Dr.Fuzzy Δημοσ. 5 Μαρτίου 2016 Δημοσ. 5 Μαρτίου 2016 (επεξεργασμένο) Όποιος μπορεί να βοηθήσει γιατί μου έχουν σπάσει τα νεύρα...Έχω φτιάξει το παρακάτω CMakeLists.txt για ένα project που δουλεύω cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3)project(dynamic_map)## Find catkin macros and libraries## if COMPONENTS list like find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS xyz)## is used, also find other catkin packagesfind_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS##libpcl-all-devpcl_conversionspcl_rosroscppsensor_msgs)## System dependencies are found with CMake's conventions# find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS system)find_package(CUDA REQUIRED)set(CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS${CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS};-gencode arch=compute_50,code=sm_50-gencode arch=compute_35,code=sm_35)## Uncomment this if the package has a setup.py. This macro ensures## modules and global scripts declared therein get installed## See http://ros.org/doc/a...tup_dot_py.html# catkin_python_setup()################################################## Declare ROS messages, services and actions #################################################### To declare and build messages, services or actions from within this## package, follow these steps:## * Let MSG_DEP_SET be the set of packages whose message types you use in## your messages/services/actions (e.g. std_msgs, actionlib_msgs, ...).## * In the file package.xml:## * add a build_depend tag for "message_generation"## * add a build_depend and a run_depend tag for each package in MSG_DEP_SET## * If MSG_DEP_SET isn't empty the following dependency has been pulled in## but can be declared for certainty nonetheless:## * add a run_depend tag for "message_runtime"## * In this file (CMakeLists.txt):## * add "message_generation" and every package in MSG_DEP_SET to## find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS ...)## * add "message_runtime" and every package in MSG_DEP_SET to## catkin_package(CATKIN_DEPENDS ...)## * uncomment the add_*_files sections below as needed## and list every .msg/.srv/.action file to be processed## * uncomment the generate_messages entry below## * add every package in MSG_DEP_SET to generate_messages(DEPENDENCIES ...)## Generate messages in the 'msg' folder# add_message_files(# FILES# Message1.msg# Message2.msg# )## Generate services in the 'srv' folder# add_service_files(# FILES# Service1.srv# Service2.srv# )## Generate actions in the 'action' folder# add_action_files(# FILES# Action1.action# Action2.action# )## Generate added messages and services with any dependencies listed here# generate_messages(# DEPENDENCIES# sensor_msgs# )################################################## Declare ROS dynamic reconfigure parameters #################################################### To declare and build dynamic reconfigure parameters within this## package, follow these steps:## * In the file package.xml:## * add a build_depend and a run_depend tag for "dynamic_reconfigure"## * In this file (CMakeLists.txt):## * add "dynamic_reconfigure" to## find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS ...)## * uncomment the "generate_dynamic_reconfigure_options" section below## and list every .cfg file to be processed## Generate dynamic reconfigure parameters in the 'cfg' folder# generate_dynamic_reconfigure_options(# cfg/DynReconf1.cfg# cfg/DynReconf2.cfg# )##################################### catkin specific configuration ####################################### The catkin_package macro generates cmake config files for your package## Declare things to be passed to dependent projects## INCLUDE_DIRS: uncomment this if you package contains header files## LIBRARIES: libraries you create in this project that dependent projects also need## CATKIN_DEPENDS: catkin_packages dependent projects also need## DEPENDS: system dependencies of this project that dependent projects also needcatkin_package(INCLUDE_DIRS include# LIBRARIES dynamic_mapCATKIN_DEPENDS libpcl-all-dev pcl_conversions pcl_ros roscpp sensor_msgs# DEPENDS system_lib)############# Build ############### Specify additional locations of header files## Your package locations should be listed before other locations# include_directories(include)include_directories(${catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS}${CUDA_INCLUDE_DIRS}src)## Declare a C++ library# add_library(dynamic_map# src/${PROJECT_NAME}/dynamic_map.cpp# )## Add cmake target dependencies of the library## as an example, code may need to be generated before libraries## either from message generation or dynamic reconfigure# add_dependencies(dynamic_map ${${PROJECT_NAME}_EXPORTED_TARGETS} ${catkin_EXPORTED_TARGETS})## Declare a C++ executableadd_executable(dynamic_map_node src/dynamic_map_node.cpp/home/delk/catkin_ws/libs/gDel2D-Oct2015/src/DelaunayChecker.cpp/home/delk/catkin_ws/libs/gDel2D-Oct2015/src/HashTable.cpp/home/delk/catkin_ws/libs/gDel2D-Oct2015/src/RandGen.cpp/home/delk/catkin_ws/libs/gDel2D-Oct2015/src/InputCreator.cpp/home/delk/catkin_ws/libs/gDel2D-Oct2015/src/gDel2D/CPU/PredWrapper.cpp/home/delk/catkin_ws/libs/gDel2D-Oct2015/src/gDel2D/CPU/predicates.cpp/home/delk/catkin_ws/libs/gDel2D-Oct2015/src/gDel2D/GPU/GpuDelaunay.cu/home/delk/catkin_ws/libs/gDel2D-Oct2015/src/gDel2D/GPU/ThrustWrapper.cu/home/delk/catkin_ws/libs/gDel2D-Oct2015/src/gDel2D/GPU/KerPredicates.cu/home/delk/catkin_ws/libs/gDel2D-Oct2015/src/gDel2D/GPU/KerDivision.cu/home/delk/catkin_ws/libs/gDel2D-Oct2015/src/gDel2D/GPU/SmallCounters.cu )## Add cmake target dependencies of the executable## same as for the library above# add_dependencies(dynamic_map_node ${${PROJECT_NAME}_EXPORTED_TARGETS} ${catkin_EXPORTED_TARGETS})## Specify libraries to link a library or executable target againsttarget_link_libraries(dynamic_map_node${catkin_LIBRARIES}cudacudart)############### Install ################ all install targets should use catkin DESTINATION variables# See http://ros.org/doc/a.../variables.html## Mark executable scripts (Python etc.) for installation## in contrast to setup.py, you can choose the destination# install(PROGRAMS# scripts/my_python_script# DESTINATION ${CATKIN_PACKAGE_BIN_DESTINATION}# )## Mark executables and/or libraries for installation# install(TARGETS dynamic_map dynamic_map_node# ARCHIVE DESTINATION ${CATKIN_PACKAGE_LIB_DESTINATION}# LIBRARY DESTINATION ${CATKIN_PACKAGE_LIB_DESTINATION}# RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CATKIN_PACKAGE_BIN_DESTINATION}# )## Mark cpp header files for installation# install(DIRECTORY include/${PROJECT_NAME}/# DESTINATION ${CATKIN_PACKAGE_INCLUDE_DESTINATION}# FILES_MATCHING PATTERN "*.h"# PATTERN ".svn" EXCLUDE# )## Mark other files for installation (e.g. launch and bag files, etc.)# install(FILES# # myfile1# # myfile2# DESTINATION ${CATKIN_PACKAGE_SHARE_DESTINATION}# )############### Testing ################# Add gtest based cpp test target and link libraries# catkin_add_gtest(${PROJECT_NAME}-test test/test_dynamic_map.cpp)# if(TARGET ${PROJECT_NAME}-test)# target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}-test ${PROJECT_NAME})# endif()## Add folders to be run by python nosetests# catkin_add_nosetests(test) και μου χτυπάει στο link ότι δε βρίσκει το destructor ~SmallCounters() που ορίζεται στο SmallCounters (προφανώς υπάρχει!): Linking CXX executable /home/delk/catkin_ws/devel/lib/dynamic_map/dynamic_map_nodeCMakeFiles/dynamic_map_node.dir/src/dynamic_map_node.cpp.o: In function `GpuDel::GpuDel()':/home/delk/catkin_ws/libs/gDel2D-Oct2015/src/gDel2D/GpuDelaunay.h:70: undefined reference to `SmallCounters::~SmallCounters()'CMakeFiles/dynamic_map_node.dir/src/dynamic_map_node.cpp.o: In function `GpuDel::~GpuDel()':/home/delk/catkin_ws/libs/gDel2D-Oct2015/src/gDel2D/GpuDelaunay.h:70: undefined reference to `SmallCounters::~SmallCounters()'/home/delk/catkin_ws/libs/gDel2D-Oct2015/src/gDel2D/GpuDelaunay.h:70: undefined reference to `SmallCounters::~SmallCounters()'collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit statusmake[2]: *** [/home/delk/catkin_ws/devel/lib/dynamic_map/dynamic_map_node] Error 1make[1]: *** [dynamic_map/CMakeFiles/dynamic_map_node.dir/all] Error 2make: *** [all] Error 2 Τι διάολο γίνεται;;;; Επεξ/σία 5 Μαρτίου 2016 από Dr.Fuzzy
groot Δημοσ. 5 Μαρτίου 2016 Δημοσ. 5 Μαρτίου 2016 Μήπως.. κάνεις κάπου subclass του SmallCounters, έχεις κάνει overload τον dstor και έχει θέμα σε εκείνο το αρχείο; Και τώρα που το ξανάδα, στην κλάση GpuDel;
Dr.Fuzzy Δημοσ. 5 Μαρτίου 2016 Μέλος Δημοσ. 5 Μαρτίου 2016 Subclass οχι. Δες την GpuDelaunay.h: #pragma once #include<iomanip> #include<iostream> #include "CommonTypes.h" #include "PerfTimer.h" #include "GPU/CudaWrapper.h" #include "GPU/HostToKernel.h" #include "GPU/DPredWrapper.h" #include "GPU/SmallCounters.h" //// // Consts //// const int BlocksPerGrid = 512; const int ThreadsPerBlock = 128; const int PredBlocksPerGrid = 64; const int PredThreadsPerBlock = 32; const int PredTotalThreadNum = PredBlocksPerGrid * PredThreadsPerBlock; //// // Input / Output //// struct GDel2DOutput { TriHVec triVec; TriOppHVec triOppVec; Point2 ptInfty; // Statistics Statistics stats; }; struct GDel2DInput { Point2HVec pointVec; SegmentHVec constraintVec; bool insAll; // Insert all before flipping bool noSort; // Sort input points (unused) bool noReorder; // Reorder the triangle before flipping ProfLevel profLevel; bool isProfiling( ProfLevel level ) const { return ( profLevel >= level ); } GDel2DInput() { // Default setting insAll = false; noSort = false; noReorder = false; profLevel = ProfDefault; } }; //// // Main class //// class GpuDel { private: const GDel2DInput* _input; GDel2DOutput* _output; // Input Point2DVec _pointVec; SegmentDVec _constraintVec; int _pointNum; int _triMax; RealType _minVal; RealType _maxVal; // Output - Size proportional to triNum TriDVec _triVec; TriOppDVec _oppVec; CharDVec _triInfoVec; // State bool _doFlipping; ActTriMode _actTriMode; int _insNum; // Supplemental arrays - Size proportional to triNum IntDVec _actTriVec; Int2DVec _triMsgVec; FlipDVec _flipVec; IntDVec _triConsVec; IntDVec _actConsVec; MemoryPool _memPool; // Supplemental arrays - Size proportional to vertNum IntDVec _orgPointIdx; IntDVec _vertTriVec; // Very small IntHVec _orgFlipNum; SmallCounters _counters; Point2 _ptInfty; int _infIdx; int _availPtNum; DPredWrapper _dPredWrapper; // Diagnostic - Only used when enabled IntDVec __circleCountVec; IntDVec __rejFlipVec; Diagnostic _diagLogCompact, _diagLogCollect; Diagnostic* _diagLog; IntHVec _numActiveVec; IntHVec _numFlipVec; IntHVec _numCircleVec; RealHVec _timeCheckVec; RealHVec _timeFlipVec; // Timing CudaTimer _profTimer[ ProfLevelCount ]; private: // Helpers void constructInitialTriangles(); void bootstrapInsertion( Tri firstTri ); void markSpecialTris(); void expandTri( int newTriNum ); void splitTri(); void initProfiling(); void doFlippingLoop( CheckDelaunayMode checkMode ); bool doFlipping( CheckDelaunayMode checkMode ); void shiftTri( IntDVec& triToVert, IntDVec& splitTriVec ); void relocateAll(); void startTiming( ProfLevel level ); void stopTiming( ProfLevel level, double& accuTime ); void pauseTiming( ProfLevel level ); void restartTiming( ProfLevel level, double& accuTime ); void shiftOppVec( IntDVec &shiftVec, TriOppDVec &dataVec, int size ); void compactTris(); void dispatchCheckDelaunay ( CheckDelaunayMode checkMode, int orgActNum, IntDVec& triVoteVec ); template< typename T > void shiftExpandVec( IntDVec &shiftVec, DevVector< T > &dataVec, int size ); void initForConstraintInsertion(); bool markIntersections(); bool doConsFlipping( int& flipNum ); void updatePairStatus(); void checkConsFlipping( IntDVec& triVoteVec ); // Main void initForFlip(); void splitAndFlip(); void doInsertConstraints(); void outputToHost(); void cleanup(); public: void compute( const GDel2DInput& input, GDel2DOutput *output ); }; // class GpuDel και SmallCounters.h: #pragma once #include "../CommonTypes.h" // Preallocate a collection of small integer counters, inilized to 0. class SmallCounters { private: IntDVec _data; int _offset; int _size; public: ~SmallCounters(); void init( int size = 1, int capacity = 8192 ); void free(); void renew(); int* ptr(); int operator[]( int idx ) const; }; και μέσα στην main μου δημιουργώ ένα GpuDel gpuDel;
groot Δημοσ. 5 Μαρτίου 2016 Δημοσ. 5 Μαρτίου 2016 Κάνε το εξής: ~SmallCounters(){} στο SmallCounters.h Ή, εάν δεν θες να φαίνεται στο header, βάλε στο cpp κενό body για τον dstor. Ή, κάνε comment out τον dstor εάν δεν τον χρειάζεσαι να τον προσδιορίζεις explicitly. 1
Dr.Fuzzy Δημοσ. 5 Μαρτίου 2016 Μέλος Δημοσ. 5 Μαρτίου 2016 Πλάκα μου κάνεις...ΝΑΙ είσαι ωραίος έπαιξε!!! Πες μου όμως γιατί αυτή η ιδιοτροπία; Ή, εάν δεν θες να φαίνεται στο header, βάλε στο cpp κενό body για τον dstor. Ή, κάνε comment out τον dstor εάν δεν τον χρειάζεσαι να τον προσδιορίζεις explicitly. Όχι και όχι, δες και το GpuDelaunay.cu (CUDA): #include "SmallCounters.h" #include "HostToKernel.h" void SmallCounters::init( int size, int capacity ) { ... } SmallCounters::~SmallCounters() { free(); } void SmallCounters::free() { ... } void SmallCounters::renew() { ... } int* SmallCounters::ptr() { ... } int SmallCounters::operator[]( int idx ) const { ... }
groot Δημοσ. 5 Μαρτίου 2016 Δημοσ. 5 Μαρτίου 2016 Ο dstor του SmallCounters θα πρέπει να ορίζεται στα αρχεία της κλάσης. Πας να ορίσεις μία κλάση, δίνεις dstor αλλά δεν ορίζεις πουθενά το implementation (body). Για αυτό παραπονιέται. Εάν ψάξεις για undefined reference to destructor θα βρεις αρκετά άρθρα που εξηγούν το γιατί καλύτερα από ό,τι εγώ σε ένα post Αλλά.. C++ και cu; Γιατί ότι python και numpy, scikit, theano/tensor flow; 1
Dr.Fuzzy Δημοσ. 5 Μαρτίου 2016 Μέλος Δημοσ. 5 Μαρτίου 2016 Κατάλαβα... Για να μη παρεξηγηθώ τη βιβλιοθήκη δεν την έχω γράψει εγώ (http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~tants/gdel3d.html), απλά χρειάζομαι ένα πολύ γρήγορο Delaunay και απ'ότι κοίταξα σε σχέση με (CGAL, Triangle, κλπ) είναι το πιο γρήγορο. Γενικά Python, numpy, scikit, κλπ χρησιμοποιώ συνέχεια, αλλά στο συγκεκριμένο surface reconstruction/mess parameterization από point cloud στα 640x480@100+fps που πρέπει να παίζει θέλω ταχύτητα (το disparity για παράδειγμα το υπολογίζω με CUDA)...
defacer Δημοσ. 5 Μαρτίου 2016 Δημοσ. 5 Μαρτίου 2016 Στο .h λες ότι η SmallCounters έχει destructor (τον δηλώνεις), αλλά δεν τον ορίζεις. Η GpuDel έχει ένα SmallCounters member. Αυτό σημαίνει πως όταν γίνει destruct ένα instance της (στο τέλος της main, αφού εκεί βάζεις ένα local GpuDel) αυτόματα καλείται ο destructor και για κάθε ένα από τα members της. O compiler λοιπόν βάζει ένα call για τον ~SmallCounters() και ο linker σου λέει ότι δεν έχει δει κώδικα για να ικανοποιήσει αυτό το call. Ο compiler επίσης δημιουργεί αυτόματα (do-nothing) destructor αν δε δηλώσεις δικό σου, γι' αυτό βγάζοντας τη δήλωση πλέον δουλεύει κανονικά. Πάντως αν θέλεις να εμφανίζεται ο destructor σου στο .h, η μοντέρνα προσέγγιση είναι να πεις ~SmallCounters() = default;
Dr.Fuzzy Δημοσ. 5 Μαρτίου 2016 Μέλος Δημοσ. 5 Μαρτίου 2016 Στο .h λες ότι η SmallCounters έχει destructor (τον δηλώνεις), αλλά δεν τον ορίζεις. Η GpuDel έχει ένα SmallCounters member. Αυτό σημαίνει πως όταν γίνει destruct ένα instance της (στο τέλος της main, αφού εκεί βάζεις ένα local GpuDel) αυτόματα καλείται ο destructor και για κάθε ένα από τα members της. O compiler λοιπόν βάζει ένα call για τον ~SmallCounters() και ο linker σου λέει ότι δεν έχει δει κώδικα για να ικανοποιήσει αυτό το call. Ο compiler επίσης δημιουργεί αυτόματα (do-nothing) destructor αν δε δηλώσεις δικό σου, γι' αυτό βγάζοντας τη δήλωση πλέον δουλεύει κανονικά. Πάντως αν θέλεις να εμφανίζεται ο destructor σου στο .h, η μοντέρνα προσέγγιση είναι να πεις ~SmallCounters() = default; Λογικό συμφωνώ, και τώρα που το βλέπω προσεκτικά αν το είχα γράψει εγώ πιθανώς θα το έκανα όπως λέτε. Βέβαια υπάρχει δήλωση στο GpuDelaunay.cu SmallCounters::~SmallCounters() { free(); }
ChRis6 Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2016 Δημοσ. 9 Μαρτίου 2016 Κάτσε,οι μέθοδοι τρέχουν στη CPU ή στη GPU ? Δεν βλέπω κάτι να τρέχει στη GPU.Όλος ο κώδικας είναι για το host.Η υλοιποίηση πού βρίσκεται; Στα .cu ? Επίσης τα .cu τα κάνεις compile με τον nvcc.Με το add_executable του cmake δεν εκτελείται ο nvcc,αλλά ο compiler του συστήματος που έχεις επιλέξει.Χρειάζεσαι το cuda_add_executable. Δες εδώ: https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.0/module/FindCUDA.html 1
Dr.Fuzzy Δημοσ. 10 Μαρτίου 2016 Μέλος Δημοσ. 10 Μαρτίου 2016 Υλοποιούνται στην GPU, δες για παράδειγμα το GpuDelaunay.cu #include "../GpuDelaunay.h" #include<iomanip>#include<iostream> #include "KerCommon.h"#include "KerDivision.h"#include "KerPredicates.h"#include "ThrustWrapper.h" #include "../../Visualizer.h" ////// GpuDel methods////void GpuDel::cleanup(){ thrust_free_all(); _memPool.free(); _pointVec.free(); _constraintVec.free(); _triVec.free(); _oppVec.free(); _triInfoVec.free(); _orgPointIdx.free(); _vertTriVec.free(); _counters.free(); _actConsVec.free(); _orgFlipNum.clear(); _dPredWrapper.cleanup(); __circleCountVec.free(); __rejFlipVec.free(); _numActiveVec.clear(); _numFlipVec.clear(); _numCircleVec.clear(); _timeCheckVec.clear(); _timeFlipVec.clear(); } void GpuDel::compute(const GDel2DInput& input,GDel2DOutput* output){ // Set L1 for kernels cudaDeviceSetCacheConfig( cudaFuncCachePreferL1 ); _input = &input; _output = output; initProfiling(); startTiming( ProfNone ); initForFlip(); splitAndFlip(); outputToHost(); stopTiming( ProfNone, _output->stats.totalTime ); if ( _input->isProfiling( ProfDetail ) ) { std::cout << " FlipCompact time: "; _diagLogCompact.printTime(); std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " FlipCollect time: "; _diagLogCollect.printTime(); std::cout << std::endl; } cleanup(); return;} void GpuDel::startTiming( ProfLevel level ){ if ( _input->isProfiling( level ) ) _profTimer[ level ].start(); } void GpuDel::pauseTiming( ProfLevel level ){ if ( _input->isProfiling( level ) ) _profTimer[ level ].pause(); } void GpuDel::stopTiming( ProfLevel level, double &accuTime ){ if ( _input->isProfiling( level ) ) { _profTimer[ level ].stop(); accuTime += _profTimer[ level ].value(); }} void GpuDel::restartTiming( ProfLevel level, double &accuTime ){ stopTiming( level, accuTime ); startTiming( level ); } struct CompareX{ __device__ bool operator()( const Point2 &a, const Point2 &b ) const { return a._p[0] < b._p[0]; }}; struct Get2Ddist{ Point2 _a; RealType abx, aby; Get2Ddist( const Point2 &a, const Point2 &b ) : _a(a) { abx = b._p[0] - a._p[0]; aby = b._p[1] - a._p[1]; } __device__ int operator()( const Point2 &c ) { RealType acx = c._p[0] - _a._p[0]; RealType acy = c._p[1] - _a._p[1]; RealType dist = abx * acy - aby * acx; return __float_as_int( fabs((float) dist) ); }}; RealType orient2dzero( const RealType *pa, const RealType *pb, const RealType *pc ); void GpuDel::constructInitialTriangles(){ // First, choose two extreme points along the X axis typedef Point2DVec::iterator Point2DIter; thrust::pair< Point2DIter, Point2DIter > ret = thrust::minmax_element( _pointVec.begin(), _pointVec.end(), CompareX() ); int v0 = ret.first - _pointVec.begin(); int v1 = ret.second - _pointVec.begin(); const Point2 p0 = _pointVec[v0]; const Point2 p1 = _pointVec[v1]; // Find the furthest point from v0v1 IntDVec distVec = _memPool.allocateAny<int>( _pointNum ); distVec.resize( _pointVec.size() ); thrust::transform( _pointVec.begin(), _pointVec.end(), distVec.begin(), Get2Ddist( p0, p1 ) ); const int v2 = thrust::max_element( distVec.begin(), distVec.end() ) - distVec.begin(); const Point2 p2 = _pointVec[v2]; _memPool.release( distVec ); if ( _input->isProfiling( ProfDebug ) ) { std::cout << "Leftmost: " << v0 << " --> " << p0._p[0] << " " << p0._p[1] << std::endl; std::cout << "Rightmost: " << v1 << " --> " << p1._p[0] << " " << p1._p[1] << std::endl; std::cout << "Furthest 2D: " << v2 << " --> " << p2._p[0] << " " << p2._p[1] << std::endl; } // Check to make sure the 4 points are not co-planar RealType ori = orient2dzero( p0._p, p1._p, p2._p ); if ( ori == 0.0 ) { std::cout << "Input too degenerate!!!\n" << std::endl; exit(-1); } if ( ortToOrient( ori ) == OrientNeg ) std::swap( v0, v1 ); // Compute the centroid of v0v1v2v3, to be used as the kernel point. _ptInfty._p[0] = ( p0._p[0] + p1._p[0] + p2._p[0] ) / 3.0; _ptInfty._p[1] = ( p0._p[1] + p1._p[1] + p2._p[1] ) / 3.0; // Add the infinity point to the end of the list _infIdx = _pointNum - 1; _pointVec.resize( _pointNum ); _pointVec[ _infIdx ] = _ptInfty; if ( _input->isProfiling( ProfDiag ) ) { std::cout << "Kernel: " << _ptInfty._p[0] << " " << _ptInfty._p[1] << std::endl; } // Initialize the predicate wrapper!!! _dPredWrapper.init( toKernelPtr( _pointVec ), _pointNum, _input->noSort ? NULL : toKernelPtr( _orgPointIdx ), _infIdx ); setPredWrapperConstant( _dPredWrapper ); // Create the initial triangulation Tri firstTri = { v0, v1, v2 }; _triVec.expand( 4 ); _oppVec.expand( 4 ); _triInfoVec.expand( 4 ); // Put the initial tets at the Inf list kerMakeFirstTri<<< 1, 1 >>>( toKernelPtr( _triVec ), toKernelPtr( _oppVec ), toKernelPtr( _triInfoVec ), firstTri, _infIdx ); CudaCheckError(); // Locate initial positions of points _vertTriVec.resize( _pointNum ); IntDVec exactCheckVec = _memPool.allocateAny<int>( _pointNum ); _counters.renew(); kerInitPointLocationFast<<< BlocksPerGrid, ThreadsPerBlock >>>( toKernelArray( _vertTriVec ), toKernelPtr( exactCheckVec ), _counters.ptr(), firstTri ); kerInitPointLocationExact<<< PredBlocksPerGrid, PredThreadsPerBlock >>>( toKernelPtr( _vertTriVec ), toKernelPtr( exactCheckVec ), _counters.ptr(), firstTri ); CudaCheckError(); _memPool.release( exactCheckVec ); _availPtNum = _pointNum - 4; Visualizer::instance()->addFrame( _pointVec, SegmentDVec(), _triVec, _infIdx ); } void GpuDel::initForFlip(){ startTiming( ProfDefault ); _pointNum = _input->pointVec.size() + 1; // Plus the infinity point _triMax = (int) ( _pointNum * 2 ); // Copy points to GPU _pointVec.resize( _pointNum ); // 1 additional slot for the infinity point _pointVec.copyFromHost( _input->pointVec ); // Copy constraints to GPU _constraintVec.copyFromHost( _input->constraintVec ); // Allocate space _triVec.resize( _triMax ); _oppVec.resize( _triMax ); _triInfoVec.resize( _triMax ); _counters.init( CounterNum ); if ( _constraintVec.size() > 0 ) _actConsVec.resize( _constraintVec.size() ); if ( _input->isProfiling( ProfDiag ) ) { __circleCountVec.resize( _triMax ); __rejFlipVec.resize( _triMax ); } // Preallocate some buffers in the pool _memPool.reserve<FlipItem>( _triMax ); // flipVec _memPool.reserve<int2>( _triMax ); // triMsgVec _memPool.reserve<int>( _pointNum ); // vertSphereVec _memPool.reserve<int>( _triMax ); // actTriVec _memPool.reserve<int>( _triMax ); // Two more for common use _memPool.reserve<int>( _triMax ); // if ( _constraintVec.size() > 0 ) _memPool.reserve<int>( _triMax ); // Find the min and max coordinate value typedef thrust::device_ptr< RealType > RealPtr; RealPtr coords( ( RealType* ) toKernelPtr( _pointVec ) ); thrust::pair< RealPtr, RealPtr> ret = thrust::minmax_element( coords, coords + _pointVec.size() * 2 ); _minVal = *ret.first; _maxVal = *ret.second; if ( _input->isProfiling( ProfDebug ) ) { std::cout << "_minVal = " << _minVal << ", _maxVal == " << _maxVal << std::endl; } // Sort points along space curve if ( !_input->noSort ) { stopTiming( ProfDefault, _output->stats.initTime ); startTiming( ProfDefault ); IntDVec valueVec = _memPool.allocateAny<int>( _pointNum ); valueVec.resize( _pointVec.size() ); _orgPointIdx.resize( _pointNum ); thrust::sequence( _orgPointIdx.begin(), _orgPointIdx.end(), 0 ); thrust_transform_GetMortonNumber( _pointVec.begin(), _pointVec.end(), valueVec.begin(), _minVal, _maxVal ); thrust_sort_by_key( valueVec.begin(), valueVec.end(), make_zip_iterator( make_tuple( _orgPointIdx.begin(), _pointVec.begin() ) ) ); _memPool.release( valueVec ); stopTiming( ProfDefault, _output->stats.sortTime ); startTiming( ProfDefault ); } // Create first upper-lower triangles constructInitialTriangles(); stopTiming( ProfDefault, _output->stats.initTime ); return;} void GpuDel::doFlippingLoop( CheckDelaunayMode checkMode ){ startTiming( ProfDefault ); _flipVec = _memPool.allocateAny<FlipItem>( _triMax ); _triMsgVec = _memPool.allocateAny<int2>( _triMax ); _actTriVec = _memPool.allocateAny<int>( _triMax ); _triMsgVec.assign( _triMax, make_int2( -1, -1 ) ); int flipLoop = 0; _actTriMode = ActTriMarkCompact; _diagLog = &_diagLogCompact; while ( doFlipping( checkMode ) ) ++flipLoop; stopTiming( ProfDefault, _output->stats.flipTime ); relocateAll(); _memPool.release( _triMsgVec ); _memPool.release( _flipVec ); _memPool.release( _actTriVec ); } void GpuDel::initProfiling(){ _output->stats.reset(); _diagLogCompact.reset(); _diagLogCollect.reset(); _numActiveVec.clear(); _numFlipVec.clear(); _timeCheckVec.clear(); _timeFlipVec.clear(); } void GpuDel::initForConstraintInsertion(){ if ( !_input->noSort ) { // Update vertex indices of constraints IntDVec mapVec = _memPool.allocateAny<int>( _pointNum ); mapVec.resize( _pointNum ); thrust_scatterSequenceMap( _orgPointIdx, mapVec ); thrust::device_ptr<int> segInt( (int *) toKernelPtr( _constraintVec ) ); thrust::gather( segInt, segInt + _constraintVec.size() * 2, mapVec.begin(), segInt ); _memPool.release( mapVec ); // // Sort the constraints // const int constraintNum = _constraintVec.size(); // IntDVec keyVec = _memPool.allocateAny<int>( constraintNum ); // keyVec.resize( constraintNum ); // thrust::transform( _constraintVec.begin(), _constraintVec.end(), keyVec.begin(), GetConstraintMinVert() ); // thrust::sort_by_key( keyVec.begin(), keyVec.end(), _constraintVec.begin() ); // _memPool.release( keyVec ); } // Construct _vertTriVec.resize( _pointNum ); kerMapTriToVert<<< BlocksPerGrid, ThreadsPerBlock >>>( toKernelArray( _triVec ), toKernelPtr( _vertTriVec ) ); CudaCheckError(); // Initialize list of active constraints thrust::sequence( _actConsVec.begin(), _actConsVec.end() ); } bool GpuDel::markIntersections() { _counters.renew(); kerMarkTriConsIntersectionFast<<< BlocksPerGrid, ThreadsPerBlock >>>( toKernelArray( _actConsVec ), toKernelPtr( _constraintVec ), toKernelPtr( _triVec ), toKernelPtr( _oppVec ), toKernelPtr( _triInfoVec ), toKernelPtr( _vertTriVec ), toKernelPtr( _triConsVec ), _counters.ptr() ); kerMarkTriConsIntersectionExact<<< BlocksPerGrid, ThreadsPerBlock >>>( toKernelArray( _actConsVec ), toKernelPtr( _constraintVec ), toKernelPtr( _triVec ), toKernelPtr( _oppVec ), toKernelPtr( _triInfoVec ), toKernelPtr( _vertTriVec ), toKernelPtr( _triConsVec ), _counters.ptr() ); CudaCheckError(); return ( _counters[ CounterFlag ] == 1 ); } void GpuDel::updatePairStatus(){ IntDVec exactVec = _memPool.allocateAny<int>( _triMax ); _counters.renew(); kerUpdatePairStatusFast<<< BlocksPerGrid, ThreadsPerBlock >>>( toKernelArray( _actTriVec ), toKernelPtr( _triConsVec ), toKernelPtr( _triVec ), toKernelPtr( _oppVec ), toKernelPtr( _triInfoVec ), toKernelPtr( exactVec ), _counters.ptr() ); kerUpdatePairStatusExact<<< BlocksPerGrid, ThreadsPerBlock >>>( toKernelArray( _actTriVec ), toKernelPtr( _triConsVec ), toKernelPtr( _triVec ), toKernelPtr( _oppVec ), toKernelPtr( _triInfoVec ), toKernelPtr( exactVec ), _counters.ptr() ); CudaCheckError(); _memPool.release( exactVec ); } void GpuDel::checkConsFlipping( IntDVec& triVoteVec ){ IntDVec exactVec = _memPool.allocateAny<int>( _triMax ); _counters.renew(); kerCheckConsFlippingFast<<< BlocksPerGrid, ThreadsPerBlock >>>( toKernelArray( _actTriVec ), toKernelPtr( _triConsVec ), toKernelPtr( _triInfoVec ), toKernelPtr( _triVec ), toKernelPtr( _oppVec ), toKernelPtr( triVoteVec ), toKernelPtr( exactVec ), _counters.ptr() ); kerCheckConsFlippingExact<<< BlocksPerGrid, ThreadsPerBlock >>>( toKernelArray( _actTriVec ), toKernelPtr( _triConsVec ), toKernelPtr( _triInfoVec ), toKernelPtr( _triVec ), toKernelPtr( _oppVec ), toKernelPtr( triVoteVec ), toKernelPtr( exactVec ), _counters.ptr() ); CudaCheckError(); _memPool.release( exactVec ); } bool GpuDel::doConsFlipping( int &flipNum ){ const int triNum = _triVec.size(); const int actNum = _actTriVec.size(); /////// // Vote for flips ///////#pragma region Diagnostic if ( _input->isProfiling( ProfDiag ) ) __rejFlipVec.assign( triNum, 0 );#pragma endregion updatePairStatus(); IntDVec triVoteVec = _memPool.allocateAny<int>( _triMax ); triVoteVec.assign( triNum, INT_MAX ); checkConsFlipping( triVoteVec ); //// // Mark rejected flips //// IntDVec flipToTri = _memPool.allocateAny<int>( _triMax ); flipToTri.resize( actNum ); kerMarkRejectedConsFlips<<< BlocksPerGrid, ThreadsPerBlock >>>( toKernelArray( _actTriVec ), toKernelPtr( _triConsVec ), toKernelPtr( triVoteVec ), toKernelPtr( _triInfoVec ), toKernelPtr( _oppVec ), toKernelPtr( flipToTri ), _input->isProfiling( ProfDiag ) ? toKernelPtr( __rejFlipVec ) : NULL ); CudaCheckError(); _memPool.release( triVoteVec ); //// // Compact flips //// IntDVec temp = _memPool.allocateAny<int>( _triMax, true ); flipNum = compactIfNegative( flipToTri, temp ); if ( 0 == flipNum ) { _memPool.release( flipToTri ); return false; } //// // Expand flip vector //// int orgFlipNum = _flipVec.size(); int expFlipNum = orgFlipNum + flipNum; if ( expFlipNum > _flipVec.capacity() ) { _flipVec.resize( 0 ); _triMsgVec.assign( _triMax, make_int2( -1, -1 ) ); orgFlipNum = 0; expFlipNum = flipNum; } _flipVec.grow( expFlipNum ); // See doFlipping _triMsgVec.resize( _triVec.size() ); //// // Flipping ////#pragma region Diagnostic if ( _input->isProfiling( ProfDiag ) ) { const int rejFlipNum = thrust_sum( __rejFlipVec ); std::cout << " ConsFlips: " << flipNum << " ( " << rejFlipNum << " )" << std::endl; }#pragma endregion // 32 ThreadsPerBlock is optimal kerFlip<<< BlocksPerGrid, 32 >>>( toKernelArray( flipToTri ), toKernelPtr( _triVec ), toKernelPtr( _oppVec ), NULL, toKernelPtr( _triMsgVec ), NULL, toKernelPtr( _flipVec ), toKernelPtr( _triConsVec ), toKernelPtr( _vertTriVec ), orgFlipNum, 0 ); CudaCheckError(); //// // Update oppTri //// kerUpdateOpp<<< BlocksPerGrid, 32 >>>( toKernelPtr( _flipVec ) + orgFlipNum, toKernelPtr( _oppVec ), toKernelPtr( _triMsgVec ), toKernelPtr( flipToTri ), orgFlipNum, flipNum ); CudaCheckError(); _memPool.release( flipToTri ); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// return true; } void GpuDel::doInsertConstraints() { startTiming( ProfDefault ); initForConstraintInsertion(); const int triNum = _triVec.size(); _triConsVec = _memPool.allocateAny<int>( triNum ); _triConsVec.assign( triNum, -1 ); _flipVec = _memPool.allocateAny<FlipItem>( _triMax ); _triMsgVec = _memPool.allocateAny<int2>( _triMax ); _actTriVec = _memPool.allocateAny<int>( _triMax ); _triMsgVec.assign( _triMax, make_int2( -1, -1 ) ); int outerLoop = 0; int flipLoop = 0; int totFlipNum = 0; int flipNum; while ( markIntersections() ) { if ( _input->isProfiling( ProfDiag ) ) std::cout << "Iter " << ( outerLoop+1 ) << std::endl; // VISUALIZATION if ( Visualizer::instance()->isEnable() ) { pauseTiming( ProfNone ); pauseTiming( ProfDefault ); IntHVec triColorVec; _triConsVec.copyToHost( triColorVec ); for ( int i = 0; i < triColorVec.size(); ++i ) if ( triColorVec != -1 ) triColorVec >>= 4; Visualizer::instance()->addFrame( _pointVec, _constraintVec, _triVec, triColorVec, _infIdx ); startTiming( ProfDefault ); startTiming( ProfNone ); } // Collect active triangles thrust_copyIf_IsNotNegative( _triConsVec, _actTriVec ); int innerLoop = 0; while ( doConsFlipping( flipNum ) ) { totFlipNum += flipNum; // VISUALIZATION if ( Visualizer::instance()->isEnable() ) { pauseTiming( ProfNone ); pauseTiming( ProfDefault ); IntHVec triColorVec; _triConsVec.copyToHost( triColorVec ); for ( int i = 0; i < triColorVec.size(); ++i ) if ( triColorVec != -1 ) triColorVec >>= 4; Visualizer::instance()->addFrame( _pointVec, _constraintVec, _triVec, triColorVec, _infIdx ); startTiming( ProfDefault ); startTiming( ProfNone ); } ++flipLoop; ++innerLoop; if ( innerLoop == 5 ) break; //if ( flipLoop == 1 ) break; } ++outerLoop; // Mark all the possibly modified triangles as Alive + Changed (3). thrust_scatterConstantMap( _actTriVec, _triInfoVec, 3 ); //if ( outerLoop == 5 ) break; } //if ( outerLoop >= 20 ) //{ // for ( int i = 0; i < _actTriVec.size(); ++i ) // std::cout << _actTriVec << " "; // std::cout << std::endl; //} if ( _input->isProfiling( ProfDiag ) ) std::cout << "ConsFlip: Outer loop = " << outerLoop << ", inner loop = " << flipLoop << ", total flip = " << totFlipNum << std::endl; _memPool.release( _triConsVec ); _memPool.release( _triMsgVec ); _memPool.release( _actTriVec ); _memPool.release( _flipVec ); stopTiming( ProfDefault, _output->stats.constraintTime ); } void GpuDel::splitAndFlip(){ int insLoop = 0; _doFlipping = !_input->insAll; ////////////////// while ( _availPtNum > 0 ) ////////////////// { //////////////////////// splitTri(); //////////////////////// if ( _doFlipping ) doFlippingLoop( CircleFastOrientFast ); ++insLoop; } ////////////////////////////// if ( !_doFlipping ) doFlippingLoop( CircleFastOrientFast ); markSpecialTris(); doFlippingLoop( CircleExactOrientSoS ); ////////////////////////////// // Insert constraints if needed if ( _constraintVec.size() > 0 ) doInsertConstraints(); doFlippingLoop( CircleFastOrientFast ); markSpecialTris(); doFlippingLoop( CircleExactOrientSoS ); #pragma region Diagnostic if ( _input->isProfiling( ProfDiag ) ) { std::cout << "\nInsert loops: " << insLoop << std::endl; std::cout << "Compact: " << std::endl; _diagLogCompact.printCount(); std::cout << "Collect: " << std::endl; _diagLogCollect.printCount(); }#pragma endregion return;} void GpuDel::markSpecialTris(){ startTiming( ProfDetail ); kerMarkSpecialTris<<< BlocksPerGrid, ThreadsPerBlock >>>( toKernelArray( _triInfoVec ), toKernelPtr( _oppVec ) ); CudaCheckError(); stopTiming( ProfDetail, _diagLog->_t[ 0 ] ); } void GpuDel::expandTri( int newTriNum ){ //*** Expand triangles _triVec.expand( newTriNum ); _oppVec.expand( newTriNum ); _triInfoVec.expand( newTriNum );} void GpuDel::splitTri(){ const int MaxSamplePerTri = 100; startTiming( ProfDefault ); //// // Rank points //// int triNum = _triVec.size(); int noSample = _pointNum; if ( noSample / triNum > MaxSamplePerTri ) noSample = triNum * MaxSamplePerTri; IntDVec triCircleVec = _memPool.allocateAny<int>( _triMax ); triCircleVec.assign( triNum, INT_MIN ); IntDVec vertCircleVec = _memPool.allocateAny<int>( _pointNum ); vertCircleVec.resize( noSample ); kerVoteForPoint<<< BlocksPerGrid, ThreadsPerBlock >>>( toKernelArray( _vertTriVec ), toKernelPtr( _triVec ), toKernelPtr( vertCircleVec ), toKernelPtr( triCircleVec ), noSample ); CudaCheckError(); IntDVec triToVert = _memPool.allocateAny<int>( _triMax ); triToVert.assign( triNum, INT_MAX ); kerPickWinnerPoint<<< BlocksPerGrid, ThreadsPerBlock >>>( toKernelArray( _vertTriVec ), toKernelPtr( vertCircleVec ), toKernelPtr( triCircleVec ), toKernelPtr( triToVert ), noSample ); CudaCheckError(); _memPool.release( vertCircleVec ); _memPool.release( triCircleVec ); //// // Collect triangles with insertions //// IntDVec splitTriVec = _memPool.allocateAny<int>( _pointNum ); _insNum = thrust_copyIf_TriHasVert( triToVert, splitTriVec ); const int extraTriNum = DIM * _insNum; const int splitTriNum = triNum + extraTriNum; if ( _input->isProfiling( ProfDiag ) ) { std::cout << "Insert: " << _insNum << " Tri from: " << triNum << " to: " << splitTriNum << std::endl; } // If there's just a few points if ( _availPtNum - _insNum < _insNum && _insNum < 0.1 * _pointNum ) { _doFlipping = false; //std::cout << "Stop flipping!" << std::endl; } if ( !_input->noReorder && _doFlipping ) { stopTiming( ProfDefault, _output->stats.splitTime ); shiftTri( triToVert, splitTriVec ); triNum = -1; // Mark that we have shifted the array startTiming( ProfDefault ); } //// // Make map //// IntDVec insTriMap = _memPool.allocateAny<int>( _triMax ); insTriMap.assign( ( triNum < 0 ) ? splitTriNum : triNum, -1 ); thrust_scatterSequenceMap( splitTriVec, insTriMap ); //// // Expand if space needed //// expandTri( splitTriNum ); //// // Update the location of the points //// stopTiming( ProfDefault, _output->stats.splitTime ); startTiming( ProfDefault ); IntDVec exactCheckVec = _memPool.allocateAny<int>( _pointNum ); _counters.renew(); kerSplitPointsFast<<< BlocksPerGrid, ThreadsPerBlock >>>( toKernelArray( _vertTriVec ), toKernelPtr( triToVert ), toKernelPtr( _triVec ), toKernelPtr( insTriMap ), toKernelPtr( exactCheckVec ), _counters.ptr(), triNum, _insNum ); kerSplitPointsExactSoS<<< PredBlocksPerGrid, PredThreadsPerBlock >>>( toKernelPtr( _vertTriVec ), toKernelPtr( triToVert ), toKernelPtr( _triVec ), toKernelPtr( insTriMap ), toKernelPtr( exactCheckVec ), _counters.ptr(), triNum, _insNum ); CudaCheckError(); _memPool.release( exactCheckVec ); stopTiming( ProfDefault, _output->stats.relocateTime ); startTiming( ProfDefault ); //// // Split old into new triangle and copy them to new array //// kerSplitTri<<< BlocksPerGrid, 32 >>>( toKernelArray( splitTriVec ), toKernelPtr( _triVec ), toKernelPtr( _oppVec ), toKernelPtr( _triInfoVec ), toKernelPtr( insTriMap ), toKernelPtr( triToVert ), triNum, _insNum ); CudaCheckError(); _memPool.release( triToVert ); _memPool.release( insTriMap ); _memPool.release( splitTriVec ); _availPtNum -= _insNum; stopTiming( ProfDefault, _output->stats.splitTime ); Visualizer::instance()->addFrame( _pointVec, SegmentDVec(), _triVec, _infIdx ); return;} bool GpuDel::doFlipping( CheckDelaunayMode checkMode ){ startTiming( ProfDetail ); ++_diagLog->_flipLoop; const int triNum = _triVec.size(); //// // Compact active triangles //// switch ( _actTriMode ) { case ActTriMarkCompact: thrust_copyIf_IsActiveTri( _triInfoVec, _actTriVec ); break; case ActTriCollectCompact: IntDVec temp = _memPool.allocateAny<int>( _triMax, true ); compactIfNegative( _actTriVec, temp ); break; } int orgActNum = _actTriVec.size(); #pragma region Diagnostic if ( _input->isProfiling( ProfDiag ) ) { _numActiveVec.push_back( orgActNum ); if ( orgActNum == 0 || ( checkMode != CircleExactOrientSoS && orgActNum < PredBlocksPerGrid * PredThreadsPerBlock ) ) { _numFlipVec.push_back( 0 ); _timeCheckVec.push_back( 0.0 ); _timeFlipVec.push_back( 0.0 ); _numCircleVec.push_back( 0 ); } }#pragma endregion restartTiming( ProfDetail, _diagLog->_t[ 0 ] ); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// // Check actNum, switch mode or quit if necessary //// // No more work if ( 0 == orgActNum ) return false; // Little work, leave it for the Exact iterations if ( checkMode != CircleExactOrientSoS && orgActNum < PredBlocksPerGrid * PredThreadsPerBlock ) return false; // See if there's little work enough to switch to collect mode. // Safety check: make sure there's enough space to collect if ( orgActNum < BlocksPerGrid * ThreadsPerBlock && orgActNum * 2 < _actTriVec.capacity() && orgActNum * 2 < triNum ) { _actTriMode = ActTriCollectCompact; _diagLog = &_diagLogCollect; } else { _actTriMode = ActTriMarkCompact; _diagLog = &_diagLogCompact; } //// // Vote for flips //// #pragma region Diagnostic if ( _input->isProfiling( ProfDiag ) ) { __circleCountVec.assign( triNum, 0 ); __rejFlipVec.assign( triNum, 0 ); }#pragma endregion IntDVec triVoteVec = _memPool.allocateAny<int>( _triMax ); triVoteVec.assign( triNum, INT_MAX ); dispatchCheckDelaunay( checkMode, orgActNum, triVoteVec ); double prevTime = _diagLog->_t[ 1 ]; restartTiming( ProfDetail, _diagLog->_t[ 1 ] );///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// // Mark rejected flips //// IntDVec flipToTri = _memPool.allocateAny<int>( _triMax ); flipToTri.resize( orgActNum ); kerMarkRejectedFlips<<< BlocksPerGrid, ThreadsPerBlock >>>( toKernelPtr( _actTriVec ), toKernelPtr( _oppVec ), toKernelPtr( triVoteVec ), toKernelPtr( _triInfoVec ), toKernelPtr( flipToTri ), orgActNum, _input->isProfiling( ProfDiag ) ? toKernelPtr( __rejFlipVec ) : NULL ); CudaCheckError(); _memPool.release( triVoteVec ); restartTiming( ProfDetail, _diagLog->_t[ 2 ] ); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// // Compact flips //// IntDVec temp = _memPool.allocateAny<int>( _triMax, true ); const int flipNum = compactIfNegative( flipToTri, temp ); if ( _input->isProfiling( ProfDiag ) ) { _numFlipVec.push_back( flipNum ); _timeCheckVec.push_back( _diagLog->_t[ 1 ] - prevTime ); } restartTiming( ProfDetail, _diagLog->_t[ 3 ] ); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// // Preparation for the actual flipping. Include several steps //// #pragma region Diagnostic if ( _input->isProfiling( ProfDiag ) ) { const int circleNum = thrust_sum( __circleCountVec ); _diagLog->_circleCount += circleNum; const int rejFlipNum = thrust_sum( __rejFlipVec ); _diagLog->_rejFlipCount += rejFlipNum; _diagLog->_totFlipNum += flipNum; std::cout << "Acts: " << orgActNum << " Flips: " << flipNum << " ( " << rejFlipNum << " )" << " circle: " << circleNum << " Exact: " << ( checkMode == CircleExactOrientSoS ? _counters[ CounterExact ] : -1 ) << std::endl; _numCircleVec.push_back( circleNum ); startTiming( ProfDetail ); }#pragma endregion if ( 0 == flipNum ) { _numCircleVec.push_back( 0 ); _timeFlipVec.push_back( 0 ); _memPool.release( flipToTri ); return false; } // Expand flip vector int orgFlipNum = _flipVec.size(); int expFlipNum = orgFlipNum + flipNum; if ( expFlipNum > _flipVec.capacity() ) { stopTiming( ProfDetail, _diagLog->_t[ 4 ] ); stopTiming( ProfDefault, _output->stats.flipTime ); relocateAll(); startTiming( ProfDefault ); startTiming( ProfDetail ); orgFlipNum = 0; expFlipNum = flipNum; } _flipVec.grow( expFlipNum ); // _triMsgVec contains two components. // - .x is the encoded new neighbor information // - .y is the flipIdx as in the flipVec (i.e. globIdx) // As such, we do not need to initialize it to -1 to // know which tris are not flipped in the current rount. // We can rely on the flipIdx being > or < than orgFlipIdx. // Note that we have to initialize everything to -1 // when we clear the flipVec and reset the flip indexing. // _triMsgVec.resize( _triVec.size() ); //// // Expand active tri vector //// if ( _actTriMode == ActTriCollectCompact ) _actTriVec.grow( orgActNum + flipNum ); restartTiming( ProfDetail, _diagLog->_t[ 4 ] ); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// // Flipping //// // 32 ThreadsPerBlock is optimal kerFlip<<< BlocksPerGrid, 32 >>>( toKernelArray( flipToTri ), toKernelPtr( _triVec ), toKernelPtr( _oppVec ), toKernelPtr( _triInfoVec ), toKernelPtr( _triMsgVec ), ( _actTriMode == ActTriCollectCompact ) ? toKernelPtr( _actTriVec ) : NULL, toKernelPtr( _flipVec ), NULL, NULL, orgFlipNum, orgActNum ); CudaCheckError(); _orgFlipNum.push_back( orgFlipNum ); //// // Update oppTri //// kerUpdateOpp<<< BlocksPerGrid, 32 >>>( toKernelPtr( _flipVec ) + orgFlipNum, toKernelPtr( _oppVec ), toKernelPtr( _triMsgVec ), toKernelPtr( flipToTri ), orgFlipNum, flipNum ); CudaCheckError(); _memPool.release( flipToTri ); prevTime = _diagLog->_t[ 5 ]; stopTiming( ProfDetail, _diagLog->_t[ 5 ] ); if ( _input->isProfiling( ProfDiag ) ) _timeFlipVec.push_back( _diagLog->_t[ 5 ] - prevTime ); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Visualizer::instance()->addFrame( _pointVec, SegmentDVec(), _triVec, _infIdx ); return true;} void GpuDel::dispatchCheckDelaunay( CheckDelaunayMode checkMode, int orgActNum,IntDVec& triVoteVec) { switch ( checkMode ) { case CircleFastOrientFast: kerCheckDelaunayFast<<< BlocksPerGrid, ThreadsPerBlock >>>( toKernelPtr( _actTriVec ), toKernelPtr( _triVec ), toKernelPtr( _oppVec ), toKernelPtr( _triInfoVec ), toKernelPtr( triVoteVec ), orgActNum, _input->isProfiling( ProfDiag ) ? toKernelPtr( __circleCountVec ) : NULL ); CudaCheckError(); break; case CircleExactOrientSoS: // Reuse this array to save memory Int2DVec &exactCheckVi = _triMsgVec; _counters.renew(); kerCheckDelaunayExact_Fast<<< BlocksPerGrid, ThreadsPerBlock >>>( toKernelPtr( _actTriVec ), toKernelPtr( _triVec ), toKernelPtr( _oppVec ), toKernelPtr( _triInfoVec ), toKernelPtr( triVoteVec ), toKernelPtr( exactCheckVi ), orgActNum, _counters.ptr(), _input->isProfiling( ProfDiag ) ? toKernelPtr( __circleCountVec ) : NULL ); kerCheckDelaunayExact_Exact<<< PredBlocksPerGrid, PredThreadsPerBlock >>>( toKernelPtr( _triVec ), toKernelPtr( _oppVec ), toKernelPtr( triVoteVec ), toKernelPtr( exactCheckVi ), _counters.ptr(), _input->isProfiling( ProfDiag ) ? toKernelPtr( __circleCountVec ) : NULL ); CudaCheckError(); break; }} template< typename T >__global__ void kerShift(KerIntArray shiftVec, T* src, T* dest) { for ( int idx = getCurThreadIdx(); idx < shiftVec._num; idx += getThreadNum() ) { const int shift = shiftVec._arr[ idx ]; dest[ idx + shift ] = src[ idx ]; }} template< typename T > void GpuDel::shiftExpandVec( IntDVec &shiftVec, DevVector< T > &dataVec, int size ){ DevVector< T > tempVec = _memPool.allocateAny<T>( size ); tempVec.resize( size ); kerShift<<< BlocksPerGrid, ThreadsPerBlock >>>( toKernelArray( shiftVec ), toKernelPtr( dataVec ), toKernelPtr( tempVec ) ); CudaCheckError(); dataVec.copyFrom( tempVec ); _memPool.release( tempVec ); } void GpuDel::shiftOppVec( IntDVec &shiftVec, TriOppDVec &dataVec, int size ){ TriOppDVec tempVec = _memPool.allocateAny< TriOpp >( size ); tempVec.resize( size ); kerShiftOpp<<< BlocksPerGrid, ThreadsPerBlock >>>( toKernelArray( shiftVec ), toKernelPtr( dataVec ), toKernelPtr( tempVec ), size ); CudaCheckError(); dataVec.copyFrom( tempVec ); _memPool.release( tempVec ); } void GpuDel::shiftTri( IntDVec &triToVert, IntDVec &splitTriVec ){ startTiming( ProfDefault ); const int triNum = _triVec.size() + 2 * splitTriVec.size(); IntDVec shiftVec = _memPool.allocateAny<int>( _triMax ); thrust_scan_TriHasVert( triToVert, shiftVec ); shiftExpandVec( shiftVec, _triVec, triNum ); shiftExpandVec( shiftVec, _triInfoVec, triNum ); shiftExpandVec( shiftVec, triToVert, triNum ); shiftOppVec( shiftVec, _oppVec, triNum ); kerShiftTriIdx<<< BlocksPerGrid, ThreadsPerBlock >>>( toKernelArray( _vertTriVec ), toKernelPtr( shiftVec ) ); CudaCheckError(); kerShiftTriIdx<<< BlocksPerGrid, ThreadsPerBlock >>>( toKernelArray( splitTriVec ), toKernelPtr( shiftVec ) ); CudaCheckError(); _memPool.release( shiftVec ); stopTiming( ProfDefault, _output->stats.sortTime ); } void GpuDel::relocateAll(){ if ( _flipVec.size() == 0 ) return ; startTiming( ProfDefault ); if ( _availPtNum > 0 ) { const int triNum = _triVec.size(); IntDVec triToFlip = _memPool.allocateAny<int>( _triMax ); triToFlip.assign( triNum, -1 ); // Rebuild the pointers from back to forth int nextFlipNum = _flipVec.size(); for ( int i = _orgFlipNum.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i ) { int prevFlipNum = _orgFlipNum[ i ]; int flipNum = nextFlipNum - prevFlipNum; kerUpdateFlipTrace<<< BlocksPerGrid, ThreadsPerBlock >>>( toKernelPtr( _flipVec ), toKernelPtr( triToFlip ), prevFlipNum, flipNum ); nextFlipNum = prevFlipNum; } CudaCheckError(); // Relocate points IntDVec exactCheckVec = _memPool.allocateAny<int>( _pointNum ); _counters.renew(); kerRelocatePointsFast<<< BlocksPerGrid, ThreadsPerBlock >>>( toKernelArray( _vertTriVec ), toKernelPtr( triToFlip ), toKernelPtr( _flipVec ), toKernelPtr( exactCheckVec ), _counters.ptr() ); kerRelocatePointsExact<<< BlocksPerGrid, ThreadsPerBlock >>>( toKernelPtr( _vertTriVec ), toKernelPtr( triToFlip ), toKernelPtr( _flipVec ), toKernelPtr( exactCheckVec ), _counters.ptr() ); CudaCheckError(); _memPool.release( exactCheckVec ); _memPool.release( triToFlip ); } // Just clean up the flips _flipVec.resize( 0 ); _orgFlipNum.clear(); // Reset the triMsgVec _triMsgVec.assign( _triMax, make_int2( -1, -1 ) ); stopTiming( ProfDefault, _output->stats.relocateTime ); } void GpuDel::compactTris(){ const int triNum = _triVec.size(); IntDVec prefixVec = _memPool.allocateAny<int>( _triMax ); prefixVec.resize( triNum ); thrust_scan_TriAliveStencil( _triInfoVec, prefixVec ); int newTriNum = prefixVec[ triNum - 1 ]; int freeNum = triNum - newTriNum; IntDVec freeVec = _memPool.allocateAny<int>( _triMax ); freeVec.resize( freeNum ); kerCollectFreeSlots<<< BlocksPerGrid, ThreadsPerBlock >>>( toKernelPtr( _triInfoVec ), toKernelPtr( prefixVec ), toKernelPtr( freeVec ), newTriNum ); CudaCheckError(); // Make map kerMakeCompactMap<<< BlocksPerGrid, ThreadsPerBlock >>>( toKernelArray( _triInfoVec ), toKernelPtr( prefixVec ), toKernelPtr( freeVec ), newTriNum ); CudaCheckError(); // Reorder the tets kerCompactTris<<< BlocksPerGrid, ThreadsPerBlock >>>( toKernelArray( _triInfoVec ), toKernelPtr( prefixVec ), toKernelPtr( _triVec ), toKernelPtr( _oppVec ), newTriNum ); CudaCheckError(); _triInfoVec.resize( newTriNum ); _triVec.resize( newTriNum ); _oppVec.resize( newTriNum ); _memPool.release( freeVec ); _memPool.release( prefixVec ); } void GpuDel::outputToHost(){ startTiming( ProfDefault ); kerMarkInfinityTri<<< BlocksPerGrid, ThreadsPerBlock >>>( toKernelArray( _triVec ), toKernelPtr( _triInfoVec ), toKernelPtr( _oppVec ), _infIdx ); CudaCheckError(); compactTris(); if ( !_input->noSort ) { // Change the indices back to the original order kerUpdateVertIdx<<< BlocksPerGrid, ThreadsPerBlock >>>( toKernelArray( _triVec ), toKernelPtr( _triInfoVec ), toKernelPtr( _orgPointIdx ) ); CudaCheckError(); } //// // Copy to host _triVec.copyToHost( _output->triVec ); _oppVec.copyToHost( _output->triOppVec ); // Output Infty point _output->ptInfty = _ptInfty; stopTiming( ProfDefault, _output->stats.outTime ); //// std::cout << "# Triangles: " << _triVec.size() << std::endl; return;} Όντως πρεπει να είναι cuda_ για να γινει invoke ο nvcc. Ευχαριστώ που το πρόσεξες! Εντωμεταξύ τωρα που γίνεται compile με τον nvcc το αρχικό προβλημα για το οποίο άνοιξα το θέμα δεν προκαλεί link error! Μάλιστα αν βάλω όπως προτάθηκε {} χτυπάει ενώ κάνει link κανονικά χωρίς {}...
groot Δημοσ. 10 Μαρτίου 2016 Δημοσ. 10 Μαρτίου 2016 Λογικό. Αφού στο cu αρχείο ορίζεις τον dstor. Σου χτυπάει κάτι για πολλαπλό ορισμό; 1
Dr.Fuzzy Δημοσ. 10 Μαρτίου 2016 Μέλος Δημοσ. 10 Μαρτίου 2016 Όντως...ναι οποτε πριν που δε γινόταν compile το cu χτύπαγε οτι έλειπε ο ορισμός του dstor. Makes sense now!
groot Δημοσ. 10 Μαρτίου 2016 Δημοσ. 10 Μαρτίου 2016 Πας να ορίσεις μία κλάση, δίνεις dstor αλλά δεν ορίζεις πουθενά το implementation (body). Για αυτό παραπονιέται οποτε πριν που δε γινόταν compile το cu χτύπαγε οτι έλειπε ο ορισμός του dstor 1
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