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Nintendo Switch Topic v1

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Η bethesda επιβεβαίωσε πάντως και επίσημα ότι θα φτιάχνει παιχνίδια για το switch. Κάτα πάσα πιθανότητα το skyrim θα είναι launch title! Αν κυκλοφορήσουν  ποιοτικοί 3rd party τίτλοι, φαίνεται ότι η νιντεντο δεν θα επαναλάβει τα λάθη του παρελθόντος (wiiu) και θα τα πάει πολύ καλά στο μέλλον, Αντε να δούμε αν θα πουν το ok και οι άλλοι δυνατοί τρίτοι κατασκευαστές....




Το ερώτημα είναι αν θα κάνουν ικανοποιητικές πωλήσεις τα launch παιχνίδια των 3rd parties για να υπάρξει συνέχεια.

H WB ανακοίνωσε Lego City Undercover για Switch (+ps4/xb1/steam).



Το πρωτο Lego city παντως ηταν Nintendo exclusive αν θυμαμαι καλα,δεν το κρατησανε και αυτο exclusive το κανανε multiplatform αλα ZombiU


Τωρα να το κρατησει αποκλειστικό μονο η Ν., ειναι λιγακι δυσκολο, το ειχε ηδη στο wii U, τωρα γιατι να δεσμευσει εκει τα γιεν της και οχι σε ενα bayonetta 3 λ.χ. που θα ειχε περισσοτερη λογικη (παραδειγμα).


Τωρα να το κρατησει αποκλειστικό μονο η Ν., ειναι λιγακι δυσκολο, το ειχε ηδη στο wii U, τωρα γιατι να δεσμευσει εκει τα γιεν της και οχι σε ενα bayonetta 3 λ.χ. που θα ειχε περισσοτερη λογικη (παραδειγμα).

Και ομως πιο πολλες πωλησεις ειχε το εν λογω παιχνιδι απο το Bayonetta 2 http://www.vgchartz.com/gamedb/?name=&publisher=&platform=WiiU&genre=&minSales=0&results=200


Και ομως πιο πολλες πωλησεις ειχε το εν λογω παιχνιδι απο το Bayonetta 2 http://www.vgchartz.com/gamedb/?name=&publisher=&platform=WiiU&genre=&minSales=0&results=200


Εννοειται. Εβαλα το Β2 σαν παραδειγμα ενος προιοντος που θα ηταν πιο ευκολο να το δεσουν με την κονσολα τους. Τα lego εχουν μεγαλη διασπορα σε ολες τις πλατφορμες. Δεν το ανεφερα για τις πωλησεις αλλα σαν μια #δικια# τους πνευματική ιδιοκτησία. Οποιος ψαχνει Β3, Β4 ... να κοιτα Ν.


Mε καθε επιφυλαξη, 

μια φημη για την κονσολα, σχετικα με το τι εξοπλισμό περιεχει :


Πηγη: https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/comments/5ea9uo/rumor_someone_who_producing_switch_at_foxconn_is/


Below are all the literal Chinese translation(might have translation error from original post) from the post at Baidu Tieba (A Chinese forum), the guy with nickname fj8885 claims he is working at Foxconn at Yantai, China, according to the address showed up in the app he does send the post from there, so this might add a little credibility. Below might be potential spoilers so I have hidden them, Again please take this with huge grain of salts...
Dock: * There's no advanced technology in the dock, it seems pretty cheap and light, feels really plastic, no extra power, it just a output * 1x USB3.0, 1x hdmi, on the side 2xUSB2.0 on the dock * There's no fan on the dock, but hole on the back of the dock to allow air absorbing then out from the console's top vent
Console: * Looking at the screen it looks like is 1080p multi-touch screen, according to the spec show up on the software test *Can see the 5x0.8cm heat sink from the vent on the 0.8cm width, 12cm L shape heat pipe, looks quite shabby but heat performance is really good, not too hot from the console, the software demo testing is millions of fish and running almost 8 days, there's no single frames drops *The screen is not very bright, speculated can't see clear from outdoor *Looking at the core, it's a 10x10 core, from the test, CPU 1785mhz, GPU 921mhz, EMC 1600mhz *Speculated CPU is arm A73 pascal, much powerful than X1, when tested it only shows ARM_V8 structure hence the speculation *Confirmed it's USB-C charging *Speculated the core is made by TSMC, but it doesn't have its logo on it, looking really good *Running thousands of fish software demo to make sure the system is running fine *Saw orange and blue controller *Heating fan noise is not loud *Power adapter is external *There's 4G console version, confirmed *Can be charged while playing *Battery 4310mA, 3.7 not changable *It's been testing over 11750min, it's all running stably and smoothly, not single frame drops using the software demo (fish) *Speculated 2x ram = 4GB *About 300g weight, thought it was 1000g or something and was pretty surprise it's 300g console only (excluding joycon etc), used digital scale to weigh
Joy-con: *There's 2 shoulder button on each joy-con, they are called SL, SR *It's very complex inside, apart from the motherboard in the console, screen, Joy-con is the most valuable in the whole system *The battery inside Joy-con is about 5cm x 2cm x 0.5cm *Very light, about 50g * (22 Nov update) Battery 525mA
Production: *Produced 2100 units per day in one line, the whole factory can produce 20000per day *Very good quality control, don't worry about the build quality *They shipped to Japan, and Australia recently
Advance version or Devkit version? *A much powerful version, producing 2000x units for now *The core is 1x times bigger than the one above,200m㎡, looking it looks like 12x18 *2 extra ram, this version is 8GB *2x wifi, 1hdmi, 1x mini dp, 1x ethernet, 2x unidentified socket, 3x network led indicator, *Looks much more complex than the normal version, 6, 7 extra unidentified storage, different socket *Not sure if this is Devkit, or it's an advanced version, not sure if Nintendo will release it (22 Nov 2016 update) Confirmed it's a devkit, and Nintendo was coming to exam the devkit today *No dock for this version for now *Can be plugged into TV without docking, power is inside *Speculated provided the core is only include GPU, it would be even more powerful than PS4 pro *Screen is the same size as the normal one *It's much more powerful, but also much heavier, not feeling great in hand, speculated for 4K gaming *Haven't seen such a huge core, and it's 16nm + 100mm2 main core *There's no battery inside this version
Source: this is the discussion link http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4854078471?pn=1 Use this link to show the post from fj8885 only: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4854078471?see_lz=1
Basically I'm not sure what he means the core size etc, but feel free to use Google Translate for the link above.
*Disclaimer, I'm not that guy I'm just see what I read and post it here. I do speak Mandarin but still lots of them are pretty vague and I'm not sure what he's talking about, so please do take this a grain of salt and consider this as entertainment post, maybe he's just trolling us all:) * If there's update I will follow up the translation in this post

Συμπαθετικ, εαν ισχυει, και εαν ισχυει για 280 ευρω.....


Ειναι κριμα δυστηχως παιχνιδαρες οπως το Bayonetta 2,τα metroid,το xenoblade κλπ που αντικειμενικα ειναι παρα πολυ καλα παιχνιδια να μην εχουν αναλογες πωλησεις.





Αυτο λετε να ειναι οντως το dev kit ;

Τιμη αγγλιας


εκ http://www.consolefood.co.uk/article/nintendo-switch-now-available-preorder-uk-priced-198-50


Fast forward just over a month and online retailer GameSeek have finally broken the silence. Their UK Nintendo Switch pre-order page is now officially open, listing the hybrid console at a mere £198.50.(232 Euros)

The Switch pre-orders are also covered by GameSeek’s “Pre-order Price Guarantee“, which means even if the price is below Nintendo’s RRP, those who pre-ordered won’t pay a penny more!

The Nintendo Switch is set to launch March 2017, with Nintendo teasing they have more show during their January 13th presentation.


Το παραπανω βασικα πηγαινει σφηνα σε προηγουμενο σχολιο περι προ παραγγελιας(με βαση την τωρινη τιμη παντα).

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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