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Favorites help...


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8elo na balo se mia selida pou ftiaxno!

ena ikonidio pou otan to patas 8a sou emfanizei to para8oro pou 8a eisagei tin selida sta agapimena!!OS edo ola kala!!

8elo na mou pei kapois an xerei pos mporo na balo kai ena ikonidio dipla apo tin dieu8insi pou 8a exei apo8ikeutei sta "agapimena!!

Sas euxaristo


νομίζω βάζεις ένα εικονίδιο xxxxx.ico στον root κατάλογο αλλά δεν θυμάμαι πως πρέπει να το ονομάσεις για να γίνει αυτό που θέλεις


1. Create a 16px X 16px, 16 colour image with either a .bmp or .gif extension.


Your graphics editor should have a setting for 16 colours. It needs to be 16px X 16px, anything other than this will be ignored by browsers most times.

Another option is to download a free icon editor and make your own through that.


2. Convert your image to the .ico format if it's .bmp or .ico.


You can't just rename the image extension - it HAS to be converted with a special program or it won't work. Use an icon converter, then save the converted file as favicon.ico. If you are creating several icons to use, call each one something different - but remember it needs to have the .ico extension.

Upload your favicon.ico into the root directory of your website.


The root directory is where your main index.html page is. Browsers look for the favicon.ico here. If you're providing a link in your pages to the icon, then you can store them wherever you wish - in a folder just for icons, on another server, as long as you provide the path/url to where it is so browsers know where to look for it.

Insert a link to it in all your pages that you wish to use the favicon.


If you have called your icon favicon.ico and you uploaded it into your root directory, you don't NEED to put any code in your pages. However, sometimes the favicon won't show for some browsers, so to put a link in might be a wise thing to do. You will also need to put a link in if you want to use something other than a file called favicon.ico or if your site is a subdomain or a free hosted site (ie: not your own domain name). This is because you need to tell the browser to look for THAT image for that page in THAT folder.

3. Put this piece of code somewhere between the <head></head> tags on your pages:


<LINK REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="http://www.yourdomain.com/name_of_icon.ico">


If you have a 'secure' site, you will need to provide the path using https:


<LINK REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="https://www.yourdomain.com/name_of_icon.ico">





Selida: http://www.htmlbasix.com/favicon.shtml


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