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PAIDIA Diavaste auto einai simantiko


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Esteila kai ena minima teleiotiko pleon ston katastimatarxi.

Ena antigrafo einai ayto



Hello from Greece.


Today i spoke with the National Office for Communication and transmision from the goverment.After this call i spoke with Speedex Courrier Service.They told me this.They are not paid for stolen item here in Greece.They told me the only way to receive new camera is the Gls and the shopper.Because i am jurnalist and this camera is a tool for me,because i can understand the GLS , Because i have paid for this item 1485 euros,i must contact with my lawer here in Greece to search resoloution.Please tell to GLS to pay this insurared item.The Speedex told me to communicate for last time with GLS.You are perfect Shopper but as you know if i dont have resolution in this week i must give the case to my lawer against Speedex Courrier and GLS.

Thank you

Konstantinos Vrachopoulos

  • Απαντ. 235
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Stin Speedex exei arxisei kai peftei poli arrostia.O enas einai arrostos o allos einai arrostos.Oloi oi ypeythinoi opos katalavate einai spiti tous logw kriologimatos.O katastimatarxis eksafanistike molis akouse oti tha kinitho dikastika.Mallon ta 1485 ekanan ftera para tis apegnosmenes prospatheies tis EETT. :(


File moy, min to afiseis etsi...kinisou dikastika kai STANTAR tha dikaiwtheis. Apla prepei na exeis upomoni giati to apotelesma tha einai mallon makruprothesmo. An diatheteis alla money agorase mia kamera apo Ellada na kaneis kai ti douleia soy kai toys g......s sto dikastirio! (aporw pws antexeis, egw toso kairo poy diabazw to post soy exw parei anapodes me tin tosi aneuthinotita)


Akoma kai apo tin EETT pira tin apantisi ''Kinitheite dikastika gia na vreite to dikio sas,Fysika i Speedex Courrier tha exei kiroseis''Opos katalavainetai o kivos erifthi.O Germanos katastimatarxis molis akouse dikastiria Eksafanistike.To mono pou mou menei einai na kanw prwta eksodiko kai meta agwgi kata tis Speedex kai tis GLS(Germanika taxydromeia.Dystyxos :(


Idi edwsa entoli ston dikigoro mou na steilei eksodiko kai an den simorfothoun na kanei agwgi.Episis o germanos katastimatarxis apantise alla eipe oti akoma den exei parei egkrisi apo to Germaniko taxydromeio.To mono sigouro einai oti oi Germanoi einai sigouroi oti tin kamera tin voutiksan ellines gia auto alloste den egkrinoun tin apozimiosi


Simera me eidopoiise i EETT (Ethniki epitropi Tilepikoinoniwn kai taxydromeiwn ) Oti to thema to thetei ston antiproedro tis epitropis kai oti tha kalesei tin Speedex se apologia.Opos katalavainetai i Speedex tha faei prostimo kai tha tis ginei mia dunati epipliksi.Tora arxizei kai mpenei to nero sto aulaki.


Elava to parakatw minima apo ton Germano katastimatarxi


ok, yesterday I received an information from GLS, that they now start to work concerning the stolen camera. I am very ... about that and I will sent the 2nd camera to you, in the next days. That is my own risk, but it is ok, I think.






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