Kataxanas Δημοσ. 7 Ιουλίου 2015 Δημοσ. 7 Ιουλίου 2015 θελω να μαθω να γινω hacker οχι για να κλεβω κωδικους facebook και bitcoins και τετοια ανωφελα.το θελω για να γινω μελος της ομαδας anonymous που ειναι χακτιβιστ και δε το κανουνε για προσωπικο οφελος αλλα για να βγαλουνε στη φορα αποδειξεις που ενοχοποιουνε καποιον διεφθαρμενο πολιτικο ή καποιον λαδωμενο δημοσιογραφο.Γενικα καταπολεμανε τη λογοκρισια των ΜΜΕ και οποιον θελει να παραπληροφορει τον απλο λαο!(whistleblowers) μπηκα σε μια κοινοτητα σαν forum στο Deep Web με τον tor και μιλησα με εναν που ξερει.Η κοινοτητα λεγεται Liberty Hackers και ο χρηστης λεγοτανε vogger ή καπως ετσι τελος παντων.Και μου ειπε εν κατακλειδι,πως αμα θελω να ασχοληθω σοβαρα με το χακινγ 3 πραματα χρειαζονται μου ειπε: να μαθω τη γλωσσα προγραμματισμου python,να εγκαταστησω τα linux debian(μου ειπε την εκδοση 8,1 συγκεκριμενα -δε ξερω γιατι μου ειπε τα debian και οχι καποια αλλη εκδοση των linux,ισως να βολευτηκε καλυτερα με αυτην..-)και να κατεβασω το metasploit.μου ειπε οτι υπαρχουν πολλα "κολπακια" αλλα αυτα τα 3 κανουνε καποιον να μπει στο νοημα του παιχνιδιου! (του ειπα επι την ευκαιρια αμα βοηθαει αμα ξερω Pearl ή C++ επειδη εχω ξαναδιαβασει παλια -που εμπαινα χωρις λογαριασμο απλα να διαβασω- τα post αλλων ατομων σαν εμενα που ενδιαφεροτανε και τους απαντουσανε διαφοροι πως χρειαζεται καλη γνωση C++ αλλα μου ειπε πως η C++ ειναι δυσκολη,αμα μαθεις Python θα σε βοηθησει περισσοτερο απτη C++ ή οποιαδηποτε αλλη γλωσσα προγραματισμου) Μετα τον ρωτησα αμα μπορουσε να μου τα βαλει σε σειρα πιο ειναι πιο χρησιμο και δυσκολα και μου τα εβαλε ως εξης: 1)Python 2)Linux 3)Metasploit Αρα πρωτα χρειαζεται να μαθω Python,μετα να κανω απεγκατασταση τα windows 7 που εχω και να εγκαταστησω τα linux debian(εκδοση 8,1 οπως μου ειπε αυτος)και μετα να μαθω metasploit; μονο αυτα χρειαζονται ή ειπε "ας του πω οτι θελει να ακουσει να μη με κουραζει" ξερω γω για να με ξεφορτωθει; επειδη,αμα ητανε τοσο ευκολο(οχι οτι εινα φυσικα απλα λεω)μαθαινοντας 1 γλωσσα,αλλαζοντας το λειτουργικο σου συστημα και κατεβαζοντας ενα προγραμμα να γινεις χακερ,γιατι δεν υπαρχουνε τοσοι πολλοι χακερ στην Ελλαδα π.χ; πιστευεται οτι ειναι εφικτο για καποιον που εως τωρα μονο σερφαρε στο ιντερνετ και γενικοτερα δεν ασχολιονταν με υπολογιστες να μαθει ή θα ητανε χασιμο χρονου και για τον ιδιο και θα ητανε ανωφελο; Ευχαριστω! (επισης ηθελα να πω σχετικα με το deep web οτι ειναι αχανες και επικινδυνο οποτε ελπιζω να μη παρεσυρα καποιον με αυτα που εγραψα και να του κινησα τη περιεργεια και μπει.Υπαρχουνε πολλα ενδιαφερων φορουμς αλλα υπαρχουν και πολλοι κινδυνοι! (οπως και στο κανονικο ιντερνετ)θα πρεπει κανεις να προσεχει) σας μεταφερω 3 διαφορετικα θεματα φορουμ πανω στο χακιγκ απτο deep web να αναλυσουμε τις αποψεις αλλων ενδιαφερομενων να δουμε τι στεκει και τι οχι..αυτη ειναι η 1η: Intel Exchange > Software > So you want to learn hacking? Sign Up So you want to learn hacking? Author Message MANG00L00ER 47 weeks and 3 days ago Hey noobz. Welcome. So iv noticed alot of you..well.. us want to learn how to hack. Its probably the most common noob question and I asked myself the same question. I started doing some research and discovered that to be able to hack (black hat or white) you need to learn some programming languages. I realised that if you can't make it, you can't break it! (And yes, you may quote me on that. Haha) I decided I want to learn c++ I did some research (read: googled. LoL) and found a wonderful site called www.learncpp.com I started learning but found that alot of it was going over my head! I did some more research and found that a company called infiniteskills have made a video series teaching you c++. It wasnt free ofcourse but I 'aquired' it elsewhere. FYI c++ is the language used to develope programs. Some of the people on this wonderful site have even recomended python to start with. I started learning c++ but after a while got a little lazy so heres my million dollar idea: A few of us noobs start learning together! That way if one doesnt understand something another can explain it! We can also keep each other motivated! So here I am. MANG00L00VER (that's what my name was supposed to be. I screwed up at signup) Prepared to start this journy. Who wants to join me? Five spots open! Reply now and lets become Legends together! Today, python/c++. Tomorrow html, sql, php, and assembler. After that, the WORLD! (Why does this sound like a tv ad? LoL) Cornelius 47 weeks and 2 days ago If we conduct ourselves here on the forum then that is fine, since we don't want to give up too much personal information, otherwise what's the point of Tor. But I shall join you on the journey. I Cornelius, will join you, so that I may better myself technically, and perhaps even be able to one day use it for the cause of a better world. MANG00L00ER 47 weeks and 1 day ago Yeah I thought the same thing. I think there are also some good tor mail services which are confidential and maybe someone could suggest the best ones here. Btw what language do you wanna start with? Python? Personally I really wanna learn assembler but I believe its not a good language to start with. Cornelius 47 weeks and 22 hours ago I don't know where to begin. I'm not technically advanced like most people here are, however, I do know the basics of Java, if that's worth anything. DeepSerenity 47 weeks and 11 hours ago Hello Fellow learners Although I do not wish to join your journey, I thought I might push in a helpful direction. If you visit "www.codecademy.com" (Which is completely free), you will find courses that teach some of the languages you want to learn in a very helpful way. Good hunting Cornelius 47 weeks and 4 hours ago Thank you DeepSerenity for the link, I'll be sure to take a look at it. danhk 47 weeks and 3 hours ago You can check World of Corecraft, it is a World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade private server, but the owners decided to teach others C# (not C++, but it doesn't really differ that much). All you need to do is hop on IRC 2 hours on Saturday, also if you can't they update the course weekly and you can download it and learn it on your own, but there are plenty of people there already and they can help you. You may have to catch up and it could be tough, but people there can really be of help, I am learning alone, but they helped when I needed some assitance. MANG00L00ER 47 weeks and 2 hours ago Thanks @DeepSerenity ans @danhk for the pushes. @ Cornelius, I've downloaded a book on python called Learning Python,3rd edition. It has given a good intro so far and I'm really enjoying it. I suggest the way we move forward is set milestones and deadlines for certian topics for example: In 24 hours from now we must have read the intro (which is abit long but teaches a lot) and have python installed on the pc. If you have read further then maybe even state where you are to encourage the others ( which right now is only me, lol). I don't know if you want to do this as I realise that most people like to move at their own pace on their own time but the reason I do encourage this is because I have tried the alone method and it does work for a couple of days but then you get distracted and the learning comes to a sudden finish. If you do have another idea or an edit to this idea then lets hear it. Here is the link to the book: <a href="http://xfmro77i3lixucja.onion/book/503be40ca78f332da2b11ea2">Hope this is a clickable link </a> I think that as we go further the milestones will be something like "grasp THIS concept" and then we can share our sources etc. Cornelius 46 weeks and 6 days ago Sounds good. I'll get to it. And again thanks for the push danhk and DeepSerenity. MANG00L00ER 46 weeks and 4 days ago Ok here's an update: I've read the intro (well...one page left) and python is busy downloading. I've been reeally busy for the past 2 days but now I plan to wake up a little earlier and learn python on a fresh mind. any updates?? Cornelius 46 weeks and 3 days ago I've got the book downloaded, but I too have been busy, still need to read it though, I shall probably read it in an hour or so. I've been busy with a few other reads I had on my little list. MANG00L00ER 46 weeks and 2 days ago Progress report: I am officially a python programmer! lol. Im positive that i wont be recieving any awards fot the 2 line code that i wrote but its the fact that i understand whats going on when i excecute the program thats just so rewarding. I think im in chapter 4 on page 60 out of 756 pages (i resized the text). Cornelius 46 weeks and 2 days ago Well you've made progress, I need to start catching up. MANG00L00ER 45 weeks and 6 days ago Ok so today i decided to check out codeacademy. They are SO awesome! I think you should read the intro in the book but not all at once. Read a bit until you're bored (it does get boring) then go to codeacademy and start the lessons. They get straight to the point. I think that you will really love it. Cornelius 45 weeks and 5 days ago I've been reading quite a bit lately, made it to chapter 3 or 4 now I think. Still have got no clue how to work this thing, I'm thinking I may have downloaded the wrong version perhaps. I got 3.x instead of 2.x MANG00L00ER 45 weeks and 5 days ago Dude just check out codeacademy. You WILL be amazed and glued. After learning the basics, i now have to write a script that calculates the tip for a meal. basically a tiny program. Amazingly, nothing has flown over my head until now. Cornelius 45 weeks and 3 days ago I'll try that one out, perhaps it will work better than the book. MANG00L00ER 45 weeks and 3 days ago Did u check it out? I'm done like 7%! Tanuki 45 weeks and 3 days ago I can help you guys out with both hacking and python if you want. mousqito 45 weeks and 2 days ago The best thing you can do is forget about the bullshit technology, and think about what specifically you want to do. Then find out specifically how to do it using best practices. Develop focus and all else will follow. MANG00L00ER 45 weeks and 2 days ago @ tanuki. Your help will definitely be appreciated! Will ask u if I need help @ mousqito. I dont get what you mean when you say forget about the bullshit technology. What I specifically want to do is know all things technical like the back of my hand. Currently if I face a problem, a little research usually gets me out of the pickle. So im kinda already following ur advice. But right now I want to focus on developement. 2l2qQT 45 weeks and 1 day ago I would be glad to join you guys in learning the programming world , I've been following the posts and doing the coding work on codeacademy. I'm almost half way done the java part now. SecSecGoose 44 weeks and 1 day ago How are things going? Still making progress? I am also fairly new. I don't know python but I am interested in learning C/C++ and Assembly particularly for cracking and reverse engineering purposes. I have been studying and making progress on the C/C++ and ASM front lately. I am also faily familiar with mysql, php, html, so I may be able to help there. MANG00L00ER 44 weeks and 1 day ago Hii guys! Soo I haven't updated this thread lately but that doesn't mean I haven't been making progress! One of my friends wnted to start html sowe started that together. I'm still doing python also but not that fast. As for html, I can pretty much make a website no on html though. @2l2qQT and SecSecGoose: welcome! @SecSecGoose I also initially wanted to learn c++ for pretty much the same reasons and got a little far but then I got lazy I guess. Which section are you currently at?@ SecSecGoose 44 weeks and 1 day ago I am mid way through Ch. 2 of The C Programming Language by K&R. It is supposed to be the definitive text on C. From what I understand C++ is essentially C with OOP and some other minor add-ons. I have been somewhat distracted from that book though, I found a cool reverse engineering tutorial on the clearweb: http://thelegendofrandom.com/blog/sample-page. It is teaching me the basics of x86 assembly and the OllyDbg software from a practical perspective. I really like it so far. Username Password αυτη ειναι η 2η: Intel Exchange > Software > Who can teach me how to hack? Sign Up Who can teach me how to hack? Author Message Shadow123 1 year and 1 week ago Would someone be willing to teach me how to hack?. I warn I don't have money,if your willing to teach me it would have to be free or maybe talk and get to a deal where we both win. Kazuya 1 year and 1 week ago There's too many threads about this.. You need to read the entire forum, then ask this. Shadow123 1 year and 1 week ago Your right I will. Shadow123 1 year and 1 week ago Yes i've readed many topics but the only things I found was: -Two members trying to pay a hacker for their personal benefits -Some experiences of hackers -A hacker proposing another hacker buissness alliance. Shadow123 1 year and 1 week ago I know 0% of hacking but I would like to learn and I know im a fast learner once someone explains me how to do something, my intentions are not for personal benefit, what I want to do is justice. SoldierBoy 1 year and 1 week ago Learn a programming language. Python is a good language to start with. The site I usually recommend is Learn Python the Hard Way. Maybe then you can go read articles at Black Hat Library. If there is something specific you want you can always search the list on my ebooks thread and request me to upload it. Link xray 1 year and 1 week ago Actually learning to hack stuff starts with learning how it is working... Once you got that, you can start to find the weak point... 011011 1 year and 1 week ago I sort of have a problem with this question @Shadow123. If you have to ask someone to teach you to "Be a Hacker", you'll probably never be one. I might be misjudging the nature of this question, and if I am I would love to hear your explanation of why you think I am incorrect. However, what I see when I read the question "Will someone teach me to be a hacker?" is "Will someone teach me how to do impressive, sneaky, exciting 'hollywood' type things with computers so I can impress people with my unauthorized access to information... oh yeah and possibly steal shit from people?". And, after you teach me how to be a hacker, I already have my cool youtube backdrop setup to take credit for the impressive security avoiding feats I've accomplished. You should search for information on ESR (Eric S. Raymond) and read his comments on what it means to be a hacker. He is the real deal, and has many salient obersvations about what hacking really is... A love of learning, figuring out how things work, and how systems interoperate is what is needed to be a true hacker. With that said, who cares about titles... Find topics and systems that are interesting to you, learn, and create, and challenge. Who cares if someone thinks you're a "hacker". Do what you love, learn, poke, prod, discover, and play with it. So.. if what you really want to do is access networked systems by finding security flaws or exploiting application weaknesses, start by learning how those systems work from the ground up. All of the parts. Hardware, OS, Networking, Applications, Who works on these systems?, who supports them?, who sells them?, who disposes of them?...(you get the idea) Magic 90 second uber fast typing in command shells (like they do in the movies) is never how hacking is really done. It's hours, and days, and weeks, and months of patient, dilligent, careful learning, observing, documenting and planning. Then being invisible and not having the adolescent need to brag about your conquests, when you've accomplished your goals. Shadow123 1 year and 1 week ago @011011, I want to be a hacker to make justice. Shadow123 1 year and 1 week ago Thanks Soldierboy. 011011 1 year and 1 week ago @Shadow123 , That's a lofty goal, and an admirable one. What is your message? What injustice would you see set aright? How would hacking (in whatever way you define it, which I'm open to hearing...) help you accomplish making the world a more just place? Shadow123 1 year and 1 week ago What i've learned through my life is that the world is full of corruption, that though almost all people cross their arms and just let this happen even if they know it's a injustice, and there are a little group of people who actually want to change this but corruption has a lot of power and doesn't let those good people change the world. With the hacking I could somehow do something, open people's eyes,stop future corrupt proyects,etc... Im not saying that I would change the world but I would make a begining for a change. ZetaFunction 1 year and 1 week ago Download a book about hacking and go through it to learn the essentials, you can find them here: ** Hacking - Firewalls And Networks How To Hack Into Remote Compute ** http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/6030484/Hacking_-_Firewalls_And_Networks_How_To_Hack_Into_Remote_Compute ____________ ** The Code Book: How to Make It, Break It, Hack It, Crack It -Mant ** http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/6751767/The_Code_Book__How_to_Make_It__Break_It__Hack_It__Crack_It_-Mant ____________ ** And also don't forget to check other ebooks about BackTrack which is a very powerful operating system that contains lot of hacking tools: http://thepiratebay.se/search/backtrack/0/7/601 ** Hope this helps. Zyx 1 year and 1 week ago Backtrack has been replaced by Kali, which is bloated. As someone else over here recommended me, I recommend Arch Linux. And here's the pentesting version. Shadow123 1 year and 1 week ago Thank you people for helping me. mousqito 45 weeks and 2 days ago Your trying to bargain trade secrets for a conversation? If your asking for help when you know nothing you will never be a hacker. th3_f0x 45 weeks and 2 days ago The only one who can teach you Hacking is yourself. Read it, learn it, understand it, for what is important! The first thing i would recommend you is: "The Conscience of a Hacker" from The Mentor. http://phrack.org/issues/7/3.html Username Password και τελος,αυτη ειναι η 3η: Intel Exchange > Software > Hacking basics Sign Up Hacking basics Author Message Lindor_Sygtrygg 1 year and 18 weeks ago I know I sound like a total noob, but I want to learn about hacking. I want to start small. Anyone know of any literature I can read or any sites? I want my first hack to be into a password protected computer. Or on a small business website. booby169 1 year and 18 weeks ago Check out www.HackForums.com Also, if you want to hack a password protected PC, check out Ophcrack Lindor_Sygtrygg 1 year and 18 weeks ago Thanks booby169. I'll check that out and be back later with more questions I'm sure. Mr-Tape 1 year and 18 weeks ago If you want to become a proper hacker, you must be able to know where someone might have left a security-hole, and how to exploit it. This means that you must learn to understand and program several languages well, and you also need to know how several standard systems handle their data. To be able to hack websites, you should as a minimum learn to program PHP and to use SQL database commands; being able to read HTML is pretty much required too. Other important languages: C and or C++, Python, JavaScript and Assembler (hardest one of all, with greatest insight into inner workings, often the difference between a great programmer and a programmer who can't always quite achieve what he/she wants). Knowing how to program a programming language, doesn't mean knowing all it's commands and their usages, most importantly it means knowing the syntax (grammar) of the language; when you know the grammar, you can quickly find the functions you're looking for, and read how to use them, when you need them. Of course, knowing all the functions of PHP for example, helps you to determine which functions someone might be using on their website, which in turn helps pinpoint what security holes may exist. In my experience, the easiest way to learn how to program, is to edit something somewhat simple that already works, and then seeing what the results are. H3nc3Pr0v3d 1 year and 14 weeks ago Hacking into a password protected computer might not be hard. You'll just have to edit the SAM file of the computer (Assuming that you have direct access to the computer). Hacking into a small business site requires you to find some vulnerability like SQLi or file inclusion and such. Styl3x 1 year and 14 weeks ago http://sourceforge.net/projects/loic/ ^ Low Orbit Ion Cannon (DoS). It's just a binary file, but turn off your virus protection while installing, or else it won't let you, because it will be classified as a 'Hacktool', which is considered dangerous, but I have it and can say it's 100% safe. Just enter a URL, a DoS Method, A message, and set the threads to 1000. Don't change ANYTHING else, or else it won't work. You can input IP's too. Happy hunting. Styl3x 1 year and 14 weeks ago Also, if you want to use SQL to get into a small business site, just try this: Username: Admin Password: '1'or'1'='1' ^ Saying that 1=1 (Which is true) so that says says /true, and lets you in. Here are some other threads you can try for SQL: ' or 0=0 -- " or 0=0 -- or 0=0 -- ' or 0=0 # " or 0=0 # or 0=0 # ' or 'x'='x " or "x"="x ') or ('x'='x ' or 1=1-- " or 1=1-- or 1=1-- ' or a=a-- " or "a"="a ') or ('a'='a ") or ("a"="a hi" or "a"="a hi" or 1=1 -- hi' or 1=1 -- hi' or 'a'='a hi') or ('a'='a hi") or ("a"="a ' or ' '=' Also, download netsparker: https://www.netsparker.com/netsparker/ (Scan sites for vulnerabilities. Make up a fake business, name, and info. Input a URL , and scan. If it shows up red as "SQL Vulnerable!" It can be hacked. So, either download netsparker, OR an alternative to finding vulnerable sites is to google: "admin-login.asp" It will bring you to a bunch of site logins. Good luck. Styl3x 1 year and 14 weeks ago Something else you CAN do without downloading ANYTHING as is: Search your computer for "CMD", or "Command Prompt". Should come up like this: Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601] Copyright © 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Users\(Your PC name here)> ^ So do as I do. C:\Users\(PC Name)> Color 0a <stereotypical green text. C:\Users\(PC Name)>ping google.com <The site I chose to show you Pinging google.com [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time 25ms TTL=55 Reply from bytes=32 time 25ms TTL=55 Reply from bytes=32 time 25ms TTL=55 Reply from bytes=32 time 25ms TTL=55 Reply from bytes=32 time 25ms TTL=55 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimun = 15ms, Maximum = 26ms, Average = 18ms C:\Users\PC Name> Ping -t -l 65500 ^Number from earlier = IP adress. Do this to the site you are attacking until you get this message: Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = ?, Received = ?, Lost = ? (100% loss), Do not choose google, I just did that as an example. You will get tracked. Choose a smaller site. That was the CMD method. Styl3x 1 year and 14 weeks ago So there. CMD, SQL, & DoS. Three decent methods. CMD takes a few hours. like 1-5 (In my experiences.) Same with DoS. SQL is instant. zvggko 1 year and 14 weeks ago If you really think a flood ping will take a website down, you're living in the past. Any proper firewall made in the last 5 years will ban your connection within seconds. When you get the timeout, you've either maxed out your own internet pipe, or they have stopped taking your pings. The SQL attacks can work for some smaller shops. However, there are a lot of businesses making money on correcting these flaws. Simply sanitizing SQL input is a small task for a DBA, and can prevent these attacks. Styl3x 1 year and 13 weeks ago ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Dude, DoS is superior in all ways, yes. I don't recommend ping (Because it sucks ASS), I still support Low Orbit Ion Cannon 100%, I'm just saying: It's a method. Not a good one, but nonetheless is still a method. As for the SQL, I still stick with Havij. I'm just trying to help someone understand the concept. So, please understand: I didn't say TO DO any of those, I simly acknowledged their existence. However, you are right on both subjects, SQLmap, AND Firewalls block these attacks now. But over all: Go with LOIC, & Havij. zvggko 1 year and 13 weeks ago I'm just saying ping isn't worth listing anymore. Just try to ping major websites. Many of them won't return it because ICMP is disabled at the firewall (because people use it for these kinds of things). I do agree with your most recent comment. snoopcatt 1 year and 13 weeks ago Lol ping google down. They are going to have a good laugh at us! Styl3x 1 year and 13 weeks ago I know. But recently a friend of mine made a blog, but didn't use a firewall and so I ping crashed it. Yes most corporation sites that have a firewall that isn't from 2001-earlier can be attacked. But your right. It isn't reliable, or even worth mention. snoopcatt 1 year and 13 weeks ago Hmm. So I guess if you want to try ping crashing a site, you can search for sites using google and then use change the time to 2000 or somthing. That way only the old sites are shown... I should find some time to try that. But I'm still trying at SQL injection lol. I am so bad at it. I somehow always can NEVER find a good site to hack with... Does anyone know of dummy sites you can practice on?? fnord 1 year and 13 weeks ago http://www.hackthissite.org xorcist 1 year and 6 weeks ago @Styl3x this method does work but: 1. Only on very small websites 2. Need at least 5-10 machines to get anywhere close to getting a result 3. Gonna still take a few hours Easiest method would be to exploit a known security hole (or find your own if you have enough spare time) and find out how to exploit it (you will need knowledge of many programming languages to do this as each site is different) From there, you can smuggle your own data package into the website's code which can do anything such as track IP's for botnet usage, log CC info, p/w info, etc. It took LulSec months to crack into Sony. And even then there were many thousands working on it. Remember, practice makes perfect! Best I have hacked is my old employer's website. Fired me for a bullshit reason, so I defaced the homepage xorcist 1 year and 6 weeks ago And no, I didn't know the root password to begin with. I was an apprentice. Didn't have access to that shit. Made it more of a challenge Username Password Συγνωμη για τις πολλες παραθεσεις/αναφορες απλα ηθελα να σας δειξω με αυτη την ισως επιπολαια κινηση μου οτι μπορει να μην εχω ιδεα απο χακιγκ αλλα σιγουρα δεν ειμαι ο μονος...το θεμα ειναι,να ασχοληθω; αξιζει ο κοπος; (επειδη εγω ειμαι απο αυτους που αμα αρχισουνε κατι δε σταματανε μεχρι να το φερουνε εις περας) αξιζει πραγματικα ή θα καταληξω να το μετανιωσω μετα απο ποσα χρονια σκληρης μαθησης και εκπαιδευσης; (δηλαδη δε ρωταω αν θα μου αποφερει καρπους αλλα το αμα εστω θα δω μια αποσβεση του κοπου μου)
Καρχαρίαςςς Δημοσ. 7 Ιουλίου 2015 Δημοσ. 7 Ιουλίου 2015 Dude, go sit on a pinecone. Θεματα που εχει ο κοσμος 1
Αλεξανδρος A.92 Δημοσ. 7 Ιουλίου 2015 Δημοσ. 7 Ιουλίου 2015 πωωω τελειωσανε οι εξετασεις στα γυμνασια και λυκεια και τωρα καθονται και κανουν τετοια post 3μιση τ βραδυ? 2
Apple fanboy Δημοσ. 7 Ιουλίου 2015 Δημοσ. 7 Ιουλίου 2015 Στις 7/7/2015 στις 12:40 ΠΜ, Καρχαρίαςςς είπε Dude, go shit on a pinecone. Θεματα που εχει ο κοσμος fixed
Kataxanas Δημοσ. 7 Ιουλίου 2015 Μέλος Δημοσ. 7 Ιουλίου 2015 Στις 7/7/2015 στις 12:40 ΠΜ, Καρχαρίαςςς είπε Dude, go sit on a pinecone. Θεματα που εχει ο κοσμος το διαβασες καπου αυτο και δινεις εμφαση ξερω γω γραφοντας το ή κριτικαρεις το δικο μου post; Στις 7/7/2015 στις 12:44 ΠΜ, Αλεξανδρος A.92 είπε πωωω τελειωσανε οι εξετασεις στα γυμνασια και λυκεια και τωρα καθονται και κανουν τετοια post 3μιση τ βραδυ? ποια γυμνασια; ποια λυκεια; 21 χρονων ειμαι.Και που κολλαει το 3μιση; εγω λεω σχολιασε για οτι εγραψα και μη κανεις υποψιες για ηλικια,δραστηριοτητα και γενικα τη ζωη καποιου που ουτε καν ξερεις.Εξαλλου,αμα το εγραφα αυτο μια αλλη ωρα θα εβρισκες κατι να πεις,γενικα επειδη μπαινω χρονια εδω και γνωριζω πραματα και εχω δει ενα σωρο,υπαρχουν 2 ειδων ατομα εδω μεσα: αυτοι που απαντανε αναλυτικα στη καθε ερωτηση και γενικα ειναι κατατοπιστικοι,βοηθαν τον αλλον και οι αλλοι,που απλα γραφουνε οτι να'ναι να το παιξουνε καλυτεροι,σε στυλ "κεγω δε ξερω αλλα εγω δεν ανοιγω post οποτε ας σε τρολλαρω να μου βγει το απωθημενο που δε ξερω" τι να πω,αμα εσυ μπορεις να γινεις χακερ χωρις αλληλοβοηθεια και να εισαι αυτοδιδακτος,go ahead!5-6 το εχουνε κανει και ολοι εγιναν θρυλοι!Αλλα μπορει και να μη τα καταφερεις..οποτε το να χλευαζεις σιγουρα δε σε κανει εξυπνο μαλλον εξυπνακια σε κανει 2
whodatinsomniaK Δημοσ. 7 Ιουλίου 2015 Δημοσ. 7 Ιουλίου 2015 Ξεκίνα απο δω http://www.amazon.com/Computer-Security-Dummies-Peter-Davis/dp/1568846355
Sakiz105 Δημοσ. 7 Ιουλίου 2015 Δημοσ. 7 Ιουλίου 2015 Αν είχες κάποια ιδέα θα ήξερες που να ψάξεις.Δεν ξέρω αν επιτρέπεται να μιλάω για αυτό στο forum αλλά θα το βάλω σε σπόιλερ και ότι θες κάνε.Αν είσαι 21 όπως λες δεν θα έχεις εφιάλτες μετά. Εμφάνιση κρυμμένου περιεχομένου 3 λέξεις. Tor ,Hidden Wiki .Δεν λέω άλλα site γιατί χωρίς proxy server σου έρχεται ραβασάκι στην πόρτα.Προσοχή με το tor,δημιουργεί χαρακτήρες
Sakisss!!! Δημοσ. 7 Ιουλίου 2015 Δημοσ. 7 Ιουλίου 2015 E... Μπορείς να ξεκινήσεις έτσι.... https://syneducation.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/fatos_v.jpg
Kataxanas Δημοσ. 7 Ιουλίου 2015 Μέλος Δημοσ. 7 Ιουλίου 2015 (επεξεργασμένο) Επεξ/σία 7 Ιουλίου 2015 από Kataxanas
benign Δημοσ. 7 Ιουλίου 2015 Δημοσ. 7 Ιουλίου 2015 Εδω να γραφτεις και να κανεις τις ερωτησεις σου.Το ινσομνια ειναι σιτε γενικου ενδιαφεροντος. http://www.greekhacking.com/
petrosvel Δημοσ. 7 Ιουλίου 2015 Δημοσ. 7 Ιουλίου 2015 Να σου πω την αλήθεια από τα λίγα που διάβασα(λόγω της ώρας... ) Η γνώμη μου είναι να ασχοληθείς....Είμαι της γνώμης προσωπικά πως ότι μάθεις καλό είναι.... Το που θα βγει το ξέρεις μόνο εσύ... Αν σου αρέσει όλο αυτό ξεκίνα...έχω ασχοληθεί πολύ λίγο με το θέμα cracking ( και όχι hacking ψάξε την διαφορά για αρχή ) και αυτό για λόγους ασφαλείας που ήθελα να μάθω! Ξεκίνα εσύ και θα βλέπεις στην πορεία.... site που γνωρίζω και είναι καλό: Εμφάνιση κρυμμένου περιεχομένου http://hackforums.net/ Και πάντα σε Linux.... για αρχή βρες την έκδοση Kali που έχει πάρα πολλά είδη περασμένα! Καλή επιτυχία! Στις 7/7/2015 στις 1:11 ΠΜ, Sakiz105 είπε Αν είχες κάποια ιδέα θα ήξερες που να ψάξεις.Δεν ξέρω αν επιτρέπεται να μιλάω για αυτό στο forum αλλά θα το βάλω σε σπόιλερ και ότι θες κάνε.Αν είσαι 21 όπως λες δεν θα έχεις εφιάλτες μετά. Εμφάνιση κρυμμένου περιεχομένου 3 λέξεις. Tor ,Hidden Wiki .Δεν λέω άλλα site γιατί χωρίς proxy server σου έρχεται ραβασάκι στην πόρτα.Προσοχή με το tor,δημιουργεί χαρακτήρες Παλιά λεγόταν onion?? Γιατί πριν απο 3 χρόνια έτσι το ήξερα αυτό...αναφέρομαι για το 1o...
Sakiz105 Δημοσ. 7 Ιουλίου 2015 Δημοσ. 7 Ιουλίου 2015 Στις 7/7/2015 στις 2:06 ΠΜ, petrosvel είπε Παλιά λεγόταν onion?? Γιατί πριν απο 3 χρόνια έτσι το ήξερα αυτό...αναφέρομαι για το 1o... ναι.Τα δυο μεγάλα forum γενικού ενδιαφέροντος ακόμα το onion έχουν μπροστά δεν το έκαναν tor 1
Kataxanas Δημοσ. 7 Ιουλίου 2015 Μέλος Δημοσ. 7 Ιουλίου 2015 αυτοι στο βιντεο στο 0:43 - :46 τι λειτουργικο χρησιμοποιουν; το εστειλα σε εκεινον που ειπα πριν στο deep web στο φορουμ Liberty Hacker και μου ειπε linux ubuntu αλλα μου ειπε "μη χρησιμοποιησεις ubuntu επειδη το debian εχει καλυτερη ασφαλεια" τον ρωτησα για τα kali linux και ειπε "ναι αλλα ολοι αυτα εχουνε οποτε εξηπυρετουνε αλλους "χακερ" που ειναι μεγαλυτερα ψαρια!" (αμα δεις το ντοκιμανταιρ με τον σροϊντερ για τους ελληνες χακερ που χακαρουνε και την αγγελικη νικολουλη σε καποια φαση θα δεις που το λεει οτι πολλες φορες πεφτουνε θυμα αλλων χακερ
Bspus Δημοσ. 7 Ιουλίου 2015 Δημοσ. 7 Ιουλίου 2015 Ακολουθησε τα βηματα του συναγωνιστη σου εδω http://www.freestuff.gr/forums/viewtopic.php?t=32409 Καποτε αυτος ο οδηγος υπηρχε και στο insomnia αλλα δεν μπορω να το βρω
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