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Battlefield 1 [PC]

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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα


νεο βιντεο απο τον τσακα ( :P



το minimap spotting θα ειναι BF2 φαση, δηλαδη θα φαινεσαι στο minimap της αντιπαλης ομαδας μονο οταν καποιος σε κανει σποτ και οχι οταν βρισκεσαι στο LoS του εχθρου ή/και βαρεσεις το gun σου 


τα νεα tank combat mechanics φαινεται να εχουν ενδιαφερον, btw θα δινει μονο 20 ποντους το "απλο" kill 


καλα παμε :)

Ναι θέλουν να το κάνουν πιο "play the objective" . Καλό είναι αυτό. Αν είδατε στο live, νομίζω ο levelcap είχε περισσότερα kills κάπου 24/9 αλλά ο jackfrags με λιγότερα kills ειχε σχεδόν διπλάσιους πόντους. 


Κάτι ψιλογράφτηκε στο reddit ότι θα "μπουν" σε DLC οι Γάλλοι.




Bolt-Action Rifles

  • Gewehr 98: The standard issue German rifle of the war, this is the predecessor to the famous Kar98K of WW2 fame. 5 round magazine.

  • Springfield M1903: Standard issue American rifle of WW1. Along with the typical bolt-action, a special attachment was made for the Springfield M1903 that converted it into a semi-automatic rifle firing 0.30 pistol cartridges from a diagonally mounted magazine. 5 round magazine, 15 with Pedersen Device.

  • Lebel Model 1886: Standard issue French rifle. 8 round tube magazine.

  • Lee-Enfield SMLE: Standard issue British rifle. Famous for the bolt design allowing a very fast rate of fire. 10 round magazine.

  • Mosin-Nagant M1891: Standard issue Russian army rifle. 5 round magazine.

  • Mannlicher M1895: Standard issue Austro-Hungarian rifle. Like the Lee-Enfield, bolt design allowed a fast rate of fire in the area of 30 RPM. 5 round magazine.

  • Mauser M1918 "T-Gewehr": The world's first anti-tank rifle and the only one of WW1. Single-shot and must be reloaded after every shot.

Semi-Automatic Rifles

  • M1908 Mondragon: Standard issue Mexican rifle, and the first semi-automatic rifle to become standard issue anywhere in the world. Sold to all sides of WW1. 5 round magazine, though later variants used a 20-round box magazine and the Germans issued it to aerial observers with a 30-round drum magazine.

  • RSC M1917: French semi-automatic rifle, 5 round magazine.

  • Meunier M1916: French semi-automatic rifle, abandoned in favor of RSC M1917 due to complexity of production and expense. 5, 10, and 15-round magazines.

  • Remington Model 8: American semi-automatic rifle, designed by John Browning himself. 5 and 15 round magazines.

  • Winchester Model 1910: American semi-atuomatic rifle, 4 round magazine.

  • Winchester Model 1907: British semi-automatic rifle, 5 and 10 round magazine.

  • General Liu Rifle: Chinese semi-automatic rifle, 6 round magazine

Submachine Guns

  • MP18: One of the first SMGs introduced into combat. Used a 32-round magazine during WW1

  • Beretta M1918: Italian SMG, initial design was a semi-automatic rifle before being changed to be fully automatic and fire a 9mm pistol cartridge. 25 round Bren-style magazine.

  • Viller-Perosa M1918 OVP: Italian SMG developed from the Viller-Perosa machine gun, 25 round Bren-style magazine.

Proto-Assault Rifles (Yes, these existed in WW1)

  • Fedorov Avtomat: Russian automatic rifle, often considered the first true assault rifle, with selective fire between automatic and semi-automatic. 25 round magazine.

  • Cei-Rigotti: Italian automatic rifle from 1900. Select fire between semi-automatic and burst. 10, 25, and 50 round magazines. Because the magazines could not be quickly detached (requiring removing the trigger assembly to remove the magazine), reloading is done through 5-round stripper clips.

  • Winchester M1917 Machine Rifle: American automatic rifle, fired from two top and diagonally mounted 20 round box magazines for 40 rounds total.

  • Ribeyrolle CM M1918: French automatic rifle, 25 round magazine.

  • Farquahar-Hill: British automatic rifle, 20 and 65 round drum magazines

Light Machine Guns

  • M1918 BAR: American LMG. Yes, this is the very same BAR of WW2 fame. 20 round magazine.

  • Chauchat: French LMG, infamous for its unreliability owing to an open-sided magazine design that exposed the interior to jamming. 20 round magazine.

  • Lewis Gun: Famous British LMG (though designed in the US), saw use throughout the war and mounted in aircraft owing to its high ammo capacity. 47 and 97 round pan magazines.

  • Madsen Gun: Danish Bren-style gun with 25, 30, and 40 round magazines.

Shotguns Aside from perhaps a double barrel, we can expect:

  • M1897 "Trench Gun": American made pump-action shotgun, 5 round tube magazine.

  • Browning Auto-5: American made semi-automatic shotgun, 5 round magazine.

Fixed/Heavy Machineguns

  • Maxim Gun/MG 08/Browning M1917/Vickers: Grouped together because of similarity of design. Expect 200 or 250 round belt.

  • Gast Gun: German twin-barreled machine gun, first to use the Gast loading system, where the recoil from firing one barrel loads the other barrel, allowing a high rate of fire without worrying about overheating. Fed by two 90 round drum magazines mounted vertically, one on each side. 800 RPM per barrel for a combined rate of fire of 1600 RPM.

  • Viller-Perosa M15: Italian "heavy" machine gun. Twin-barreled machine gun firing from what is essentially two fully automatic guns welded together. Though it only fired pistol caliber 9mm bullets, it was only designed to be fired from a weapons mount, though was easily man-portable at 14 pounds. Two 25 round Bren-style magazines for a total of 50 rounds, 1500 RPM per barrel for a total of 3000 RPM, barrels fire separately and use thumb triggers.

  • Hotchkiss M1914: French HMG, fired from stripper clips which, while it meant it had frequent reloads, reloads were fast and it prevented overheating, allowing a continuous fire rate. 30 round stripper clip, though later adapted for 250 round belts.

Support Weapons

  • Vickers 1.59-inch QF Gun, Mk. II: British man-portable light (~50 pounds) 37mm cannon intended for anti-bunker and later anti-aircraft work. Single-shot, fired AP, HE, and incendiary ammo.

  • Wechselapparat: Lightweight man-portable flamethrower developed by Germany late in the war. Already confirmed to be in-game, as its distinctive circular fuel tank was seen in the trailer.

  • Aasen Mortar: Norwegian developed man-portable (~55 pounds) gun/mortar hybrid used by the Russian Empire firing 75mm shells.

Side Arms

  • M1911
  • Webley
  • Luger
  • Nagant Revolver
  • Mauser C96





DICE is not forgetting the French army, which had an important role during World War I. That army is going to be featured in a specific "premium expansion" that DICE and Electronic Arts will release at some point following the Battlefield 1 launch.

  • Like 4

DICE is not forgetting the French army, which had an important role during World War I. That army is going to be featured in a specific "premium expansion" that DICE and Electronic Arts will release at some point following the Battlefield 1 launch.



ζώ για αυτές τις ωραίες μικρές στιγμές της ζωής.

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Παλι καλα με τις φωνες εχει επιλογη απο οτι βλεπω τωρα για το alpha bravo κτλ νομιζω περιττο αλλα γουστα ειναι αυτα.

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Γιατι οταν υποτιθεται κανεις παιχνιδι βασισμενο στον πρωτο παγκοσμιο πολεμο , δεν γινεται να αφηνεις εξω την Γαλλια που ηταν απο τους μεγαλυτερους συμμετεχοντες 

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Γιατι οταν υποτιθεται κανεις παιχνιδι βασισμενο στον πρωτο παγκοσμιο πολεμο , δεν γινεται να αφηνεις εξω την Γαλλια που ηταν απο τους μεγαλυτερους συμμετεχοντες 




verdun,από τις μεγαλύτερες μάχες!

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Ο λόγος που μας ενδιαφέρει ο γαλλικός στρατός ποιος είναι ακριβώς?!

Γιατί ήταν o δεύτερος μεγαλύτερος στρατός της περιοχής και οι μάχες έλαβαν χώρα στο έδαφος του μήπως;

Επίσης ήδη μεγάλο μέρος του εξοπλισμού στο παιχνίδι είναι γαλλικός...

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Κάτι ανέφερε ο levelcap ότι το όπλο (αυτόματα) θα παθαίνουν overheating οταν θα πλησιάζει να αδειάσει ο γεμιστήρας.


Εγώ θα πρότεινα και κάτι λίγο διαφορετικό: να υπάρχει και πιθανότητα να κολλήσει το όπλο 

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