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Byzantine OS (Linux)


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Den nomizo na exei ksana anaferthei, loipon:


ByzantineOS is a software Internet Appliance with a home entertainment bias. It is based on a networked Linux distribution/bootable system with Mozilla providing access to a range of services and applications.

ByzantineOS fits in 32MB (or 48MB) of media and should work on any PC.


Note: With ByzantineOS CD-ROM, there is no need of hard-disks, floppy drives and others. All is needed is a diskless computer with the following parts:


CPU (Intel Pentium) (& AMD φυσικά)


NIC (Network Interface Card) or MODEM

CD-ROM drive (or DVD drive to play DVD-Video disks!!!)

RAM (128 MB minimum for full graphics)

VESA 2.0 compliant graphic card


The ByzantineOS boots from a CD (business card-sized) and the first thing you will see is a basic menu which allows different types of booting options.


Pigi: http://byzgl.sourceforge.net/


Εν ολίγοις, κατεβάζετε το iso αρχείο mono 40MB peripou και το καίτε σε ενα CD, bootarete to cd apo opoiodipote pc, kai exete:

1. LAN (ftiaxnete tis rithmiseis)

2. browser


4. DVD, music player

5. Card game

6. Calculator

7. Terminal



Οπως αναφέρθηκε και πιο πάνω το σύστημα δεν ειναι απαραίτητο να περιέχει σκληρό δίσκο!!!

Επίσης μπορεις στον browser να γράψεις ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ!!!


Φυσικά το έχει φτιάξει ΕΛΛΗΝΑΣ!!! και μπράβο στο παλικάρι


Οι φίλοι του είδους κατεβάστε το, αξίζει μια ματιά.


Περιμένω σχόλια ή και παρόμοια πράγματα.


Kai se opoiondipote allo browser MH "ellinikis" distro boreis na grapseis Ellinika.


Episis , prwsopika , ta thewrw anousia ola auta ta Linux distros pou trexoun apo cdrom mono. Mou diafeugei twra to onoma enws gnwstou to opoio to eixa dei etsi gia na dw kai pragmatika den vriskw kanena noima. Isws na eixe otan kapote oi skliroi itan akrivoi alla simera....


Ase pou yparxoun kai alla distros ...



nai alla, koita pou to vrika ego poli xrisimo!

exw internet mesw LAN (sigekrimena Wireless), pes oti thelw na kanw format, i xalase o skliros mou i otidipote allo hardware provlima, bootarw ena tetoio CD, rithmizo to LAN, kai exw internet!!!! xoris disko ktl, mexri kai DVD mporw na dw!!! kai otan adiaso, ftiaxnw ton disko.


Episis iparxoun tetoies liseis pou exoun kai firewall, router ktl....

Egw as poume exw ena deutero pc, (Celeron 333) kai xoris disko, to exw kanei ena oreotato firewall!!!

Telos, eidika to Byzantine kai asxetos apo Linux na eisai tha mporeseis na to xrisimopoiiseis!!!


opote den einai kai toso anousia opos les!




pigi: http://www.devil-linux.org


Devil-Linux is a mini distribution especially designed for a firewall and promises easy customization. Devil-Linux Boots from CD so there is no need for a harddisk. It supports Intel 486 and higher processors and uses the latest Linux kernel.


aksizei mia dokimi kai auto.


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