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h konsola phantasma (phantom)sthn E3 ????


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to site tis amfilegomenis consolas ,ap opoy mporeite na katevasete to pdf

me ta spec ,na kanete aitisi gia beta tester (????????)


Symfuna me ta spec

cpu intel -Up- to 3.0 gh kai mnimi mexri 256 ddr

nvidia karta grafikon

Xp custom build OS

100+ giga skliro

7.1 audio

10/100 ethermet

wireless mouse kayboard controller



Custom Pc (diladi)....



  • 5 μήνες μετά...




Check out the Infinium Labs™ show exhibit at the upcoming E³ Conference and Exhibition at the Los Angeles Convention Center on May 12-14, 2004.


==>> http://www.infiniumlabs.com/


tora giati na exei kalyteri tyxi prooptiki apo tin APEX (Via console)

akoma kai me kalytero hardware (alla me polles omoiotites) ,ayto einai kati poy menei na diapistosoyme sto mellon ...... Finally Infinium Labs has kept awake the streamline

diapistothei ...

bebaia symfona me plirofories -fimes(meso metafrastikoy -systran)


final design of its console or as they have defined it: "the first receiver of games under demand of mercado". Its price is going to be gratuitous for all those that are paid to the service of game online during two years, by 29.95 dollars (25) monthly. Also we will be able to along with acquire it the necessary accessories by 199 dollars (167) that they will be given back to us if we remain again during a pair of years subscribed to its service. The subscribers will receive several gratuitous games that will be renewed every month, being able to rent or to buy new titles or packages by sorts, that will be unloaded to our receiver. The titles that support game online could be played against users of PC or consoles. The technology behind Phantom is the following one: AMD Athlon XP 2500+, NVIDIA Extreme GeForce FX 5700, Extreme NVIDIA nForce 2 400, 256 MB of ram and 40 GB of HD. It will come from series with pad of control, a mouse and the Phantom Lapboard, that will allow us to control the games thought for keyboard + mouse of simple and intuitive form. Its manufacture will be made in Asia in charge of BIOSTAR. In order to solve space problems when the HD is plenty, the console will use a system of breaks intelligent hair net for the user, eliminating those games that no longer we use, but that will unload again when we ask for them. Autumn in the North American market is expected its east exit and the connection of the service is predicted for the 18 of November. More information this week during the E3.


source ==> http://news.gaminghorizon.com/media/1084404020.html

Here at E3 2004, Infinium Labs has a huge booth showcasing their "gaming service", the Phantom. Unlike yesterday's informal debut at eFocus, here they have several working and game-playable demonstrations set up in modern home-theater formats.


We took a few pictures of the demonstrations, and picked up on a few key details.


You can get the Phantom for free.


Ok, maybe not entirely free. Infinium is offering a subscription plan, where for $29.95 a month (in two-year terms) you get a kind of service plan that gets you the hardware for free. If you're on the contract and a new version of Phantom comes out, you get the new one for free.


If you don't want the monthly contract, you can just buy the thing for $199. Signing the contract will get you access to free games though, and for some odd reason Infinium suggests you opt to pay them the $29.95.


Here are some specs for the system:


CPU: AMD Athlon XP 2500+


Video: NVIDIA GeForce FX 5700 Ultra, with 128MB RAM


RAM: 256MB (they say it's equivalent to 512MB for a PC)


Storage: 40GB "content cache"


Sound: Dolby Digital 5.1 Audio


Control: Custom game pad and that revolving keyboard-mousie thing we showed yesterday.


As far as "nifty features" go, here's a rundown.


The Phantom has a TiVo-like user-recognition system that will learn the user's preference in games, and make suggestions based on their favorites.


From the online game library, you can "try, rent, or buy". Trying is a free demo, renting is a 5-day (estimation) trial for $5 (estimation).


If your hard disk gets full, the system will automatically delete the files for your least used games. If you decide you want to play a deleted game again, the system restores the game.


When you buy a game, you don't have to wait for it to download completely to play it. They claim that the first few levels will pre-load and you can start playing, while the game still downloads in the background (3 years of Computer Science and 18 years of practical sense tell me that is impossible, but hey.. it's the future)


After trying it out, I am somewhat impressed. The mouse-keyboard thingie (lapboard) works nicely. You can have the mouse under the keyboard, and have the keyboard pivoted for comfort. The keyboard rotates 360 degrees so that you crazy left-handed people can use the lapboard too.


The system operates on an embedded version of Windows XP, so whatever evils that implies can be your own assumptions. The interface is pretty straightforward, allowing for profiles and password protection.


The system will ship November 18th, and the list of supported games will be released in the beginning of August.











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