privateer Δημοσ. 26 Οκτωβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 26 Οκτωβρίου 2003 O Admin tou forum tou eipe pws eide to revolutions kai epeibebaiwse to parakatw script: Spoiler: "Okay, Neo is in Matrix "limbo" - somehow his mind got "jacked in" to a train stop outside the Matrix - the wild eyed guy in the Rev. trailer is the train man, controlled by the Merovingian. The Oracle tells Trinity and Morpheous this and they threaten Mervingian (you're willing to die for this man?) and go and save Neo (who in the meantime has met some new characters and had a vision of three lines in the black dessert). -Back in the real world now... Niobe gives Neo and Trinity the Logos ship after the Hammer powers it up so they can go to the machine city (01) and try and save Zion. Meanwhile Bane (Smith) has awakened, killed the nurse and snuck into the Logos. The Hammer heads back to Zion to try and stop the sentinels with its EMP as a last ditch effort, and soon realizes Bane has killed, escaped and must be on the Logos - but it's too late to turn back and save Trinity and Neo. Aboard the logos, Bane blinds Neo with an electrical conduit during a fight before Neo kills him (just after realizing he's smith inside) Trinity is beat up but okay to fly the ship, with Neo's "second sight" - he can somehow sense the machines life-force and "sees" them now. The Hammer tries to sneak back to Zion but the sentinels hear them and chase them all the way home. Meanwhile, Zion is getting the **** kicked out of it by all the sentinels. The crippled Hammer crashes into Zion and blows it's EMP knocking out the remaining diggers and sentinels. Meanwhile the Logos is on the surface, flying over/by the fetus fields and power plant, following three power lines to the city (like in his vision). In Zion, they are trying to restore power while evacuating to the deep tunnels and temple cave from Reloaded. More sentinels arrive in the defenseless Zion and jump-start a digger to continue into the bowels of Zion and finish of the rest of its people. Neo and Trinity have now crash-landed into the machine city after fending off bigger, meaner sentinels and an armada of huge ships shooting shrimp bombs like from Reloaded. Trinity dies from the crash and Neo goes on to confront a huge godlike machine that he makes a deal with to confront smith and save the matrix (and the Ai's?) from being taken over (smith has altered the matrix and cloned himself into everyone). Back in Zion the sentinels stop their attack at the last minute and wait. The AI's jack Neo in and he fights Smith, Smith wins (Neo pretends to lose or fights long enough to prove he tried) and takes him over, but the new clone freaks out, (the machine city AI has a direct link to smith now) explodes and all the Smiths explode or something... Neo dies as a result and is hauled off by the AI's to who knows where. Everyone rejoices and the Matrix gets reloaded with a truce between man and machine. "What about Morpheus, the council and previous ones?" - Morpheus navigates the hammer for Niobe (the best driver- I think ghost must be manning the guns) and faces off with the sentinels at the opening to the Zion temple (story boards of this was spoiled a couple years ago), he may take part in a fight to save neo, but that's about it - (he lives). I don't remember the council being mentioned or anything about previous ones "What about the kid" - he plays an important role during the battle by manning a fallen Mech and shooting a chain on the Zion dock door at the last second, allowing it to open so the hammer can enter Zion and use its EMP. - he lives -no Cypher, no matrix within a matrix, no phone booth scene from matrix one. -Seraph (puts up a good fight), oracle, important child (mentioned in game)...all taken over by smith I left out a lot of details obviously (fights, take-overs, etc.) but that
LL_NEO Δημοσ. 28 Οκτωβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 28 Οκτωβρίου 2003 Αδέρφια απο όταν τα spoiler έγιναν επικινδύνως λεπτομερέστατα, αποφεύγω να τα διαβάζω. Μιας όμως και πιάσαμε 5 σελίδες, είπα να μπω και να δώσω τους αγωνιστικούς μου χαιρετισμούς. 7 και σήμερα
Επισκέπτης Δημοσ. 29 Οκτωβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 29 Οκτωβρίου 2003 (~7.8MB) Behind the Scenes Preview....
epote Δημοσ. 29 Οκτωβρίου 2003 Μέλος Δημοσ. 29 Οκτωβρίου 2003 paidia ta pithana spoilers exoun ginei toso tragika polla pou den ksero ti na protovalo! sinepos osoi pistoi pigaintai sthn pigh kai psaxte:) Smith : "Why, Mr. Anderson? Why do you do it? Why Get up? Why keep fighting? Do you believe you're fighting for something? For more than your survival? Can you tell me what it is? Do you even know? Is it Freedom? Or truth? Prehaps peace? Yes? No? Could it be for love? Illusions, Mr. Anderson. Vagaries of preception. The temporary constructs of feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existance that is without meaning or purpose. And all of them as artificial as the matrix itself, although only a human mind could invent something as insipid as love. You must be able to see it, Mr. Anderson. You must know it by now. You can't win. It's pointless to keep fighting. Why, Mr. Anderson? Why? Why do you persist?!" Neo "Because I choose to."
privateer Δημοσ. 30 Οκτωβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 30 Οκτωβρίου 2003 Apodeixeis apo ena atomo oti htan sthn premiera Epibebaiwnei to parakatw review pou exei dw8ei kai se prohgoumena post: Neo is trapped at the Mobile Avenue stop, and he talks to the little girl and her parents. the dude is the program that runs the battery-factory, and the chick is another program that works with him... but their daughter is just a plain old program, that doesn't have a real purpose. this is a bad thing in the machine world, since if something has no purpose, it's trimmed away. the "parents" don't want to lose their daughter, whom they love(it's just a word attached to a greater meaning), and so the guy had to go see the Merovingean to get his daughter smuggled inside the Matrix(that's the meeting that was happening before Mero's chit-chat with the resistance). Trainman(i really didn't want this gu! y to be called "trainman" because i'd read a scriptment for the film, and i about puked) is one of Mero's underlings... smuggling rogue programs into the Matrix. he creater Mobile Ave., and it's rules, and gives Neo a good sucker-punch, and leaves with the family. Neo sits around. and sits some more, and then thinks about possibly leaving through the tunnel. he runs off the left frame, only to run back into frame on the right side of the screen. Neo says "#$*@!" and, ha-ha! everyone has a laugh. meanwhile, the crew of the Neb is on the Hammer, and they're looking for Niobe. while they're looking, they get a call from Seraph, and Morpheus and Trinity jack in to visit the Oracle. here's the part i hated most. they changed the Oracle- i know it's because Gloria Foster died, but... it's a matter of asthetics. meh- on with the story. they see the Oracle, and at first are dismayed that she's changed, but they know that they have to talk to Mero to get Neo back! , so they're going to Club Hel. enter Seriph: walking down an alley of cars in a parking garage. the bouncers all see him, "You've got to be kidding me..." and "Hey- it's 'wingless'." the bouncers talk tough, but they didn't anticipate that Seraph would bring Trinity and Morpheus, and the bouncers are dispatched. this is one of the coolest parts of the film: the threesome takes the elevator "down," as Seraph pushed the red button that reads "HEL." and tells Trinity and Morpheus that there might be a few guys checking for guns when they reach their floor... a few... guys with guys... it's not so bad as you might think at first, but then- this place isn't normal. the room's code allows people to walk on the cieling, and all the action is fucking great. think "The Lobby" from M1 on crack... and this is just the "armory" part of the club. the threesome then enters the actual club, and do a little dance through the "freaks," until Merovingean sees them on ! the floor from his little spot upstairs, and has the music cut. he has them give up their weapons, but tells them that they can all walk out alive after their meeting. Mero is great in this sceen, and delivers his ultimatum: he wants something that supposedly cannot be taken, but must be given away... Seraph winces at this, and Mero delivers, "Bring me the eyes of the Oracle, and you can have your saviour." "I don't have time for this %$#@," comes from Trinity, and the threesome kick some ass, whilst Mero and Persephony watch. Trinity catches a gun that's been flung haplessly into the air, and puts it to Mero's head. then everyone brings guns around, and it's time for Trinity's ultimatum: bring me Neo, and i don't kill you all. because Mero's such a nice guy, he has the Trainman take Trinity to get Neo, and they visit the Oracle again. Neo whines that she should have told him about the Architect, about the previous Ones, about the source... and the Oracle tells h! im bluntly- "you weren't ready yet." Neo whines some more about "who decides when i'm ready?" and the Oracle points to her sign Timet Nosce, and Neo realizes that he only wanted to know what he needed for the here and now. the Oracle has the little girl(the abstract program), and is now watching after her, and everything is kinda happy for now. Neo jacks out, and everyone on the Hammer start talking about ways to get back to Zion with the two ships to possibly help. BANE! i almost forgot. he wakes up and the capt of the Hammer questions him about what happened on his ship and why an EMP went off early. he says that he doesn't remember anything, and cannot tell if he's himself... more discussion about the route to take back to Zion, when Neo bursts in and tells the crew that he knows what he needs to do- he needs one of the ships to get to the machine city. the capt of the Hammer thinks that Neo is crazy, and won't give his ship up- but Niobe ! hands her ship over to Neo. Bane stabs the medic, and sneaks abourd Niobe's ship while all of the ammunition is transfered to the Hammer, and then the Hammer leaves for Zion. they realize all to late that Bane is gone, but can't turn back because they need to get to Zion and if Bane kills Neo and Trinity, but uses his EMP to take out the Hammer, all is lost. cut to the Logos- Neo and Trinity are about to get underway, when the power is cut somehow. Trinity gets up to check it out, and Bane knocks some sense into her. Neo comes to investigate, and after dropping Trinity down a access hatch, Bane confronts Neo. Neo isn't quite getting that Smith is Bane, but it quickly comes to a head when Bane uses a severed cable to stab Neo in the eyes. thus, Neo's bandage in the trailer... Bane gets up, and realizing that Neo is blind, plays cat and mouse- moving further back in the ship while Neo gropes around helpless. Bane is all set up to whack Neo in the skull with a tire ! iron(hey- it looks like a friggan tire iron, ok), when Neo says. "I can see you." cut to the 'Smith on fire' shot, and Bane/Smith starts swinging, only Neo ducks, dodges, and catches Bane/Smith's arms up, break them down, and then Neo uses the tire iron to bash Bane/Smith's head apart. the bashing takes place in the "fire world" that Neo can now see in his blindness. exxxxxxcellent. whew- that's a lot of stuff, right? pfft. that's the halfway mark. i thought i'd be done by now- @^#$#, but it's fun. ok. the Oracle. she's hanging out in her appartment still, and sends Seraph out with the kid, but the elevator doesn't work, and Seraph does to the stairwell, only to see Smith(s) coming up the stairs. he heads back towards the Oracle's appartment, but goes inside another one instead. the Smiths follow them, and here you have Smith talking to the little girl, "I'm not so bad, once you get to know me." and cut to black. CUT TO BLACK!!! WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?!?! i k! now- but they did it, so we don't know about them... cut to the Oracle's appartment. the Smiths are filing into the kitchen, and the 'leader-Smith' starts in on the Oracle about how she's supposed to be all-knowing... so he throws her platter of cookies against the wall and shouts, "Did you know i was going to do that?!" Maritas will love Mr. Weaving in this film. he's a riot. anyways, a clever exchange follows where Smith calls the Oracle "mom," thus ends the "mother of the Matrix" debate. the Oracle is the mother. Smith then takes over the Oracle, and now we have a super-Smith, who the other Smiths are afraid of because of his power. there's a CGI shot of Smith taking over the Oracle which is great. and the Smith laugh... omg. ok. here it is: the 14 minute, $40 million scene. it's the Hammer, trying to sneak by a bunch of Sentinels, but the bottom scrapes, and the Sentinels hear it. now think FFotO in've got a ship with he! r crew racing for Zion, guns blazing like there's no tomorrow, and a &^#^@load of Sentinels coming in for the kill. they go straight for the antenna, so communication goes down. cut to Zion. everyone is getting ready for the showdown, and even Zee is making rockets to use in the battle. Capt Mafoney(sp?) gives a speach to his mechanized troops, and they all start looking to the roof of the docking bay for signs of the drills. the first drill breaks on cue, and we have a storm of shellspouring from the mechs, while Sentinel parts are dropping from the sky. eventually, they tear a bigger hole by concentrating their fire on the small opening, and some Sentinels get through and start running amuck. then more get through, and you have a major situation that's been FUBAR'd. the kid can be seen here, making ammo runs to the mechs, and he's got a lot on his mind with the speech he was given by Mafoney before the battle. back and forth, we cut from the Hammer to ! Zion, ain't it's not looking pretty for either party. Zee is running around with Sinead O'Connor(not really, but she looks the part), and they're firing rockets into the legs of the drills to knock them down. yay! they got one! the Hammer is getting close to Zion, and the guys in Zion's main control area can see her coming, but can't communicate with her. the signature is one of a Zionist ship, but no confirmation on the actual identity yet... meanwhile, the Hammer is getting pounded by Niobe's driving, and the guns are still blazing... capt. Mafoney is one of the last mechs standing, and the Sentinels are looking like a huge school of fish as they fly to and fro, but he's holding his own. the Kid is sent out to refill his ammo stores, and does is quite bravely, when the Sentinels overwhelm his mech, and slice his face up. and now he looks like &$^#*. really. you'll gasp at his face. with his dieing breath, he tells the Kid to get to one of teh bay door! s to open it, and he hops in, takes control, and gets the thing running- only to be knocked over by a lone Sentinel- but Zee saves the day, and uses an EMP-gun to disable the Sentinel. the Kid then uses the machine gun to spray the chain that holds the door in place(it's a large bike chain), and the door is opening... the Hammer is bearing down on the door, and Niobe turns the ship on it's side and it slams through the door. at this point, the Sentinels knew it was coming, and are headed for the two holes in the roof, but it's too late, as Link hits the EMP and slaughters every Sentinel in the vicinity. HOLY SHIAT, THAT WAS FRIGGAN AWESOME! but General Locke isn't pleased, because the EMP knocked out his defences(what was left of them... not much), and sends them to the council. they relate their story and tell the council that Neo and Trinity are on their way to the machine city. cut to the Logos. Trinity and Neo come to the surface... we have the fet! us-field in the foreground, and the battery pillars in the background. Neo can see the entire area in his fiery vision, and it's soo cool. like, totally, Ted! he tells Trinity to head for the three electric cables, and follow them to the machine city... and that's it for now... haha. i have to go to work. i'll be back in about nine hours to finish it up ok guys, here's the last of it: i left off with the Logos heading away from the fetus-fields, and as they approach some mountains, we can see the mountains actually lifting into the air. they're not mountains at all- in the terra firma sense we know mountains as, but they're actually machine battleships- the last line of defense to keep rebels from approaching the machine city. they lift up off the ground, and we see them unfurling some kind of tubing... remember the Sentinel's bombs from Reloaded? ! these battleships start spitting the bombs out at an insane pace, so that there are literally millions of the little buggers flying directly at the Logos. Neo can see all this with his "vision," and holds out his hand- now the bombs don't simply stop on command, but they explode. the first wave anyway, but there are thousands still hurtling at breakneck speed right at the Logos. Neo keeps blowing them up, but complains that there are too many of them, and starts to pass out. some Sentinels sweep in from above, and start in on the kill, but Neo blows some of them up as well. Trinity realizes the futility of going straight for the battleships, and so Neo tells her to pull up. here's where the shot of the moon comes into play guys: as they climb into the clouds, the lightning dispatches the Sentinels, and they fall away, but it also kills the engines of the Logos- though it has enough momentum to break the clouds, and we see the Logos jump like a whale through t! he darkness into light... they see the sun, and then gravity kicks in... and we're falling... falling.... through the clouds, and we see the machine city. but the engines are dead. Trinity gets them started, but only in time to plunge the ship directly into a tower. Trinity is impaled, but tells Neo to go on. Neo walks out to an opening that views the machine city, and there are little machines scurryint all around him. until there's a blast of lightning, and the little bots realize something big is coming. it's V-GER. not really. it's the trippy head thing, minus the face. a bunch of mini-sentinels swarm out around Neo, and Neo tells it that he wants to speak, and then the machine can decide if he dies. the mini-sentinels form up into the "face," and we see the nature of the beast. Neo gives his schpiel, and gets plugged in. cut to The Matrix: Neo is walking down a street, and it's raining. cats, dogs, manatees, sheep. it's just raining! . Neo confronts super-Smith(the Smith/Oracle combo), and they beat the crap out of each other. well, Smith ends up beating the crap out of Neo. the turn of the fight comes with Smith(while flying) punching Neo, and then following after him, and grappling him... flying straight into the ground, "cratering" Neo. as Smith stands there in his moment of glory, he sees that Neo is still breathing, and fighting for control of his body, willing it to get up. Smith lays into Neo about they "why." "why do you do it to yourself? for love? it's an illusion!" "because i choose to..." spouts Neo. they begin to duke it out again, cutting to a quasi-bullet time of Neo's fist impacting on Smith's face... Neo punches Smith into the wall of the crater, and he disappears down a shaft, but he's still surrounded by the multitude of Smiths... there's rumbling, and super-Smith emerges from the ground, and goes in for the kill, pounding on Neo. he lifts N! eo over his head, and punches him in the gut, sending Neo flying against the rubble of the crater... Smith: "no- i remember this part. you're there, and i'm standing... here. and then i say... something, what is it? 'Everything that has a begining, has an end'" we now have a Smith that's conflicted... literally. Neo realizes what's happening, and stands up. Smith goes in for the kill once more, only this time, cloning himself onto The One. no joke. it happens, people. super-Smith(Smith/Oracle) to Smith/Neo: "is it over?" the uber-Smith grins, and we cut to the machine city. Neo's body, which has been supported by machine tentacles kind of like a elevated bed, is flailing as Smith takes over, and he dies. the "head" machine realizes what has happened, and surges power through Neo. uber-Smith explodes, as do every one of the clones. the Oracle is now lying in the crater... next we see her( i skipped something here), she's in the park with ! the little girl, and Seraph, and the Architect strides up. he has a short exchange with the Oracle, and she asks him "what about those that want to be freed?" Architect: "of course i'll keep my word. do you think i'm human?"
HaPagan Δημοσ. 5 Νοεμβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 5 Νοεμβρίου 2003 Έφτασε λοιπόν η πολυπόθητη μέρα της πρώτης του Matrix Revolutions . Παιδιά περιμένω με ανυπομονησία τις εντυπώσεις όσων την δουν σήμερα . Είμαστε μακριά από τον "πολιτισμό" και δεν έχει εδώ πρώτη επίσημη σήμερα . Για την ακρίβεια δεν έχω ιδέα πότε με το καλό θα την φέρουν εδώ στη Σάμο .
Edgar Δημοσ. 5 Νοεμβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 5 Νοεμβρίου 2003 ego tha pao stis 9:00 na tin do (yeeeeeeeeah) elpizo na mpo net meta kai na po entiposeis
KaizerSoze Δημοσ. 5 Νοεμβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 5 Νοεμβρίου 2003 Spoiler(????) Ikariwti alitheuei auto pou diavasa sto Empire oti sto telos o Smith gamaei to Matrix kai o Neo me tis Mixanes "symmaxoun" enantion tou Smith kai teliki monomaxia einai to SuperBrowl?
PeLLaRaS Δημοσ. 5 Νοεμβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 5 Νοεμβρίου 2003 Μόλις το είδα! Αφάνταστα γραφικά! Απόλυτη ισορροπία στις σκηνές, εκτός από την μάχη στην zion που είναι απίστευτα αληθοφανής (17 λεπτά). Το τέλος ενδέχεται να «ξινίσει» μερικούς, αλλά όσοι δεν είδατε κανένα trailer ή δεν διαβάσατε κανένα spoiler δεν είναι καθόλου προβλέψιμο. Σε μερικές σκηνές προβλέπεις κάποια πράγματα άνετα αλλά δεν είναι τόσο σημαντικά! Θα δείτε... όσοι θα το δείτε!!! :wink:
Επισκέπτης Δημοσ. 5 Νοεμβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 5 Νοεμβρίου 2003 Τα γνωστά spoiler ισχύουν; Και σε τι ποσοστό;
nikolaos_ Δημοσ. 5 Νοεμβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 5 Νοεμβρίου 2003 Giati (de) mou arese to matrix 3 Molis eida tin premiera tou matrix 3 sta village tou pagratiou kai tha ithela na milisw ligo gia auti tin trilogia tainiwn, san kritiki, wste na apoktisei kathenas tin gnomi an tha paei na to dei 'H tha epileksei mia alli tainia. Exw dei kai ta alla 2, to m1 se dvd kai to m2 sto idio cinema, kai den exw dei (kai de skopevo na plirwsw gia na dw) to animatrix. Mpainw ston kopo na grapso ola afta dioti to m1 pistevw oti stirizetai se mia poly kali idea, poy xanetai entelws sta alla 2. To senario to m3 afinei polla kena apo to m2. Stin arxi tis tainias den katalabaina tipota, afenos giati de thymomoun kai polla apo to m2 (tha eprepe?), alla opws to kouventiasa me tin parea katalaba oti exei polla "kena" anamesa sto m2 kai to m3. H ypothesi peripou paei ws eksis: Oi Mixanes etoimazontai na eisbaloun sti Zion kai mia omada anthrwpwn & programmatwn (Morpheus, Trinity kai o bodyguard tis Oracle) prospathei na epanaferei to Neo stin Pragmatikotita. O Neo sto metaksy briskei tin Oracle ksana. To programma Smith kyriarxei oloena kai perissotero sto Matrix (prosballei kai tin Oracle) kai ftanei sto simeio na prosbalei kai anthrwpous mesa stin Pragmatikotita. O Neo epanerxomenos stin Pragmatikotita gnorizei ti prepei na kanei kai zita ena skafos gia na ftasei stin "poli twn Mixanwn". Para to empodio tou Smith (o Neo tyflwnetai), o Neo kai i Trinity ftanoun. Sto metaksy oi polyarithmes Mixanes eisballoun sti Zion pou antisteketai me sthenos. Ftanontas o Neo zita anakwxi me tis Mixanes gia na antimetwpisei ton Smith pou exei ksefygei apo ton elegxo twn Mixanwn. O Neo nika (bebaia) ton Smith (pou exei yperpollaplasiastei mesa sto Matrix) kai etsi kataligoume se mia isorropia, opou i Zion epibiwnei, oi Mixanes apoxwroun apo ti Zion kai to Matrix kanei reboot, dinontas ti dynatotita stous anthrwpous na eleftherwthoun. Den anefera ti sosti seira kai oles tis skines alla tin kentriki idea. Ta parakatw einai dikes mou apopseis, den tis eida pouthena allou. Sto m3 loipon apokalyptetai i mythologia twn matrix, efoson kapoios ta exei dei apo tin arxi bebaia. Yparxoun 3 kosmoi loipon: (1) o kosmos twn Mixanwn, o opoios apartizetai apo ta - plokamoeidi - mixanimata. (2) O kosmos twn anthrwpwn, pou einai ena talaipwro anthrwpino genos... (3) O kosmos twn programmatwn, pou den exei yliki ypostasi alla brisketai mesa stin eikoniki pragmatikotita toy "yper-programmatos" Matrix. Apo tin koini logiki gnorizoume oti ena mixanima kataskevazetai na ekpliroi kapoio safi skopo-proorismo ('H perissoterous), den exei proswpikotita kai xreiazetai programa gia na rythmisei tis endexomenws polyarithmes leitourgies tou. Etsi den exoume proswpa pou na einai Mixanes. (p.x. kata ti gnwmi mou i proswpikotita einai gnwrismata pou diaforopoioun dyo atoma tou idiou eidous - 2 mixanes den ksexwrizoun giati exoun ton idio skopo) Oi anthrwpoi exoun prosewpikotita, pnevma, aisthiseis-aisthimata kai den exoun kapoio safi proorismo, oi idioi oi anthrwpoi exoun pisti ston proorismo tous -- symfwna me ti mythologia tou matrix. Yparxoun loipon o Morpheus, o Neo, i Triniti, i Niobe k.a. Ta programmata den exoun yliki ypostasi alla den eksypiretoun aplws ti leitourgia twn Mixanwn. Elegxoun tous antrwpous pou briskontai ypotagmenoi mesa sto "yper-programma" Matrix, enw diafora alla programmata "zoun"=ekteloun ton kwdika tous mesa sto Matrix. Ta programmata exoun proorismo, mporoun na ekselissontai, den ypokeintai stin eksomoiwsi mias Pragmatikotitas pou kanei to Matrix. Gi' afto kai mporoun na prokalesoun mesa sto Matrix katastaseis pou den ginontai stin Pragmatikotita (p.x. mesa sto Matrix petas, allazeis xwrous 'H ypostasi) Ta programmata omws exoun proswpikotita, giati exei diaforetiko skopo to kathena. P.x o Smith na kyriarxisei sto matrix kai stin Pragmatikotita anthwpwn & mixanwn. O Architect na syntirisei to Matrix dedomenou oti exei epembaseis apo tin Pragmatikotita kai na tirisei tis isorropies. H Oracle na kathodigisei to Neo, o Keymaster na allazei ti xwriki synepeia tou Matrix klp. Emena oli ayti i mythologia mou thymizei kati se ... warcraft 3. oi orcs, oi humans, oi undead kai oi night elves, me spell, mana, life. to campaign tou warcraft 3 eidika. Gi afto to logo apogoiteftika apo tin trilogia twn Matrix. O mythos tou Matrix einai oti gia kapoio logo oi Mixanes ekmetallevontai tous antrwpous kai tous kanoun kalliergeia! To timima einai na ftiaksoun to Matrix, ena programma pou ksegela tis anthrwpines aisthiseis kai tous dinei mia eikoniki Pragmatikotita. Bebaia oi anthrwpoi ekei mesa de diaferoun apo ta programmata pou trexoun. Kapoioi anthrwpoi drapetevoun stin alithini Pragmatikotita (simeiwsi: Yparxoun mono 2 epipeda Pragmatikotitas stin trilogia), ftiaxnoun mia eleftheri zoi (mia poli Zion) kai oi Mixanes polemoun tous apeleftherwmenous, profanws gia na min exoun pote ton kindyno na xasoun oli tous ti sodeia! To programma Architect (o kyrios me ta lefka sto Matrix) thelei tin teleiotita, ton elegxo twn sfalmatwn, gi' afto "afinei" panta kapoious anthrwpous na drapetevoun apo to Matrix, oi opoioi anazitoun to Swtira tous, pou tha ypodeiksei to programma Oracle. Etsi panta anaparagetai enas polemos pou "tirei tis isorropies", afou kapote oi Mixanes katastrefoun tin Zion. Ospou emfanizetai to programma Smith, pou enw leitourgouse ws xwrofylakas tou Matrix, arxise na katalambanei to Matrix gia na eksafanisei to Swtira, stin prokeimeni periptwsi to Neo. O Neo sto m1 katalabe oti to Matrix einai eksomoiwsi Pragmatikotitas, gi' auto kai mporese na "spasei" ton kwdika me to myalo tou kai na kanei mesa sto Matrix ta kolpa tou superman (kati pou oi alloi anthrwpoi mesa sto Matrix ekanan peristasiaka, opws i Trinity me tin gnwsti klwtsia) O Smith ksefevgei apo ton elegxo kai katastrefei olo to Matrix gia na eksafanisei to Neo, alla ftanei ws kai stin Pragmatikotita. Gi afto kai o Neo den eixe ti moira twn proigoumenwn "Swtirwn" alla petyxe ena symbibasmo me tis Mixanes stin Pragmatikotita. be continued.
PeLLaRaS Δημοσ. 5 Νοεμβρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 5 Νοεμβρίου 2003 Ίσος SPOILERS! Θα έλεγα σε καμία περίπτωση (για αυτά που διάβασα τουλάχιστον). Είναι όλα βγαλμένα από τα trailer έτσι ισχύουν μόνο όσα έβγαλαν από τα trailers με λίγη φαντασία. Καλύτερα να πας χωρίς «προκαταλήψεις» γιατί ειπώθηκαν πολλές «βλακείες». Βασικά αξίζει να πας να το δεις χωρίς να ακούσεις τίποτα και να μην δεις κανένα διαφημιστικό αλλά ούτε να διαβάσεις την παραμικρή περίληψη (π.χ. μέσα από την στήλη cinema κάποιου περιοδικού!) Υ.Γ. Το συγκεκριμένο topic δεν το διάβασα όλο για να ξέρω τι spoiler λεει! Προσοχή! Προσπαθήστε να μην διαβάζετε τους ελληνικούς υπότιτλους! Είναι για κλάματα! Αποκορύφωμα η μετάφραση του ονόματος (ψευδώνυμο βασικά) Link που λεει σε μια φάση η φιλενάδα του (ή μήπως είναι η γυναίκα του; ), το μετάφρασαν σαν... σύνδεση!!!!
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