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Batman Begins


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  • Απαντ. 194
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a)Prokeitai gia to idio site pou egrapse auto http://dcboards.warnerbros.com/web/messages.jsp?topic=44981485&board=batman gia to kostumi kai meta ta mazepse aron-aron


b)O Mortensen pigene gia ton rolo tou Ra's kai oxi tou Scarecrow


c)O Murphy einai edw kai 3 meres(toulaxiston) meres episima sto cast,entoutois sto imdb ton exoun men sto cast alla xwris rolo



Provlepsi: o Murphy tha einai o Jonathan Crane. Auto den empodizei se tipota ton Mortensen na einai o Ra's

  • 2 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

Casting update:

O Mortensen einai exw.Tou prosferane ton Ra's alla den ithele.Krima/

Stoxos No1 gia Gordon o Kurt Russel.An tha dexthei amfivolo kathws exei dilwsei oti den thelei na doulepsei ektos Amerikis(i tainia tha gyristei stin Agglia)


News update:

To superhype.com egrapse oti 90% Lucious Fox tha einai o Freeman(proswpiki apopsi,einai kapws megalos gia Lucius Fox tou Year 1,an kanane tin tainia gia ton Batman twra tha itan idaniki epilogi)

Epipleon to Batmobile tha einai pio platy kai ligotero makry apoti stis proigoumenes tainies





This is the first time we've heard from 'Leo K.', but he may have just dropped a big scoop on our desks. We're going to tell you to take all of the following with a grain of salt, since we're not sure the scooper is reliable or not. Here's what we received...


Ok new scooper here. I heard of this site through work and I would like to set the record straight-for BATMAN and a little for SUPERMAN. First.


Johnny Depp? for Lex Luthor. Bit of missunderstanding. What is really happening is Depps NAME, i.e. he hasn't been contacted (in case you haven't noticed, he's going to be busy for quite a while...) is being circled for the role of Superman's father, Jor-el.


Now onto BATMAN. First. The filming begins at the end of next month in Iceland and will continue until mid March before moving to the U.K. Iceland shooting-don't worry, it's not BATMAN on ice skates-more like all terrain vehicles, with Christian Bale not arriving till around March 1st. One of the cardington hangers being used for the film has large sets of a old train station of some sort, as well as housing the MASSIVE batcave.


Casting. First of all, Morgan Freeman is no longer up for Lucious Fox, but is up for Gordon. Initially he was, but when Chris Cooper refused, Nolan turned to Freeman. Cillian Murphy will play Jonathan Crane, and Katie Homes as Harvey Dents assisstant Rachel. Harvey Dent has yet to be casted, having Guy Pearce be the only one test for that. The role of Earle has been brought up to several people, none of them rather big name stars, but lesser known character actors. Same goes for Boss Carime Falcone. Lucious Fox is also still undecided.


I also happened to read the FALSE batmobile description you have. The car is still being made but is not like "monster truck". Rather it is dark black. If you have the lights shut off, you ain't seeing it. It has twin jet engines in the back, with two small fins over them. It is a two seater and has two tires on the front, that, if looking from the direct front of it, are about 8-10 inches inward compared to the back two, which are slightly larger, but not that noticable. The cars are all going to be equipped with a large variety of gizmos. The jets can burn so hot it creates thick black smoke, and oil slick, all wheel drive, bat hooks, bulletproof windshield, ejection seats, and a t.v.


The costume-jet black as well. It is not spandex, under armor, or even rubber. It is a new material, that can stretch and bend easy, but won't be overly skin tight. Padding in the ribs and chest area as well as the arms and upper legs will be added, with large black boots for the feet. There will be about 4-5 of them.


Batman MAY use other vehicles in the film...but I won't spoil that for you now. Oh and the press conference-lets just say your going to want to be staying in around the 17th (last I heard).


Is any of this accurate? We don't know, 'Leo K.' didn't leave behind any contact information for us to find out. Nevertheless, one way to see if there's anything to it will be to see if the press conference is really taking place on the 17th - that might be one indication.


Freeman not up for Gordon?

Saturday, January 31, 2004: "I seriously doubt that Morgan Freeman is up for Gordon," says a trusted BOF source. "He is 66 which is obviously too old for the late-40ish Sgt. Gordon that will appear in the upcoming film. Plus, I believe that Freeman's plate might be too full in 2004 for any role in 'Batman.' Now that's just my opinion, but it is an educated one based on what I've been hearing." After doing some checking, it does seem that Freeman may be too busy for BATMAN. He is scheduled to star in LONG WALK TO FREEDOM sometime in 2004 and has just finished or is near completing his work in FREEDOMLAND. Also, COLORS STRAIGHT UP is on his schedule--but listed as being in turn-around--as well as EDISON. If Freeman is indeed up for a role in BATMAN, it may be more likely that it's for the smaller part of Lucius Fox--which wouldn't take up as much of his time for filming. BOF has heard from more than one source that Freeman is indeed up for Lucuis Fox, but some have questioned why he would take such a small role. With filming set to begin in a matter of weeks, we should soon find out if Freeman is going to be in this film--as well as who will fill the rest of the cast.


S.t.M.: BOF=Batman on Film



Cooper Not Gordon, Freeman May Take Role

Source: ScarletCarpet.com Tuesday, February 3, 2004


'William Keck' tells us he talked to Chris Cooper at the Golden Globes and reports the following at ScarletCarpet.com...


Chris Cooper tells us he was offered the role of Commissioner Gordon in the new Batman film, Intimidation Game, but turned it down. "I read the script and decided the substance of the script and the character was not up to what I expected," said Cooper. Instead, Cooper will likely play Patricia Clarkson's lawyer in Conquistador, a film dealing with rights for the disabled and written by Cooper's wife. In other Batman news, Morgan Freeman told us at the Big Bounce premiere that he's considering signing on for a part.


Stay tuned for more on the Batman casting


μετα απο ΠΟΛΥ ψαξιμο (δεν ξερω για ποιο λογο) καταφερα να βρω τεσσερις φωτογραφιες του batsuit οπως ειναι στις ταινιες (Ετσι να ξερουμε τι θα γινει στο μελλον)


Batman (1989)



μουρη, πολυ μουρη, ναι ενταξι ο keaton δεν ειχε το σωματοτυπο αλλα μικρο το κακο, το κουστουμι γραφει πολυ καλα στη καμερα (δυσκολα κατι σε σπαντεξ γκρι θα εγραφε τοσο καλα) βγαζει το σκοτεινο χαρακτιρα του μπατσυ, γενικος λεει


Batman Returns (1992)



κατα τη γνωμη μου ΠΟΛΥ καλυτερο απο το πρωτο, εφυγαν οι κοιλιακοι και οι μυς και εδωσαν τη θεση τους σε αυτα τα κωψιματα που τονιζουν το goth της ιστοριας και αφηνουν την υπονοια οτι ο μπατ εχει δικους του μυς απο κατω και οχι κατι φανερα επιτηδευμενο, η μασκα εφτιαξε αρκετα και τα καινουρια πιασηματα της καπας ειναι πολυ καλυτερα. Μακραν το καλυτερο κουστουμι στις ταινιες και παροτι δεν ειναι ιδιο με του κομικ νομιζω οτι καλυτερα απο ολα βγαζει το νοημα του κουστουμιου του κομικ χωρις να χανει στη φωτογραφια


Batman Forever (ναι εκεινο με τον val kilmer)



νατοι παλι οι μυς, εχει και ρογες...το σκουλαρικι που ειναι?


Batman and Robin (το εκτρωμα με τον Kluney)



its purple, its sexy, it has a butt, is it a flamingo?


οχι ειναι ο τελευτεος batman οπως θα ελεγε ο μικρος μου ξαδελφος: "μωβ περλα κιετσι"


ετσι για το γαμωτο της ιστοριας


Batman and Robin tv series



πανω απο ολα με αγαπη δυστηχος καπως ετσι ηταν και ο μπατμαν της περιοδου (τα ευσημα στον keyzer soze αυτος μου εκανε ενα crass course)


και φυσικα ο αγαπητος ηρωας οπως τον ξερουμε στα κομικ



ερχονται τα μπατ οχηματα λιαν συντομος, καταφερα και βρηκα και blueprints του 89' batmobile


stey tuned in the same bat topic in the same bat time


fourth photo link corrected by paredwsianos skylos™


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