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polla.... mporis na psaxis alla twra den ehw na sou pw kati sigekrimeno...


E tote ti postares?



Saxo ellinika site pantos iparxoun to http://www.e-shop.gr & http://www.open24.gr Parol'afta na eisai prosektikos stis agores kai na diavazeis ola ta sxolia gia kathe proion pou vlepeis.




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paidia ok brhka ayto poy thelo,omos gia na emergopiisw ton logariasmo sto paypal theloyn 4 noymera,koita ti moy sthlane kai an mporeite kante moy mia metafrash na moy peite ti leei:

If you have access to your credit card statement online, it may take up

to 4 business days to view your Expanded Use Number. If you do not have

online access to your credit card statement, please wait to receive your

printed statement in the mail.


In the item description section of your credit card statement, your

4-digit Expanded Use Number will be printed next to the $1.95 PayPal

Expanded Use Fee. The Expanded Use Number will be posted in the

following format: 4-digit Expanded Use Number, an asterisk (*), followed

by 'MEMBER,' (example, 1234 *MEMBER).


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