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Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)



Σε πολύ χαμηλά ρολόγια ο 6c/12t coffee lake για να βγάζει τέτοια σκορ. Για την τιμή όμως δεν ακούγεται τίποτα και φοβάμαι ότι πάλι θα τον πουλάνε χαβιάρι. Ευτυχώς πάντως που έχει μεγάλη L3 cache.


Έχει ακριβώς το ίδιο cache setup με τον 7700k, 2mb ανά core.

Επεξ/σία από Spartan117
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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα


Προβλέπεται ξεβράκωμα από τους threadripper...άρε Intel πολλά χρόνια χαλάρωση...όταν έρθουν και oi Coffee Lake θα εμφανιστούν και οι επόμενοι Zen και πάλι μάλλον δυσκολίες προβλέπονται...

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Σε πολύ χαμηλά ρολόγια ο 6c/12t coffee lake για να βγάζει τέτοια σκορ. Για την τιμή όμως δεν ακούγεται τίποτα και φοβάμαι ότι πάλι θα τον πουλάνε χαβιάρι. Ευτυχώς πάντως που έχει μεγάλη L3 cache.

Ειναι ES ( Engineer Sample ) και απο stepping σε stepping ανεβάζουν τα ρολόγια. Το προηγούμενο ηταν 3.1 base.


Το πανε παρεα τωρα η Ιντελ με τις εταιριες στο ψησιμο..Ποιος θα φτιαξει το καλυτερο grill :P




Τραγικά rushed launch, και δεν καταλαβαίνω και γιατί, υπέθεσαν ότι οι Threadripper θα βγούν πιο νωρίς; Και φαίνεται πως αυτές οι mobos δεν θα είναι συμβατές με τους 12/14/16/18 core Sky-X...

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Τραγικά rushed launch, και δεν καταλαβαίνω και γιατί, υπέθεσαν ότι οι Threadripper θα βγούν πιο νωρίς; Και φαίνεται πως αυτές οι mobos δεν θα είναι συμβατές με τους 12/14/16/18 core Sky-X...

Πες μου οτι εννοεις το αντιθετο. Πες μου οτι εκανες λαθος και εννοεις πως δε θα ειναι συμβατες με Kaby X, πες μου οτι δεν εχουν βγαλει mobos με 8 ram slots και 4 x16 PCIe slots για τους Kaby...

Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)

Με μικρό OC 4.5GHz 1.25V καταστέφεται η μητρική .Ο μόνος τρόπος για να το αποφύγεις είναι να μην έχει μόνο ένα 8pin και να βάλεις την μητρική στο νερό . (Στις μητρικές που έχουν ένα 8pin δεν κάνεις OC )


Με λίγα λόγια :

Tα review με OC είναι λάθος .

Οι κατασκευαστές μητρικών κάνανε μεγάλη πατάτα .

Επεξ/σία από IoaZ

Το πανε παρεα τωρα η Ιντελ με τις εταιριες στο ψησιμο..Ποιος θα φτιαξει το καλυτερο grill :P




After der8auer's video - Im running my own tests and hate to say it but mine are not getting anywhere near as hot as his (7900x -1.235v - 4.6ghz - OCCT Linpack) Front temps - 50c - rear temp 60c max


Για να δουμε και αλλοι τι λενε...και o johnyguru του την <ειπε> για το psu ..


If you used the SuperFlower PSU in the video with the crystal connectors, that's part of your problem. Those "universal 9-pin connectors" have less conductors than most other modular PSUs because the same connector that's used for EPS12V, PCIe, etc. has to also support +5V and +3.3V for Molex and SATA and then there's an "LED pin" which, when grounded to a ground pin, turns on the interface's LED. A horribly bad design. This is why the wires would be so hot. I suggest checking the voltage at the PSU and then at the motherboard's EPS12V to see what the drop looks like under load. If the voltage is significantly lower than +12V, the board is going to have to pull more current than it normally would. I then suggest using that AX1500i you have on the shelf behind you and see if you end up with the same results since that modular cable for the EPS12V is four +12V pins and four grounds. -- jonny"

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After der8auer's video - Im running my own tests and hate to say it but mine are not getting anywhere near as hot as his (7900x -1.235v - 4.6ghz - OCCT Linpack) Front temps - 50c - rear temp 60c max


Για να δουμε και αλλοι τι λενε...και o johnyguru του την <ειπε> για το psu ..


If you used the SuperFlower PSU in the video with the crystal connectors, that's part of your problem. Those "universal 9-pin connectors" have less conductors than most other modular PSUs because the same connector that's used for EPS12V, PCIe, etc. has to also support +5V and +3.3V for Molex and SATA and then there's an "LED pin" which, when grounded to a ground pin, turns on the interface's LED. A horribly bad design. This is why the wires would be so hot. I suggest checking the voltage at the PSU and then at the motherboard's EPS12V to see what the drop looks like under load. If the voltage is significantly lower than +12V, the board is going to have to pull more current than it normally would. I then suggest using that AX1500i you have on the shelf behind you and see if you end up with the same results since that modular cable for the EPS12V is four +12V pins and four grounds. -- jonny"

Δεν ειναι τελικα το PSU το θεμα, εβγαλε και αλλα ο johny :

Ok. I just tested the EVGA G2L with a 25A load on the EPS12V connector and the drop wasn't too bad. Only about .22V (dropped from 12.28 to 12.02). I've seen worse... and still WELL within spec. I'd still like to see this test done with another PSU just in case the PSU is part of (not the cause of) the problem.


With a 300W load, I only saw a 0.22V drop on the +12V from the PSU to the load. The temperature of the cable never got higher than 36.5°C. Mind you, that's hotter than the HX850 I used as a baseline, but not by much. The HX has 16g wires and I got a temperature of 35.8°C.

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Βάσει ενός πρόσφατου leak η intel αναμένεται να ανεβάσει το core count σε κάθε κατηγορία τιμής. Αν......ισχύει αυτό, τότε κάποιοι πρέπει να ανησυχούν.

υ.γ.: Το γεγονός ότι έχει ήδη ανέβει το thread count στους pentium  συνηγορεί υπέρ αυτού του σεναρίου.





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Woops το πόσταρα σε λάθος topic:


Άρχισαν στο Silicon Lottery το binning και delidding σε Sky-X: http://www.overclock.net/t/1631319/skylake-x-binning/210#post_26199883


Range is about 4.5-4.9/4.6-5.0 depending on voltage used 1.25-1.35V.


The issue we're struggling with is voltage used. We were wanting to move to a single voltage for all bins instead of the staggered voltages we use now. The problem we're facing is that some chips can only handle 1.25V, while other rare ones can handle even 1.4V without issue. To test at 1.25V wouldn't show the value in those that are able to clock higher with the extra voltage. Testing at 1.35V or so can't be done on a lot of samples.


Temperatures also vary greatly from processor to processor. Delidding brings temperatures down around 10-25C or so, depending on how bad the original tim job was. Typical range of 75 C to 95C after delidding at 1.25V in a maxed non-AVX load (240mm AIO). There are definitely cooler and warmer outliers. Just like the 8 core+ Haswell-E/Broadwell+E chips, temperatures vary a lot between cores. There can be up to a 20C delta or so between the coolest and warmest core.


The 10 core chips, at least of the batches we have been testing, are actually running cooler and drawing less power on a per core level on average than the 6 and 8 core chips. I think this is primarily Intel binning at hand here, trying to stay under that same TDP at the 10 core level. This is different from Broadwell-E, where all the 10 core chips were all warmer/more power than their lower core counterparts.


Hopefully this can tie you guys over a few more days and help understand the delay while we try to nail down the best route to go.


75-95 C μετά απο delid με 240 AIO στα 1.25 vcore.



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