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Desert Combat .5 beta


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Mesw bittorrent gia thn wra :(




- Fixed Battle of the Buldge Control Point

- Fixed MG's on tanks

- Fixed Pickup Truck textures, removed logos




- Fixed Menu loading bar so you read the map name

- Added new Autocannon sound

- Adjusted projectile wizzing sound to hear it more often

- Made range of audio for jets higher

- Revised DesertShield AI

- Fixed various kit models



- Fixed Spandrel Net code -FD

- Fixed Stinger power against helis and su-25/ A-10 back to 2 hits -FD

- Added updated M-16/M203 Animations from Tom - FD

- Added Updated DesertShield from AJ -FD

- Add Brians new SA-3 code - FD

- Extended jet engine fade out to lessen the sudden fade

- Fixed F-14 engines not readhing full volume & afterburners

- Mi-8 sounds vastly improved with repositioning and cockpit sound

- CAR-15 sound fade smoothed out

- Pantsyr changes:

- Gave ATGM launch sounds instead of stinger sounds

- Significantly reduced radar hum while in turret

- Improved turret rotation so it can track faster aircraft

- Increased up-angle to it can attack aircraft

- Set minimum angle above horizon so it can't engage ground targets

- Shotguns:

- reduced zoom

- gave 9mm projectile because original projectile used BF1942 materials, allowing it to damage armor

- Increased power and reload time for Recoiless Rifle. Damage equal to tank cannon.

- Adjusted M109 .50cal camera angle so range sight doesn't block view

- Gave Ural NSVT instead of Browning (better than just changing camera angle like the others)

- MLRS rocket engine sound improved to keep sound regardless of airtime (not in this pack)

- Oilfires randompitch corrected to prevent very low or very high fire sound.

- Adjusted burst size and prox fuse radius for Shilka and ZPU to improve efficiency, set projectile to proper type for airburst

- Removed ZPU and Shilka extra tracers and simply thickened it's normal fire which were already tracers

- Removed gravity for maverick rockets and gave them a better sound

- Set AV8X nose cannon to be very similar to A-10

- Set Saika reload sound to coincide with animations

- BMP-2 AT-5 reload changed due to a double magazine (probably accidentally ported from Bradley)

- BMP-2 and HMMWV-TOW given special reload soundscripts due to how reload with dummys works

- Spandrel missile given thinner smoke so you can see what you're firing at


- Radio changes:

- Changed "APC Support" to "Engineer ready" as per request

- "Wait" returned to F6-F1

- "Suppressive fire" and "Cover me" combined into one command



- Fixed El_Alamein Day 2 and Day 3 Map ID's -FD

- Fixed Wake SP -FD

- Fixed GuadalCanal SP -FD

- Fixed Battle of Midway SP -FD

- Fixed Mi8 AI -FD

- Fixed Gazala (Mi8 AI) -FD

- Fixed Tabruk SP -FD

- Fixed UH-60 AI -FD

- Fixed UH-60Q AI - FD

- Fixed UH-60L AI - FD

- Fixed UH-60L made primary fire - FD

- Lowered minigun radius to balance 2 miniguns. - FD

- Lowered force on explosion on M203/GP40 and MK-19 to reduce cheats - FD

- Fixed UH-60, UH-60L and UH-60Q material ID, Exported wrong at 61, needs to be 63. - FD

- Fixed Loading menu bar - FD

- Fixed Ural and Ural Tanker network bug (which fixed Weapons Bunkers and Oil Fields) - FD

- Fixed UH-60L exit positions

- Added Para Ammo Code - FD

- Added M2a3 Hull fix from Danny - FD

- Updated Harrier to 500 bullets. - FD

- Upadated loading screen (new BH) -FD

- Fixed Spec opsd kit -FD

- Lowered SA-3 distance -FD

- Allowed SA-3 to kill AC-130 -FD

- Fixed Helipads to repair new helis -FD

- Fixed Hangers to repair new vehicles -FD

- Added new medals -FD

- Added new Iraqi Backpack scheme -FD

- Fixed Scud glass -FD

- Fixed missing Radio texture -FD

- Fixed Allies Support kit - FD

- Fixed strength of F-14 Bombs - FD






- Added Mi8 windshield - MH

- Added Mi8 menu icon - MH

- Added new versions of custom DC maps to fix problems encountered in .5g - BH

- Added new tabot and TOW effects - BH

- Added new M16/M203 first-person animations

- Changed some two sided settings on Bradley and BMP-2 for optimization - BH

- Updated Hellfire skin and model - BH

- Updated Hellfire rack skin on UH-60L - BH

- adjusted ATGM materials for better splash performance - EN

- reduced 1st person CAR-15S volume - EN

- fixed Mi-24 weapons and sound problem: Mi-8 weapons.con conflict - EN

- Adjusted view for some .50cals which were obscured - EN

- New tracers added to most machineguns - EN

- Technicals given radios - EN

- Technicals, HMMWVs, BRDMs, and Urals given horns - EN

- Minigun radius increased to 5m - EN

- Car-15S smoke effect adjusted - EN

- Many new environment sounds added. - EN

- AT-2, BMP AT-4, BRDM-Spandrel rockets set to use correct damage materials - EN

- Added M82 and Mi-8 Spawn points BotB, Bocage (days 1, 2, 3), El Alamein (Days 1, 2, 3) Gazala, Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima, OMaha Beach and Tobruk - SW



- Added new menu icon for spec ops class

- Added new ammo icons for Apache, Hind, and Mig29

- Added new hellfire model and skin

- Added Car-15 Model (Supressed - FD

- Fixed bug in UH-60q Ai that was crashing single player -FD

- Removed flash from Car-15, added smoke -FD

- Fixed AH-64 from killing itself with Hellfires - FD

- Rotated BH-Rear blade -FD

- Added new Load Screens - FD

- Updated all maps to use new Load Screens - FD

- Added new Load menu bar - FD

- Fixed HellfireRack LOD's, uv's and updated skin - JH & MH

- Fixed UH-60L LOD's - JH & MH

- Fixed UH-60Q LOD's, Skin - JH & MH

- Reversed UH-60 Prop Static Model - JH & MH

- Fixed UH-60_ESS_Pylons LOD's and updated skin - JH & MH

- Fixed Mk23 and PSS animation fire speed

- Updtaed Credits -FD

- Put AC-130 back on El_Alamein -FD

- Put UH-60 back on Basrah, removed SHilka added another Technical - FD

- Added Car-15 Suppressed Sound from Tan - FD

- Added new Remington models, textures and random selection - BH

- Added M203 animation - BH

- Added Mi8 - MH

- new materials made for:

- SA-3 dumbfire

- three new tracers

- 30mm fighter gun set to kill planes with slightly less hits (20 hits = 150 HP damage)

- Minigun set to be very lethal to infantry in 2.5m radius. Little damage to heavy armors

- 1 shot headshots for assault rifles set to 2-hit kills

- raised m203 / gp30 splash damage slightly to do 60% damage if it lands at your feet

- 9mm point blank damage lowered slightly

- Three new tracers created, one replacing the standard tracer. These tracers are more visible

- Tracers will now bounce off of armor if the weapon is unable to do significant damage against the target.

- environmental radio sound audibility distance increased

- All jet soundscripts improved to smooth out transition from idle to flight. ALso afterburner sound only kicks in when at 100% throttle




- Added new helicopter prop blur

- Added new UH-60, UH-60L, UH-60Q

- New textures for pickup trucks and technicals

- Improved AI for various handweapons and vehicles

- Improved DPV wheel models

- New Harrier skin, simple and wreck models added

- MK23, PSS and Stinger simple models added

- MK23 and M82 model fixes added

- More lexicon.dat updates

- Fixed some problems with F-16 fuselage

- New treads for M1A1 and M109. Larger turret for M109

- M203 and GP30 blast force reduced

- M82 adapted for proper projectile and deviations

- M82 given proper sound

- CAR-15 adapted to proper deviations

- M203 and GP30 given deviation and expanding crosshair

- CAR-15 and M82 given reticles

- Fixed missing RPG rocket sound

- removed shellbounce sound from silenced pistols

- Added new material listings for: tank shell, MLRS, BM21, .50cal Sniper, Spigot and AT2

- 25mmHEDP: Negated damage to ships with exception of landing craft.

- OSA 40mm cannon: comprehensive adjustment for sound, blast explosion, and damage. The 2x30mm cannon will be similar to 25mm HEDP only it hits 2x times and may damage ships.

- HandGrenade: set it to do 45HP dmg to light armor going down to 5HP for Bradley and 0 to MBTs.

- mortar splash: set to instakill if within 30% max radius

- Stinger Su-25 and A-10: set it to do 70HP damage per hit to these aircraft, 2 hits causing critical engine failure

- Mk-19: Mk-19 typically used HEDP, so direct damage will be dangerous to all but MBTs, similar to bradley cannon. Splash will only injure troops and scout cars.

- Spandrel, TOW, and AT4 vs light or heavy armor: Will give it 5m blast radius with 50% damage at center.

- FFAR splash vs infantry set instakill to 30% max blast radius

- FFAR direct hit for armor 49 set to proper damage curve

- MBT main cannon has almost no splash values: Fixed. set M1A1 to have a flatter trajectory, higher velocity, and low blast. T72 gets standard arc, slightly lower velocity, and larger splash.

- SABOT vs HEAT. Removed the smoke trail effect and gave the M1 shell a brilliant white-yellow flare they have iRL.

- A-A missiles to a MBT: reduced damage done to heavy armors

- SU-25 full bomb load (16 bombs) will sink destroyers. 32 bombs will sink battleships. 48 will sink carriers.

- Bombs maintain current damage within 30% of blast radius

- Equalized arty rockets splash with direct vs MBTs: Will equalize. Increased BM21 blast radius to MLRS level but reduced damage.

- .50cal sniper round made slightly more effective s. light armors compared to standard .50cal. Added special effects vs. infantry with knockback. Vs. infantry has a 0.15m prox fuse causing 25% total HP damage.

- 30mm AA cannon adjusted to do 7.5 HP per hit to aircraft, requiring 20 consecutive hits to down a full health aircraft

- Avenger damage increased to compensate for lower ROF



- Added Car-15, Smoke Grenades and M82 (not placed on any map yet)

- Removed 7th class, readded stinger to Anti-Armor

- Includes Desert Shield 1e, Basrah Nights 1c, No Fly Zone 5d

- Increased speed of SA-3

- Fixed path finding for bots in 73 Eastings

- Fixed AI for M16/M203 AK47/GP30

- New lexicon file to bring in line with Desert Combat (erase WW2 references)

- Added new Mig29 Mig Wreck to eliminate mysterious floating ghost Mig wreck

- Altered weapon angles on some hand weapons

- Edited radio commands to soften beginning and ending

- Added new unskinned Harrier.


- Added new sounds for oil fields objects

- Added new M16 muzzle flash

- Even more supa-dupa BDRM-2 upgrades from Danny

- Restructured sounds

- Added NVST and Non-rotating cupola mgs

- Extracted map-specific statics to main folders for use across more maps

- Fixed Tobruk single-player so bots will use right vehicles

- Revised models and textures for Mp5

- Revised textures for F-15C, M249

- Tweaked spawn times, vehicles spawns on Battleaxe, Bocage, El Al, Gazala, GuadalCanal, Karkov, Tobruk and Wake

- Improved F-14B network code



- Fixed a crash bug with mgs



- Added new BDRM-2 turret

- Added NVST

- Added Non-Rotating Cupola MGs

- Added Radio Commands

- Added Revised Basrah's Edge


Privateer, τα έχεις κατεβάσει και κάνει install να μας πεις αν δουλεύουν καλά με την έκδοση 1.5 (καθότι beta)...; Αν ναι, τότε να τα κατεβάσω αλλιώς να περιμένω την full...


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