] PT USB Redriver [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 0 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 1 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 2 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 3 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 4 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 5 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 6 [Auto] PT PCIE PORT 7 [Auto] Onboard PCIE LAN PXE ROM [Enabled] AMD CRB EHCI Debug port switch [Disabled] Onboard LED [Enabled] Hyper kit Mode [Disabled] SATA Port Enable [Enabled] SATA Mode [AHCI] SMART Self Test [Enabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] Hot Plug [Disabled] ErP Ready [Disabled] Restore On AC Power Loss [Power Off] Power On By PCI-E/PCI [Disabled] Power On By RTC [Disabled] Super I/O Clock Skew [Auto] HD Audio Controller [Enabled] PCIEX4_3 Bandwidth [Auto] PCIEX16_1 Mode [Auto] PCIEX8_2 Mode [Auto] PCIEX4_3 Mode [Auto] M.2 Link Mode [Auto] SB Link Mode [Auto] Asmedia USB 3.1 Controller [Enabled] RGB LED lighting [Enabled] In sleep, hibernate and soft off states [On] Intel LAN Controller [Enabled] Intel LAN OPROM [Disabled] USB Type C Power Switch for USB3.1_E1 [Auto] USB Type C Power Switch for USB3.1_EC2 [Auto] Network Stack [Disabled] Debug Port Table [Disabled] Debug Port Table 2 [Disabled] Device [sAMSUNG HD642JJ] Legacy USB Support [Enabled] XHCI Hand-off [Enabled] USB Mass Storage Driver Support [Enabled] USB3.1_E1 [Auto] USB3_1 [Enabled] USB3_2 [Enabled] USB3_3 [Enabled] USB3_4 [Enabled] USB3_5 [Auto] USB3_6 [Auto] USB3_7 [Auto] USB3_8 [Auto] USB3_9 [Auto] USB3_10 [Auto] USB2_11 [Auto] USB2_12 [Auto] USB2_13 [Auto] USB2_14 [Auto] USB_15 [Auto] USB_16 [Auto] CPU Temperature [Monitor] MotherBoard Temperature [Monitor] VRM Temperature [Monitor] PCH Temperature [Monitor] T_Sensor1 Temperature [Monitor] CPU Fan Speed [Monitor] Chassis Fan 1 Speed [Monitor] Chassis Fan 2 Speed [Monitor] Chassis Fan 3 Speed [Monitor] W_PUMP+ Speed [Monitor] CPU Optional Fan Speed [Monitor] AIO_PUMP Speed [Monitor] W_FLOW Speed [Monitor] W_IN Temperature [Monitor] W_OUT Temperature [Monitor] CPU Core Voltage [Monitor] 3.3V Voltage [Monitor] 5V Voltage [Monitor] 12V Voltage [Monitor] CPU Q-Fan Control [Auto] CPU Fan Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec] CPU Fan Speed Lower Limit [200 RPM] CPU Fan Profile [Manual] CPU Upper Temperature [70] CPU Fan Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100] CPU Middle Temperature [45] CPU Fan Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [60] CPU Lower Temperature [40] CPU Fan Min. Duty Cycle (%) [34] W_PUMP+ Control [Disabled] Chassis Fan 1 Q-Fan Control [Auto] Chassis Fan 1 Q-Fan Source [CPU] Chassis Fan 1 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec] Chassis Fan 1 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM] Chassis Fan 1 Profile [Manual] Chassis Fan 1 Upper Temperature [70] Chassis Fan 1 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100] Chassis Fan 1 Middle Temperature [45] Chassis Fan 1 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [60] Chassis Fan 1 Lower Temperature [40] Chassis Fan 1 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [35] Chassis Fan 2 Q-Fan Control [Auto] Chassis Fan 2 Q-Fan Source [CPU] Chassis Fan 2 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec] Chassis Fan 2 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM] Chassis Fan 2 Profile [Manual] Chassis Fan 2 Upper Temperature [70] Chassis Fan 2 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100] Chassis Fan 2 Middle Temperature [45] Chassis Fan 2 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [60] Chassis Fan 2 Lower Temperature [40] Chassis Fan 2 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [35] Chassis Fan 3 Q-Fan Control [Auto] Chassis Fan 3 Q-Fan Source [CPU] Chassis Fan 3 Smoothing Up/Down Time [0 sec] Chassis Fan 3 Speed Low Limit [200 RPM] Chassis Fan 3 Profile [Manual] Chassis Fan 3 Upper Temperature [70] Chassis Fan 3 Max. Duty Cycle (%) [100] Chassis Fan 3 Middle Temperature [45] Chassis Fan 3 Middle. Duty Cycle (%) [60] Chassis Fan 3 Lower Temperature [40] Chassis Fan 3 Min. Duty Cycle (%) [35] OnChip SATA Channel [Auto] OnChip SATA Type [AHCI] USB3_1 [Enabled] USB3_2 [Enabled] USB3_3 [Enabled] USB3_4 [Enabled] IR Config [RX & TX0 Only] SdForce18 Enable [Disabled] SD Mode configuration [AMDA] Uart 0 Enable [Enabled] Uart 1 Enable [Enabled] I2C 0 Enable [Enabled] I2C 1 Enable [Enabled] I2C 2 Enable [Disabled] I2C 3 Enable [Disabled] GPIO Devices Support [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 0 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 1 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 2 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 3 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 4 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 5 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 6 [Auto] ESATA Port On Port 7 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 0 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 1 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 2 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 3 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 4 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 5 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 6 [Auto] SATA Power On Port 7 [Auto] SATA Port 0 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 1 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 2 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 3 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 4 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 5 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 6 MODE [Auto] SATA Port 7 MODE [Auto] SATA Hot-Removable Support [Auto] SATA 6 AHCI Support [Auto] Int. Clk Differential Spread [Auto] SATA MAXGEN2 CAP OPTION [Auto] SATA CLK Mode Option [Auto] Aggressive Link PM Capability [Auto] Port Multiplier Capability [Auto] SATA Ports Auto Clock Control [Auto] SATA Partial State Capability [Auto] SATA FIS Based Switching [Auto] SATA Command Completion Coalescing Support [Auto] SATA Slumber State Capability [Auto] SATA MSI Capability Support [Auto] SATA Target Support 8 Devices [Auto] Generic Mode [Auto] SATA AHCI Enclosure [Auto] SATA SGPIO 0 [Disabled] SATA SGPIO 1 [Disabled] SATA PHY PLL [Auto] AC/DC Change Message Delivery [Disabled] TimerTick Tracking [Auto] Clock Interrupt Tag [Enabled] EHCI Traffic Handling [Disabled] Fusion Message C Multi-Core [Disabled] Fusion Message C State [Disabled] SPI Read Mode [Auto] SPI 100MHz Support [Auto] SPI Normal Speed [Auto] SPI Fast Read Speed [Auto] SPI Burst Write [Auto] I2C 0 D3 Support [Auto] I2C 1 D3 Support [Auto] I2C 2 D3 Support [Auto] I2C 3 D3 Support [Auto] UART 0 D3 Support [Auto] UART 1 D3 Support [Auto] SATA D3 Support [Auto] EHCI D3 Support [Auto] XHCI D3 Support [Auto] SD D3 Support [Auto] S0I3 [Auto] Chipset Power Saving Features [Enabled] SB Clock Spread Spectrum [Auto] SB Clock Spread Spectrum Option [-0.375%] HPET In SB [Auto] MsiDis in HPET [Auto] _OSC For PCI0 [Auto] USB Phy Power Down [Auto] PCIB_CLK_Stop Override [0] USB MSI Option [Auto] LPC MSI Option [Auto] PCIBridge MSI Option [Auto] AB MSI Option [Auto] SB C1E Support [Auto] SB Hardware Reduced Support [Auto] GPP Serial Debug Bus Enable [Auto] IOMMU [Auto] Remote Display Feature [Auto] Gnb Hd Audio [Auto] PSPP Policy [Auto] Memory Clock [Auto] Bank Interleaving [Enabled] Channel Interleaving [Enabled] Memory Clear [Disabled] Fast Boot [Enabled] Next Boot after AC Power Loss [Normal Boot] Boot Logo Display [Auto] POST Delay Time [3 sec] Boot up NumLock State [Enabled] Wait For 'F1' If Error [Enabled] Option ROM Messages [Enabled] Interrupt 19 Capture [Disabled] Setup Mode [Advanced Mode] Launch CSM [Enabled] Boot Device Control [uEFI and Legacy OPROM] Boot from Network Devices [Legacy only] Boot from Storage Devices [Legacy only] Boot from PCI-E Expansion Devices [Legacy only] OS Type [Other OS] Setup Animator [Disabled] Load from Profile [2] Profile Name [test 3466] Save to Profile [2] CPU Core Voltage [Auto] VDDSOC Voltage [Auto] 1.8V PLL Voltage [Auto] BCLK Frequency [Auto] CPU Ratio [Auto] Bus Interface [PCIEX16/X8_1] Δοκίμασε Super I/O Clock Skew από Auto σε Disabled. 2
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