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PES3 tips


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gia peite kana kolpaki gia pes3 giati olo 0-0 erxomai

ti systhma na paizw?

pws ginetai epityxhmenh tripla?

me to keyboard poia einai h antistoixia me to fifa?

Ayto pou mou arese sto fifa 2003 htan to Q pou estelnes sympaikth ston keno xwro

Kati antistoixo yparxei sto PES3?

Sto FiFA 2004 to katarghsane nomizw


kales triples ginontai me to dexio analog koumbi ean exeis gamepad me tetoia dynatothta.Alliws mono me to R2.



D-pad or left analogue stick.= Dribbling

R2+Direction = feint

(As Above then release all buttons to Auto-Side Step)

Auto-Sidestep + Forward Direction = Nutmeg

Auto Sidestep + R1 + R2, Then Diagonal Direction = Sidestep Feint

Sidestep+Opposite Direction = Backwards Dribble

R2 button = jump

R1 button = Traps ball whilst running.

Press Opposite direction to way player is facing when trapping the ball at chest to knee height = Overhead Flick

As Above Then R2 + Opposite direction when ball is chest height = Multiple flick and volley.

[],[]+X = Double Shoot Feints

[],[],[]+X=Triple Shot Feint

[],[], R1= Chip Feint

Rotate Right Analogue Stick Through 360 Degrees = 360 Spin/Zidane Turn

Whilst Running from Left to Right Push Up Right the Down Right just before you touch the ball.

As you receive the ball hold R1 and push direction you are running in = Knock And Go

Multi speed dribbling

R1 + Direction = dash

R1 + tap direction twice = High speed dash

R2 + Direction = doesnʼt alter dribbling sped, but enables sudden directional changes

L1 + Direction = Low speed dribble.

R1 + R2 + Diagonal Direction = Super Sprint



Systhma egw synh8ws protimw to 4-4-2 alla kai ta 4-3-3 (ena prospa8w na skorarw sto telos) h 5-4-1 (ean amynomai)

Antistoixo me to Q tou Fifa den yparxei para mono ews ena shmeio to 1-2

L1 + X, . to play return ball = 1-2 pass, return along the ground.

L1 + X, O to play return ball = 1-2 pass, return in the air.


Sto fifa den to katarghsane


eyxaristw file mou

den exw gamepad kai paizw me ta pliktra (exw sinithisei meta apo 100000ades fifa)

oses fores exw piasei game pad den mporw na paiksw katholou

(sto fifa 2003 patwntas to Q evgaze ena velos pou edeixne pou tha kinithei o paikths twra de vgainei to velos ayto nomizw )


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