Προς το περιεχόμενο

Ψάχνω script για livescore


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


file chvnet,

kati tetoio borei na ginei kai me php kai me perl..

ypothetw oti theleis na ginodai manually oi allages sti selida etsi?

boreis na ftiaxeis diko sou script..

ena poly aplo se perl..


ftiaxe ena file scores.txt (se afto to file tha binoun ta paihnidia,omades,score,lepta)

to arheio scores.txt tha ehei tin exis morfi se kathe grammi tou:

game. [team1]-[team2] [score1-score2] [lepto]


143. [milan]-[parma] [1-0] [57]

156. [aek]-[monaco] [15-0] [23]



kathe allagi pou thes tha tin kaneis mesw aftou tou file..

(boreis na ftiaxeis kai mia online forma opou tha dineis arithmo paihnidiou kai tha sou vgazei tis plirofories

me ti dynatotita na kaneis edit,an thes kati tetoio steile mou ena mail)



to script pou tha emfanizei tis plirofories tou scores.txt einai to parakatw :

ftiaxe ena file kai onomase to livescore.cgi


# to allazeis sto path tis perl ston server sou

 print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

 open(F,"scores.txt") || die "couldnt find scores.txt";
 while ($line=<F>) {
   $line =~ /^([0-9]*)\. \[(.*)\]-\[(.*)\] \[([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)\] \[([0-9]*)\]$/;
   print "$game. $team1 vs $team2 [$score1-$score2] [$min']<br>";


kane ena ~chmod 755 livescore.cgi an treheis se unix server


den edwsa emfasi sto shediasmo tis selidas,afto einai diko sou provlima..

to scriptaki apla typwnei tis plirofories..

prosthese html kwdika an thes..


an den katalavaineis kati just reply..


Eyxaristw gia to scriptaki soy alla mallon den tha mporei na doylepsei sto hosting moy o opoios doylebei win kai oxi Unix, opote to perl ap' oti xerw logika den tha to leitoyrghsei. Mporei na dextei ap' oti xerw kai doylebw *.ASP & *.PHP


Ean mporeis na ftiaxeis ena tetoio scriptaki se asp h' PHP toylaxiston alla se win kai oxi unix pistebw oti tha moy doylepsei. Eyxaristw !


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