Sandman Δημοσ. 20 Νοεμβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 20 Νοεμβρίου 2003 Exw mia ergasia se prolog-orthografos-kai me exei paidepsei arketa. Ayto pou zhtaei einai na dexetai mia protash ypo thn morfh listwn p.e.: ([[s,c,h,o,e,l],,[f,u,c,k,e,d,e],[u,p,]]). kai na diorthwnei ta lathi twn lexewn dhladh: ([[s,c,h,o,o,l],[i,s],[f,u,c,k,e,d],[u,p]]). oi lexeis einai periorismenes kai dinontai ypo morfh kathgorhmatwn: word([s,c,h,o,o,l]). word([i,s])......... Kati tetoio peripou. An kapoios mporei na vohthisei tha me swsei...?!
alxkio Δημοσ. 30 Νοεμβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 30 Νοεμβρίου 2003 ela re synadelfe tsimpa th lysh ths ergasias. an kai ligo arga alla den peirazei..... % leksiko me tis sosta orthografika leksis. word([t,h,e]). word([m,a,n]). word([a,n,d]). word([r,e,d]). word([w,o,m,a,n]). word([h,e,l,l,o]). % Gia thn periptwsh pou h leksi den exei lathos % xrhsimopoioume to kathgorhma correct correct([],[]). correct([HEAD|TALE],[HEAD|TALE]):-correct(TALE,TALE). % Periptwsi pou h lathos leksi exei elleipsh enos grammatos missing_letter(Wrong_word,Correct_word):- %xwrizei th leksh se 2 ypolistes: (L1) kai (T1) append(L1,T1,Wrong_word), %to gramma pou leipei (H1) mpainei endiamesa stis 2 word(Correct_word), %ypolistes append(L1,[H1|T1],Correct_word). % Periptwsi pou h lathos leksi exei ena gramma perissotero more_letter(Wrong_word,Correct_word):- %dexetai 2 lekseis (listes) kai xwrizei thn 1h se 2 ypolistes append(L1,[H1|T1],Wrong_word), %apo tis opoies h kefalh ths 2hs einai to gramma pou perisseyei word(Correct_word), %kai to afairei append(L1,T1,Correct_word). % Periptwsi pou sth lathos leksh prepei na ginei antallagh 2 grammatwn change_letters(Wrong_word,Correct_word):- %Dexetai 2 lekseis (listes) kai wxwrizei thn 1h se 2 ypolistes append(L1,[H1|T1],Wrong_word), %apo tis opoies h kefalh tis 2hs einai to ena apo ta grammata append(L2,[H2|T2],T1), %pou briskontai se lathos thesi(to 1o). H oura ths 2hs lekshs word(Correct_word), %xwrizetai ki auth se 2 ypolistes pou h kefalh ths 2hs einai to append(L1,[H2|T],Correct_word), %2o gramma se lathos thesi. Ta grammata allazoun thesi. append(L2,[H1|T2],T). %Periptwsi pou h leksi exei ena lathos one_wrong_letter(Wrong_word,Correct_word):- %Dexetai 2 lekseis (listes) kai klassika xwrizei thn 1h se 2 ypolistes append(L1,[H1|T1],Wrong_word), %pou h kefalh ths 2hs einai to lathos gramma. To diorthwnei. word(Correct_word), append(L1,[H2,T1],Correct-word). % To basiko kathgorima 'orthpgrafos' pou xrisimopoiei ta epimerous kathgorhmaea gia kathe lathos %kai diorthwnei thn protash orthografos([],[]). orthografos([Word|Rest1],[Corrected|Rest2]):- missing_letter(Word,Corrected), orthografos(Rest1,Rest2). orthografos([Word|Rest1],[Corrected|Rest2]):- more_letter(Word,Corrected), orthografos(Rest1,Rest2). orthografos([Word|Rest1],[Corrected|Rest2]):- change_letters(Word,Corrected), orthografos(Rest1,Rest2). orthografos([Word|Rest1],[Corrected|Rest2]):- one_wrong_letter(Word,Corrected), orthografos(Rest1,Rest2).
Shorin Δημοσ. 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2003 Ax ayti i ergasia mou fainetai polla xeria allakse.... To piasate to yponnooumeno etsi?
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