ktiniatros Δημοσ. 21 Ιανουαρίου 2004 Δημοσ. 21 Ιανουαρίου 2004 mporei na mou pei kapoios pou vriskontai ta apps pou kanoun restart kai shutdown ta xp?? 8elw na ta kanw suntomeusi stin epifaneia ergasias. euxaristw.
random Δημοσ. 21 Ιανουαρίου 2004 Δημοσ. 21 Ιανουαρίου 2004 winXP: C:\WINDOWS\system32\shutdown.exe > Usage: shutdown [-i | -l | -s | -r | -a] [-f] [-m \\computername] [-t xx] [-c "comment"] [-d up:xx:yy] No args Display this message (same as -?) -i Display GUI interface, must be the first option -l Log off (cannot be used with -m option) -s Shutdown the computer -r Shutdown and restart the computer -a Abort a system shutdown -m \\computername Remote computer to shutdown/restart/abort -t xx Set timeout for shutdown to xx seconds -c "comment" Shutdown comment (maximum of 127 characters) -f Forces running applications to close without warning -d [u][p]:xx:yy The reason code for the shutdown u is the user code p is a planned shutdown code xx is the major reason code (positive integer less than 256) yy is the minor reason code (positive integer less than 65536) win9x : http://aumha.org/win4/a/shutcut.php
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