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Star Wars: Battlefront [2004]


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Fantasthte ena migma Battlefield 1942 kai Star Wars :D


Both console and PC players will be able to participate in the most memorable Star Wars battles set in over 15 environments across 10 diverse planets including Hoth, Geonosis, Yavin, Tatooine and Naboo. Players will be able to select one of over 20 different soldier types from four factions: Rebel Alliance, Imperial Army, Clone Army and Droid Army. Each soldier will have specialized abilities and the freedom to use ground-based turrets found on the battlefront as well as over 15 diverse ground and air vehicles including the AT-ST, X-wing and speeder bike.


Star Wars Battlefront will be optimized for PS2 online, Xbox Live and PC online. Console gamers will be able to battle against 16 players over the Internet or 32 players connected via LAN. PC gamers will be able to battle against 32 players over the Internet or 64 via a LAN. The game will also support voice chat through compatible headsets for the PS2 and Xbox console systems as well as PC.






Παραδόξως, καμία pic δεν έχει jedi, και ακόμα και η 11η που φαίνεται "και καλά" ότι ο startrooper κρατάει lightsaber, είναι όπλο :P.


Επίσης η μηχανή βρωμάει Quake 3...

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Paixnidi vasismeno sto Battlefield alla me Star Wars ntysimo kai trela graffika.

Otan leme trela, oxi Far Cry alla poly ma para poly Blur.

Sthn arxi me entypwsiase.Les kai paizeis NFS underground me patimeno to nitro.


Btw se FX5900XT me to zori paizetai sta 800x600 ki as varaei kai to best played with NVIDIA sthn arxi.


Exei kai single player apostoles opou pairneis meros stis krisimes maxes apo oles tis tainies I-VI.

Me epise sthn arxi alla telika den einai para anousies maxes me eukola bot.

To senario to exei h tainia tha mou peite. :P


Exei pesei sta xeria mou h ekdosh gia XBOX. Apo grafika opws eipw8hke to paixnidi pei8ei. To single-player ontws fainetai na xwlainei me apousia enos campaign me kapoio eidos synoxhs. H epilogh Galactic Conquest prospa8ei na dwsei mia synexeia stis apostoles me th morfh strathgikwn epi8esewn se diaforous planhtes alla den nomizw oti antexei idiaitera sto xrono. Par'ola ayta to paixnidi einai "must" gia Star Wars fans (metaksy allwn kai emou tou idiou :P) giati kator8wnei (kai ayto to kanei poly kala) na mas pernaei thn ais8hsh megalwn sygkrousewn twn SW tainiwn stis opoies kaloumaste na symmetexoume me prwtagwnistiko rolo. Se diafora forum diabasa pws to AI twn bot einai eleino. H alh8eia einai pws den to exw paiksei arketa gia na ftasw sto symperasma "eleino" alla ews twra den fantazoun "terata efyias" :P. An anteksei to sygkekrimeno paixnidi sto xrono 8a einai se epipedo multiplayer alla kai gi'ayto akomh exw tis amfibolies mou (den to exw dei akomh se multi).

Synexizw na perimenw to Halo2...

  • 1 μήνα μετά...

Exo to paixnidi Original psaxno simpextes gia internet me 64 ISDN kai paizei tromera ean kapios kseri kana Server as kanei post milao panta eliniko server giati to paixnidi xrisimopiei to GameSpy :D



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