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Aspromaurh eikona-Tv Out...Ti na kanw?


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Egw antimetwpizw to ekshs: S-video kalwdio, adaptoras scart kai thleorash...auta ta xrhsimopoihsa se ypologisth enos filou kai doulepse mia xara to tv-out...ston diko mou ypologisth syndew ta idia pragmata kai mou bgazei aspromaurh othonh...(xrhsimopoihsa oles tis epiloges pou dinei to software ths kartas grafikwn pou exw-Geforce3 Ti200, 64 MB DDR)...Kamia idea?...Mhpws na allaksw karta?


epipleon...mallon den tithetai kai thema kalwdiou 'h adaptora 'h thleorashs...giati ta idia xrhsimopoihsa kai sthn periptwsh tou ypologisth tou filou mou...Basika skefthka kati allo pou isws paizei rolo....o filos mou douleuei me Win98...enw egw exw Xp....Yparxei periptwsh na exei sxesh me to leitourgiko ayth h dysleitourgia....?!


Ego pou to exo dokimasei arketes fores den exo prob. (GF4 ASUS me XP).gia dokimase na valeis tous teleutaious odigous gia to chipset,GPU,directX. Mipos einai palia i TV 'i mipos exei kamia rithmisi gia to eiserxomeno sima?Mipos xreiazetai kamia rithmisi apo tous odigous tis kartas? Kane kai mia volta sti mama microsoft mipos exei kana patch.


PS: ithela na iksera ti kanoume ksipnioi 6:20 to proi, anti na eimaste sto zesto mas krevataki......!!!!!!! :D

Filika. :D


Exw anabathmisei ton odhgo gia to chipset kai exw dx9....H thleorash den einai kai toso palia....Oson afora thn karta kai to logismiko ths...nomizw oti dokimasa ta panta....Ti na pw?!...


PS: Epeidh twra exw arxisei na katalabainw ti paizei genikotera me tous ypologistes....tha hthela na mathw ti einai to GPU...(ti shmainoun ta arxika)....Euxaristw ek twn proterwn


GPU: Graphics Processing Unit


Like the CPU (central processing unit), it is a single-chip processor. However, the GPU is used primarily for computing 3D functions. This includes things such as lighting effects, object transformations, and 3D motion. These types of calculations are rather straining on the CPU, but since the specialized GPU can take care of most of the 3D calculations, it helps the computer run more effienciently, and, of course, faster.


SirD eixa ki ego to idio provlima me GF2MX omos. Mou ta evgaze aspromaura. Eixa ki ego to scart me tis ipodoxes s-video kai ixo Left-Right.

Ixa sindesi lipon to scart se mia apo tis ipodoxes tis tv mou kai mou to edeixne aspromaura. To evala stin diplani ipodoxi kai vouala...! douleue kanonika!. An den exi 2i ipodoxi scart i tv sou dokimase na to valeis meso tou video i tou dvd sou.


Elpizo na voithisa! :D



P.S.: Me tin ASUS GF3 Ti200 64MB DEluexe pou exo tora ixa provlima stin eisodo video. Otan sinedesa tin videocamera me tin karta grafikwn gia na grapso kati, mou ta edeixne aspromaura... piga sto katastima pou tin ixa parei (sti thessaloniki) kai mou ipan oti kapies kartes tis ASUS ixan auto to provlima sto video-in. To idio sinevi kai se ena filo me GF3... pige tin allakse kai ola OK. Tora gia to TV-OUT den ksero an exei sxesi me auto. An i karta sou ine akomi stin eggisi pigene tin sto katastima mipos stin allaksoune...


To tv out ths kartas mou einai gia kalwdio s-video...h thleorash den exei deutero scart alla exei video in(nomizw einai gia kalwdio composite....ypodoxh me mia trypa sth mesh)....Kserei kaneis an yparxei kapoio adaptoraki gia na metatrepsw to s-video se composite gia na katalhksei sthn thleorash xwris th mesolabhsh scart, dhladh: s-video kalwdio na feygei apo thn karta grafikwn...na metatrepetai se composite kai na syndew ekeino sthn thleorash sthn ypodoxh video in....???


An thimamai kala mesa sto kouti tis ASUS GF3 exi tetio metatropea. An den exis tis ASUS boreis na vris eukola se kapio katastima ilektronikwn...

Thessaloniki tha sou elega na psakseis sto Georgiadi... gia Volo distixws den ksero... :(


ola ok telika...phra enan metatropea apo s-video(thylhko) se RCA(arceniko) kai doulepse...EPITELOUS!....Euxaristw osous endiaferthikan na bohthisoun....Kalh prwtoxronia...


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