epote Δημοσ. 27 Νοεμβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 27 Νοεμβρίου 2003 Min ksexnas to oti allo half life 2 kai allo halo . To ena ftiaxnete gia ta pc wste na trexei apsoga kai se mikra mixanimata enw to halo itan prwta gia to xbox kai stin sinexeia to kanane port sto pc... οχι. το halo αρχικα φτιαχνοταν για mac, καπου στο 40% της δημιουργιας του η MS εδωσε λευτα στην bungie να κανει αποκλειστικα για xbox το παιχνιδι. ετσι μετεφεραν τον υπαρχοντα κωδικα απο mac σε xbox, και τωρα μεταφερουν απο xbox σε pc δηλαδη η κατασταση ειναι πολυ χειροτερη απο οτι δειχνει
dimitris__ Δημοσ. 27 Νοεμβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 27 Νοεμβρίου 2003 Το μονιτορ που έχω (hitachi 174SX) κάνει κάποιας μορφής antialiasing και δεν με ενοχλεί πολύ το pixel. Εννοείς ότι είναι πολύ θολό? Καλό :wink: Το μονιτορ αυτό έχει μια λειτουργία που του επιτρέπει να δείχνει πολύ φυσικά (χωρίς να πιξελιάζει) αναλύσεις μικρότερες από την φυσική του 1280Χ1024 (είναι 17''TFT). Πρέπει να το δεις για να καταλάβεις.
paularas Δημοσ. 27 Νοεμβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 27 Νοεμβρίου 2003 To thema einai pantws to oti kalo xriso to halo alla opws eipa DEN aksizei autes tis apetiseis.... Oxi tipota allo alla ean itan etsi ola ta paixnidia gia na paizame unreal tournament tha eprepe na eixame 5ghz pc kai bale... swsta ?
Nemo Δημοσ. 30 Νοεμβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 30 Νοεμβρίου 2003 hello!EXw Geforce2 MX 400!!To paixnidi arneite na trecsei,den ypostirizei tin karta grafikwn mou!Ti na kanw? i dikia mou geforce 2 mx400 64 ram toulaxiston (tin testara prin tin steilo mia kai itan paroplismeni mia kai poulithike meso fleamarket) me toys tous 45.2x se 1200 duron 392 mb ram ,win98me epaixe xoris provlima se 640x480 me ta textures sto medium kai ta ypoloipa sto low /disabled an kai den htan xarma ofthalmon Sto config arxeio pou soy elega leei oti i karta ypostirizete kai den xreiazonte kan spexial rythmiseis i eidikoi ekdosi drivers ....... opos px stin 9100 /8500
CodeMan Δημοσ. 1 Δεκεμβρίου 2003 Μέλος Δημοσ. 1 Δεκεμβρίου 2003 Egw pou exw Pentium 4 2G 512MB ram Win Xp..Giati den paizei?
paularas Δημοσ. 1 Δεκεμβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 1 Δεκεμβρίου 2003 Isws logo kartas grafikwn... Isws na exei problima to cd... Ti error se bgazei ?
Nemo Δημοσ. 1 Δεκεμβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 1 Δεκεμβρίου 2003 config.txt ==// // // // // // LinearTextureAddressing - Rendering to non-square textures require w,h not 0-1 coordinates. // LinearTextureAddressingSun - Rendering the sun requires w,h not 0-1 coordinates // LinearTextureAddressingZoom - Rendering the zoom effect requires w,h not 0-1 coordinates // MinMaxBlendOpIsBroken - Indicates that the Min/Max blend modes are broken. // UseAlternateConvolveMask - Use three stage convolution mask. // MaximumResolution - Limits maximum resolution of card to width specified ie: MaximumResolution = 800. // UseFixedFunction - Forces card to use fixed function path // UnsupportedCard - Unsupported video card (below GF2) // OldDriver - A driver we do not recommend because it's older than ones we have tested // InvalidDriver - A driver which we know has serious issues // OldSoundDriver - A sound driver we do not recommend because it's older than ones we have tested // EnableStopStart - Sound card supports fast calls to stop and start buffer functions // InvalidSoundDriver - A sound driver which we know has serious issues // SafeMode - All rendering options set to their lowest (most safe) setting // DisableDriverManagement - Specifies that Direct3D should manage resources instead of the driver. // ForceShader - Forces the search for valid shaders to start at a value other than the max the card supports ie: ForceShader=14 // UMA - UMA card, base video memory on system memory size (0-64 = 8Meg, 6-128 = 16Meg, 128-256 = 32Meg, 256+ = 64Meg) // DisableBuffering - Forces a video card to render each scene - used to prevent mouse lag // DisableAlphaRenderTargets - Do not allow render targets that require an alpha format // DisableRenderTargets - Disable all render targets // PrototypeCard - Warning for known prototype video cards (For example prototype XBOX GF3 test cards) // DisableSpecular - Disable specular in menu and game // // Requirements OS=Win98 CpuSpeed=733 CpuSpeedRecommended=1400 Memory=128 MemoryRecommended=256 VideoMemory=32 VideoMemoryRecommended=64 DirectX= DiskSpace=100 break /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // NVIDIA // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// Vendor = 0x10b4 "nVidia" Vendor = 0x12d2 "nVidia" Vendor = 0x10de "nVidia" 0x1b1d = "Riva 128" 0x0008 = "NV 1" 0x0009 = "NV 1" 0x0010 = "NV 2" 0x0018 = "Riva 128" 0x0019 = "Riva 128 ZX" 0x0020 = "TNT" 0x002c = "TNT Vanta" 0x002e = "TNT Vanta" 0x002f = "TNT Vanta" 0x00a0 = "TNT2 Aladdin" 0x0028 = "TNT2" 0x0029 = "TNT2 Ultra" 0x002a = "TNT2" 0x002b = "TNT2" 0x002d = "TNT2 M64" UnsupportedCard break 0x0200 = "GeForce3" if subsysid == 0 if revision == 0xa2 PrototypeCard endif endif 0x0100 = "GeForce 256" 0x0101 = "GeForce 256 DDR" 0x0102 = "GeForce 256 Ultra" 0x0103 = "GeForce 256 Quadro" 0x0110 = "GeForce2 MX" 0x0111 = "GeForce2 MX DDR" 0x0112 = "GeForce2 Go" 0x0113 = "GeForce2 Quadro" 0x0150 = "GeForce2" 0x0151 = "GeForce2 Ti" 0x0152 = "GeForce2 Ultra" 0x0153 = "GeForce2 Quadro" 0x0170 = "GeForce4 MX 460" 0x0171 = "GeForce4 MX 440" 0x0172 = "GeForce4 MX 420" 0x0173 = "GeForce4 MX 440SE" 0x0174 = "GeForce4 Go 440" 0x0175 = "GeForce4 Go 420" 0x0176 = "GeForce4 Go 420" 0x0178 = "GeForce4 Quadro4" 0x0179 = "GeForce4 Go 440" 0x017a = "GeForce4 Quadro 200" 0x017b = "GeForce4 Quadro 550" 0x0182 = "GeForce4 MX 440SE" 0x0183 = "GeForce4 MX 460" 0x0186 = "GeForce4 MX 448 Go" 0x0187 = "GeForce4 MX 448 Go" 0x018a = "GeForce4 Quadro 580" 0x018a = "GeForce4 Quadro 280" 0x018b = "GeForce4 Quadro 380" 0x01a0 = "nForce" 0x01f0 = "nForce2" 0x0201 = "GeForce3 Ti200" 0x0202 = "GeForce3 Ti500" 0x0203 = "GeForce3 Quadro" 0x0250 = "GeForce4 Ti4600" 0x0251 = "GeForce4 Ti4400" 0x0253 = "GeForce4 Ti4200" 0x0258 = "GeForce4 Quadro 900" 0x0259 = "GeForce4 Quadro 750" 0x025b = "GeForce4 Quadro 700" 0x0280 = "GeForce4 Ti4800" 0x0281 = "GeForce4 Ti4200-8x" 0x0282 = "GeForce4 Ti4800SE" 0x0286 = "GeForce4 Go 4200" 0x0288 = "GeForce4 Quadro 980" 0x0289 = "GeForce4 Quadro 780" 0x028c = "GeForce4 Quadro 700" 0x02a0 = "GeForce3 XBOX" if os < Win2K if driver== InvalidDriver endif if driver < OldDriver endif endif if os == Win2K if driver== InvalidDriver endif if driver < OldDriver endif endif if os > Win2K if driver < OldDriver endif endif break 0x0313 = "GeForceFX 5600" 0x0314 = "GeForceFX 5600SE" 0x031a = "GeForceFX Go5600" 0x031c = "GeForceFX Go700" 0x0322 = "GeForceFX 5200" 0x0323 = "GeForceFX 5200SE" 0x0324 = "GeForceFX Go5200" ForceShader=14 0x0300 = "GeForceFX" 0x0301 = "GeForceFX 5800 Ultra" 0x0302 = "GeForceFX 5800" 0x0308 = "GeForceFX 2000" 0x0309 = "GeForceFX 1000" 0x0311 = "GeForceFX 5600 Ultra" 0x0312 = "GeForceFX 5600" 0x0318 = "GeForceFX" 0x0319 = "GeForceFX" 0x0321 = "GeForceFX 5200 Ultra" 0x032a = "GeForceFX 500" 0x032b = "GeForceFX 500" 0x032f = "GeForceFX 500" 0x0330 = "GeForceFX 5900 Ultra" 0x0331 = "GeForceFX 5900" 0x0332 = "GeForceFX 5900SE" 0x0338 = "GeForceFX 3000" if os < Win2K if driver < LinearTextureAddressing endif if driver < OldDriver endif if driver == LinearTextureAddressingZoom LinearTextureAddressingSun endif endif if os == Win2K if driver < LinearTextureAddressing endif if driver < OldDriver endif if driver == LinearTextureAddressingZoom LinearTextureAddressingSun endif endif if os > Win2K if driver < LinearTextureAddressing endif if driver < OldDriver endif if driver == LinearTextureAddressingZoom LinearTextureAddressingSun endif endif break ========================================= opos vlepeis apo gefoce256 kai pano ypostirizonte opote einai thema kata poso updated einai oi drivers( 45.x/directx 9.0 )
Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις
Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.