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DiRT Rally

Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Ούτε εγώ έχω VDSL, 5+ ώρες κατέβαζα. Ο xtrmsnpr έβαλε link για το changelog.


Πλάκα κάνετε τώρα?

– Peugeot 208 T16 (Modern Pikes Peak)

– Renault 5 Turbo (1980)

– Renault Alpine A110 (1960)

– Opel Corsa Super 1600 (RallyCross 1600)

– Peugeot 207 S1600 (RallyCross 1600)

– Renault Clio S1600 (RallyCross 1600)

– Mini Classic Rallycross (Classic RallyCross)


εσύ εδώ διαβάζεις για αμαξια ;

DiRT Rally Update - Version 1.1
WELCOME! Today’s the day our DiRT family gets bigger – so hello console players! Strap yourselves in, because it’s going to be a thrilling ride.  And PC players, welcome to DiRT Rally 1.1 – the new content is unbelievably good fun, so we hope you love and enjoy it. 

And surprise! I know you were all expecting the console launch and new content today - but were you expecting CREST, our new telemetry tool? 

That’s right - the Codemasters RaceNet Evaluation and Statistics Tool is now live and available on dirtgame.com! PS4 and Xbox One players will be able to access it through the website immediately, whereas PC players will need the latest patch to play with it. However, we’re delighted to finally let you get your hands on it! It’s very cool – so let us tell you a little more about what it offers. 

First of all, you’re going to want to know where to access it. Head to dirtgame.com, log into your RaceNet account, and click through to the Dailies data. We’ll be supporting Daily 1 and Daily 2 to begin with, so make sure you get competing in those to make the most out of your new data sets.

When you arrive there, you’ll have a new button under the Leaderboard header – ‘View Telemetry using CREST’. Using this, you can compare your ghost to the fastest time’s ghost – and that comparison covers a range of different inputs and information, including: sector times, racing line, braking, acceleration, speed, and even which gear you’re taking the corner in. 

Giving you live feedback from a top-down aerial view, you’ll be able to slow down time and analyse your performance corner by corner. You can choose to have the tracker follow your cars around the map, or you can control your view manually – choosing to focus on particular segments or corners of track. 

You’ll also be able to sort users by assists and input – so if you’re starting off with assists and a pad, you’ll be able to gauge your performance against people in the same boat. And, by the same token, if you’re using a wheel without any assists, then you’ll be able to measure yourself against the fastest of your field. Honestly, we could talk about it all day – but the best thing to do is download the patch and see it for yourselves. It holds some incredible data, and the insight it offers should really help you perfect your driving styles. 

Oh, and did we mention it’s available and accessible via mobile too? Yes – now you’ll be able to check out your performance on your phone too. Although, mobile access does come with a caution: be prepared for lots of refreshing and it taking over your life.  

Of course, with V1.1 comes a whole host of tweaks and fixes – so here are the patch notes: 

•	Game – A stock engineer team are now used in the Service area for Online Events to prevent some players gaining an advantage. This will also occur in Leagues depending on the settings used. 
•	UI Fix – Users are now instantly informed and moved onto the next run if they unfortunately Terminally damage their vehicle on the start line of a Hillclimb event. 
•	Achievement Fix – “I am the 5%” unlocking criteria has now been made clearer. 
•	Online Fix – When a player enters the pause menu, their vehicle will now instantly ghost. 
•	UI Fix – Controller disconnection message is now always showing on top of whichever screen you are on at that time. 
•	Game Fix – Solved an issue when the option to apply the first perk to your Crew Chief was not showing. 
•	AI Fix – In a Hillclimb event, the AI drivers will now place correctly if they Terminally Damage in their second run. 
•	Online – Players no longer receive a Clean Race / Appearance bonus if they retire from the event early. 
•	Game Fix – Fixed an issue where a player takes 2 joker laps in a row and then their 2nd Joker lap icon disappears due to the AI driver entering the Joker lap. 
•	Vehicles - The threshold for punctures has been increased, making the tyres more resistant to punctures on landings. 
•	Controls – Players can no longer accidently unbind ‘Gear Up’ and ‘Gear Down’ controls when re-assigning buttons if they have their preferential transmission set as Automatic. 
•	COMMUNITY – Car Damage – Car parts will no longer clip through the Lancia Stratos cockpit when damaged. 
•	COMMUNITY – Animations – Drivers are now shifting correctly when using either of the F2 Kit Cars. 
•	COMMUNITY – Online Event – Some cars reported by the community should no longer gain an increase in performance after damaging their car exhaust. 
•	COMMUNITY – Reset Lines - Some reset lines around the tight hairpins on the Monte carlo stage, Route de Turini, have been replaced. 
•	Audio – Co-driver calls issues for Sweden have been fixed and minor adjustments to other locations. 
•	Graphics – Corrected an issue where the wrong car kickup VFX was incorrectly being used after completing a stage in Greece. 
•	Graphics – Crowd members in Sweden are now correctly dressed at all times. 
•	Exploit – Possible shortcut on the German stage Flugzeugring has been removed. 
•	Exploit – Users should now no longer have a second try at a daily event after quitting out via ALT+F4. 
•	Graphics – Lighting issues should now be resolved when using a system with 3+ graphics cards in use. 
•	Controllers – After using a racing wheel with H pattern transmission in game, upon rebooting and using a controller, the title will now recognise the change and change the transmission type accordingly. 
•	Replays – Car reset points are now the same when viewing a replay as they are in game, removing the possibility of collision issues when watching a replay in slow motion. 
•	Game – Custom Events now use a stock Team of engineers in the service area at all times. 
•	Game – Hillclimb – AI drivers who terminally damage in their 2nd run will now be correctly placed in the final results screen. 
•	Controller – Issue where the players controller will continuously rumble during the pre-race sequence for a rallycross event no longer occurs. 
•	Leaderboards – Players who use a non-standard character as the first letter of their driver name will now be shown correctly in an events leaderboard. 
•	Controls – Gear up/ Gear down can now be assigned controls when the user has set their transmission type to automatic. 
•	Languages – Brazilian Portuguese and Russian added to the game. 

Finally, thank you so much for sticking with us on this wild, bumpy, thrilling ride that is DiRT Rally. Your honest feedback, enthusiasm and engagement with us and the game has been utterly wonderful - and we can’t thank you enough. You’ve helped make the game what it is today, and for that, we’re truly grateful. Now today’s arrived, we can’t wait to share it with the world. 

  • Απαντ. 275
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα


Πλέον στην v.1.1 είναι καταπληκτικό το παιχνίδι!!!

Τρομερή συνέχεια των εκπληκτικών Colin Mcrae, ακριβώς αυτό που έλλειπε.


και μία ερώτηση:


εσείς πειράζετε καθόλου τα settings του αυτοκινήτου πριν από κάθε πίστα ή τ αφήνετε ως έχουν;

Ξέρετε καλές ρυθμίσεις ανάλογα την χώρα;


ρε παιδια τα τιμονια στην ελληνικη αγορα ειναι η του υψους η του βαθους...δηλαδη οποιος δεν εχει να δωσει 350 ευρω μενει με την βηταδουρα..καμια μεση λυση δεν υπαρχει εκτος απο used που ειναι δυσευρετα;


ρε παιδια τα τιμονια στην ελληνικη αγορα ειναι η του υψους η του βαθους...δηλαδη οποιος δεν εχει να δωσει 350 ευρω μενει με την βηταδουρα..καμια μεση λυση δεν υπαρχει εκτος απο used που ειναι δυσευρετα;

εγώ είμαι μια χαρά με την thrustmasters t100..120€ έκανε..

  • Like 1

δεν αμφιβαλω.το προβλημα ειναι οτι στην ελληνικη αγορα δεν υπαρχουν οι mid level τιμονιερες των120-150 ευρω.μονο οι ακριβες logitech και κατι πολυ φτηνες που δεν τις κοιτας καν.το αλλο θεμα ειναι οτι ειχα ας πουμε την official του xbox 360 η οποια στοιχησε θυμαμαι οταν ειχε βγει το forza 3 90 ευρω κ ειχε force feedback.εδω η thrustmaster 458 που κανει 135 ευρω δεν εχει ff και επισης δεν υπαρχει πουθενα.

κατα τα αλλα το παιχνιδι το περιμενα μετριο αλλα εχω κολλησει απιστευτα...ενα 206wrc να ειχε μονο που μου λειπει κ θα ειμουν απολυτα χαρουμενος


και μία ερώτηση:


εσείς πειράζετε καθόλου τα settings του αυτοκινήτου πριν από κάθε πίστα ή τ αφήνετε ως έχουν;

Ξέρετε καλές ρυθμίσεις ανάλογα την χώρα;


Απ'ότι θυμάμαι όταν έπαιζα, στο χώμα και σκληρό έδαφος, μαλάκωνα τέρμα ή σχεδόν τέρμα τις αναρτήσεις... γενικά, θέλει μερικες δοκιμές για να δεις που σε βολευει τι.

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Α μάλιστα. Θεωρούσα ότι τα default είναι τα καλύτερα για την συγκεκριμένη χώρα και έκανες μικροεπεμβάσεις εσύ ανάλογα την ειδική.


Άρα θέλει ψάξιμο αρκετό. Άλλος που να αλλάζει ρυθμίσεις, αν θέλει να βοηθήσει;


Στα αγγλικά έχει αρκετά Setup το steam τώρα που το βλέπω: https://steamcommunity.com/app/310560/discussions/0/523890681422252255/

Ναι, απ'ότι θυμάμαι τις αναρτήσεις τις έβαζα soft, προς τα αριστερά, και τα Damping προς την απέναντι μεριά, στα δεξια (αν θυμάμαι καλα το soft είναι προς τα αριστερά).

Τα υπόλοιπα τα αφήνα συνήθως όπως ειναι στα default...  τις ταχύτητες συνήθως τις έβαζα να γεμίζουν γρήγορα οι μικρές για επιτάχυνση, και όχι προς τα δεξια για top-speed.

Tουλάχιστον, με βόλευε περισσότερο με τις ρυθμίσεις κάπως έτσι.

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Αυτα τα RWD των 80's θα με στοιχιώσουν.Εβαλα τις gears short μπας και σταμητησει να σπινιαρει αλλα που?:P

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