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Rain Kazaa vs Diet K


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mias k twra teleutaia to kazaa lite trwei kollhmata, k outws h allws den yparxei development sto project..

eipa na dokimasw Kazaa...

k na balw ta add ons pou bgazoun ads-spyware ktl ktl..

prin ligo ebala to Rain kai to Diet K.

prwth entypwsh fainontai ok... alla den kserw ti akribws kanoun...

ta xei dokimasei kaneis?...


Na rwthsw kati xwris na thelw na xefygw... ayto to rain kai to dite K lene oti bgazoun ta spyware tu kazaa? Ayto den mporei na ginei kai me ena programma opws to adaware? Aaa kai kati alo to kazaa exei akoma polla kommatia gia katebasma 'h exoun ligostepsh opws sto kazaa lite.. Krima pou to kazaa lite stamathse ('h mallon to stamathsan) :(


me ad-aware ama esbhnes ta spyware tou kazaa den douleue meta.


egw exw akoma kazaa lite jastona kai den kserw ti akribws kanoun ta diet k.t.l, alla epeidh anagkastika oloi 8a ksanagurisoume sto kazaa twra , an kserei kaneis as apanthsei sto topic.


jastona trekse to ad-aware na deis toulaxiston an sou exoun meinei akoma spywares sto pc


Εγώ χρησιμοποιώ εδώ και καιρό το Diet K και, μέχρι τώρα έχω μείνει απόλυτα ευχαριστημένος. Παλιότερα χρησιμοποιόυσα και το Kazaa lite, αλλα το Diet K μ'αρεσε περισσότερο. Δεν έχω κάνει έλεγχο για τα spyware με κάποιο πρόγραμμα, αλλά στο control panel του Diet K δείχνει πως απενεργοποιούνται όλα. Επίσης, εξαφανίζονται όλα τα περιττά κουμπιά του Kazaa και δεν έχω αντιμετωπίσει κανένα πρόβλημα με την σταθερότητα. Η γνώμη μου είναι πως το Diet K μοιάζει να είναι πιο ασφαλές, γιατί είναι απλά ένα ad-on για το Kazaa, φτιαγμένο αποκλειστικά για την βελτίωσή του (και την αφαίρεση των spyware). Αντίθετα, το Kazaa Lite είναι ένα ολόκληρο πρόγραμμα peer-to-peer, βασισμένο στο Kazaa, από το οποίο "θεωρητικά" έχουν αφαιρεθεί τα spyware. Και ποιος μας βεβαιώνει πως οι δημιουργοί του δεν έχουν βάλει άλλα? Εγώ πάντως έχω διαβάσει σε forum πως και το Kazaa Lite είναι ύποπτο (εώς ένοχο) για την ύπαρξη spyware. Δυστυχώς, δεν ξέρω τίποτα για το Rain, αλλά θα το ψάξω... See yaaa :D

  • 4 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

Xrisimopoio to kazaa lite kairo kai den exei spyware to epsaksa kala me ola ta adware/spyware programmata pou yparxoun

to mono kako einai oti exei stamatisei to developement tou ,alla yparxoun kapoioi pou to synexizoun anepisima, kante ena search sto google gia kazaa resurrection ego to katevasa kai eimai happy


Currently the best 2.4.x version is:


* Clean KMD 2.4.4


This is basically an updated version of Kazaa Lite K++ 2.4.3 with the newest tools. It has the most features and options of all versions. Specifically the AutoSearchMore function and build-in accelerator are very good. But also many other functions that you won't find in other versions.


Other 2.4.x versions are:


* Kazaa Lite K++ 2.4.3


This is the most famous Kazaa Lite version ever. Just plain good.


* Kazaa Lite Resurrection


See this topic.


Currently the best 2.6.0 version is:


* Clean KMD 2.6.0


This is a version of Kazaa 2.6.0. It has some of the functions that can also be found in the 2.4.x series, but not all of them. Ones that it does have are unlimited searches, a PL of 1000 and the build-in IP blocker. One thing that it doesn't has is AutoSearchMore.

This build just contains all the tools that you need and not lots of unneeded and confusing extra tools like other 2.6.0 builds have.


NOTE: Even better builds are currently being developed, but those are not fully finished yet. Check the development forum for more info.


Other 2.6.0 versions are:


(These are still under development)



KMD Lite


2.6.0 versions VS 2.4.x versions


Which ones are better? Well currently the 2.4.x versions have the most/best features and the best user-interface.


The 2.6.0 builds use the KLR loader which adds less features than the K++ loader that is used by the 2.4.x builds.

The 2.4.x builds also have a special add-on called KL Extensions which adds many useful features like AutoSearchMore and a build-in accelerator.

The 2.4.x builds also have a more user-friendly interface with for example a custom startup webpage and a bigger searchresults window.

An advantage of the 2.6.0 builds is the ability to have multiple search tabs.


But aren't old versions being blocked off the network by the new versions?


This is just a rumour. Currently almost the entire network consists of old versions, so even if this rumour is true then you don't have to worry. It will take months before we will notice any changes (if we ever do). Until then just use your old version. You can always switch in the future. Old versions still work perfect now.


However it is possible that you do have problems. Mainly the lack of search results. In that case you should try to connect to other supernodes with KaZuperNodes. A good supernode to try is: fm2.imesh.com:1214

Otherwise see if you get better results with a 2.6.0 build.


Download here:


Clean KMD 2.4.4





Η γνώμη μου είναι πως το Diet K μοιάζει να είναι πιο ασφαλές, γιατί είναι απλά ένα ad-on για το Kazaa, φτιαγμένο αποκλειστικά για την βελτίωσή του (και την αφαίρεση των spyware). Αντίθετα, το Kazaa Lite είναι ένα ολόκληρο πρόγραμμα peer-to-peer, βασισμένο στο Kazaa, από το οποίο "θεωρητικά" έχουν αφαιρεθεί τα spyware. Και ποιος μας βεβαιώνει πως οι δημιουργοί του δεν έχουν βάλει άλλα?


Kane ena check me adaware kai spybot gia na deis oti den exoun valei tipota...Gia to Diet K den mporo na miliso giati den to exo dokimasei kai oute prokeite afou diavasa oti to kainourgio kazaa vazei pano apo 30 spyware sto pc...Kai den eimai apolita sigouros oti tha figoun ola me to Diet K giati tote mallon to prog den tha ksekinaei kan...


Afto pou ksero einai oti an exeis edited hosts file (osoi katalavan katalavan...) kai mplokareis ad-sites pou xrisimopoiei to kainourgio kazaa (2.6 nomizo) den ginetai na kaneis install an den ta allakseis (Fisika sou dinei ti dinatotita na to kanei automata...).Pragma pou simainei oti to exoun paei ligo parapera se thema ad/spyware


A! Kai kati allo...i teleytaia ekdosi to kazaa lite einai 2.4.8...Mpainei kanonika sto diktio ( Ego toylaxiston vlepo giro stous 3.7 million users) den exei spy-ad/ware exei to poli kalo function pou mplokarei malicious ip's xrisimopoiontas tin list toy peerguardian kai genikotera functions pou einai xrisimes...


I epilogi diki sas...


Paidia kai ego exo kanonika to kazaa lite... oute spyware oute provlimata. Kai ego mpaino kanonika sto diktyo kai mou kaneis entyposi apo polla atoma sto panepistimio pou lene oti antimetopizoun provlima eite na syndethoun eite na doun polloys xrhstes... btw me klassikia dial up eimai opote den einai mallon thema syndesis.


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