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Overwatch Topic v1

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“Rise and shine, Miss Zhou. Rise and...shine. Not that I...wish to imply you have been sleeping on the job.

No one is more deserving of a rest, and all the effort in the world would have gone to waste until...well, let’s just say your hour has...come again.

The right woman in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world. So, wake up, Miss Zhou. Wake up and...smell the ashes...”



  • Moderators

D.Va current internal micro-missile stats




Right now here are the stats:

Number of missiles: 18
Shots per second: 11
Explosion Damage: 8 (has damage falloff)
Impact Damage: 4
Radius: 1.5m (for comparison, Pharah's rockets are 2.5m radius)
Cooldown: 8s

Obviously these are subject to change, and I am sure you guys will get a better feel for them when we get the PTR up.




They fire straight at 40 m/s. For comparison Pharah's rockets move at 35 m/s atm.




You cannot cancel them. Pressing the button fires them all over time (roughly 1.6s as mentioned). There is also a 0.5s delay before they start firing, similar to Mei's alternate fire.

Also, yes they will self damage her if she is close enough.

  • Moderators



Details on Valkyrie:


Mercy essentially gains Super Saiyan powers:

  • Healing + Damage beams now have more range, can also tether to multiple people at once
  • Guardian angel has greater targeting range.

  • She can "literally fly." Jeff didn't elaborate completely, he just said it wasn't like Pharah's boost. But I'm assuming it means the player gets full WASD control in the air while aiming (i.e. D.Va's booster but for the length of the ultimate).

  • Her pistol fires faster and does more damage per shot.

  • Her Resurrect ability is refreshed when Valkyrie is cast (like Genji's Dash when ulting) and Jeff says that "she'll be able to resurrect more often while Valkyrie is active."


New Mercy In Action




New PTR is up (Mercy / D.Va changes)


χεχ. multiple targets και flying ηταν αυτα που προτεινει για buffs στο OW φορουμ εδω και καιρο. αλλα καποιοι λεγανε οτι ειναι OP/αχρηστα.

αντε ρε Jeff, να δω ποτε θα γινει καποιο ουσιαστικο rework και στην Sombra. εκτος και αν εξακολουθεις να πιστευεις οτι το 2s hacking της ειναι πιο OP, απο το 1s οne-shot-kill τoυ Doomfist.


γυρισα απο διακοπες και βρηκα αλλο παιχνιδι. πολλα καινουργια ωραια πραγματα. Επιτέλους χάνεις το tier icon οταν πεφτεις απο όλα τα tiers. it was about time jeff.


dva πολύ καλή αλλαγή, mercy επίσης καλή αν και μου άρεσαν τα huge rez απλώς ήταν πιστέυω πολύ γρήγορη Ult. Δεν πειράζει, καλό ειναι να αλλάζει το παιχνιδι, μην βαριόμαστε κιόλας. Παραμένει το καλυτερο χιλ μακράν...αυτο ειναι κακο.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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