prantzos Δημοσ. 29 Νοεμβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 29 Νοεμβρίου 2003 Geia sas.8elw na sundesw to kinhto mou me to pc mesw bluetooth.Exw brei kati keraies bluetooth usb me 40eurw.Epishs h motherboard mou exei san extra mia keraioula pou sundeei to pc me bluetooth suskeues (h opoia prepei na einai pio fthnh.kammia 20aria eurw) To problhma mou einai to e3hs.Pios tropos einai kaluteros, pio grhgoros kai me poio tropo 8a mporesw na kanw na sunde8oun 2 pc mesw autwn twn suskeuwn. Dhladh : usb keraia <-> usb keraia H usb keraia <-> keraia ths msi (ths motherboard?) Epishs an sundesw ta 2 pcia mesw bluetooth ti 8a mporw na kanw?mono ftp h kai na paizw lan games???8a einai pio grhgoro ap to lan pou exw? Kanenas den 3erei kai kanena site me tetoia proionta den leei tetoies leptomereis.... SAS PARAKALW polu boh8hste me na brw mian akrh!!!!!
prantzos Δημοσ. 30 Νοεμβρίου 2003 Μέλος Δημοσ. 30 Νοεμβρίου 2003 Den 3erei kaneis ti kanei h usb bluetooth keraia?An mporw na kanw diktuo 2 PC's me 2 keraies? 8elw na kanw mia agora alla den 3erw ti na parw gia na exw prooptikh argotera na kanw diktuo.
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