kothemel Δημοσ. 16 Μαΐου 2016 Δημοσ. 16 Μαΐου 2016 Καλημέρα παιδιά! Έχει ασχοληθεί κανείς με τη νέα έκδοση του ΗΤΚ 3.5 πάνω σε DNNs; Έχω κολλήσει στο στάδιο του pre-training. Παραθέτω παρακάτω αναλυτικά το μήνυμα λάθους που μου πετάει. Στο φορουμ του voxforge: http://www.voxforge.org/home/forums/message-boards/speech-recognition-engines/ I have stuck in the pre-training step of DNN-HMM. First of all, the whole database (.wav, .mfc, .mlf files) is stored on an ext. drive. According to the HTKBook page 68 in order to proceed with descriminative pre-training you must execute: HNTrainSGD -C config.basic -C config.pretrain -H dnn3/init/models -M dnn3 -S dnn.train.scp -N dnn.hv.scp -l LABEL -I train.mono.aligned.mlf hmm_mono/monolist After creating the config.basic, config.pretrain, dnn.train.scp, dnn.hv.scp and running the command I get the following error: Epoch 1 ****************************** Processing training set... ERROR [+8925] LoadOneUtt: Phone label in the label file does not match the state level definition FATAL ERROR - Terminating program ../../bin.cpu/HNTrainSGD Well i guess the problem is occurred by the massive label file. The train.mono.aligned.mlf, as I defined it, contains the paths to other mlfs. I quote a small part of it: #!MLF!# "/media/kothemel/Elements1/training_set/S01/ISOLATED/mic1/s01mic1.mlf" "/media/kothemel/Elements1/training_set/S01/ISOLATED/mic2/s01mic2.mlf"and goes on.. On the ext. drive the s01mic1.mlf contains the acoustic events as labels with the utterance that is taking place. I also quote a part of it: #!MLF!# "mic1/S01-eventid1-mic1.lab" si . "mic1/S01-eventid2-mic1.lab" kn . "mic1/S01-eventid3-mic1.lab" si . "mic1/S01-eventid4-mic1.lab" ds . "mic1/S01-eventid5-mic1.lab" si . "mic1/S01-eventid6-mic1.lab" ds .
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