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Να και μερικά για τους φίλους μας του Εβραίους!


What's Hitlers least favorite planet?



Whats the difference between a jew and a pizza?

The pizza doesnt scream when you put it in an oven!


Whats the difference between a Jew and a Canoe?

A canoe tips


How do you get 100 jews into a car?

Throw a quarter in it.

How do you get them out again?

Tell them Hilter is driving.


How many jews can you fit in a VW Beetle?

54, two in the front, two in the back, and fifty in the ashtray.


How do you know you have a queer Jew?

He likes money more than girls.


Have you heard about the Jewish sports car?

It stops on a dime, then picks it up


What is a Jews biggest dilemma?

Free pork


Whey do Jews have such big noses?

Cuz all the airs free.


Whats the object of Jewish football?

To get the quarter back.


How was copper wire invented?

2 Jews fighting over the same penny


What language does Jewish homo speak?



What did the little German boy get for his birthday?

Easy bake oven and a G.I Jew


Hows Christmas celebrated in Jewish homes?

They put parking meters on the roof.


Why did the Jews walk around the desert for 40 years?

They heard that someone dropped a quarter


What do you call a room full of jewish women with yeast infections?

A whine and cheese party.


Whats Jewish doggy style?

You beg for half an hour and the princess rolls over and plays dead.


What happens when a Jew with an errection walks into a wall?

He breaks his nose. - Mandy


What's faster than a speeding bullet?

A jew with a coupon.


Why does a Jew pick his nose?

It's cheaper than using a tissue.


What is the title of the Jew favorite how-to-book?

"How to Make Money!"


When a Jew throws a party, what do his guests drive?

The goys crazy!


Why did the Jew rush to the discount store?

The ad said: "CHEAP!!!"


Why is the rhinoceros jealous of Jews?

Jews have bigger noses.


What time is bed time at the Jew's house?

When electricity is too expensive.


What do Jews and niggers both like to ride?



What is the worst stain on a Jew's underwear?

Lipstick from a Jewess.


Why does the Jew do after one of his friends leaves?

He checks the sofa for loose change.


What did the sunbather shout at the Jew?

No, I won't PAY you for sunshine!


What is a Jew's ideal of a perfect 10?

Any blonde he can get.


Why did the Jew want his own kid?

Cheap labor.


What repulsive thing can be found in a Jew's clothes?

The occupant.


What has a big nose, stinks, and acts like a repulsive jerk?

The typical Jew.


Why did the gas company fire the Jew?

He was allergic to gas.


Why are Jews' pants so big?

So they don't need to buy a wallet.


Why don't Jews eat pork?

The Torah prohibits cannibalism.


What did the Jew say to the bank teller?

I want MORE!


Where does the Jew look for dates?

Porn sites.


Why does the Jew hate his own reputation?

The truth hurts!


Χρησιμοποιώ και Ελληνικά ρε ριμάδι.

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Yeah, also we have Dimitris "Boustaras" Salpigidis back, he injured 2 nigerian left backs with his speed and power, also we have Pablo Garcia, better not pissed him off he will lock you in his cage, he has great free kicks, he make fun tzorvas the rabbit goalkeeper of Greece. Dudu still running. We have young talented players, Sakis the house builder beach racket player, and little stefanos athanasiadis the new bergamp with 30 less kilos than your ordinary striker. Adre Porky Vieirinha is our best player, he can dribble even himself and Ivic the shipwreck, he is slow but usually that hypnotize even our players, he is like the snakecharmer, he have charm black Mamba Edinho and score against greek team with siggamena boutia president OSFP.

And last but not list the stoner Savini, like harvey Keitel in Mean Streets, top class Defencive player, and sznaucner the right left back named "Ditch" cause no one can pass from his side.

I hope that i was helpfull to you.


έχω λιώσει λέμε :lol:

he injured 2 nigerian left backs with his speed and power

paok main center forward is zlatan muslimovic(bosnian torghele)

Greek Messi Koutsianikoulis is our secret weapon, i can't tell you anything, he is so secret (weapon) that even we don't have seen him so far.




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έχω λιώσει λέμε :lol:

he injured 2 nigerian left backs with his speed and power

paok main center forward is zlatan muslimovic(bosnian torghele)

Greek Messi Koutsianikoulis is our secret weapon, i can't tell you anything, he is so secret (weapon) that even we don't have seen him so far.





ανεξάντλητο το thread :lol:


Toumba is like a living Volcano, he can melt every team, even the great maradona obey the lava of PAOK people he make tsilikakia in warm up and our fans was trying to hit the ball with bottles, so he melt like others, he start the drugs immediately because of his fear.

Suarez will have no chance to survive, first of all Garcia will lock him in his cage, or he will "visit" him in the corner, he will tell the poem one way or another.

Συνδέστε για να σχολιάσετε
Κοινοποίηση σε άλλες σελίδες

Ειμαι 100% σιγουρος πως τα εχει γραψει καποιος εξυπνος ανθρωπος που παριστανει επιτυχως καποιον ανεγκεφαλο ΜΠΑΟΓΚΤΖΗ. Αποκλειεται καποιος ανθρωπος να ειναι τοσο αγραμματος και τοσο μαλακας.

Συνδέστε για να σχολιάσετε
Κοινοποίηση σε άλλες σελίδες

Ειμαι 100% σιγουρος πως τα εχει γραψει καποιος εξυπνος ανθρωπος που παριστανει επιτυχως καποιον ανεγκεφαλο ΜΠΑΟΓΚΤΖΗ. Αποκλειεται καποιος ανθρωπος να ειναι τοσο αγραμματος και τοσο μαλακας.


Κι εγώ της ίδιας άποψης είμαι. Ο τύπος ήθελε να κάνει πλακίτσα και τα κατάφερε

Συνδέστε για να σχολιάσετε
Κοινοποίηση σε άλλες σελίδες

Να ήταν κάποιος πολύ χαζός άνθρωπος και να ήθελε να κάνει πλάκα δεν παίζει;


Κάποιος έχεις χεσμένη τη φωλιά σου μήπως; :Ρ

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Κοινοποίηση σε άλλες σελίδες





Δερματολόγος: Γιαφαγούρα




Πλαστικός χειρούργος: Γιαφιγούρα




Οφθαλμίατρος: Γιαθολούρα




Λογοθεραπευτής: Γιαμουρμούρα




Διαιτολόγος: Γιαλιγούρα




Γαστρεντερολόγος: Γιακαούρα




Ουρολόγος: Γιακατούρα




Ορθοπεδικός: Γιακαμπούρα




Γυναικολόγος: Γιαχαμούρα

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