Geothan Δημοσ. 14 Ιουνίου 2015 Δημοσ. 14 Ιουνίου 2015 (επεξεργασμένο) Καλησπέρα παιδιά, Εδώ και 1,5 χρόνο αντιμετωπίζω ένα πρόβλημα με τα δεδομένα σε ένα από τους δίσκους που έχω για backup. Έχω δοκιμάσει αρκετά προγράμματα (GetDataBack, Zero Assumption Recovery, Recuva, EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard, PhotoRec, HDD Recovery Pro) αλλά κανένα δεν μου έχει προσφέρει κάποια λύση. Επειδή έχω ξεμείνει από ιδέες, δημιούργησα το thread αυτό, σε περίπτωση που έχετε να μου προτείνετε κάτι. Να ξεκαθαρίσω ότι ο δίσκος είναι καινούριος (και ελεγμένος) και δεν έχει κάποιο λειτουργικό πρόβλημα. Πρόκειται για ένα Western Digital Red 3TB (WD30EFRX), τον οποίο χρησιμοποιώ/ούσα για offline backup. Το πρόβλημα είναι ότι ενώ τα αρχεία υπάρχουν κανονικά, κάποια από αυτά είναι corrupted. Η δομή των φακέλων που βρίσκονται τα αρχεία αυτά μέσα, καθώς και το μέγεθος τους είναι σωστά. Χρησιμοποιώ το docking station IB-115 της icybox για να συνδέσω τους δίσκους μέσω της θύρας esata που έχει. Κατ’ εξαίρεση θα χρησιμοποιήσω και την usb αν δεν υπάρχει esata. Επειδή θα έκανα format στο laptop, συνέδεσα το δίσκο μέσω usb και ξεκίνησα να παίρνω ένα backup που είχα ετοιμάσει. Μετά από αρκετή ώρα ακύρωσα την αντιγραφή γιατί ήταν σαν να είχε κολλήσει και ακολούθησε ένα μήνυμα λάθους το οποίο δεν συγκράτησα δυστυχώς. Στη συνέχεια αντέγραψα τα πιο σημαντικά αρχεία που χρειαζόμουν ώστε να τελειώσει η διαδικασία πιο γρήγορα. Συνέδεσα τον δίσκο στον σταθερό μέσω esata (Windows 8.1), όπου εμφανίστηκε μήνυμα ότι ο δίσκος χρειάζεται επιδιόρθωση. Μετά την επιδιόρθωση πήγα να ανοίξω κάποια από τα αρχεία που πήρα backup αλλά ήταν κατεστραμμένα. Δυστυχώς το ίδιο συνέβαινε και σε αρχεία που είχα από πριν στο δίσκο. Όπως είπα και πριν, η δομή των φακέλων μέσα στο δίσκο είναι σωστή, τα ονόματα των αρχείων είναι σωστά όπως και το μέγεθος τους, απλά κάποια από αυτά τα αρχεία έχουν καταστραφεί. Το log του chkdsk από τον event viewer είναι το παρακάτω: 6/1 7:33 mm Chkdsk was executed in scan mode on a volume snapshot. Checking file system on G: Volume label is Monster. Stage 1: Examining basic file system structure ... 271360 file records processed. File verification completed. 249 large file records processed. 0 bad file records processed. Stage 2: Examining file name linkage ... 303366 index entries processed. Index verification completed. Stage 3: Examining security descriptors ... Security descriptor verification completed. 16003 data files processed. Windows has scanned the file system and found no problems. No further action is required. 2861458 MB total disk space. 1879588024 KB in 200010 files. 77356 KB in 16005 indexes. 426783 KB in use by the system. 65536 KB occupied by the log file. 1050041852 KB available on disk. 4096 bytes in each allocation unit. 732533503 total allocation units on disk. 262510463 allocation units available on disk. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 1: Examining basic file system structure ... Stage 2: Examining file name linkage ... Stage 3: Examining security descriptors ... Windows has scanned the file system and found no problems. No further action is required. 6/1 7:32 mm Chkdsk was executed in read/write mode. Checking file system on G: Volume label is Monster. Stage 1: Examining basic file system structure ... Deleted corrupt attribute list entry with type code 128 in file 1803. Unable to find child frs 0x4220f with sequence number 0x1. Deleted corrupt attribute list entry with type code 128 in file 1803. Unable to find child frs 0x42210 with sequence number 0x1. Deleted corrupt attribute list entry with type code 128 in file 1803. Unable to find child frs 0x42211 with sequence number 0x1. Deleted corrupt attribute list entry with type code 128 in file 1803. Unable to find child frs 0x42212 with sequence number 0x1. Deleted corrupt attribute list entry with type code 128 in file 1803. Unable to find child frs 0x42213 with sequence number 0x1. Deleted corrupt attribute list entry with type code 128 in file 1803. Unable to find child frs 0x42214 with sequence number 0x1. Deleted corrupt attribute list entry with type code 128 in file 1803. Unable to find child frs 0x42215 with sequence number 0x1. Deleted corrupt attribute list entry with type code 128 in file 1803. Unable to find child frs 0x42216 with sequence number 0x1. Deleted corrupt attribute list entry with type code 128 in file 1803. Unable to find child frs 0x42217 with sequence number 0x1. Deleted corrupt attribute list entry with type code 128 in file 1803. Unable to find child frs 0x42218 with sequence number 0x1. Deleted corrupt attribute list entry with type code 128 in file 1803. Unable to find child frs 0x42219 with sequence number 0x1. Deleted corrupt attribute list entry with type code 128 in file 1803. Unable to find child frs 0x4221a with sequence number 0x1. Deleted corrupt attribute list entry with type code 128 in file 1803. Unable to find child frs 0x4221b with sequence number 0x1. Deleted corrupt attribute list entry with type code 128 in file 1803. Unable to find child frs 0x4221c with sequence number 0x1. Deleted corrupt attribute list entry with type code 128 in file 1803. Unable to find child frs 0x4221d with sequence number 0x1. Deleted corrupt attribute list entry with type code 128 in file 1803. Unable to find child frs 0x4221e with sequence number 0x1. Deleted corrupt attribute list entry with type code 128 in file 1803. Unable to find child frs 0x4221f with sequence number 0x1. Deleted corrupt attribute list entry with type code 128 in file 1803. Unable to find child frs 0x42220 with sequence number 0x1. Deleted corrupt attribute list entry with type code 128 in file 1803. Unable to find child frs 0x42221 with sequence number 0x1. Deleted corrupt attribute list entry with type code 128 in file 1803. Unable to find child frs 0x42222 with sequence number 0x1. Deleted corrupt attribute list entry with type code 128 in file 1803. Unable to find child frs 0x42223 with sequence number 0x1. Deleted corrupt attribute list entry with type code 128 in file 1803. Unable to find child frs 0x42224 with sequence number 0x1. The attributes with same type code 0x80 but different instance tags 0x0 and 0x0 have non-contiguous VCN numbers 0xdbf0 and 0xdc30 respectively in file 0x70b. The attribute of type 0x80 and instance tag 0x0 in file 0x70b has allocated length of 0x60cbc9000 instead of 0x1e1f0000. Deleted corrupt attribute list entry with type code 128 in file 1803. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x1000000000710. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1808. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x1000000000712. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1810. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x1000000000715. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1813. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x1000000000717. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1815. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x100000000071a. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1818. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x100000000071d. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1821. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x100000000071f. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1823. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x1000000000723. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1827. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x1000000000727. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1831. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x100000000072a. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1834. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x100000000072c. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1836. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x100000000072f. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1839. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x1000000000732. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1842. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x1000000000735. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1845. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x1000000000737. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1847. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x100000000073b. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1851. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x100000000073d. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1853. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x1000000000740. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1856. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x1000000000743. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1859. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x1000000000746. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1862. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x1000000000748. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1864. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x100000000074b. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1867. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x100000000074e. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1870. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x1000000000751. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1873. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x1000000000753. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1875. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x1000000000756. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1878. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x1000000000759. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1881. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x100000000075c. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1884. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x100000000075e. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1886. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x1000000000762. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1890. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x1000000000765. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1893. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x1000000000767. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1895. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x1000000000769. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1897. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x100000000076d. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1901. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x100000000076f. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1903. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x1000000000772. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1906. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x1000000000774. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1908. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x1000000000776. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1910. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x1000000000779. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1913. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x100000000077c. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1916. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x100000000077f. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1919. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x1000000000781. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1921. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x1000000000784. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1924. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x1000000000786. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1926. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x1000000000789. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1929. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x100000000078c. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1932. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x100000000078e. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1934. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x1000000000792. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1938. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x1000000000795. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1941. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x1000000000797. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1943. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x100000000079a. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1946. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x100000000079c. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1948. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x10000000007a0. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1952. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x10000000007a2. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1954. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x10000000007a6. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1958. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x10000000007a8. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1960. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x10000000007ab. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1963. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x10000000007ad. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1965. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x10000000007b0. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1968. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x10000000007b2. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1970. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x10000000007b5. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1973. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x10000000007b8. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1976. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x10000000007bc. The expected attribute type is 0x80. Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from file record segment 1980. Unable to locate attribute with instance tag 0x0 and segment reference 0x10000000007be. The exp 6/1 7:17 mm Chkdsk was executed in verify mode on a volume snapshot. Checking file system on \Device\HarddiskVolume5 The specified object was not found. A snapshot error occured while scanning this drive. Run an offline scan and fix. 6/1 7:17 mm Chkdsk was executed in verify mode on a volume snapshot. Checking file system on \Device\HarddiskVolume5 The specified object was not found. A snapshot error occured while scanning this drive. Run an offline scan and fix. Δοκίμασα τα προγράμματα που ανέφερα παραπάνω (με επιλογές RAW drive, Deep Scan), μήπως και καταφέρω να επαναφέρω τα κατεστραμμένα αρχεία χωρίς όμως αποτέλεσμα. Κάνουν recovery όλα τα αρχεία, αλλά αυτά που ήταν κατεστραμμένα συνεχίζουν να είναι. Για τις φωτογραφίες δοκίμασα και κάποια προγράμματα που κάνουν repair αλλά πάλι τίποτα. Μετά από καιρό πήρα ακόμη ένα WD RED 3TB καθώς δεν μπορούσα να χρησιμοποιήσω αυτόν που προσπαθούσα να πάρω τα δεδομένα. Χρειάστηκε να τον συνδέσω και αυτόν μέσω USB σε ένα pc. Παρατήρησα ότι ο δίσκος φαινόταν σαν 746GB, οπότε κατέληξα στο συμπέρασμα ότι ο ελεγκτής usb του docking station απλά δεν υποστηρίζει πάνω από μια χωρητικότητα (δεν αναφέρεται κάτι στο manual). Φυσικά από τότε τον χρησιμοποιώ μόνο μέσω της esata. Λογικά το πρόβλημα με τα αρχεία δημιουργήθηκε επειδή γράφτηκαν δεδομένα στο δίσκο ενώ αυτός είχε αναγνωριστεί ως 746GB. Αυτό που δεν καταλαβαίνω είναι γιατί να επηρεαστούν και τα αρχεία που προϋπήρχαν, αφού υποτίθεται ότι έγραφε σε ελεύθερο χώρο. Υπάρχει περίπτωση να συνέβη αυτό λόγω του chkdsk; Υπάρχει κάποια σωτηρία για τα αρχεία αυτά, κάτι επιπλέον που μπορώ να δοκιμάσω; Δεν ξέρω αν μπορούν να κάνουν τίποτα και οι εταιρίες recovery ή απλά θα κάνουν recover τα αρχεία που κάνουν και τα άλλα προγράμματα. Όποια ιδέα έχετε είναι ευπρόσδεκτη! Ευχαριστώ για το χρόνο σας! Επεξ/σία 19 Ιουνίου 2015 από Geothan
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